5.16. Lud Hurdibras the eight Ruler.

Lud Hurdibras the eight Ruler.

[1] RVd or Ludhurdibras the ſonne of Leil began to gouerne in the yeare of the world .3046.Rud [...] Lud [...]dibra [...] In the beginning of his raigne, hee ſoughte to appeaſe the debate that was reyſed in hys fathers dayes, and bring the Realme to hir former quietneſſe, and after that hee hadde [page 19] brought it to good ende, [...]rkin or [...]terbury [...]uilded. [...]rguent is [...]lded. [...]dour is [...]lded. he builded the towne of Kaerkyn now called Canterbury: alſo the towne of Caerguent nowe [...]leped Wincheſter, & Mont Paladour now called Shafteſbury. About the building of which towne of Shafteſbury, Aquila a Prophet of the Brittiſh nation wrote his pro|phecies, of which ſome fragments remayne yet to be ſeene, tranſlated into the Latine by ſome aun|tient writers. When this Lud had raigned .xxix. yeeres he dyed, and lefte a ſonne behinde him na|med Baldud.