[1] [figure appears here on page 18] BRute Greeneſhielde, the ſonne of Ebrank,Brute Grene|ſhielde. was made gouernor of this lande in the yeere of ye world .3009. Aſa raig|ning in Iuda, and Ba|aſa in Iſraell. Thys Prince bare alwayes in the field a greene ſhielde, whereof he toke hys ſur|name,Iacobus Lef. and of him ſome forraine authors affirme, yt he made an attempte to bring the whole Realme of Fraunce vnder his ſubiection, which he performed, bycauſe his father ſuſteined ſome diſhonor and loſſe in his laſt voy|age into that countrey. Howbeit they ſay, yt whẽ he came into Henand,Strabo lib. 4. Brinchild a Prince of ye quarter gaue him alſo a greate ouerthrowe, and compelled him to retire home agayne into hys countrey. This I borrow out of William Har|riſon, who in his chronologie toucheth the ſame at large, concluding in the end, that the ſaid paſ|ſage of this Prince into France is very likely to be true, and that he named a percell of Armorica lying on the South, and in manner vpon the ve|ry loyne after his owne name, and alſo a Citie which he builded there Britayne. For (ſayth he) it ſhould ſeeme by Strabo. lib. 4. that there was a noble Citie of that name long before his time in the ſayde countrey, whereof Plinie alſo ſpeaketh lib. 4. cap. 7. albeit that he aſcribe it vnto France after a diſordred maner. More I finde not of this aforeſaid Brute, ſauing that he ruled the lande a certaine time, his father yet liuing, and after hys deceſſe the tearme of twelue yeeres, and then dy|ed, and was buried at Caerbranke nowe called Yorke.