5.13. Ebranke the fifth Ruler.

Ebranke the fifth Ruler.

[1] [figure appears here on page 17] EBranke the ſon of Mempricius,Ebrãck began to rule ouer the Britaynes in ye yere of the Worlde 2969. He had as writers doe of hym record, one & twẽty wiues,Ebranck had xxi wiues. Thirty daugh+ters ſent into Italy. on whome he begote .xx. ſonnes and thirtie daugh|ters, of the whiche the eldeſt hight Guales, or Gualea. Theſe daughters he ſent to Alba Silui|us, which was the eleuenth king of Italy, or the ſixth King of the Latines, to the end they might be married to his noble men of the bloud of Troi|ans, bycauſe the Sabines refuſed to ioyne their daughters with them in marriage. Furthermore,Bergomas lib. 6. he was the firſt Prince of his lande that euer in|uaded Fraunce after Brute, and is commended as author and originall builder of many Cities, both in his owne kingdome, and elſe where. Hys [page 18] ſonnes alſo vnder the conduct of Aſſaracus, one of their eldeſt brethren, returning out of Italy, af|ter they had conducted their ſiſters thither, inua|ded Germany, being firſt moleſted by the people of that countrey in their rage, and by the helpe of the ſayd Alba, ſubdued a great part of that coun|trey, and there planted themſelues. Our hiſtories ſay, that Ebracus their father married them in their returne, and ayded them in their conqueſts, and that he builded the Citie of Caerbrank,The Citie of Caerbranke builded. Mat. VVeſt. now called Yorke, about. the 14. yeare of his raigne. He builded alſo in Albania now called Scotland, the Caſtel of Maydens, afterward called Eden|burgh of Aidan one of their kings. The Citie of Alclud was builded likewiſe by hym as (ſome write) now decayed. After which cities thus buil|ded, he ſayled ouer into Gallia, now called Frãce with a great army, and ſubduing the Guilles as is aforeſayde, he returned home with great riches and triumph.Fortie yeeres hath. Math. Weſt. and Gal. Monume. And when he had guided the lande of Britayne in noble wiſe by the tearme of fortie yeares, he died, and was buried at Yorke.