[1] [figure appears here on page 17] MEmpricius the el|deſt ſonne of Ma|dan,Mem|pritius. Fabian. began to raigne o|uer the Britaynes in the yere of the world .2949. hee continued not long in peace. For his brother Manlius vpon an am|bitious minde prouoked the Britaynes to rebell againſt him, ſo that ſore and deadly warre continued long betweene thẽ. But finally, vnder colour of a treatie,Manlius is ſlayne. Gal. Mon. Manlius was ſlaine by his brother Mempricius, ſo that then he liued in more tranquilitie and reſt. How|beit, being deliuered thus from trouble of warres, he fell into ſlouth, and ſo into vnlawfull luſt of lecherie, and thereby into the hatred of his people,Slouth engen|dred Lechery. by forcing of their wiues and daughters. And fi|nally became ſo beaſtly, that he forſooke his law|full wife and all his concubines, and fell into the abhominable ſinne of Sodomy. And thus from one vice he fell into another, till he became odible to God and man, and at length,Mempritius is deuoured of beaſts. going on hun|ting, was loſt of his people, and deſtroyed of wilde beaſtes, when he had raigned twentie yeares, lea|uing behinde him a noble yong ſonne named E|branke, begotten of his lawfull wife.