[1] [figure appears here on page 9] HItherto haue wee ſpoken of them that inhabited this land be|fore the commyng of Brute, although ſome will needs haue it, that he was the firſte which inhabited ye ſame with his people, deſcended of the Troyãs, ſome few Giaunts onely excep|ted whome hee vtterly deſtroyed, and lefte not one of them alyue through the whole Iſle. But as wee ſhall not doubte of Brutes hyther comming, ſo maye wee aſſuredly thinke, that he found the Iſle peopled either with the generation of thoſe, whiche Albion the Giaunt had placed here, or ſome other kynde of people, whom he did ſubdue, [...]ffrey L [...]ryd and ſo reigned as well ouer them, as o|uer thoſe whiche he brought with him.
[1] This Brute (as the author of the Book (which Geffrey of Monmouth tranſlated) doth affirme, was the ſonne of Siluius, the ſonne of Aſcanius that was ſonne of Aeneas the Troian, begotten of his wyfe Creuſa, and borne in Troye, before the Citie was deſtroyed.
[1] [...]arding. [...]lexan. Neuyl. [...]V. Har.But as other doe take it, the Author of that booke (whatſoeuer he was) and ſuch other as fo|lowe him, are deceyued only in this poynt, my|ſtaking the matter in that Poſthumus the ſonne of Aeneas (begot of his wyfe Lauinia, and borne after his fathers deceaſſe in Italy) was called Aſcanius, who had iſſue a ſonne named Iulius, the whiche (as theſe other doe coniecture) was the father of Brute, that noble chieftain and aduen|turous leader of thoſe people, which being deſcen|ded (for the more parte in the fourth generation) from thoſe Troians that eſcaped with lyfe, when that royall Citie was deſtroyed by the Grekes, got poſſeſſion of this worthie and moſt famous Iſle.
[1] To this opinion Giouan Villani, a Floren|tine in his vniuerſal hiſtorie ſpeaking of Aeneas and his ofſpring kings in Italy, ſeemeth to a|gree, where he hathe theſe words: Siluius (the ſonne of Aeneas by his wife Lauinia) fell in loue with a neece of his mother the ſame Lauinia, and by hir had a ſonne, of whom ſhe dyed in tra|uayle, and therfore he was called Brutus, who after as he grewe in ſome ſtature, and huntyng in a foreſt ſlew his father at vnwares, and there|vpon for fear of his grãdfather Siluius Poſthu|mus he fled the countrey, and with a retinue of ſuche as followed him, paſſyng throughe diuers ſeas, at lengthe hee arriued in the Iſle of Bri|tayne.
But now wheras by reaſon of the vncertayn|tie in the Roman authors themſelues, touching the lyne of Aeneas, ſome forein writers haue ei|ther with ſlender argumente, or elſe verie arro|gantly without any grounded reſon ſhewed,Theuet, Bodi|nus, and other. ta|ken vpon them to denye that there was any ſuch Italyan Brutus, lineally cõming from Aeneas the Troian, of whom the race of the Britiſh na|tion that poſſeſſed this Iſle ſhould proceede: yet bycauſe the argumente of the one ſorte of thoſe that ſo write, is found inſufficient to the lerned, and the arrogancie of the other being void of rea|ſon, is ſmally to be regarded: and ſeing that nei|ther the one nor the other of theſe our aduerſaries can as yet fynd out any other, either by parents, tyme, place or name, that ſhoulde in ſuche wyſe conquer, ſubdue and gouerne this noble Iſle, but only our Brutus or Brytus. For this letter(y) hath had of auncient tyme bothe thoſe ſoundes, as of V, and of I.
And ſith alſo we haue on oure ſyde, as many or rather more, and of as good credite (if we ſhall ſpeake generally,) beyng likewyſe forreyne wry|ters, which affirme and vndoubtedly auouch the regall ſtate of the foreſayde Brutus, as the ſole ruler, monarche and gouernour thereof: Seyng [page 7] I ſay, the caſe ſtandeth in ſuch termes, I doubt not but myne opinion wil be deemed allowable, if herein I folow the receyued opinion of moſt writers, and eſteemed the lykelyeſt ſundry ways to the carefull ſerchers and ſkilfull examiners of the antiquities of this triumphant Iland. Tru|ſting yt this poynt with ſundry other concerning the hiſtorie of this our great Britayn either vn|truly or imperfectly recorded, or vtterly in ma|ner vnknowne, ſhall in due tyme be brought to a neerer perfection and more apparant euidencie of trouth by ſome diſcrete and experte Gentleman, being of the auncient Britiſhe nobilitie lyneally deſcended, as alſo very ſtudious of ſo worthy ve|rities.
[1] Concerning therfore our Brute, whether his father Iulius was ſonne to Aſcanius, the ſonne of Aeneas by his wyfe Creuſa, or ſonne to Po|ſthumus, called alſo Aſcanius, and ſonne to Ae|neas by his wyfe Lauinia, wee will not further ſtande. But this we fynde, that when he came to the age of .xv. yeares, ſo that he was now able to ride abrode with his father into the foreſts and chaſes, he fortuned eyther by miſhap, or by gods [figure appears here on page 7] prouidence,Brute kylleth his father by misfortune. to ſtrike his father with an arrowe, in ſhooting at a deere, of whiche wounde he alſo dyed. His grandfather (whether the ſame was Poſthumus, or his elder brother) hearing of this greate miſaduenture that had chaunced to his ſonne Syluius, liued not long after, but deceaſ|ſed of very griefe and ſorrow (as is to be ſuppo|ſed) which he conceyued therof. And the young gentleman immediatly after he had ſlayn his fa|ther (in maner before alledged) was baniſhed hys countrey, and therevppon got him into Grecia, where traueling in yt coũtrey, he lighted by chãce among ſome of the Troyan ofſpring, and aſſo|ciating himſelfe with them grewe by meanes of the lignage (wherof he was deſcended) in proces of tyme, into greate reputation among them: chieflye by reaſon there were yet dyuers of the Troiane race,Pauſanias. and that of greate authoritie in that countrey. For Pirrhus the ſonne of Achil|les, hauing no iſſue by his wyfe Hermione, ma|ried Andromache, late wyfe vnto Hector: and by hir had three ſonnes, Moloſſus, Pielus, and Pergamus, that in their time grew to be of great power in thoſe places and countreys, and ſo their ofſpring likewiſe: Whereby Brute or Brytus wanted no frendſhip. For euen at his firſte com|ming thither, diuers of the Troyans that were remayning in ſeruitude, being deſirous of liber|tie, by heapes reſorted vnto hym. And amongſt other, Aſſaracus was one, whom Brute enter|tayned, receyuing at his handes the poſſeſſion of ſundry fortes & places of defence, before that the king of thoſe parties could haue vnderſtanding or knowledge of any ſuch thing. Herewith alſo ſuche as were redie to make the aduenture with him, repaired to him on eche ſide, wherevpon he firſte placed garniſons in thoſe townes whiche had bene thus deliuered vnto him, and afterwar|des with Aſſaracus and the reſidue of the mul|titude, he withdrewe into the mountaynes neere adioyning. And thus beeing made ſtrong wyth ſuche aſſiſtance, vpon conſultation hadde wyth them that were of moſte authoritie about hym, wrote vnto the Kyng of that countreye called Pandraſus, in fourme as followeth.
[1]5.9.1. The Letter of Brute to Pandraſus, as I fynd it ſette downe in Galfride Mo|nunetenſis.
The Letter of Brute to Pandraſus, as I fynd it ſette downe in Galfride Mo|nunetenſis.
BRute leader of the remnant of the Troy|ane people,
to Pandraſus king of the Gre|kes, ſendeth greeting:
Bicauſe it hath bin thou|ght a thing vnworthie, that the people diſcended of the noble linage of Dardanus, to be otherwiſe delte with than the honoure of their Nobilitie [page 11] dothe require: They haue withdrawne them|ſelues within the cloſe couerte of the wooddes: For they haue choſen rather (after the manner of wylde beaſtes) to lyue on fleſhe and herbes in libertie, than furniſhed with all the riches in the worlde to continue vnder the yoake of ſeruyle thraldome. But if thys theyr doyng offende thy mightye highneſſe, they are not to bee bla|med, but rather in this behalfe to bee pardoned, ſith euery captiue priſoner is deſirous to bee re|ſtored vnto hys former eſtate and dignitie. You therefore pitying their caſe, voucheſafe to graunte them their abridged lybertie, and ſuf|fer them to remayne in quiet within theſe wood|des whiche they haue gotte into their poſſeſſion: If not ſo, yet gyue them lycence to departe foorthe of thys Countreye into ſome other par|tyes.
[1] The ſight of theſe letters and requeſt in them cõteyned made Pandraſus at the firſt ſomewhat amazed, Howbeit aduiſing further of the matter, and conſideryng their ſmall number, he [...] no greate accompt of them, but determined [...] of hande to ſuppreſſe them by force, before they ſhoulde growe to a greater multitude.
[1] And to bring his intention the better t [...]aſſe,Pandraſus pre|pareth an army to ſuppreſſe the Troian of|ſpring. he leuyed hys power, and made towardes them. But as he paſſed by a towne called Sparatinũ,Sparatinum. marching towardes the woods within the which he thought to haue founde his enimyes, he was [figure appears here on page 11] ſodenly aſſailed by Brute, who with three thou|ſande men was come foorth of the woodes, and fiercely ſetting vpon his enimies, made greate ſlaughter of them, ſo that they were vtterly diſ|comfited, and ſoughte by flyghte to ſaue them|ſelues in paſſing a ryuer there at hande called Akalon.Peraduenture Acaelous.
[1] Brute with his men following faſt vpon the aduerſaries, cauſed them to plunge into the wa|ter at aduenture, ſo that manye of them were drowned.Antigonus, the [...]rother of Pã|draſues. Antigonus yet the brother of kyng Pandraſus didde what hee coulde to ſtaye the Grecians from fleeing, called them back agayn, and getting ſome of them togither, placed them in order,He is taken priſons and began a newe fielde: but it nothing auayled, for the Troyans preaſing vpon hym, tooke him priſoner, ſlewe and ſcattered his com|panie (and ceaſſed not tyll they had rid the fields of all their aduerſaries.
[1] Brute entreth into Sparatinũ.This doon, Brute entring ye towne, furniſhed it with ſixe hundred able ſouldiours, and after|wardes went backe to the reſidue of his people that were incamped in the wooddes, where he was receyued with vnſpeakeable ioye for this proſperous atchieued enterpriſe. But althoughe this euil ſucceſſe at the firſt beginning, ſore trou|bled Pandraſus, as well for the loſſe of the field, as for the taking of his brother, yet was he ra|ther kyndeled in deſyre to ſeek [...]nge, tha [...] o|therwyſe diſcourages. And therfore [...]ſemblyng his people agayne togyther that were [...] here and there, he came the nexte day before the towne of Sparatinum, wherein he thoughte to haue founde Brute encloſed togyther with the priſoners, and therfore he ſhewed his whole en|d [...]uer by harde ſiege and fierce aſſaultes to [...] them within to yelde.
[1] To conclude, ſo long he did cõtinue the ſiege, till victuals began to waxe ſcant within, ſo that there was no way but to yeld, if preſent [...] came not to remoue the ſiege: whervpon they ſig|nifyed their neceſſitie vnto Brute, who for that he had not power ſufficient to fight with the eni|mies in open field, he ment to giue thẽ a camiſa|do in the nyght ſeaſon, & ſo ordered his buſineſſe, that enforcing a pryſoner named Anacletus, whiche he had taken in the laſt battayle, to ſerue his turne, by conſtrayning him to take an othe [page 12] whiche he durſte not for conſcience ſake breake) he found meanes to encounter with his enimies vpon the aduauntage, that he did not only ouer|throwe theyr whole power, but alſo tooke Pan|draſus [figure appears here on page 12] pryſoner, wherby all the trouble was en|ded:Pandraſus takẽ priſoner. and ſhortly after a perfect peace concluded, vpon theſe conditions folowyng.
[1] The conditi|ons of the a|greement be|tvvixte Brute and Pandraſus.Fyrſt that Pandraſus ſhuld giue his daugh|ter named Innogen vnto Brute in mariage, with a competent ſumme of golde and ſiluer for hir dower.
[1] Secondely, to furniſhe hym and his people with a nauie of ſhips, and to ſtore the ſame with victuals and all other things neceſſarie.
[1] Thyrdly, that Brute with his people ſhoulde haue licence to departe the countrey, to ſeeke ad|uentures whether ſo euer it ſhould pleaſe them to direct their courſe without let, impeachement or trouble to bee offered any wayes foorthe by the Greekes.
[1] [2] [3] To all theſe conditions bycauſe they touched not the prerogatiue of his kingdom) Pandraſus did willingly agree, & lykewyſe performe, ſo that all things being once put in a redyneſſe, and the wynde ſeruyng their purpoſe, Brute with hys wyſe Innugen and his people imbarqued, and plucking vp ſayles departed from the coaſtes of Grecia: and after two dayes and a nyghtes ſaylyng, they arriued at Leogitia, (in ſome olde written bookes of the Brytiſhe hyſtorie, noted downe Lergetia) an Iland, where they conſul|ted with an Oracle. Brute himſelf kneeling be|fore the Idole, and holding in his right hande a boll prepared for ſacrifice ful of wyne, and the bloud of a whyte hynde, ſpake in this maner as here foloweth:
Theſe verſes as Ponticus Virumnius and others alſo doe gueſſe, were written by Gildas Cambrius in his book intitled Cambreidos, and may thus be engliſhed.Diua potens nemerum, terror ſylueſtribus apris,Cui licet anfractus ire per aethereosInfernaſ domos, terrestria iura reſolue,Et dic quas terraes nos habitare velis [...]Dic certam ſedem qua te venerabor in auum,Qua tibi virgineis templa dicabo choris.
Thou goddeſſe that doeſt rule the wooddes and forreſts greene,And chaſeſt fomyng boares, that flee thyne aw|full ſight,Thou that mayeſt paſſe alofte in ayrie skyes ſo ſheene,And walk eke vnder erth in places void of light,Diſcouer earthly ſtates, direct our courſe aright,And ſhewe where wee ſhall dwell, accordyng to thy will,In ſeates of ſure abode, where temples we maye dight,For virgins that ſhal ſounde thy laude with voi|ces ſhrill.
[1] After this prayer and obſeruances done accor|ding to the Pagane rite and cuſtom, Brute abi|ding for anſwere, fell a ſleepe: in tyme of which ſleepe appeared to hym the ſayde goddeſſe, vtte|ring an aunſwere, as in theſe Verſes follo|wyng is expreſſed.
[1]Brute, ſub occaſum Solis trans Gallica regna,Inſula in Oceano est, vndi clauſa mari,Inſula in oceano eſt, habitata gigantibus olim,Nunc deſerta quidem, gentibus apta tuis:Hanc pete, nam tibi ſedes erit illa perennis,Hic fiet natis altera Troia tuis:Hic de prole tua reges naſcentur & ipſis,Totius terrae ſubditus orbis erit.
[1] Whiche are thus Engliſhed.
Brute farre by weaſt beyonde the Gallike lande is founde,[page 13] An yle whiche with the Ocean ſeas encloſed is a+boute,VVhere Giants dwelt ſometyme, but now is de|ſar [...]e grounde,Moſt meet where thou mayſt plant thy ſelf with all thy route:Make thitherwardes with ſpeede, for there thou ſhalt fynde outAn euer d [...]ring ſeate, and Troy ſhall riſe aneweVnto thy race, of whome ſhall kings be [...] bo [...] no doubt,That with their mightie power, the worlde ſhall whole ſubdue.
[1] After that he was awakened out of his ſleepe and had called his dreame to remembrãce, he firſt doubted whether it were a very dreame or a true viſion, the goddeſſe hauyng ſpoken to hym with lyuely voyce. Wherevpon callyng ſuche of hys companie vnto hym as he thoughte requiſite in ſuche a caſe, hee declared vnto them the whole matter with the circumſtaunces, whereat they greatly reioycing, cauſed mightie bonfyres to be made, in the whiche they caſte wyne, milke, and other licours, with dyuers gummes and ſpyces of moſte ſwete ſmell and odour, as in the Pagan religion was accuſtomed: whiche obſerua [...] and ceremonies being once performed & bro [...]ht to ende, they returned ſtreighte wayes to their ſhippes, and as ſoone as the wynde ſerued, they paſſed foreward on their iourney with great ioye and gladneſſe, as men put in comforte to fynde out the wiſhed feates for their firme and ſure ha|bitations. From hence therfore they caſt about, and making weſtwarde, [...]ute vvith his [...]mpanie lan| [...]th in Afrike. they firſt arriue in Afri|ca, and after keeping on their courſe, they paſſed the ſtraites of Gibralterra, and coaſting alongſt the ſhore on the right hande, they founde another companye that were lykewyſe deſcended of the Troiane progenie, on the coaſts nere where the Pyrenine hilles ſhoote downe to the ſea, [...]he myſtaking [...] thoſe that [...] copied the [...]iſhe hiſtory [...]tring Mare [...]yrrhenum, [...] Pyrenaeum. whereof the ſame ſea by good reaſon was named in thoſe days Mare Pyrenaeum, although hitherto by fault of Writers and copiers of the Britiſhe hiſtorie receiued, in this place Mare Tyrhenũ was ſlight|ly put downe in ſtede of Pyrenaeum.
I knowe right well that ſome will condemne me of lacke of vnderſtanding the names whiche the later writers Greekes or Latiniſtes haue gi|uen vnto our known ſeas: for yt we reade not in any autentike author, that thoſe ſeas next and a|gainſt the Pyrenine mountaynes, [...]yrenyne [...]ountayns. haue bin cal [...] Mare Pyrenaeum. But verily the courſe of the hi|ſtorie doth moue me to thinke aſſuredly, that the author of Geffrey Monmouths booke, ment in that place the ſeas neere to the coaſt, wherevnto the Pyrenine hilles do ioyn. For what reaſon is it, that after the Troians were paſſed the pyllers of Hercules, that ſtande on eyther ſides the ſtrait of Marrocke or Gibralterra (whether you [...]ill to name the place) ſ [...] [...] ſo great a courſe backe agayne, and fall vpon the coaſtes of Tuſ|can [...] (from the whiche he purpoſely was fledde) which lay nothing w [...] [...], whither they bent their whole courſe.
I haue ſhewed my reaſon grounded vpon the opinion of ſome that are known to be learned, & n [...] [...] whoſe iudgementes I can not but reue| [...]nce, and therfore I am the [...] to ſet it down as I haue hearde it, and alſo by other allowed. To proceede then with the hiſtorie.
[1] [2] The ofſpring of thoſe Troianes with whom Brute and his companie thus did meete, we [...]e a [...] of thoſe that came away with [...]. The [...] capitayne hight Corineus, a man of great modeſtie and app [...] [...] of incomparable ſtrength and boldneſſe. After they vnderſtoode of one an others eſtates,Brute and Co|rineus ioyne their compa|nies together. and howe they were deſcended from one countrey and [...]o|genie, they vnited themſelues together, greately reioycing that they were ſo fortunately [...]. And after this, hoyſſyng vp their ſaylesThey arriue on the coaſtes of Gallia, novve called Fraunce [...] They directed their courſe forward ſt [...] all they [...] within the mouth of the riuer of [...], wh [...]he [figure appears here on page 13] deuideth Aquitayn from Gaule [...]itique, where they tooke lande within the dominion of a king,Goffarius ſur|named Pictus. Les annales d' Aquitain called Goffarius, and ſurnamed Pictus, by rea|ſon that he was deſcẽded of the people called A|gathyrſes, Agathyrſes, o|thervviſe cal|led Pictes, or painting their bodies. that otherwiſe were named alſo Pic|tes, for ſo muche as they vſed to paynte their fa|ces and bodies, in ſuche wiſe as the richer a man was amongſt them, the more coſte he beſtowed of paynting himſelfe: and commonly the heare of their head was redde.
[1] The countrey of Poictou (as ſome hold) where the ſayde Goffarius reigned, tooke name of thys people: and likewiſe a parte of this our Iſle of Britayn nowe conteyned within Scotland in ancient time was called Pightland as elſewhere both in this hiſtorie of England,Pightland. & alſo of Scot|lande, [page 14] it may further appeare.
[1] But nowe to our purpoſe. When Goffarius the king of Poictou was aduertiſed of the lan|ding of theſe ſtraungers within his countrey,Goffarius ſen|deth vnto Bru|tus. he ſent firſt certain of his people to vnderſtãd what they ment by their comming a lande within his dominion, withoute licence or leaue of him ob|teyned.
[1] They that were thus ſente, by chaunce came where Corineus with two hundred of the com|panie were come from the ſhippes into a forreſte neare to the ſea ſyde, to kil ſome veniſon for their ſuſtenaunce: and being reproued with ſome diſ|daynfull ſpeache of thoſe Poicteuins,Cori [...] ſvver [...] [...] Imbert. hee ſhaped them a rounde aunſwere: inſomuch that one of them whoſe name was Imbert, let driue an ar|row at Corineus: but hee aduoyding the danger therof, ſhotte agayn at Imbert,Imbert [...] by Coris in reuenge of that iniurie offered, and claue hys head in ſunder.
[1] The reſte of the Poicteuins fledde therevp|pon, and broughte woorde to Goffarius what hadde happened:Goffari [...] [...]ſ|eth whoe immediatelye wyth a myghtie armie, made forwarde to encounter with the Troians, and comming to ioyne with [figure appears here on page 14] them in battaile, after a ſharp and ſore conflict, in the ende Brute with his armie obteyned a tri|umphant victorie,Goffarius is diſcomfited. ſpecially thorough the noble prowes of Corineus.
[1] Goffarius ſee|keth ayde a|gainſt Brute.Goffarius eſcaping from the fielde, fled into the inner partes of Gallia, making ſuite for aſſi|ſtaunce vnto ſuche kings as in thoſe dayes reig|ned in dyuers prouinces of that lande, who pro|myſed to ayde hym wyth all their forces, and to expell oute of the coaſtes of Aquitayne, ſuche ſtraungers as without his licence were thus en|tred the countrey.
[1] Brute ſpoyleth the countrey.But Brute in the meane tyme paſſed fore|ward, and with fire and ſworde, made hauock in places where he came: and gathering great ſpoy|les,Turonius or Tours buylt by Brute. fraughte his ſhips with plentie of riches. At length he came to the place, where afterwards he buylt a Citie named Turonium, that is Tours.
[1] Goffarius ha|uing renued his forces, figh|teth eftſoones vvith Brute.Here Goffarius with ſuche Gaules as were aſſembled in his ayd, gaue batayl agayn vnto the Troyans that were encamped to abyde his cõ|myng. Where after that they had fought a long tyme with ſingular manhoode on bothe parties: finally the Troyans oppreſſed with multitude of their aduerſaries, being thirtie tymes as manye more as the Troyans) were conſtrained to re|tyre into their campe, within the which the Gau|les kepte them as beſieged, lodging rounde about them, and purpoſing by famine to compell them to yelde themſelues vnto their mercie.
[1] But Corineus taking counſell with Brute, deuiſed to departe in the darke of the night foorth of the campe, and to lodge himſelfe wyth three thouſand choſen ſouldiours ſecretly in a woodde, and there to remayne in couert tyll in the mor|ning that Brute ſhoulde come foorth and giue a a charge vppon the enimies, wherewith Cori|neus ſhould breake forth and aſſayle the Gaules on the backes.
[1] [2] This policie was putte in practiſe, and tooke ſuch effect as the deuyſers themſelues wiſhed: for the Gaules being ſharply aſſailed on the front by Brute and his companie, wer now by the ſodain comming of Corineus, who ſet vpon them be|hinde on their backes, brought into ſuch a feare, that incontinentely they tooke them to flighte, whome the Troyans egrely purſued, making no ſmall ſlaughter of them as they might ouertake them. In this battaile Brute loſt many of his men, and amongſt other, one of his nephues na|med Turinus, after he had ſhewed maruellous proofe of his great manhoode. Of hym (as ſome haue written) the foreſayd citie of Tours tooke the name, and was called Turonium, bycauſe the [page 15] ſayd Turinus was there buried: Althoughe An|drew Theuet affirmeth the contrarie,Theuet. and mayn|teyneth, that one Taurus the nephewe of Han|niball was the firſte that cloſed it about wyth a pale of woodde (as the maner in thoſe days was of fencing their towns) in the yeare of the world 3374.3374. and before the birth of our Sauioure .197. But yet by Theuets leaue, Brute and his com|panie myghte fyrſt buylde the ſame towne: and Taurus peraduenture might after fence it about with a pale, at that ſuppoſed time whẽ his vncle Hanibal came foorth of Spayn, to paſſe through Gallia into Italy. But to ſpeake what I thinke, I beleeue Theuet is as little able to proue his Taurus to be the firſt that encloſed it, as other are to proue, that it tooke the name of Turinus his buryall there.
[1] But now to our matter concerning Brute, who after he had obteined ſo famous a victorie, albeit there was good cauſe for him to reioyce, yet it ſore troubled him to conſider that his numbers dayly decayed, and his enimies ſtill encreaſed, and grew ſtronger:Brute in doubt vvhat to do. whervpon reſting doubtfull what to doe, whether to proceede agaynſte the Gaulles, or to returne to his ſhippes and to ſeke the yle, that was appoynted to him by oracle, at lẽgth he choſe the ſureſt way and beſt (as he toke it, and as it proued:) for whyleſt yet the more parte of his armie was lefte alyue, and that the name of the victorie remayned on his ſide, hee drewe to his nauie, and lading his ſhippes, with exceding greate ſtore of riches whiche his people had got abrode in the countrey: he tooke the ſeas, agayne:Brute vvith his remnant of Troians arriue in this Iſle. An. mũdi. 2850. And after a few dayes ſayling, they lan|ded at the hauen whiche is now called Totneſſe, the yeare of the worlde .2850. after the deſtructi|on of Troy .66. after the deliuerãce of the Iſrae|lites, from the Captiuitie of Babylon .397. al|moſt ended, in the .18. yeare of the reigne of Ty|neas king of Babylon .13. of Melanthus king of Athenes, before the buylding of Rome .368. whi|che was before the natiuitie of our ſauior Chriſt 1116:1116. almoſt ended, and before the reigne of Alex|ander the great .783.
This computation haue I ſet down acording to the Chronologie of William Hariſon not yet publiſhed,VVilliam Hariſon. whoſe accompte (as he hath gathered it) I haue folowed for the more parte, as well in the hiſtorie of Scotland, as here in this hiſtorie of England, eſpecially til I come vnto the time that the Saxons ſettled themſelues here: the ra|ther bycauſe I am perſuaded yt he hath bin verie diligent in ſerching out the true computation of yeres, in reforming the ſame according to ye beſt authorities, as I truſte to the learned reader it may appeare. And if there be any errour therein, I doubt not but ſome ſuche learned Gentleman as hath ſpent ſome ſtudie about the ſearche of the firſt peopling of this land, will for the benefite of his countrey in tyme conueniente reforme that which is amiſſe, and publiſhe to the worlde that whiche may better ſatiſfie the learned, and there all doubtes as well in the accompt of the time of Brutes comming hither, as in all other circum|ſtances of the whole Brytiſhe hiſtorie.
[1] But nowe to proceede. When ſoeuer Brute entred this lande, immediatly after his arriuall (as writers doe recorde) he ſearched the countrey from ſide to ſide, and euen from the one ende to the other, finding it in moſte places right [...]le and plentu [...]s of woodde and graſſe, and [...] of pleaſant ſprings and faire ryuers.
[1] But as he thus trauayled to diſcouer the [...]te and commodities of the ylande,Brute encoun|tred by the Giauntes. he was encoun|tred by diuers ſtrong & mightie Giauntes [...]m he deſtroyed and ſlewe, or rather ſubdued them, with all ſuche other people, as hee founde in the Ilande, whiche were more in number vndoub|tedly than by report of ſome authors, it ſhoulde appere there were. Among theſe Giants (as Gef|frey of Monmonthe writeth,) there was [...] of paſſing ſtrengthe and greate eſtimation,Corineus vvr [...]+ſtleth vvith Gogmagog. [...]ed Gogmagog, with whome Brute cauſed Cori|neus to wra [...]ell, at a place beſide Douer, where [figure appears here on page 15] it chaunced, that the Giaunt brake a ribbe in the ſyde of Corineus, whyle they ſtroue to claſpe, and the one to ouerthrowe the other: wherewith Corineus being ſore chaſed and ſtirred to wrath, he ſo doubled his force that he got the vpperhand of the Gyaunt,Gogmagog is ſlayne. and caſte him downe headlong from one of the rockes there, not farre from Do|uer, and ſo diſpatched hym: by reaſon whereof, the place was named long after, the fall or leape of Gogmagog, but afterwards it was called the fall of Douer.Cornvvall giuẽ to Corineus.
[1] For this valiant deede and other the lyke ſer|uice firſte and laſte atchieued, Brute gaue vnto Corineus the whole countrey of Cornwall.
[1] To be briefe: After that Brute had deſtroyed ſuche as ſtoode agaynſte him, and brought ſuche [page 16] people vnder his ſubiection, as he found in the Iſle, and ſearched the land from the one end to the other: He was deſirous to buyld a citie, yt the ſame might be the regal ſeat of his empire or kingdom. Whervpon he choſe foorth a plot of ground, lying on the north ſyde of the riuer of Thames, which by good conſideration ſee|med to be moſt pleaſant & conuenient for any great multitude of inhabitants, aſwel for hol|ſomneſſe of aire goodneſſe of ſoyle, plentie of wooddes, & commoditie of the riuer, ſeruing as wel to bring in as to carrie foorth all kindes of merchandiſe, and things neceſſarie for gayne ſtore and vſe of them that there ſhuld inhabit.
[figure appears here on page 16]
[1] The citie of Trinouant af| [...]er called Lõ|don, buylded. See more here|of in the deſcri|ption.Here therfore, he began to buyld and lay the foundation of a citie, in the tenth, or (as other thinke) in the ſeconde yeare after his arriuall, which he nameth (ſaith Gal. Mon.) Troy no|uant, or as Hum. Libuyd ſayth, Troyne with, that is new Troy, in remembrance of that no|ble citie of Troy, from whẽce he and his peo|ple were for the more part deſcended.
[1] When Brutus had buylded this citie, and brought the Iland fully vnder his ſubiection, he then by the aduiſe of his nobles, commaun|ded this Ile whiche before hyghte Albion, to bee called Britayne, and the inhabitauntes Britons after his name, for a perpetuall me|morie that he was the firſt bringer of them in|to the lande.Brute had three ſonnes. In this meane whyle alſo he had by his wyfe .iij. ſonnes, of which the firſte was named Locrinus, or Locrine, the ſecond Cambris or Camber, and the third Albanactus or Albanact. And when the tyme of his death drewe neere, To the firſt he betoke the gouern|ment of that part of the lande which is nowe knowne by the name of England: ſo that the ſame was long after called Loegria, Loegria. or Logiers, of the ſayd Locrinus.
[1] To the ſeconde he appoynted the countrey of Wales, the whyche of hym was fyrſt na|med Cambria, Cambria. deuided from Loegria, by the ri|uer of Seuerne.
[1] To his thirde ſonne Albanacte, hee dely|uered all the North parte of the Iſle, after|wardes called Albania, after the name of the ſaid Albanacte: which portion of the ſaid Iſle lieth beyond the Humber northward.
[1] Thus whẽ Brutus had deuided the Iſle of Britain (as before is mẽcioned) into .3. parts, & had gouerned ye ſame by the ſpace of .xv. yeres, he died in ye .24. yere after his arriual, as Ha|riſon noteth it, and was buryed at Troyno|uant or London:In the d [...] [...] this a [...] [...] although the place of his ſaid burial there, be now grown out of memorie.