5.7. Bardus.


[1] [figure appears here on page 3] BArdus ye ſon of Dru+is ſucceeded his fa|ther in the kingdome of Celtica,Beroſus ant. lib. 5. & was the fift K. ouer the Celtes and Samothians, amõgſt whome he was highly renoumed as appereth by Beroſus for inuen|tion of Dities and mu|ſike,Annius in commen. ſu|per eundem. wherein Annius of Viterbo writeth, that hee trayned his peo|ple: and of ſuch as excelled in this knowledge he made an order of philoſophicall Poets or He|ralds, [page 4] calling them by his own name Bardi. And it ſhuld ſeeme by doctor Caius and maſter Bale,Ant. Cant. li. 1. ſcript. Bri+tan. cent. 1. that Ceſar founde ſome of them here at his arri|uall in this Iſle, and reported that they had alſo their firſt beginning in the ſame.

[1] Nonnius Marcel. Strabo. Diodo. Sicul. lib 6. Carol Stepha. in dict. hiſt. Eale. Iohn Priſe.The profeſſion and vſages of theſe Bardi, by Nonnins, Strabo, Diodorus, Stephanus, Bale and ſir Iohn Priſe, are in effecte reported after this ſort. They did vſe to record the noble exploi|tes of the auncient capitaines, and to drawe the pedigrees & genealogies of ſuche as were liuing. They woulde frame pleaſaunt dities and ſongs, learne the ſame by hart, and ſing them to inſtru|ments at ſolemne feaſtes and aſſemblies of noble men and gentlemen: and were therfore hadde in ſo high eſtimation, that if two hoſtes had bin redy raunged to ioyne in battayle, and that any of thẽ had fortuned to enter among them, both the ho|ſtes as wel the enimie as the frends would haue holden their handes giuen eare vnto them, and ceaſſed from fight, vntill theſe Bardes had bene departed out of the battayle. Of the Bardes the Poet Lucan writeth theſe verſes.Lucan. lib. 1.

Vos quo qui fortes animas bello peremptas,
Laudibus in longum vates dimittitis aenum,
Plurima ſecuri fudistis carmina Bardi.

Whiche are engliſhed thus.

And you o Poet Bardes from danger voyde that dities ſounde,
H. F.Of ſoules of dreadleſſe men, whõ rage of battaile would confounde,
And make their laſting praiſe to time of laterage redounde.

[1] Bycauſe the names of theſe Poets were ney|ther diſcrepant from the ciuilitie of the Romans, nor repugnant to the religion of the Chriſtians, they of all the other ſectes before ſpecified, were ſuffred only to continue vnaboliſhed in all ages, in ſomuch that there flouriſhed of them among the Britains,

Iohn Bale ſcript. Britan. cent. [...].

Io. Priſe def [...]. hiſt. Brit. C [...]ius de ant. Cant. lib. 1. Io Leland. ſyllab. ant. dict.

Hum. Lluyd de Mona in|ſula.

according to Bale) before the birth of Chriſte, Plenidius and Oronius: after Chriſt (as Priſe recounteth) Saleſtine, & the two Mer|lins, Melkin Glaſkirion and others: and of late dayes among the Welchmen, Dauid Die, Iollo Gough, Dauid ap William, with an infinite number more: and in Wales there are ſundrye of them, as Caius reporteth, remayning vnto this day, where they are in their language called (as Leland writeth) Barthes. Alſo by the witnes of Humfrey Llhuyd, there is an Iland neer vn|to Wales, called Inſula Bardorum, and Bardſey, wherof the one name in Latine, and the other in Saxon or olde Engliſh, ſignifieth the Ilande of the Bardes or Barthes.

5.7.1. The ende of the Celtes gouerne|ment in this Iſle.

The ende of the Celtes gouerne|ment in this Iſle.

[1] Bale.AFter Bardus, the Celtes (as Bale ſayth) loa|thing the ſtraite ordinances of their auncient kings, and betaking themſelues to pleaſure and idelneſſe, were in ſhort tyme, and with ſmall la|bour broughte vnder the ſubiection of the Giaunt Albion, the ſonne of Neptune, who altering the ſtate of things here in this yland, ſtraited ye name of Celtica and the Celtes within the boundes of Gallia, from whence they came firſt to inhabite this land vnder the conduct of Samothes, as be|fore ye haue hearde,A [...] accordingly as [...] hath gathered out of Berolus ye Chaldean, who ther|in agreeth alſo with the Scripture, the ſaying of Theophilus the Doctor, and the generall cõſente of all writers, whiche fully agree,Theoph [...] that the firſte inhabitantes of this Iſle came out of the parties of Gallia, although ſome of them diſagree of the tyme and maner of their comming,Sir Brian Tuke. Sir Brian Tuke thinking it to be meant of the arriuall of Brute, when he came out of thoſe countreys into this Ile. Ceſar and Tacitus ſeeme to be of opi|nion, that thoſe Celtes which firſt inhabited here,Ca [...]ſar. Tacitus. Bodinus. came ouer to view ye coũtry for trade of merchan|diſe. Bodinus wold haue them to come in (a gods name) from Lãguedoc, and ſo to name this land Albion, of a citie in Lãguedoc named Alby. Be|da and likewiſe Polidore (who foloweth him) af|firme that they came from the coaſts of Armori|ca,Beda. Polyd [...]. whiche is nowe called little Britayn.

[1] But as the authorities afore recited, are ſuffi|cient to proue the tyme, ſo that this Iland was firſt inhabited by the Celtes, the olde poſſeſſours of Gallia, not only the neereneſſe of the regions, but alſo the congruence of the languages, two great argumentes of originals, do fully confirme the ſame. Bodinus writeth vpon report,Bodinus. that the Britiſhe and Celtike language was all one: but whether that be true or not, I am not able to af|firme, bicauſe the Celtike toung is long ſithence growne wholly out of vſe. But yet ſome ſuch [...] Celtike words as remayn in the writings of old authors may be perceiued to agree with ye Welch tong, being the incorrupted ſpeech of the auncient Brytons. In deed Pauſanias the Greeke,Pauſania [...]. ma|keth mention how the Celtes in their language called a horſe marc: and by ye name do the Welch men call a horſe vnto this daye: and the worde trimare in Panſani as, ſignifyeth in the Celtike toung, three horſes.

[1] Thus it appeareth by authortie of writers, by ſituation of place, and by affinitie of language, that this yland was firſt found and inhabiteed by the Celtes, that their name from Samothes to Albion continued heere the ſpace of. 310. yeres or therabouts And finally it is likely,Iohn Bale. that aſwel the progenie as the ſpeeche of them is partely remai|ning in thys Iſle among the inhabitantes, and ſpecially the Britiſhe, euen vnto this daye. But nowe to oure purpoſe of Albion his com|ming into this Iſle.