[1] [figure appears here on page 1] After the floud (as Annius of Viter|bo recordeth) & reaſon alſo enforceth,In commen [...]. ſuper. 4. lib. Beroſ. de an|tiquit. li. 2. Noe was the only Monark of al the world, and as the ſame Annius ga|thereth by the accounte of Moyſes in the .100,Annius vt ſupra. yeare after the [...]oud Noe deuided the earth among his three ſen [...]e aſſigning to the poſſeſſi|on of his eldeſt ſonne, all that portion of la [...]de, which [...]owe is knowne by the name of ASIA, and to his ſecond ſonne Ch [...], he appointed all that part of the world which now is called Af|frica. Vnto his thirde ſonne I [...]phet, was allotted all. [...]ur [...]pa, with all the Ale [...] thereto belongyng, wherin among other was conteined this our Ile of Britayn, with the other yles therto belonging.