[1] [...] the firſt part [...] the actes of [...]e Englishe [...]taries.Fyrſt therfore Iohn Bale our countreyman, who in his tyme greatly trauayled in the ſearche of ſuche antiquities, [...]itayn inha| [...]ed before [...]oud. dothe probably coniectu [...]e, that this lande was inhabited and repleniſhed with people long before the floud at that tyme in the which the generation of mankinde (as Moy|ſes writeth) began to multiplie vpon the vniuer|ſall face of the earth: [...]en. [...] and therefore it followeth, that as well this land was inhabited with people long before the dayes of Noe, as any the other countreys and partes of the worlde beſide.