Snippet: 2 of 2 (1577, Volume 1, p. 136) 4.2. In the ſeconde Booke.
In the ſeconde Booke.
- FOl 74. col 3. lin 1. reade Leirceſter for Lewceſter.
- fol 75. col. 1. lin. 18. reade quantitie thereof.
- ibid. col 2. lin 22. reade gayles within.
- fol 76. col 3. in the margine, reade howe thoſe men ſhoulde haue done,
in the name note col 4. lin 1. tayler he.
- fol. 77. col 2. lin 32. and 33. put out (and the wight) for I miſtooke
- ibid lin 43. for (in olde time) read alſo the weight.
- fol 84. col 3. lin 26. for hope of recouery, reade hope of
- fol 85. col 3. lin. 53. reade before the olde be expyred.
- fol. 85. col 1. lin 1. put out therefore, and reade I finde
- ibid col 4. lin 49. for riuerets reade riuettes.
- fol 87. col 1. li 19. for their ordinaunce reade the ſtore of
- ibid lin 27. reade that in ſome one barons houſe I haue.
- ibid lin 33. reade done then trow you.
- ibid. col 4. lin 9.10. reade we had ſome alſo, for (a few.)
- ibid lin 15. put out and betwéene Alfrede (&)
- fol 88. col 3. lin 17. reade being the more plenteous.
- ibid lin 22. reade if place did ſerue therefore.
- ibid col 4. lin 46. reade for theſe cauſes therefore.
- fol 89. col 4. lin 58. for ſunt duo reade ſint duo.
- fol 90. col 1. Canone 13. beſide the miſplacing of the point, lin 52.
there is (n) to much in ye laſt word of the 56. line.
- ibid col 2. lin 9. the whole line is peruerted for Siquis autem
cum primario pugnauerit.
- ibid lin 39. for aliquot reade aliquam.
- ibid col 3. li 34. for Gemiſciſione read
- fol 91. col 3. lin 19. for whereas reade thus.
- ibid li 21. for behauiour whereby, read behauiour: and hereby.
- ibid lin 22. reade defrauded and the.
- ibid lin. 33. reade euery man which.
- ibid col 4. reade of Salop. Some 10.11
- fol 92. col 1. lin 34. reade Cymbelline.
- fol 93. col 1. lin 34. reade out of the hilles.
- ibid lin 35. reade that at certaine times.
- ibid lin 47. reade ſtraunge for ſtrong.
- ibid lin 58. reade vertigerne.
- ibid col 2. lin [...]8. for ſeconde Aye, read ſecond Axe.
- ibid lin 44. reade doth it ſwell.
- ibid col 3. line 37. reade into the earth, for into the
- ibid 47 reade as one néere to S. Aſaphes.
- fol 94. col. 1. the 10.11. and 12. lines are to much almoſt by euery
worde, by meanes of an odde pamphlet of Tideſwell latewarde inſerted into
the booke.
- fol 96. col 2. lin 39. for goddeſſe reade gods.
- fol 96. col 3. line 10. for harde Cantus reade hardie
- ibid col 4. verſ. 21. reade tantum & agendis.
- fol 107. col 3. line 1. for drawne reade drawing.