AS before we ſée in the moyſt, ſo doe all our drie meaſures fetch their originall from the ſponefull &c. vntill they come al the gallon: beyonde the which wée haue [...] Pecke or farthendeale of a buſhell (for that is our Engliſhe worde for a fourth part) [...] twoo gallons.
Halfe buſhell of foure gallons.
Buſhell of eyght gallons, or 64. pounde, Troye.
Strike of two Buſhelles or 128. pounded by 16. gallons.
Coome raſor or corn [...]cke of foure burſhell or 256. pounde or 32. gallons.
Quarter or ſeame of 8. Buſhelles or 512. pounde or 64. gallons.
Way, or 6. quarters of 5702. pounde or 384. gallons as by the rule of proportion is eaſie to be founde.
By theſe meaſures alſo we meaſure our Muſtard ſéede, Rape ſéede, Carot rootes, ſalt, and fruite, notwithſtanding that the filling of the Buſhell be diuers, ſith in Corne, ſalte, and ſéedes we ſtrike with a rule, but in Ap|ples & Rootes we poure them on by heape [...] This is furthermore to be conſidered, that although one wheate or barly be heauyer then an other, as the ſoyle is wette or drie, Barly cõmonly then Otes, Rye then [...]arly, wheate then Rye. &c. alſo in liquide wares, Oyle compared with wine, and both wyth hony, yet ye meaſure framed after the afore|ſayde weightes doth meate them all indiffe|rently ſo that the quantitie of the ſtandarde and not the qualitie of ware meaſured, is al|wayes to be looked on. In déede it is founde by experience that a lyke meaſure of wyne Oyle and hony being weighed togither, the Oyle ſhalbe lighter by a ninth part then the [page 123] wine, and the hony heauyer then the Wine almoſt by a thirde. Certes there is nothing that cõmeth néerer the weight of wine then the pureſt water, and yet one Wine is hea|uyer then an other as waters alſo are, of which the moſt groſſe is euer more ye weigh|tieſt. And theſe thinges haue not béene vn|knowne in tymes paſt alſo vnto the Gre|cians: for weyghing theyr Culeus of Oyle, it peyſed but 1333. pound, 4 oũces, wheras that of Wine came vnto 1481. li. fiue oun|ces ſixe Drachmes and foure Silquas. But of hony vnto 2222. pounde, twoo ounces, 9. Drachmes, one Scriptula. &c. whereof this maye ſuffice for an admonition to the rea|der. Nowe let vs ſee thoſe of the Grecians for my former purpoſe, whoſe
Cyathus hath tenne ſpoonfulles, or an ounce and one Drachme.
Oxybaphon 15. ſpoonfulles or two ounces and two Drachmes.
Cotyle foure Oxybapha or nine ounces.
Sextarius 2. Cotylas or 18. ounces.
Chenix. 3 Cotylas or 27. ounces, ſo called bycauſe that quantitie ſuffiſed to finde a man breade for an whole daye. [...]er [...]enice ne [...]eas, [...], is ſtay [...] vpon [...] dayes [...]iſion, [...]ouerbe [...]ſed by [...]hagoras
Medimnus or Metretes: 48. Chenices, or 108. pounde.
¶ In lyke ſort in Rurall meaſures their Myſtrum hath 2. ſpoonfulles and an halfe.
Cyathus 4. Myſtra, or ſixe ſpoonfulles.
Oxybaphon 4. Myſtra 2. ounces 2. Drach|mes.
Cotyle foure Oxybapha, nyne ounces.
Chenicx 3. Cotylas 27. ounces.
Semiduodecima Medymni 2. Chenicas 4. pounde 6. ounces.
Semiſextarius 9. pounde.
Sextarius 18. pounde.
Tertiarius 16. Chenicas 36. pounde.
Semimedymnũ 24. Chenicas or 54. pound.
[...]you [...]de of a [...]dymnus [...]. Modi| [...] [...] you [...]ſt ac| [...]ept it as [...]ewe [...]cilian [...]aſure, ye [...]erwiſe Rome or [...]hens [...]teined [...]nd the [...] Sici| [...] mea| [...] 4. and [...]alfe. Medymnus 28. Chenicas or 108. pound and theſe of the Gréekes.
Now ſhall thoſe of the Romaines followe in ſuch order as in ſueth.
Cloclearium a ſpoonefull 3. Drachmes and one Scriptula.
Cyathus 4. ſpoonefuls one ounce & an halfe, one Drachme one Scriptula.
Acetabulum a Cyathus & an halfe 2. oun|ces and foure Drachmes.
Hemina or Cotula foure Acetabula or tenne ounces.
Sextarius two Heminas or 20. ounces.
Semodius eyght Sextarios 13. pounde foure ounces.
Modius 16. Sextarios [...]6. pounde 8. ounces.
Theſe aforeſayde meaſures compared al|ſo with our Engliſh haue ſuch proportion.
Cyathus as aforeſayde, one ounce & eight graines, Engliſhe.
Cotyle, 6. ounces 48. graines Engliſh.
Chenix one pounde 6. ounces, one Drach|me 64. graines Engliſh.
Medymnus 72. pounde, 10. ounces, 32. grains Engliſh.
Chenix a quarte.
Semiduodecima a Pottle & 4. Drachm.
Semiſextarius, a gallon and an ounce.
Sextarius, two gallons and two ounces.
Tertiari, foure gallons & foure ounces.
Semimedimnus 6. gallons & halfe a pint.
Medymnus exactly 13. gallons.
Whereby we ſée that their lyquide mea|ſure is ſomewhat greater then the drye by two ounces and thrée Drachmes. Nowe it reſteth yt I do the like wt the weightes of the Romaine dry meaſures, after which I will gyue out the weightes of Venice as Au|guſtinus Pantheus in his de rebus Voarcha|dumicis and other doe ſet them downe.
Cyathus one ounce and an halfe.
Semodius, 12. pounde Troy, that is, a gallon and an halfe.
Modius 24. pound, that is, thrée gallons,
And more I remember not at this pre|ſent of their drye meaſure,
I might here adde other meaſures of the Hebrues alſo. But I find ſuch variety in thẽ as maketh me rather to omit then publiſhe them in this treatize. And fyrſt of all theyr Chor, which ſignifieth an heape of graine,Chor. & is not onely the iuſt loade of a Camell, but alſo containeth 30. Modios as Epiphanius doth ſet downe, notwithſtanding that Bude hath 41. Medimmos. Lethec. The Lethec alſo (wherof Oſee ſpeaketh, ſaying, Morcede conduxi mihi Lethec hordei. &c.) is al one with the Gomor or halfe Cor, and called Lethec of lifting vp,Gomor. becauſe a yong man might eaſely lift it vp to laye it vpon his aſſe. Their Batos of Oyle,Batos. with Epiphanius hath, 50. Sextarios, with Budee 27. The Modius of ye Iues, 22. Sextarios in the firſt, but in the treatize of this later, only 16. In lyke ſorte there is difference in the Cab. as fourth part of the Modius. Modius. Cab. Mnaſis. Alſo in ye Manſis, or Medimnus, which after Epipha|nis hath 10. Modios, ye Salanien or Conſtan|tinuan 5. Modios and that of Paphos and Si|cilia, onely 4¼ all which diſcordances I am not able to reconcile, eſpecially being things of ſuch antiquitie, and therfore I giue vppe to ſpeake any longer of them. Furthermore in turning ouer ſuch old bookes as came vn|to [page 133] my handes I finde alſo this note inſuyng 6. which
Charette hath 4. graines.
Peny 8 Carettes.
Euery graine of Batement a Peny in Gold, but after Fraunce, Venice, and ſome other places, they haue but ſixe Carettes in the peny, and 4. graines in the Carette, which oddes groweth by the difference of weightes, for beyonde the ſea they haue 24. pence in the ounce, which is 4. pence more in value, then the ounce Engliſh, after the olde occount of pence. By theſe Carettes pearles and ſtones are valued and ſolde, but not gold, which hath neuertheleſſe the name of Carettes in his Pois, but after an other proportion.
¶I haue thought good to deliuer the names of the Archbyſhops and Byſhops of London, as they ſucceded ſince the Brytons were firſt con|uerted into the faith.
[1] The Sie voide many yeares.
¶ The Archebiſhop remouing his Sie to Cantorbury theſe Byſhops ſucceeded.
[1] The Sie voyde a ſeaſon.
[1] The Sie voide 11. yeares.
[1] Faires in Ianuary. THe ſixt day being Twelfe day, at S [...]|bury. The 25. being S. Paules day, [...] Briſtowe, at Graueſende, at Churching [...] at Northalertõ in Yorkeſhire, where is kept a faire euery wedneſday from Chriſt made vntill Iune.
[1] [page 124] Fayres in February. THe firſt day at Bromley. The ſecond at Linne, at Bath, at Maidſtone, at Bic|kelſworth, at Budworth. The 14. at Feuer|ſham. On Aſhwedneſday at Lichfielde, at Tamworth, at Royſton, at Exceſtet at, A|bington, at Ciceter. The 24. at Henley vpon Thames, at Tewkeſbury.
[1] Fayres in March. ON ſ. Georges daye, at Stamforde, and at Sudbury. The 13. day at Wie, at the Mount, and at Bodmin in Cornewall. The 5. Sunday in Lent, at Grantham at Saliſ|bury. On Monday before our Lady daye in Lent, at Wiſbich, at Kendale, Denbigh in Wales. On Palmeſundaye euen, [...] Pum|phret. On Palmſunday, at Worceſter. The 20. day at Durham. On our Ladye daye in Lent at Northamton, at Maiden, at great Chart, at Newcaſtell. And all the Ladyẽ daies at Huntington.
[1] Fayres in Aprill. THe 5. day at Walingforde. The 7. at Darbye. The 9. at Bickleſwoorthe, at Bilingworth. On monday after, at Eueſhã in Worceſter ſhire. On Tweſday in Eaſter wéeke, at Northflete, at Rochford, at Hitchin. The thirde Sunday after Eaſter, at Louth. The 22. at Stabford, on S. Georges day, at Charing, at Ipſwich, at Tãworth, at Amt|hill, at Hinningham, at Gilforde, at S. Pombes in Cornewall. On ſaint Markes day at Darby, at Dunniow in Eſſex. The 26. at Tenderden in Kent.
[1] Fayres in May. ON May daye at Rippon, at Perin in Corn [...]wall, at Oſeſtrie in Wales, at Lexfield in S [...]olke, at S [...]old ye old, at [...]|ding, at Leiceſter, at Che [...]ford, at M [...]e at Brickehill, at Blackeb [...]ne, [...] The 3. at Bramyarde, at [...], at El [...]ow. The 7. at Beuerley, at Newton, at Oxforde. On Aſcention day a [...] Newcaſ [...]l, at Yerne, at Brimechame, at S. Edes, at Byſhop Stratforde, at Wicham, at M [...]e|wiche, at Stopforde, at Chappell Frith. On Whitſun euen, at Skipton vppon [...]a [...]e [...] On Whitſunday, at R [...], and euery wedneſday fortnight at Kingſton vpõ Thames, at Rateſdale, at Kirby Stephin in Wẽſtmerlande. On munday in Whitſunne wéeke, at Darington, at Exceſter, at Brad|forde, at Rygate, at Burton, at Salforth, at Whitechurch, at Cokermouth, at Appelby, at Bickleſworth, on Tewſday on Whitſun-wéeke, at Lewſe, at Rochford, at Cantorbu|ry, at Ormeſkirke, at Herith. On wedneſ|day in Whitſun wéeke, at Sandbarre. On Trinitie ſunday, at Kendall, and at Rowell, On thurſday after Trinitie ſunday, at Preſ|cote, at Stapforde, at S. Annes, at Newdu|ry, at Couentry, at S. Edes, at Biſhoppe Stotforde, at Roſſe. The 9. at Locheſter, at Dunſtable. The 27. day at Lenham. The 29. at Crambrooke.
[1] Fayres in Iune. THe 9. day at Maydeſtone. The 11. at O|kingham, at Newborowgh, at Maxfield at Holte. The 23. at Shreweſbury, at Saint Albons. The 24. day at Horſham, at Bedel, at Strackſtocke, at ſ. Annes, at Wakefield, at Colcheſter, at Reading, at Bedforde, at Barnewell, at Wollerhampton, at Cram|brooke, at Gloceſter, at Lincolne, at Peter|borough, at Windſore, at Harſtone, at Lan|caſter, at Weſtcheſter, at Hallifaxe, at Aſh|borne. The 27. at Falkeſtone. The 28. at Hetcorne, at S. Pombes. The 29. at Wind|hurſt, at Marleborough, at Holleſworth, at Wollerhampton, at Peterfielde, at Lemp|ſter, at Sudbury, at Gargra [...]ge, at Br [...]|ley.
[1] Fayres in Iuly. THe 2. at Congreton, at Aſhton vnder Li [...]. The [...] at Partney, & at [...]. The 15. at Pichbacke. The 17. at [...]. The 20. at Vxbridge, at Cateſby, at Bolton The 22. at Marleborough, at Wincheſter, at Colcheſter, at Tetbury, at Bridgenorth, at E [...]the [...]all, at Norwiche in Cheſhire, at Cheſwine, at Battelfielde, at Bikelwoorth. The 25. at Bru [...]we, at Donee, at Chilh [...] at Darby at Ipſwich, at Northamton, at Dudley in Standfordſhire, at S. Iames be [...] London, at Reading, at Louth, at Ma [...]tte [...] bury, at Bromeley, at Chicheſter, at Liuer|poole, at Altergam, at Rauenglaſſe in the North. The 27. at Canterbury, at Northam at Richmonde in the North, at Warington, at Chappell Frith.
[1] [page 134] Fayres in Auguſt. THe firſt day at Exceſter, at Feuerſham at Dunſtable, at S. Edes, at Bedford, at Northam Church, at Wiſbich, at Yorke, at Rumney, at Newton, at Yelande. The x. at Waltham, at Blackemore, at Hunger|forde at Bedforde, at Stroydes, at Farnam at Saint Laurence by Bodmin, at Walton, at Croily, at Seddell, at Newe Braineford. The 15. at Dunmow, at Carleile, at Preſtũ at Wakefielde ye two Lady daies. On Bar|tholomew day at London, at Beggers buſhe beſide Rye, at Tewkeſbury, at Sudbury, at Rye, at Nantwiche, at Pagets, at Bromly. at Norwiche, at Northalerton, at Douer, at the Sundaye after Bartholomewe daye at Sandbiche. The 27. at Aſhforde.
[1] Fayres in September. THe firſt daye at S. Giles at the Buſhe. On our Lady day, at Wakefielde, at Sturbridge, in Southwarke at London, at Snide, at Recoluer, at Giſbroughe both the Lady daies, at Partneye. The thrée Ladye daies, at Blackborne, at Giſborne in Yorke|ſhire, at Chalton, at Vtceſter. On Holy Roode day, at Richmonde in Yorkeſhire, at Ripond a horſe faire, at Penhad, at Berſe|ley, at Waltham Abbay, at Wotten vnder hedge, at Smalding, at Cheſterfield, at Dẽ|bigh in Wales. On Saint Mathies day at Marleborough, at Bedforde, at Croidon, at Holden in Holdernes, at ſaint Edmondſbu|ry, at Malton, at ſaint Iues, at Shreweſbu|ry, at Lanehã, at Witnall, at Sittingborne, at Brainetry, at Katherine hill beſide Gil|forde, at Douer, at Eaſtrie. The 29. day be|ing Michaelmas daye, at Cantorbury, at Lancaſter, at Blackeborne, at Weſtcheſter at Cokermouth, at aſhborne, at Hadley, at Malden at horſe faire, at Way hill, at New|bury, at Leiceſter.
[1] Fayres in October. THe fourth-day at Michell. The 6. day at Saint Faithes beſide Norwiche, at Maideſtone. The 8. at Herborough, at Har|uorde, at Byſhop Stotforde. On Saint Ed|wardes day at Roiſton, at Graueſende, at Windſore, at Marſhfield, at Colcheſter. On Saint Lukes daye at Ely, at Wricle, at Vpane, at Thirſt, at Bridgenorth, at Stan|ton, at Charing, at Burton vpon Trent, at Charleton, at Wigan, at Friſwides in Ox|forde, at Tiſdale, at Midlewiche, at Holt in Wales. The 21. day at Saffron Waldon, at Newemarket, at Hertforde, at Ciceſter, at Stokeſley. The 23. at Preſton, at Bikelſ|worth, at Ritchdale, at whitechurch. On all Sainctes euen at Wakefielde, at Rithen.
[1] Fayres in Nouember. THe ſecond, at Blechingly, at Kingſtone at Marfielde. The 6. day, at Newport [...] ponde, at Stanley, at Tregney, at Salford, at Leſforde. The 10. at Leuton. The 11. at Marleborough, at Douer. The 13. at Saint Edmondes bury, at Gilforde. The 17. day at Low, at Hide. The 19. at Horſham. On S. Edmondes daye, at Hythe, at Ingerſt [...] The 23. day at Sandwiche. On Saint An|drewes day at Colingborough, at Rocheſ|ter, at Peterfield, at Maidenhead, at Bew [...]ley, at Warington in Lancaſhire, at Bed|forde in Yorkeſhire, at Oſeſtrie in Wales.
[1] ¶ Fayeres in December. ON Saint Nicholas euen at Pluckeley. On Saint Nicholas day, at Spalding, at Exceſter, and Sinocke, at Arnedale, and at Northwiche in Cheſhire. The 7. day at Sandhurſt. The eyght day being the Con|ception of our Lady, at Clitherall in Lanca|ſhire, at Malpas in Cheſhire. The 29. day at Canterbury, and at Saliſbury.
[1] And ſo from Couentry to London, as here|after followeth.
[1] Hitherto of the commõ wayes of England and Scotland, where vnto I will adioyne ye old thorowfares aſcribed to Antoninus, to the end yt by their conferẽce the diligent rea|der may haue farder conſideratiõ of ye ſame then my leyſure wyll permitte me: In ſet|ting foorth alſo thereof, I haue noted ſuch di|uerſitie of reading, as hath happened in the ſight of ſuch written and printed copies, as I haue ſéene in time.