[1] THere is no kinde of tame Cattell vſual|ly to be ſéene in theſe parts of the world whereof we haue not ſome, and that great ſtore in England, as Horſes, Oxen, Shéepe, Goates, Swine, & far ſurmounting the like in other countries, as maye be prooued with eaſe. For where are Oxen commonlye more large of bone, Horſes more decent & pleaſant in pace, Shéepe more profitable for wooll, Swine more holſome of fleſhe, & Goa|tes more gaineful to their kéepers, then here wyth vs in England. But to ſpeake of them peculiarly, [...]xen. I ſuppoſe that our Oxen are ſuch as the lyke are not to be founde in any coun|trye of Europe both for greatneſſe of bo|dye and ſwéeteneſſe of fleſhe: or elſe woulde not the Romaine wryters, haue preferred them before thoſe of Liguria. Their hor|nes alſo are knowne to be more fayre and large in England then in any other places, which quantity albeit that it be giuen to our bréede generally by nature, yet it is oft hel|ped by arte. For when they be verye yonge, many Graſiers will oftentimes annoynte their budding hornes, or typpes of hornes, with Hony, which mollyfieth the naturall hardeneſſe of that ſubſtaunce, and thereby maketh it to growe vnto a notable great|neſſe. Certes, it is not ſtraunge in England, to ſée Oxen whoſe hornes haue ye length of a yarde or thrée foote betwéene the typpes, and they themſelues thereto ſo tall, as the heigth of a man of meane and indifferent ſtature, is ſcarce comparable vnto them.
[1] [...]orſes.Our Horſes moreouer are highe, and al|though not commonly of ſuch huge great|neſſe as in other places of the maine, yet yf you reſpect the eaſineſſe of theyr pace, it is harde to ſaye where their lyke are to be had. Our lande doth yéelde no Aſſes, and there|fore the moſt parte of our caryage is made by theſe, which remaining ſtoned, are either reſerued for the cart, or appointed to beare ſuch burthens, as are conuenient for them: Our Carte horſes therfore are commõly ſo ſtrong, that fiue of them will drawe thrée thouſande weyght of the greateſt tale wyth eaſe for a lõg iourney. Such as are kept alſo for burden, will cary foure hundreth waight commonly without any hurt, or hinderance. Thys furthermore is to be noted, that our Princeſſe and the Nobilitye, haue their ca|riage commonly made by cartes, whereby it commeth to paſſe, that when the Quéenes maieſtie doth remooue from any one place to another, there are vſually 400. carewares, appointed out of the Countryes adioyning, whereby hir caryage is conueighed ſafely vnto ye appointed place, & herby alſo the aun|cient vſe of ſommers and ſumpter horſes, is in maner vtterly relinquiſhed.
[1] Such as ſerue for the ſaddle are cõmon|ly gelded,Geldings. and now growne to be very dere among vs, eſpecially if they be well colou|red, iuſtly lymmed, and haue thereto an ea|ſie ambling pace. For our coũtrimen ſéeking their eaſe in euery corner where it is to bée had, delight very much in theſe qualyties, but chiefly in their excellent paces, which be|ſides that it is in maner peculiar vnto hor|ſes of our ſoyle, and not hurtfull to the rider or owner ſitting on their backes: it is more|ouer verye pleaſaunt and delectable in hys eares, in that the noyſe of theyr well pro|potioned paſe doth yéeld confortable ſounde. Yet is there no greater deceit vſed any wher then among our horſekéepers, horſecorſers, and Hoſtelers: for ſuch is the ſubtill knaue|ry of a great ſort of them (wythout excepti|on of anye be it ſpoken which deale for pry|uate gaine) that an honeſt meaning mã ſhall haue verye good lucke among them, if he be not deceyued by ſome falſe tricke or other.
[1] Our ſhéepe are very excellent ſith for ſwet|neſſe of fleſhe they paſſe all other,Shepe. & ſo much are our woolles to be preferred before thoſe of other places, that if Iaſon had knowne ye value of them that are bredde and to be had in Englande, he woulde neuer haue gone to Colchos, to looke for any there. What fooles then are our countrymen, in that they ſéeke to bereue themſelues of this commoditie, by practizing dayly howe to tranſferre the ſame to other nations, in carying ouer their ram|mes and ewes to bréede an increaſe among them. But ſuch is our nature, and ſo blinde are we in déede, that we ſée no incõuenience before we féele it: and for a preſent gaine we regarde not what damage may enſue to our poſterity. Hereto ſome other mã would adde alſo the deſire, that we haue to benefite other countries, and to impeche our owne. And it is ſo ſure as God lyueth, that euery tryfle which cõmeth from beyonde the ſea, though it bée not woorth thrée pence, is more eſtée|med then a continuall commoditie at home, which farre excéedeth that value. It is fur|thermore to be noted, for the lowe Countries of Belgy knowe it, and dailye experience [page 119] (notwithſtanding the ſharpeneſſe of oure lawes to the contrarye) doth yet confirme it:Shéepe without hornes. that although our Rammes & Wethers doe goe thether from vs neuer ſo well head|ded according to their kinde, yet after they haue remained there a whyle, they caſt there theyr hornes, and from thencefoorth re|mayne polled without any hornes at all.
[1] [2] Certes this kinde of Cattell is more chery|ſhed in Englande, then ſtanding well wyth the commoditie of the commons, or proſpe|ritie of dyuers townes, whereof ſome are wholy conuerted to their féeding: yet ſuch a profitable ſwéeteneſſe is founde in theyr fléece, ſuch neceſſity in their fleſh, & ſo great a benefite in ye manuring of barraine ſoyle with their dung & piſſe, that their ſuperfluous numbers are the better borne withall, and there is neuer an huſbande man, (for now I ſpeake not of our great ſhéepemaiſters) but hath more or leſſe of thys cattell féedyng on his fallowes. There are & peraduenture no ſmall babes, which can make accompt of e|uery tenne kine to be clerely woorth twenty pound in common and indifferent yeares, if the milke of fyue ſhéepe be daily added to the ſame: but as I wote not howe true this ſur|myſe is, ſo I am ſure hereof, that ſome huſ|wyues can and doe adde daily a leſſe propor|tiõ of ewes milke vnto ſo many kine, wher|by their chéeſe doth the longer abyde moiſt, and eateth more brickle and mellowe then o|therwyſe it woulde.
[1] Goates we haue plenty in the weſt partes of England,Goates. eſpecially in & toward Wales, and amongſt the rocky hilles, by whom the owners doe reape no ſmall aduantage: ſome alſo are cheryſhed elſe where in ſundrye ſtéedes for the benefite of ſuch as are diſea|ſed with ſundry maladies, vnto whom (as I here) it is iudged very profitable and ther|fore inquired for of many farre and néere.Swine.
[1] As for Swine there is no place that hath greater ſtore nor more wholſome in eating, thẽ are ſéene here in england, & of theſe, ſome we eate gréene for porcke, & other dryed vp into Bacon to haue it of more continuance, Larde we make little becauſe it is chargea|ble, neyther haue we ſuch vſe thereof as is to be ſéene in other Countries, ſith we do either baſt all our meate with butter, or ſuffer the fatteſt to baſte it ſelfe by leyſure.
[1] Bores.Of our Boores we make Brawne, which is a kinde of meate not vſually knowen to ſtraungers (as I take it) otherwyſe woulde not the ſwart Rutters and frenche cookes, at the loſſe of Callis, (where they founde great ſtore of this prouiſion almoſt in euery houſe) haue attempted with ridiculous ſucceſſe to roſt, bake, broyle, and frye the ſame for their maſters, til they were beter informed. I haue harde moreouer, howe an noble man of eng|land did ſend ouer an hoggeſhead of brawnne ready ſouſed to a Catholike Gentlemen of Fraunce, who ſuppoſing it to be fiſhe re|ſerued it vntill Lent, at which time hée did eate thereof with verye great frugalitye. Therto he ſo wel liked of the prouiſion it ſelf, that he wrote ouer for more of the ſame fiſh, againe the yeare inſuing: whereas if he had knowen it to haue béene fleſhe, he would not haue touched it I dare ſaye for a thouſande crownes, without ye popes diſpenſatiõ. With vs it is accompted a great péece of ſeruice at the table from Nouember vntyll February be ended, but chiefely in the Chriſtmas time. Wyth the ſame alſo we begin our dinners eche day after other: & bicauſe it is ſomwhat harde of digeſtion, a draught of Madlueſy, Baſtarde or Muſcadell, is vſually druncke after it, where either of them may conueny|ently to be had, otherwyſe the meaner ſorte content themſelues wyth their owne drink, which at that ſeaſon is cõmonly very ſtrong, and ſtronger in déede, then in all the yeare beſide.
[1] It is made commonly of the fore part of a tame Bore, ſet vppe for the purpoſe by the ſpace of an whole yeare or two eſpecially in Gentlemens houſes (for the huſbandman & farmers neuer francke them for their owne vſe aboue thrée or foure monethes, or halfe a yeare at the moſt) in which time he is dyeted with otes and peaſon, and lodged on the bare planckes of an vneaſie coate, tyll hys fat be hardened ſufficiently for their purpoſe. Af|terwarde he is killed, ſcalded and cut out, & then of his former partes is our Brawne made, the reaſt is nothing ſo fat and there|fore it beareth the name of ſouce only, and is commonly reſerued for the ſeruing man and and hinde. The necke péeces being cut of rounde are called collers of Brawne, the ſhoulders are named ſhildes, only the ribbes retayne the former denomination, ſo yt theſe foure péeces deſerue the name of Brawne. The bowels of the beaſt are commonly caſt away bycauſe of their ranckeneſſe, & ſo were alſo his ſtones, till a fooliſh fantaſie gat hold of late amongſt ſome delicate Dames who haue now founde the meanes to dreſſe them with great coſt for a delicate diſh and bring them to the boarde as a ſeruice though not without note of their deſire to ye prouocation of fleſhly luſt, which by thys one acte is not a lyttle reuealed. But to returne againe vnto our purpoſe. When the Bore is thus cut out, eache péece is wrapped vp, eyther with bul|ruſhes, [page 110] oſier peles, packethréed or ſuch like, and then ſodden in a leade or caldron togy|ther tyll they be ſo [...]ender that a manne may thruſte a bruſed ruſhe or ſoft ſtrawe cleane through the fatte, whyche being done they take it vp and laye it abroade to coole. After|ward putting it into cloſe veſſels, they poure either good ſmall ale or béere mingled wyth vergeous and ſalt thereto tyll it be couered, and ſo let it lye (nowe and then altering and changing the ſowſing drincke leaſt it ſhould ware foure) till occaſion ſerue to ſpend it out of the way. But of Brawne thus much, and ſo much may ſéeme ſufficient.