[1] [2] [3] [4] [5] [6] [7] [8] [9] [10] Two pro|uinces.THere are two prouinces in England, of which the firſt and greateſt is ſubiect to the ſie of Cauntorbury, the ſeconde to that of Yorke. And of theſe eyther hath hir Archbi|ſhop reſident continuallye within hir owne limits, who hath not onely the chiefe dealing in things appertaining to the Hierarchy and iuriſdiction of the church, but alſo great au|thoritie in ciuile affayres, touching the go|uernement of the common wealth ſo farre foorth as their ſeuerall circuites doe extende. The Archbiſhop of Cantorbury is cõmonly called Primate of all Englande, and in the coronation of the kings of this lande, his of|fice is to ſet the Crowne vpon their heades. They beare alſo the name of their high chap|lens perpetually, although not a few of them haue preſumed in tyme paſt to be their e|qualles and voide of any ſubiection vnto thẽ, which maye eaſilye appeare by their owne actes, epiſtles, and aunſweres, wherein they haue ſought not onely to match, but alſo to mate them with great rigour and more then opẽ tirannie. Examples hereof I could bring many,Anſelme. but this one ſhall ſuffice of Anſelme, who making a ſhowe as if he had béene very vnwilling to be placed in the ſée of Cantor|bury, gaue his aunſwere to the letters of ſuch his friendes as made requeſt vnto hym to take that charge vpõ him. Scecularia negotia neſcio, quia ſcire nolo, eorum nam occupa|tiones horreo, liberum affectans animum. Vo|luntati ſacrarum intendo ſcripturarum, vos diſſonantiam facitis, verendum eſt ne ara|trum ſancte Eccleſiae, quod in Anglia duo bo|ues validi & pari fortitudine, ad bonũ certan|tes, id eſt rex & Archepiſcopus, debeant tra|here, nunc oue vetula, cum Tauro indomito iugata, diſtorqucatur a recto. Ego ouis vetu|la, qui ſi quietus eſſem, verbi Dei lacte, & ope|rimento lanae, aliquibus poſſem fortaſsis non ingratus eſſe, ſed ſi me cum hoc tauro coniun|gitis, videbitis pro deſparilitate trahentium, aratrum non recte procedere. &c. Which is in Engliſh thus. Of ſeculer affayres I haue no ſkil, bycauſe I will not know them, for I euen abhorre the troubles that ryſe about them, as one that deſireth to haue his minde at libertie. I applye my whole indeuour to the rule of the ſcriptures, you lead me to the contrary. It is to be feared leſt the plough of holy church which two ſtrong Oxen of equal force, and both like earneſt to contende vnto that, which is good (that is the king and the Archebiſhop) ought to draw, ſhoulde thereby now ſwarue from the right forrow, by mat|ching of an olde ſhepe, with a wilde vntamed bull. I am that olde ſhepe, who if I might be quiet, coulde peraduenture ſhew my ſelfe not altogither vngratfull vnto ſome, by féeding them with milke of the worde of God, and couering them with wooll, but if you matche me with this bull, you ſhall ſée that thorowe want of equalitie in draught the plough will not go to right. &c. as followeth in the pro|ceſſe of his letters.Th [...] Beck [...] Thomas Becket was ſo proude, that he wrate to king Henry the ſe|conde, as to his Lord, to his king, and to his ſonne, offering him his counſell, hys reue|rence and due correction. &c. Others in like ſort haue proteſted, that they ought nothing to the kinges of this lande, but their counſell onely, reſeruing all obedience vnto the ſée of Rome: whereby we may eaſily ſée the pride & ambition of the cleargie in the blinde tyme of ignorance. But as the Archbiſhop of Can|torbury hath lõg ſince obtayned the preroga|tiue aboue York, (although not without gret trouble, ſute, ſome bloodſhed and contention) ſo the Archbiſhop of Yorke, is neuertheleſſe primate of Englande, as one contentyng himſelfe with a péece at the leaſt when (all) coulde not begotten. And as he of Cantorbu|ry crowneth the king, ſo thys of Yorke doth the like vnto the Quéene, whoſe perpetuall Chaplin he is, and hath béene from time to time as the writers doe reporte.21. [...] vnder [...] vnder Arch [...]|ſhop [...] Yorke The firſt al|ſo hath vnder his iuriſdiction to the number of one and twentie inferiour biſhoppes, the other hath onely foure by reaſon, that the churches of Scotland are now remooued frõ his obedience vnto an Archbiſhop of their owne, wherby the greatneſſe & circuit of the iuriſdiction of Yorke, is not a little dimini|ſhed. In like ſort eache of theſe ſeuen & twen|ty ſées, haue their Cathedral churches, wher|in the Deanes doe beare the chiefe rule, be|ing men eſpecially choſen to that vocation,Dea [...] both for their learning & godlineſſe ſo néere as can be poſſible. Theſe Cathedrall chur|ches haue in like maner other dignities and Canonries ſtill remayning vnto thẽ as here|tofore vnder the Popiſh regiment.Ca [...] Howbeit thoſe that are choſen to the ſame are no ydle and vnprofitable perſons, (as in times paſt they haue béene when moſt of theſe liuinges were either furniſhed with ſtraungers, eſpe|ciall out of Italy, or ſuch Ideots as had leaſt ſkill of all in diſcharging of thoſe functions, wherunto they were called by vertue of theſe ſtipendes) but ſuch as by preaching and tea|ching can, and doe learnedly ſet foorth the glorie of God, and farder the ouerthrow of Antichriſt to the vttermoſt of their powers. [page 76] Moreouer in the ſayde Cathedrall churches vpon Sondayes and Feſtiual dayes,Ordinary [...]rmons. the Ca|nones doe make certayne ordinary ſermons by courſe, whervnto great numbers of all e|ſtates doe orderly reſort, and vpon the wor|king daies thriſe in the wéeke one of the ſayd Canons doth reade and expounde ſome péece of holy ſcripture,Ordinary [...]poſitions [...] the [...]riptures. wherevnto the people doe very reuerently repaire. The biſhops them|ſelues in lyke ſorte are not ydle in their cal|lings, for being nowe exempt from Court & counſell,The By| [...]hopes [...]each [...]iligent| [...], whoſe [...]redeceſ| [...]ors here| [...]ofore haue [...]éene occu| [...]ied in [...]emporall [...]ffayres. Archdea| [...]ons. they ſo applye their myndes to the ſetting foorth of the worde, that there are ve|rie few of them, which doth not euery Sun|day or oftner reſorte to ſome place or other, within their iuriſdictions, where they ex|pounde the ſcriptures with much grauitie & ſkill. They haue vnder them alſo their Arch|deacons, ſome one, diuers two, & many foure or mo, as their circuites are in quantity, whi|che Archedeacons are termed in law the by|ſhoppes eyes: and theſe beſide their ordina|rie courtes (which are holden by themſelues or their officials once in a moneth at ye leaſt) doe kéepe yearly two viſitations or Sinodes, (as the Byſhop doth in euery thirde yeare) wherin they make diligẽt inquiſition & ſerch, aſwel for ye doctrine & behauiour of the Mini|ſters, as the orderly dealing of the Pariſhio|ners in reſorting to their pariſh churches & conformity vnto religiõ. They puniſh alſo wt great ſeuerity al ſuch treſpaſſers as are pre|ſented vnto them: or if the cauſe be of ye more weight, as in caſes of Hereſie, pertinacie, cõ|tempt & ſuch lyke, they refer them eyther to ye Biſhop of the Dioceſſe, or his chauncellour, or elſe to ſundrie graue perſons ſet in autho|ritye by vertue of an high cõmiſſion directed vnto them frõ the Prince to that end,Highe Commiſ| [...]ioners. who in very courteous maner doe ſée the offenders gẽtly reformed, or elſe ſeuerly puniſhed if ne|ceſſitie ſo inforce.A pro| [...]heſye or conference. Beſide this in many of our Archedeaconries, we haue an exerciſe lately begunne, which for the moſt part is called a prophecie or conference, and erected only for the examination or triall of the diligence of the cleargie in their ſtudy of holy ſcriptures. Howbeit ſuch is the thirſtie deſire of the peo|ple in theſe dayes to heare the worde of God, yt they alſo haue as it were with zealous vio|lence intruded themſelues among them (but as hearers only) to come by more knowledg thorowe their preſence at the ſame. Herein alſo for the moſt part two of the yonger ſorte of Miniſters doe expounde eache after other ſome péece of the ſcriptures ordinarily ap|pointed vnto them in their courſes (wherein they orderly go thorow with ſome one of the Euangeliſtes or of the Epiſtles, as it plea|ſeth thẽ to chooſe at the firſt in euery of theſe conferences) and when they haue ſpent an houre or a little more betwéene them, then commeth one of the better learned ſort, who ſupplyeth the rowme of a moderator, ma|king firſt a briefe rehearſall of their diſcour|ſes, and then adding what him thinketh good of his owne knowledge, wherby two houres are thus cõmonly ſpent at this moſt profita|ble méeting. Whẽ al is done if the firſt ſpea|kers haue ſhewed any péece of diligence, they are commended for their trauaile and encou|raged to go forward. If they haue béene foũd to be ſlacke, their negligence is openly repro|ued before all their brethren, who go aſide of purpoſe from the laitie after the exerciſe en|ded, to iudge of theſe matters and conſulte of the next ſpeakers & quantie of the text to be handled in that place. The laytie neuer ſpake but are onely hearers, & as it is vſed in ſome places wéekely, in other once in fouretéene dayes, in dyuers monethly, and elſewhere twiſe in a yere, ſo is it a notable ſpurre vnto all the miniſters, therby to apply their bookes which otherwyſe as in tymes paſt dyd giue themſelues to hawking, hunting, tables, cardes, dyce, typling at the Alehouſe, ſhooting and other like vanities, nothing commenda|ble in ſuch as ſhoulde be godly and zealous ſtewards of the good gifts of GOD, faith|ful diſtributers of his worde vnto the people, and diligent paſtours according to their cal|ling.Miniſters Deacons. Our Elders or Miniſters and Dea|cons (for ſubdeacons and the other inferiour orders, ſometime vſed in the Popiſh church we haue not) are made according to a cer|taine forme of conſecration concluded vpon in the time of king Edwarde the ſixt, by the clergy of Englande, and ſoone after confir|med by the thrée eſtates of the realme, in the high court of Parliamẽt. And out of the firſt ſort, that is to ſaye of ſuch as are called to the miniſtery, are Biſhops, Deanes, Arche|deacons, & ſuch as haue the higher places, in the Hierarchy of the church elected, & theſe alſo as al ye reſt, at the firſt cõming vnto any ſpirituall promotion doe yéeld vnto ye Prince the entire taxe of their liuings for one whole yeare, if it amount in value vnto ten pounde and vpwardes, and this vnder the name of firſt fruites. They paye the tenthes yearely alſo of theyr ſayde liuynges,Firſt frui|tes and tenthes. accordyng to ſuch valuations as haue béene made latelye of the ſame: for the receyt of which two pay|mentes, an eſpecial office or court is erected, which beareth name of firſt fruits and ten|thes, wherevnto if the party to be preferred, doe not make his duetifull repayre by an ap|pointed tyme after poſſeſſion taken there to [page 86] compounde for the payment of his fruites, he incurreth the daunger of a great penalty, lymited by a certayne eſtatute prouided in that behalfe, againſt ſuch as doe intrude into the eccleſiaſticall functiõ. They pay likewiſe ſubſides wyth the temporaltie, but in ſuche ſort that if theſe paye after foure ſhillinges for lande,Subſidies the cleargye paye commonly af|ter ſixe ſhilings of the pounde, ſo that of a be|nefice of twentye pounde by the yeare the in|cumbent thinketh himſelfe well acquited, if all thinges being diſcharged he may reſerue fiftéene pounde towarde his owne ſuſtenta|tion and maintenance of his family. Seldom alſo are they without the compaſſe of a ſub|ſidye, for if they be one yeare cleare from this payment they are lyke in the next to here of another graunt, ſo that I ſaye a|gayne they are ſeldome wythout the limite of a ſubſidie. The laity maye at euery taxa|tion alſo helpe themſelues, and ſo they doe thorowe conſideration had of their decaye, and hinderaunce, and yet their impoueriſh|mẽt cannot but touch alſo the Parſon or Vi|car, as is daily to be ſéene in their accounpts and tythings.
[1] [2] [3] [4] The other paimẽtes due vnto the Archbi|ſhop and Biſhop at their ſeuerall viſitatiõs, (of which the firſt is double to the latter) and ſuche alſo as the Archedeacon receyueth at hys Synodes. &c. remaine ſtill as they dyd, wythout any alteration: onely thys I thynke be added within memory of man, that at the comming of euery prince, hys appointed of|ficers doe commonly viſite the whole realme vnder the forme of an eccleſiaſticall inquiſi|tion, in which the cleargy doe paye double fées, as vnto the Archbiſhop. Hereby thẽ & by thoſe already remembred, it is founde that the Church of Englande, is no leſſe commo|dious to the Princes coffers then the laitye, if it doe not farre excéede the ſame, ſince their paimentes are certayne continuall and ſel|dome abated, howeſoeuer they gather vppe their owne dueties, or haue their lyuinges otherwiſe hardly valued vnto the vttermoſt fardings, or ſhrewdely canceled by the coue|touſneſſe of the patrones,The very cauſe why weauers, pedlers & glouers haue béene made Mi|niſters, for ye learned refuſe ſuch matches, ſo that yf the Biſhops in times paſt hadde not made ſuch by o|uerſight & friendſhip I wote not howe ſuch men ſhold haue done wyth their ad|uouſons. as for a glo+uer or a tayle [...] [...] [...]e [...] or 10. [...] by the [...] and [...] ſhalt [...] all the [...] ſo he [...] be [...]. of whom ſome do beſtowe aduouſons of benefices vpon theyr Bakers, Butlers, Cokes, and horſekéepers, in ſtéede of other recompẽce, for their long & faithful ſeruice which they employ vnto their moſt aduantage. But to procéede wyth our purpoſe. The names moreouer vſually giuẽ vnto ſuch as féede the flocke remaine in lyke ſort as in tymes paſt, ſo yt theſe wordes, par|ſon, Vicar, curate, and ſuch are not, as yet a|boliſhed more then the Canon lawe it ſelfe, which is daily pleaded as I haue ſayde elſe|where, although the eſtatutes of the realme haue greatly infringed the large ſcope, and brought the exerciſe of the ſame into ſome narrower limits. There is no thing redde in our churches but the canonicall Scriptures, whereby it commeth to paſſe that the Pſal|ter is ſayd ouer once in thirtie dayes, ye new Teſtament foure times, and the olde Teſta|ment once in the yeare. And herevnto if the Curate be adiudged by the Biſhop or his de|puties, ſufficientlye inſtructed in the holye ſcriptures, he permitteth him to make ſome expoſition or exhortation in his pariſhe, vnto amendment of lyfe. And for as much as our churches and vniuerſities haue béene ſo ſpoi|led in tyme of errour, as there cannot yet be had ſuch number of learned paſtours as may ſuffiſe for euery pariſh to haue one: there are certaine ſermones or homelies, deuiſed by ſundry learned men, confirmed for ſounde doctrine, by conſent of the diuines, and pub|like authoritie of the prince, and thoſe ap|pointed to be read by the Curates of meane vnderſtanding, (which Homelies doe com|prehende the principall partes of chriſtian doctrine, as of originall ſinne, of Iuſtificatiõ by fayth, of charity and ſuch lyke) vpon the Sabbaoth dayes, vnto the congregation. Likewiſe in our common prayer, the leſſons are onely certeine appointed chapters, taken out of the olde and newe Teſtament. The adminiſtration moreouer of the ſacraments and reſidue of the ſeruice, is done in the chur|ches, wholly in our vulgare tong, that eche one preſent, maye here and vnderſtande the ſame, which alſo in Cathedrall and Collegi|ate churches is ſo ordered, that the Pſalmes onely are ſong by note, the reſt being redde (as in common pariſhe Churches) by the Miniſter wyth a loude voyce, ſauynge that in the adminiſtration of the Communion the Quier ſingeth the anſweres, the crede, and ſundry other thynges appointed, but in ſo plaine (I ſay) and diſtinct maner, that eche one preſent may vnderſtand what they ſing, euery worde hauing but one note, though the whole Harmony conſiſt of many partes, and thoſe very cunningly ſet by the ſkilful in that ſcience. As for our Churches themſelues, Belles, and times of morning and euening praier, they remaine as in times paſt, ſauing that all Images, ſhrines, tabernacls, rood|loftes, and monumentes of Idolatry, are re|mooued, taken downe, and defaced, onely the ſtoryes in glaſſe windowes excepted, which for want of ſufficient ſtore of newe ſtuffe, & by reaſon of extreame charge that ſhoulde growe, thorow the alteration of the ſame in|to white panes thorowe out the realme, are [page 77] not altogither abolyſhed in moſt places at once, but by lyttle and little ſuffered to de|caye, that white glaſſe may be prouided and ſet vp in their roomes. Finally wheras there was woont to be a great particion betwéene the Quire and the body of the Church, nowe it is either very ſmall or none at all: and to ſaye the truth altogither néedeleſſe, ſithe the Miniſter ſayth his ſeruice commonly in the bodye of the church, wyth his face towarde the people, in a little tabernacle of waineſcot prouided for the purpoſe, by which meanes the ignoraunt doe not onely learne dyuers of the pſalmes and vſuall prayers by heart, but alſo ſuch as can read doe pray togither with him, ſo that the whole congregation at one inſtant doe poure out their peticions, vnto the liuing God, for the whole eſtate of hys church in moſt earneſt and feruent maner. Thus much briefly of the eſtate of the church of England, I meane touching the regimẽt of the ſame, ye ſeruice of God, & forme of com+mon Prayer: now will I returne to the par|ticular limites of eache ſeuerall Byſhoprijc, whereby we ſhall ſée theyr boundes, and how farre theyr iuriſdictions doe extende, begin|ning firſt with the Sie of Cantorbury in ſuch briefe order as foloweth here at hand.
[1] [...]antorbu| [...].The iuriſdictiõ of Cantorbury (erected firſt by Auguſtine the Monke) yf you haue reſpect to his prouinciall regiment, extendeth it ſelfe ouer all the ſouth part of this Iſland. But if you regarde the ſame onely that belongeth vnto his Sie, it reacheth but ouer one parcell of Kent: the Dioceſſe of Rocheſter enioying the reſt: ſo that in thys one countey the grea|teſt Archbiſhoprijcke and at the leſt Biſhop|rijcke of all are vnited & ſtrictly lincked togi|ther. That of Cantorbury hath vnder it one Archedeacõ, who hath charge ouer xj. Dea|neries or a hũdred thrée ſcore and one pariſhe churches, and in the Popiſh time there went out of this Sie to Rome at euery alienation for firſt fruites 10000. Ducates or Florens (for I reade both) beſide 5000. that the new elect vſually payed for hys pall. I woulde ſpeake ſomewhat of his peculiers diſperſed here & there in other ſhires, but ſith I haue no certaine knowledge of them, I paſſe thẽ ouer vntill an other tyme.
[1] [...]ocheſter.The Sie of Rocheſter is alſo included with|in ye limits of Kent, whoſe Archedeacon hath onelye thrée Denaries vnder his iuriſdiction contayning 132. Pariſhe churches: ſo that hereby it is to be gathered that there are at the leaſt 393. Pariſhe churches in Kent, ouer which theſe two Archdeacons afore re|membred doe exerciſe Eccleſiaſticall autho|ritie. This Byſhop at euery alienation was woont to pay to the Sie of Rome 1300 Du|cates or florens. He was alſo croſſebearer in tyme paſt to the Archbyſhop of Cantorbury and Iuſtus was the firſt Byſhop that was in|ſtalled in the ſame.
[1] The Sie of London,London. whereof Mellitus is accoũted to be the firſt Paſtor in the Popiſh Cataloge, is nowe contented to be vnder the gouernaunce of a Biſhop, which in olde time had hir Archebiſhop vntill Cantorbury be|reft hir of that honour by the practiſe of Au|guſtine the monke, who I wote not vpõ what priuie occaſion, remooued his Archebiſhops Sie from thence farder into Kent. It inclu|deth Eſſex, Midleſex and part of Her [...]forde ſhyre, and is neyther more nor leſſe in quan|titie then the auncient kingdome of the eaſt Saxons before it was vnited to that of the weſt Saxons, as our hyſtories doe report. The iuriſdiction of this Sie vnder the biſhop is committed to foure Archedeacons, that is of London, Eſſex, Midleſex, and Colcheſter and thoſe haue amongſt them to the number of 363. Pariſhes or thereabouts, beſide the peculiers belonging to the Archebiſhop, and at euery alienation the new incumbent was bounde to pay to the Biſhop of Rome 3000. Ducates or florenes as I reade.Chicheſter
[1] Chicheſter (the beginning of which ſie was in ye Iſle of Seleſey, but afterward trãſlated to Chicheſter) hath now Suſſex only, and the wight vnder which are ſixtéene Deaneries, containing to ye nũber of 551. pariſhs. It paid at euery alienatiõ to ye Sie of Rome 333. du|cates, as I haue reade of late. One Edbert was the firſt biſhop there, thẽ one Cella ſuc|céeded, after whom the ſie was voyd by ma|ny yeres. It was erected alſo 711. by ye decrée of a Synode holden in Suſſex,Winche|ſter. The By|ſhoppe of Winche|ſter was ſometime called bi|ſhop of the Weſtſaxõs or of Dor|cheſter, which town was giuen to Birinus & his ſucceſ|ſours, by Kinigils of the Weſt ſaxons and Oſwald king of the Northũ|bers. which ſepara|ted it frõ the iuriſdiction of ye ſie of Winche|ſter, wherof before it was reputed a parcell.
[1] Wincheſter hath Hamſhyre and Surry, & in olde time the Wight wherein are eyght Deanaries and 276. Pariſh churches, and beſide that the Biſhoppe of thys Dioceſſe is perpetuall Prelate vnto the honorable order of the Garter, his taxe at his inſtitution was 12000. ducats or florens. If the old cataloge of the Biſhoppes of this Sie be well conſide|red of, and the actes of the greateſt parte of them indifferently weighed, as they are to be reade in our Hyſtories, you ſhall finde the moſt egregious hypocrites, the ſtouteſt war|riours, the cruelleſt tyrauntes, the richeſt money mongers, & polliticke counſellours in temporall affayres, to haue I wote not by what ſecrete worcking of the diuine proui|dence béene placed here in Wincheſter, ſith the foundation of that Sie, which was erec|ted [page 87] by Birinus, 639. (whome Pope Honorius ſent hycher out of Italy) and firſt planted at Dorcheſter, in the tyme of Kynigils, then tranſlated to Wincheſter, where it doth yet continue.
[1] SaliſburySaliſbury hath nowe Barckeſhyre, and Wilſhyre onely, for after ye death of Hedda, which was 704. Wincheſter was deuided in two, ſo that onely Hampton and Surrey were left vnto it, & Wilton, Dorſet, Barke|ſhyre, Somerſet, Deuon, & Cornwall, aſſig|ned vnto Saliſbury, tyll other order was ta|ken. The valuation hereof in Rome was lately 4000. Ducats or florens, as the taxe therof yet recordeth. Certes I haue not read of any biſhop that hath béene a greater orna|ment to this Sie then Biſhop Iewell lately deceaſed, ſith the tyme that Adelme dyd firſt beginne that Byſhoprijcke 704. which was before a percell of the iuriſdiction of Win|cheſter, founded at Shirburne, & afterward tranſlated to Saliſbury, but I can not well tell in what yeare after the conqueſt.
Exceſter.Exceſter hath Deuonſhyre and Cornewall & the valuation of this liuing was 6000. du|cates, which were payde at euery alienation vnto the Biſhoppe of Rome.
[1] Bathe.Bathe, whoſe Sie was ſometyme at Welles, hath Somerſetſhyre onely, and the value therof was rated at 430. Ducates in ye Popiſh taxation, except I be deceyued. This Biſhoprijcke was erected 905. in a counſell holden among the Gewiſes, whereat king Edwarde of the Weſtſaxons, & Plegimund Archebiſhop of Cãtorbury were preſent. For that part of the country had béene ſeauen yeres without any Paſtorall cure, and ther|fore in this counſel it was agréed that for the two Biſhoprijcks (wherof one was at Win|cheſter another at Shireburne) there ſhould be fiue ordayned, whereby the people there myght be the better inſtructed. By thys meanes Frithſtan was placed at Winche|ſter,The By|ſhoprijck of Shire|burne diui|ded into 3. and Etheline at Shireburne, both of thẽ being then voyde. Shireburne alſo ſuſtained the ſubdiuiſion, ſo that Werſtane was made Biſhop of Cridioc or Deuonſhire (whoſe Sie was at Kyrton) Herſtan of Cornewall, and Eadulf of Welles, vnto whome Barkſhyre & Dorſetſhyre were appointed, but now you ſee what alteratiõ is made, by conſideration of the limites of their preſent iuriſdictions.
[1] Worceſter ſometime called Epãtus wicci|orum hath Worceſter & part of Warwijc|ſhyres,Worceſter. and before the Biſhoprijc of Gloce|ſter was taken out of the ſame, it payde to the Pope 2000. Ducates of golde at euery chaunge of Prelate. This Sie was begunne either in or not long before the time of Offa, king of the eaſt Angles, and Boſelus was the firſt Biſhop there, after whome, ſuccéeded Oſtfort, then Egwine who went in pilgri|mage to Rome, with Kinredus of Mercia & the ſayde Offa, and there gate a Monaſterie (which he buylded in Worceſter) confirmed by Conſtantine the Pope.
[1] Gloceſter hath Gloceſterſhyre only,Gloceſ [...] wher|in are nyne Deanaries and to the number of 294. Pariſhe churches, as I finde by good record. But it neuer payd any thing to rome, bycauſe it was erected by king Henry the eyght, after he had aboliſhed the vſurped au|thoriyt of ye Pope, except in Quéene Maries, if any ſuch thing were demeaned, as I doubt not but it was.
[1] Hereforde hath Herefordeſhyre and part of Shorpſhyre and payde to Rome at euery chaunge of Biſhop 1800.Heref [...] Ducates or florens at the leaſt.
[1] Lechfield wherunto Couẽtry is added,Liche [...] whoſe [...] was h [...]|den [...] time at Weſt [...]|ter, th [...] now h [...] a [...] of Bi [...] owne. hath Staffordeſhyre Darbyſhire part of Shrop|ſhire & the reſt of Warwijc, that is voyde of ſubiection to the ſie of Worceſter. It was e|rected in the time of Peada king of the ſouth Mertians which lay on this ſide of ye Trent, & therin one Dinas was enſtalled about the yeare of grace 656. after whom ſuccéeded Kellac, thẽ Tunher an Engliſhman, but con|ſecrated by the Scottes. It paid to the Pope 1733. Ducates, in mine opinion a good round fine, but not without a iuſt puniſhment, ſith that in times paſt vz. 765. Eldulf Biſhoppe there vnder king Offa of Mertia woulde haue bereft the ſie of Cantorbury of hir pall in the time of Pope Adriane, and ſo dyd for a ſeaſon till thinges were reduced into their former order.
[1] Oxforde hath Oxforde ſhyre onely,Oxfor [...] a verye yonge Iuriſdiction, erected by kyng Henry the eyght, and where in the time of Quéene Mary, one Goldwell was Biſhop, who as I remember was a Ieſuite, dwelling in Rome and more conuerſant as the fame went in the blacke Arte, then ſkilfull in the Scrip|tures, and yet he was of great countenaunce amongſt the Romayne monarches. It is ſaid that obſeruyng the Canons of hys order, he regarded not the temporalities, but I haue heard ſithens that he wiſt well ynough what became of thoſe commodities.
[1] Ely hath Cambridgeſhyre, & the Iſle of E|ly. It was erected 1109. by Henry the firſt,Ely. being before a riche and welthy abbay. One Heruy alſo was made Biſhoppe there, as I haue foũd in a Regiſter, belõging ſometime to that houſe. Finallye it payde to the Pope at euery alienation. 7000. Ducates, as the Regiſters there doth teſtifie at large.
[1] [page 78] [...]wiche.Northwich called in old time Epiſcopatus, domucenſis, (whoſe ſée was firſt at Helmehã, then at Thetforde) hath Suffolke and Nor|folke. The circuite hereof was once all one, with that of the Kinges of the eaſt Angles, till Ely was taken from the ſame, & it began about the yeare 632. vnder Eorpenwalde king of the Eaſt Saxons, and one Felix of Burgundy, was firſt Biſhop there, who ſate ſeuentéene yeares, and was placed therein by Honorius the Pope, finally it payde at e|uery alienation. 5000. Ducates to Rome of curraunt money as I reade.
[1] [...]terbo| [...].Peterborow ſometime a notable monaſte|ry hath Northampton, and Rutlande ſhires, a dioceſſe erected alſo by king Henry ye eight. It neuer payde firſt fruites to the Pope, but in Queene Maries dayes, if ought were then demaunded, becauſe it was a ſie not recorded in the auncient Regiſter, of hys firſt fruites and tenthes.
[1] [...]iſtow.Briſtowe hath Dorcet ſhyre, ſometime belongyng to Saliſbury, a ſie lately erected by Kyng Henry the eyght, who tooke no ſmall care for the Churche of Chriſt, & ther|fore eaſed a number of the auncient ſies, of theyr ſuperfluous circutes, and beſtowed the ſame vppon ſuch other, as he had appoynted for the better regimente and féeding of the flocke.
[1] [...]ncolne.Lincolne of all other in times paſt was the greateſt, for although that out of it were taken the Biſhoprijckes of Oxforde, and Peterborow, yet it reteineth ſtill Lincolne, Leiceſter, Huntyngdon, Bedforde, Buc|kingham ſhyres, and the reſt of Hartford|ſhyre, ſo that it extended from the Thames vnto the Humber, and payde vnto the Pope for the whole 5000. Ducates, as appeareth by record at euery alienation. It beganne a|bout the beginning of William Rufus, by one Remigius who remooued his Sie to Lin|colne frõ Dorcheſter, as Math. Weſtmin|ſter doth report, & thus much of ſuch Biſhop|rijcks as lye within Lhoegres or Englande as it was left vnto Locrinus, nowe it follo|weth that procéede with Wales.
[1] Lhandaffe or the churche of Tau, contay|neth Glamorgan, [...]andaffe. Monmouth, Brecknoch and Radnor ſhyres, and paide to Rome 700. Ducats as I reade at euery chaunge of Pre|late.
[1] [...]. Da| [...]ds.S. Dauides hath Pembrooke, and Caer|mardine ſhyres, whoſe liuerie or firſt fruites to the Sie of Rome was 1500. Ducates at the hardeſt as I thincke.
[1] Bangor.Bangor is in north Wales, & hath Caer|nar [...]on, Angliſey and Merioneth ſhyres vn|der hir iuriſdiction, it paid alſo to Rome 126. Ducates or florence, as their bookes doe yet declare.
[1] S. Aſaphes hath Preſtholme and parte of Denbigh & Flintſhyres,S. Aſa|phes. which beyng layde togither doe amount to little more then one good countye, & therfore iuſtly ſuppoſed to be ye leſt Biſhoprijcke that is to be founde with|in Wales, yet it paide to Rome 470. Du|cates, except my memory doth fayle. And hi|therto of the Prouince Caunterburye, for ſo much thereof as lyeth in thys Iſlande, nowe it reſteth that I procéede with the other of Yorke in ſuch order as I may.
[1] The Sie of Yorke beganne aboute the yeare of grace. 625.Yorke. vnder Iuſtus of Caun|terburye, who ordeyned Paulinus the firſt Biſhop there, in the time of Edwine [...] king Northumberland. Of it ſelf it hath Iuriſdic|tion ouer Yorkſhyre, Nottingham ſhyre, & the reſt of Lancaſter ſhire, not ſubiect to the Sie of Cheſter, and when the Pope bare au|thority in this realme it payde vnto his Sie. 1000. Ducates, beſide alſo 5000. for the pal of the newe elect, which was more then he coulde well ſpare, conſidering the diuinution of hys Sie, by meanes of the erection of a new Metropolitane in Scotland, as I haue ſhewed elſe where.
[1] Cheſter hath Cheſterſhire, Darbiſhire,Cheſter. the moſt part of Lancaſter ſhyre (vnto the Ry|bell) Richemonde, and a part of Flinte and Denbighe ſhyres in Wales alſo vnder due ſubiection for eccleſiaſticall matters. In the olde popiſh tyme, there was no Biſhoprijck, called by that name (although the Byſhop of Léechfielde had ſometime his Sie pitched in that place, and therefore of ſome was called Biſhop of Cheſter) ſith king Henry the eight was the firſt, that erected any there.
[1] Durham hath the county of Durham one|ly, and Northumberlande,Durham or Lindeſ|farme. whereof the By|ſhoppes haue béene ſometimes Earles Pa|latines, and ruled the roſt vnder the name of the Biſhoprijcke, a Sie in my opinion more profitable, & of leſſe countenaunce, then his prouinciall. But whatſoeuer it be for exter|nall apparaunce, ſure it is that it payde to Rome 9000. Ducates or Florenes, at eue|ry chaunge, as the recorde yet expreſſeth, Aydan a Scot was the firſt Byſhop of this Sie, who helde himſelfe as did alſo manye of his ſucceſſours, in Lindſfarne Iſle, till one came that remooued it to Durham.
[1] Careliel erected 1132. by Henry the firſt,Caerleill. & whereof Ethelwoolf confeſſor to Oſmond Byſhop of Saliſbury, was made originall Biſhop, hath Cumberland & Weſtmerland, as for the Deanerſes and number paryſhes conteyned in the ſame, as yet I haue no [page 88] knowledge, more then of many of the other, howbeit of this I am ſure, that the Pope re|ceyued out of it at euery chaunge of Byſhop 1000. florenes, albeit that it might haue ſpared much more as an aduerſarie thereto confeſſed ſometyme euen before the Pope himſelfe, ſuppoſing no leſſe but to haue gai|ned by hys tale.
[1] [2] Man.Beſide all theſe we haue another Biſhop|rijcke yet in England, but very obſcure, be|cauſe the Byſhoppe thereof hath not where|with to maintaine his countenaunce ſuffici|entlye, and that is, the Sie of Mona or Man, ſometime named Epãtus Sodorenſis, where|of one Wimundus was ordeyned the firſt bi|ſhop, and Iohn the ſeconde, in the reigne of king Stephẽ. The gift of this prelacy reſteth in ye Erles of Darby, who nominateth ſuch a one from time to tyme, thereto as to them doth ſéeme conuenient. Howbeit if that Sie might reape hir owne commodities, I doubt not but the eſtate of hir Biſhop would quick|ly be amended. And thus much of our biſhop|rijcks, and maner how the eccleſiaſtical iu|riſdiction of the church of England, is deuy|ded among the ſhyres, and countyes of thys realme. Whoſe Biſhops as they haue béene heretofore of greater port and dooings in the common wealth, then at this preſent, ſo are they nowe for the moſt part the beſt learned that are to be founde, in any country of Eu|rope, ſith neither high parentage, nor great ryches as in other countreyes, but onelye learning and vertue doe bring them to thys honour. I might here haue ſpoken of diuers other Biſhoprijcks, ſometime in this part of the Iſlande, as of that of Caerlheon, where Dubritius gouerned, which was afterwarde tranſlated to S. Dauides, and taken for an Archbiſhoprijck: ſecõdly of the Biſhoprijc of Leirceſter, whoſe fourth biſhop called Vn|won went to Rome with Offa king of Mer|tia:Gloceſter a very auncient biſhoprijc. thirdly of Ramſbyry or Wiltõ, & of Glo|ceſter (of which you ſhall reade in Math. Weſt. 489) where the biſhop was called El|dad: alſo of Hagulſtade, one of the thrée mẽ|bers wherinto the Sie of Yorke was deuided after thexpulſion of Wilfrid. For as I reade when Egfrid the king had driuen him away, he deuided his Sie into thrée partes, making Boſa ouer the Deiranes that helde his Sie at Hagulſtade: Eatta ouer the Bernicians, who ſate at Yorke: and Edhedus ouer Lind|far, whoſe ſucceſſours were Ethelwine, Ed|gar and Kinibert, notwithſtanding that one Sexulfus was ouer Lindfarre before Edhe|dus, who was Biſhop of the Mertians and middle England till he was baniſhed from Lindiſſe and came into theſe quarters, to ſéeke his refuge and ſuccour. I coulde lyke|wyſe entreate of the Biſhoppes of White|herne, or ad Candidam Caſam, nowe a par|cell of Scotland, and of diuers chaũges and alterations hapning in theſe ſies frõ time to time, but ſith my purpoſe is to touch only the eſtate of thinges preſent, it may ſuffice to haue ſayde thus much of them, though alto|gither beſide mine intended purpoſe.