[1] THe courſe of the Ouze is alreadie ſet forth in the firſt booke of this deſcription & ſo exactely as I hope that I ſhall not néede to adde any more thereunto at this time.Ouze. Wherefore I will deale onely with ſuch as fall into the ſame, ymagining a voyage frõ the Rauenſpurne, vntill I come néere to the heade of Theſe, and ſo ſouthwardes about a|gaine by the bottome of the hilly ſoyle vntill I get to Buxſton, Sheffelde, Scroby, and the very ſouth point of Humber mouth, wherby I ſhall croſſe them all that are to be found in this walke, and leaue I doubt not ſome eſpe|ciall notice of their ſeuerall heads & courſes.
[1] [2] The courſe of the Hul is already deſcribed,Hul [...] yet here I will not let to inſert Lelandes de|ſcription of the ſame, and that more for thoſe odde notes which he hath ſet down in the pro|ceſſe of his matter, then that I thincke his dealing herein to be more exacte then myne, if ſo much may be ſayde without all cauſe of offence. The Hulne (ſaieth he) riſeth of thrée ſeuerall heads, whereof the greateſt is not farre from Dryfielde, nowe a ſmall village ſixtéene myles frõ Hull. Certes it hath béene a goodly towne, and therein was the pallace of Egbright king of the Northumbers, and place of Sepulture of a noble Saxon king, whoſe name I now remember not although his Tõbe remaine for ought that I do know to the contrarie, with an inſcription vpon the ſame written in Latine letters. Neare vnto this towne alſo is the Danefielde, wherein great numbers of Danes were ſlaine, and buried in thoſe hils, which yet remaine there to be ſéene ouer their bones and carkaſſes. The ſecond head ſaith he is at Eſtburne, and the thirde at Emmeſwell, and méeting alto|gither not farre from Dryfielde, the water there beginneth to be called Hulne, as I haue ſayde alreadie. From hence alſo it goeth thorowe Beuerley medowes, and comming at the laſt not farre from an arme led from the Hulne by mans hande (and able to beare great veſſels) almoſt to Beuerley towne,Cott [...]+ham. & méeting thereabout alſo with the Cottinghã [page 69] becke comming frõ Weſtwood by the way, it haſteth to Kingſton vpon Hulne, and ſo in|to the Humber without any maner impeche|ment.
[1] [...]wlney.The Fowlney riſeth about Godmanham, from whence it goeth by Wighton, Hareſ|well, Seton, Williams bridge, and ſoone af|ter ſpreading it ſelfe, one arme called Skel|flete, [...]elflete. goeth by Cane Cawſey to Browneflete and ſo into the Ouze. The other paſſeth by Sandholme, Gilbertes dike, Scalby chap|pell, Blacketoft and ſo into the aforeſayde Ouze, leauing a very pretie Iſlande, which is a percel as I here of Walding fen more, though otherwyſe obſcure to vs that dwell here in the ſouth.
[1] [2] [3] [...]rwent.The Darwent ryſeth in the hilles that lye weſt of Robin Whodes baie, or two myles aboue Ayton bridge, weſt of Scarborow as Lelande ſayth: and eare it hath runne farre from the head, it receyueth two rilles in one bottome from by weſt, which ioyne withall about Langdale ende. Thence they go togy|ther to Broxey and at Hackneſſe take in an other water comming from about Silſey. Afterwarde it commeth to Ayton, then to Haybridge, [...]nford. and there croſſeth the Kenforde that deſcendeth from Roberteſton. After this alſo it goeth on to Potterſbrumton where it taketh in one rill, as it doth another beneath running from Shirburne, and the thirde yet lower, on the fader bancke, that deſcendeth from Brumpton. From theſe confluences, it runneth to Fowlbridge, Axbridge, Yel|dingham bridge, and ſo to Cotehouſe, recey|uing by the way many waters. Lelande re|coning vp the names of the ſeuerall brookes, numbreth them confuſedly after his accuſto|med order. The Darwent ſaith he receyueth diuers ſtreames as the Shyrihutton. [...]hirihut| [...]n. [...]rambeck The ſe|conde is the Crambecke, deſcending from Hunderſkell caſtell, [...]rambeck (ſo called tanquã a cen|tum fontibus, or multitude of Springes that ryſe about the ſame) and goeth to Rie, which comming out of the Blacke moores, paſſeth by Riuers abbay, taking in the Ricoll on the left hande, [...]. [...]coll. [...]euen. [...]oſtey. [...]ckering then the Seuen, the Coſtey and Pickering brooke. The Seuen alſo ſayeth he riſeth in the ſide of Blackmoore, and thence goeth by Sinnington foure myles frõ Pic|kering, and about a myle aboue a certayne bridge ouer Rie goeth into ye Streame. The Coſtey in like ſorte ſpringeth in ye very edge of Pickering towne, at a place called Keld head, and goeth into the Rie two myles be|neath Pickering, about Kyrby minſter. Fi|nally Pickering water ariſeth in Blacke|more, and halfe a myle beneath Pickering falleth into Coſtey, meting by the way with the Pocklington becke,Pockling|ton. and an other ſmall rill or two of whoſe names I haue no know|ledge. Hitherto Lelande, but in mine opiniõ it had béene far better to haue deſcribed them thus. Of thoſe waters that fal into the Dar|went beneath Cotehouſe, the firſt commeth from Swenton, the ſeconde from Ebberſtõ, the thirde from Ollerſton, the fourth from Thornetõ, and Pickering, and the fift on the other ſide that commeth thither from Win|tringham, for ſo ſhoulde he haue dealt in bet|ter order, & rid his hands of them with more expeditiõ, referring the reaſt alſo vnto their proper places. But to procéede after myne owne maner. Being paſt Cotehouſe, & eare the Darwent come at Wickham, it croſſeth the Rie, which riſeth of two heades,Rie. and ioy|ning weſt of Locton they run thorow Glanſ|by parke.Coſtey. Finally receyuing the Coſtey it méeteth at the laſt with an other ſtreame in|creaſed by the falles of ſixe waters & more, eare it come into ye Darwent. The moſt ea|ſterly of theſe is called Seuen,Seuen. & ryſeth as is aforeſayde in Blackemore, from whence it goeth by Sinnington, Murton, Normanby, Newſounde, How & ſo into the Rie.Doue or Doue. The ſe|conde named Dou hath his original likewiſe in Blackemore, and deſcẽding by Raſmore, Keldon and Edſton, (where it receyueth the Hodge becke, that commeth by Berneſdale,Hodge|becke. Ricoll. Kirkedale, and Welburne) it goeth to Sawl|ton, and there taketh in firſt the Ricoll, that goeth by Careton, & whereof Ridall as ſome think (but falſly) doth ſéeme to take the name. Then Feſſe, which ryſeth aboue.Feſſe. Biliſdale chappell, & méeteth with the Rie at the Sha|king bridge, from whence they go togyther vnder the Rie bridge, to Riuis abbaye, and thence (after it hath croſſed a becke from the weſt) thorowe a parke of the Earle of Rut|landes to Newton, Muniton, and ſo to Saw|ton, or Sawlton, as I doe finde it written: Here alſo it taketh in the Holbecke brooke,Holbecke. that commeth thither from by weſt by Gyl|ling caſtell, and Stangraue, from whence it goeth on to Braby, next into the Seuen, then into the Rie, and ſo into the Darwent, which from thẽce doth run to Wickhã. Being paſt Wickhã, it meteth with a water that cõmeth thereinto from Grynſton to Setterington at ſoutheaſt, and thence it goeth on to Malton & Malton, Sutton, Wellam, Furby, & Kirk|ham, receyuing by ye way one rill on the one ſide and another on the other, whereof this commeth from Burdfall, that other frõ Co|niſthorpe. From Kyrkeham it goeth to Crã|burne and Owſham bridge, (croſſing by the way an other brooke comming from S. Ed|wardes gore, by Faſton) then to Aldby, But|tercram, [page 79] (alias Butterham) bridg, Stamford bridg, Kexby bridg, Sutton, Ellerton, Augh|ton, Bubwith, Wreſill, Babthorpe & ſo into ye Ouze, wherwith I finiſhe the deſcription of the Derwent, ſauing that I haue to let you vnderſtand how Leland heard that an arme ran ſometime from the hed of Darwent alſo to Scarborow till ſuch time as two hils be|twixt which it ran, did ſhalder & ſo choke vp his courſe.
[1] Foſſe.The Foſſe (a ſlow ſtream yet able to beare a good veſſell) ryſeth in Nemore Calaterio, or among the wooddy hilles now called Gal|ters forreſt, and in his deſcent frõ the higher ground, he leaueth Crake caſtel, on his weſt ſide: thence he goeth by Marton abbay, Mar|ton, Stillington, Farlington, Towthorpe, Erſwijc, Huntingdon, and at Yorke into the Ouze.
[1] Kile.The Kile ryſeth flat north at Newborow, from whence it goeth by Thorneton on the hyll, Ruſkell parke, Awne, Tollerton, and ſo into the Ouze about Newton vpon Ouze.
[1] [2] Swale.The Swale is a ryght noble ryuer. It ri|ſeth in the hilles aboue Kyrkedale, and from this towne it goeth to Kelde chappell, Car|ret houſe, Crackepot, Whiteſide, and néere vnto Yalen,Barney. taketh in the Barney water, which commeth from the north eaſt. Thence it goeth by Harcaſide to Reth (where it mée|teth with the Arcley) and ſo to Flemington,Arcley. Holgate. Grinton, Marrike (taking in the Holgate that commeth from by ſouth: & in the way to Thorpe,Mariſke becke. the Mariſke becke, or peraduẽture Applegarth water, as Leland calleth it, that diſcendeth from the north) then to Thorpe, Applegarth, Richmonde, Eaſby and Brun|ton. Here by North it entertayneth two or thrée waters in one chanell, called Rauen|ſwathe water, whereof the twoo fardeſt doe ioyne not far from the Dawltons, & ſo go by Rauenſwath,Rauenſ|wathe. Hartforth, Gilling, & at Ske|by méete wyth the thirde, comming from Richmonde Beaconwarde. By weſt alſo of Brunton,Rhe. the Swale méeteth with the Rhe, runnyng from Reſdale, and beyng paſt Brunton, it goeth to Caterijc bridge beneath Brunton, then to Ellerton, Kyrkeby, Lang|ton parua, Thirtoft, Anderby Steple, and before it come vnto Gatenby, it méeteth wt ye Bedall brooke,Bedall alias Le|ming. alias Leminges becke, that cõmeth weſt of Kellirby, by Cũſtable, Bur|ton, Langthorpe, Bedall, and Leming chap|pell. From Gattenby lykewiſe it goeth to Mawby, and at Brakenbyry, receiueth the Wiſke,Wiſke. which is a great water, ryſing be|twéene two parkes aboue Swanby in one place, and ſoutheaſt of Mountgrace Abbaie in another, and after the confluence which is about Siddlebridge, goeth on betwéene the Rughtons to Appleton, the Smetons, Byrt|by, Huttõ Coniers, Danby, Wijc, Yafford, Warlaby, and taking in there a ryll from Brunton, by Aluerton, it procéedeth to Ot|teringtõ, Newley, Kyrby Wiſke, Newſon, and Blackenbury, there méeting as I ſayde with the Swale, that runneth from thence by Skipton bridge, Catton, Topcliffe, and Ranyton, and aboue Eldmyre, méeteth with ſundrye other rylles in one botome, whereof the northweſterley is called Cawdebec: [...] the ſouth Eaſterly Kebecke, which ioyne eaſt of Thornton moore, and ſo go to Thorneton in the ſtreate, Kiluington, Thruſke, Sowerby, Graſtwijc, and ſoone after croſſing another growing of the myxture of the Willow, and likewyſe of the Cuckwolde beckes,Cuck+wol [...] becke. which ioyne aboue Bridforth, and running on till it come almoſt at Dalton, it maketh confluence with the Swale, and go thence as one by Thornton bridge, Mitton vpon Swale, and ſo into the Ouze.
[1] The Skell ryſeth out of the weſt two my|les from Fountaines Abbay,Skell and commeth as Lelande ſayth with a fayre courſe by the one ſide of Rippon, as the Vre doth on the o|ther. And on the bankes hereof ſtoode the fa|mous Abbaie called Fountaines, ſomuch re|noumed for the luſty monkes that dwelled in the ſame. It receiueth alſo the Lauer water,Lauer. (which ryſeth thrée myles from Kyrby, and méeteth withall néere vnto Rippon) and fi|nally falleth into the Vre, a quarter of a mile beneath Rippon Towne, and almoſt midde waye betwéene the North and Huicke brid|ges.
[1] The Nidde ryſeth among thoſe hilles that lye by weſt northweſt of Gnarreſborowe,Nidde. fyue myles aboue Pakeley bridge, & going in ſhort proceſſe of time by Weſt houſes, Lodg houſes, Woodhall, Newehouſes, Midleſ|more, Raunſgill, Cowthouſe, Gowthwall, Bureley, Brymham, Hampeſwale, & ſoone after méeting with the Killingale becke,Killing [...] it goeth after the confluence, by Bylton parke, Gnareſbridge, Waſhforde, Cathall, Willeſ|thorp, Munketon, or Nonniocke, and ſo into the Ouze, fouretéene miles beneath Gnareſ|borow, beyng increaſed by the waye wyth very fewe or no waters of any countenance. Lelande hauing ſaid thus much of ye Nidde, addeth herevnto the names of two other wa|ters, that is to ſay, the Couer & the Burne,Couer. Burne. which doe fal likewiſe into the Vre or Ouze, but as he ſayth little of the ſame, ſo among all my Pampheletes, I can gather no more of them, then that the firſt ryſeth ſixe myles aboue Couerham by weſt, and falleth into ye [page 70] Vre, a little beneath Middleham bridge, which is two myles beneath the towne of Couerham. As for the Burne, it ryſeth at More hylles, and falleth into the ſayde ryuer a lyttle beneth Maſſham bridge, and ſo much of theſe two.
[1] [...]harfe [...]ias [...]werfe.The Wharffe or Gwerfe, ryſeth aboue Vghterſhaw, from whence it runneth to Beggermons, Raſemill, Hubberham, Backden, Starbotton, Kettlewell, Cunniſtõ in Kettlewell, and here it méeteth with a rill comming from Haltongill chappel, bp Arne|cliffe, & ioyning withal north eaſt of Kilneſey crag, it paſſeth ouer by the lower groundes to Gyrſington, and receyuing a ryll there al|ſo from Treſfelde parke, it procéedeth on to Brunſall brydge. Furthermore at Appletre|wijc, it méeteth wyth a ryll from by north, & thence goeth to Barden Towre, Bolton, Beth and Miſley hall, where it croſſeth a rill comming frõ by weſt. Thence to Addinghã, taking in there alſo a another from by weſt, and ſo to Ikeley, and receyuing ere long a|nother by north from Denton hall, it haſteth to Weſton Vauaſour, Oteley, and Letheley where it taketh in the Padſide, & the Waſh|burne, [...]adſide. [...]aſhburn. both in one ſtreame from Lyndley ward, and thence to Caſley chappell, & there it croſſeth one from by north, & another ere long from by ſouth, and ſo to Yardwoode ca|ſtell, Kereby, Woodhall, Collingham, Lin|ton, Wetherby, Thorpatche, Newton, Tad|caſter, and when it hath receyued the Cocke|becke from ſouthweſt, [...]ocke| [...]cke. that goth by Barwy, Aberforth, Leadhall, and Grymſton, it run|neth to Exton, Kyrby Wharf, Vſkel, Rither Nunapleton, and ſo into the Ouze, beneath Cawood, a caſtell belonging to the Arche bi|ſhop of Yorke, where he vſeth oft to lye when he refreſheth himſelfe, with chaunge of ayre & ſhift of habitation, for the auoiding of ſuch infection as maye otherwiſe engender by his long abode in one place, for want of due pur|gation, and aiering of his houſe.
[1] [...]ir.The Air ryſeth out of a Lake, South of Darnbrooke, wherin as I here is none other fiſh but red Trowt, & Perche. Leland ſaith it riſeth néere vnto Ortõ in Crauen, wherfore the oddes is but litle. It goeth therfore from thence to Mawlam, Hamlithe, Kyrby Mol|dale, Calton hall, Areton, and ſo forth tyll it come almoſt to Gargraue, there croſſing the Otterburne water on the weſt, [...]tter| [...]rne. [...]inter| [...]rne. & the Win|terburne on the north, which at Flaſby, re|ceiueth a ryll from Helton as I here. Being paſt Gargraue, our Air goeth on to Eſhton, Elſwoode, and ſo forth on, firſt receyuig a brooke from ſouthweſt, (wherof one braunch commeth by Marton, the other by Thornet, which méete about Broughton) then another from northeaſt, that runneth by Skipton ca|ſtell. After this confluence it haſteth to Newebiggin, Bradley, and Kildwijc, by ſouth eaſt whereof, it méeteth with one wa|ter from Mawſis, and Gluſburne or Glu|keſburne, called Glyke,Glyke. another lykewyſe a lytle beneath from Seton, beſide two rylles from by north, after which confluence it run|neth by Reddleſdẽ, & ouer againſt this towne the Lacocke and the Worth doe méete with|all in one chanell,Lacocke. Woorth. Moreton. as the Moreton water doth on the north, although it be ſomewhat lower. Thence it goeth to Riſheforth hall, & ſo to Bungley, where it taketh a ryll from Denholme parke to Shipeley, & there croſ|ſing another from Thorneton, Leuenthorpe, and Bradley, it goeth to Caluerley, to Chri|ſtall, and ſo to Léedes, where one water run|neth thereinto, by north from Wettlewoode, and two other from by ſouth in one chanell, whereof the firſt hath two armes, of which the one commeth from Pudſey chappell, the other from Adwalton, their confluence being made aboue Farneſley hall. The other lyke|wiſe hath two heades, whereof one is aboue Morley, the other cõmeth from Domingley, and méeting with the firſt not far ſouth weſt of Léedes, they fall both into the Aire, and ſo runne with the ſame to Swillington, & there taking in ye Rodwel becke ſouth of the bridg, it procéedeth to Ollerton, Caſtelforde,Redwell. Went. Bro|therton and Ferribridge there receiuing the Went, a becke from Pontifract which ry|ſeth of diuers heads, wherof one is among ye cole pits. Thẽce to Beall, Berkin, Kelling|tõ, middle Hodleſey, Tẽplehirſt, Gowldall, Snath [...], Rawcliffe, Newlande, Army, and ſo into the Ouze wyth an indifferent courſe. Of all the ryuers in the North, Lelande (in ſo many ot hys bookes as I haue ſéene) ſayth leaſt of this. Mine annotations alſo are very ſlender in the particular waters whereby it is increaſed: wherfore I was compelled of neceſſity to conclude euen thus with the de|ſcription of the ſame, & had ſo left it in déede if I had not receyued one other note more to adde vnto it (euen when the leafe was at the Preſſe) which ſaith as followeth in maner worde for worde.
[1] [2] There is a noble water that falleth into Aire, whoſe heade as I take it is about Stã|forde. From whence it goeth to Creſton cha|pell, to Lingfield, and there about receyuing one ryll, néere Elfrabright bridge,Hebden. and alſo the Hebden by northweſt, it goeth to Brear|ley hall, and ſo taking in the thirde by north it procéedeth on eaſtwarde by Sorſby bridge chappell, (and there a ryll from ſouthweſt) [page 80] and ſo to Coppeley hall. Beneath this place I finde alſo that it receyueth one ryll from Hallyfaxe, which ryſeth of two heades, & two other from ſouthweſt, of which one commeth by Bareſlande, and Stanelande in one cha|nell, as I reade, ſo that after this confluence the aforeſayd water goeth on toward Cow|forde bridge, and as it taketh in two rilles a|boue the ſame on the North ſide, ſo beneath that bridge, there falleth into it a prety arme increaſed by ſundry waters comming from by ſouth, as from Marſheden chappell, from Holmeſworth chappell, and Kyrke Heton, eche one growyng of ſundrie heades, wherof I woulde ſay more, if I had more intelligẽce of their ſeuerall gates and paſſages. But to procéede from Cowford bridge it runneth to Munfeld, & receiuing ere long one ryll from Leuerſage hall, and another from Burſhall by Deweſburye, it goeth on North eaſt of Thornehul, ſouth of Horbyry thornes, & ther|about croſſyng one ryll from by ſouth from Woller by newe Milner Damme, and ſoone after another from northweſt,Chalde. called Chald, ryſing in the Peke hilles, whereon Wake|fielde ſtandeth, and likewiſe the thirde from ſouth eaſt, and Waterton hall, it goeth by Warmefield, Newelande, Altoftes, and fy|nally into the Aire, weſt of Caſtelworth, as I learne. What ye name of this ryuer ſhould be as yet I here not, and therefore no mer|ueile that I doe not ſet it downe, yet is it po|ſible ſuch as dwell thereabout are not igno|raunt thereof, but what is that to me, if I be not pertaker of their knowledge. It ſhal ſuf|fiſe therefore thus farre to haue ſhewed the courſe thereof, and as for the name I paſſe it ouer vntill another time.
[1] [2] [3] [4] [5] [6] [7] [8] Trent.The Trent is one of the moſt excellent ry|uers in the lande, and increaſed wyth ſo ma|ny waters, as for that onely cauſe it may bée compared either with the Ouze or Sauerne, I meane the ſeconde Ouze, whoſe courſe I haue lately deſcribed. It ryſeth of two heads which ioyne beneath Norton in the moore, & from thence goeth to Hiltõ Abbay, Bucknel church, and aboue Stoke, receyueth in the foule brooke water,Foulbrook which commeth thyther from Tunſtall, by Shelton, and finally ma|king a confluence they go to Hanflete, where they méete wyth another on the ſame ſide, that diſcendeth frõ Newcaſtell vnder Line, which Lelande taketh to bée the very Trent it ſelfe, ſaying, that it ryſeth in the hylles a|boue Newcaſtell, as maye be ſéene by hys commentaryes. But to procéede. At Trent|ham or not farre from thence, it croſſeth a riueret from northeaſt, whoſe name I know not, & thence goyng to Stone Aſton, Stoke Burſton, the Sandons and Weſton, a little aboue Shubburne and Hawood, it receyueth the Sowe, a great chanell increaſed wyth ſundry waters, which I will here deſcribe, leauyng the Trent at Shubburne, tyll I come backe agayne.Sow [...]. The Sowe diſcendeth from the hylles, aboue Whytemoore cha|pell, and goeth by Charleton, and Stawne, and beneath Shalforde ioyneth wyth ano|ther by northeaſt that commeth from By|ſhoppes Offeley, Egleſhal, Cheſby, Rauntõ. After thys confluence alſo, it runneth by Bridgeforde, Tillington, and Stafforde, be|neath which Towne, it croſſeth the Penke becke, that ryſeth aboue Nigleton,Penke. & Bere|wood, and aboue Penke bridge, vniteth it ſelf with another comming frõ Knightley ward, by Gnaſhall church, Eaton, and ſo goyng forth as one, it is not long ere they fall into Sow, after they haue paſſed Draiton, Dun|ſtan, Acton, and Banſwiche, where looſing their names, they with the Sow & the Sow with them, doe ioyne wyth the Trent, at Shubburne, vpon the ſoutherly bank. From Shubburne ye Trent goeth on, to lytle Har|woode, (méeting by the way one ryll at Ouſ|ley bridge, and another ſouth of Riddleſley) thence by Hawkſhery, Maueſtane, Ridware and ſo towarde Yoxhall, where I muſt ſtaye a whyle to conſider of other waters, where|with I mete in this voiage. Of theſe therfore the leſſer commeth in by ſouth frõ Farwall, the other from by weſt, a fayre ſtreame, and increaſed with two brookes, whereof the firſt ryſeth in Nedewoode forreſt, northeaſt of Haggarſley parke, wherinto falleth another weſt of Hamſted Ridware, called Blythe,Blithe. which ryſeth among the hylles in Whate|ley moore, aboue Weſton Cony and thence goyng to the ſame Towne, it commeth to Careſwel Druicote, alias Dracote, Painſley Gratwitch, Grymley, Aldmaſton, Hamſted Ridware, and finally into the Trent, direct|ly weſt of Yoxhall, which runneth alſo from thence, and leauing kinges Bromley, in a parke (as I take it) on the left hand, and the Blacke water comming from Southton, and Lichefielde on the ryght, goeth ſtreight waye to Catton, where it méeteth wyth the Tame, whoſe courſe I deſcribe as follow|eth.Tame. It riſeth in Staffordſhyre (as I remẽ|ber) not farre from Petteſhall, & goeth foorth by Hamſted, towarde Pyrihall and Brimi|chams Aſton, taking in by the way a rill on eache ſide, whereof the firſt groweth through a confluence of two waters, the one of them comming from Typton, the other from Ald|bury, and ſo rũning as one by Wedbury till they fall into the ſame. The latter commeth [page 71] from Wolfhall and ioyneth with it on the left hande. After this and when it is paſt the aforeſayd places, it croſſeth in like ſort a rill frõ Smethikewarde: thence it goeth to Yar|neton hall, beneath which it méeteth with the Rhe, [...] and thence thorow the parke, at Parke hal by Watercote croſſing finally the Cole, whoſe heade is in the forreſt by Kingeſnortõ wood, and hath this courſe, whereof I nowe giue notice. It riſeth as I ſayde in the for|reſt by Kingeſnorton wood, & going by Yare|ley and Kingeſhirſt, it méeteth betweene that & the parke, with a water running betwéene Helmedon and Sheldon. Thence it paſſeth on to Coleſhull, by eaſt whereof it ioyneth with a brooke, mounting ſouthweſt of Soly|hull called Blithe, which going by Henwood and Barſton, [...]lithe. croſſeth on eche ſide of temple Balſhall a rill, whereof one cõmeth thorow the Quéenes parke or chaſe that lyeth by Weſt of Kenelworth, and the other by Kenelworth caſtell it ſelfe, from about Haſe|ly parke. After which confluences it procée|deth in like maner to Hampton in Arden, & the Packingtons and ſo to Coleſhull, where it méeteth with the Cole, [...]urne. that going a little farder vniteth it ſelf with the Burne, on the one ſide, (whereinto runneth a water com|ming frõ Anſley on the eaſt) & ſoone after on ye other doth fal into ye Tame. That which ſome call the Rhée, Leland nameth the Brimichã water, [...]hée. whoſe head as I heare is aboue Norf|field, ſo that his courſe ſhoulde be by Kingeſ|nortõ, Bremicham, Budſton hall, till it fall beneath Yarneton into the Tame it ſelf, that runneth after theſe confluences on by Lée, Kingeſbyry parke, & going by eaſt, of Dray|ton Baſſet Parke to Falkeſley Bridge, it méeteth with another water, called Burne alſo comming from Hammerwich churche, by Cheſterforde, Shenton, Thickebrowne, and the north ſide of Drayton, Baſſet parke, whereof I ſpake before. From hence our Thame runneth on to Tamworth, there ta|king in the Ancre by eaſt, [...]ncre. whoſe deſcription I had in this maner deliuered vnto me. It riſeth aboue Burton, from whence it goeth by Nonneaton, Witherley and Atherſtone. Ere long alſo it taketh in a water frõ north|eaſt, which commeth by Hugleſcote, Shap|ton, Cunſtõ, Twicroſſe (vniting it ſelf with a water from Boſworth) Ratcliffe and ſo into Ancre: which after this confluence paſſeth by Whittendõ, Crindõ, Polleſworth Armimg|ton, Tamworth and ſo into Tame, that ha|ſteth to Hopwaſh, Cõberford hall, Telford, & ſoone after croſſing a rill that ryſeth ſhorte of Swinfelde hall, and commeth by Feſtyrike, it runneth not farre from Croxhall, and ſo to Catton, there about receyuing his laſt in|creaſe not worthie to be omitted.Meſe. This brooke is named Meſe, & it riſeth in the great parke that lyeth betwéene Worthington, & Sme|thike, from whence alſo it goeth by Aſheby de la ſouche Packington, Meſham & Stret|ton, & therabout croſſing a ril about Nether|ſale Graunge, from Ouerſale by eaſt, it pro|céedeth by Chilcote, Clifton, Croxal, into the Thame and both out of hand into the maine riuer a mile aboue Reptõ. Leland writing of this riuer as I earſt noted laith therof in this wiſe. Into the Thame alſo runneth the Bre|micham brooke, which ryſeth foure or fiue myles about Bremicham in the Blacke hils in Worceſterſhyre, and goeth into the a|foreſayde water a myle aboue Crudworth bridge. Certes ſayth he this Bremicham is a towne maintayned chiefly by ſmithes, as Naylers, Cutlers, Edgetoole forgers, Lori|mers or Bitmakers, which haue their yron out of Stafforde, and Warwijc ſhyres, and coles alſo out of the firſt countie, & hitherto Leland. Nowe to reſume the Trent, which being growen to ſome greatneſſe, goeth on to Walton, Drakelow, and there croſſing a water that commeth by Newbold hall, it rũ|neth to Stapenell, Winſhull, Wightmere, and Newtõ, Souche, where it receyueth two chanels within a ſhort ſpace, to be deſcribed a part. The firſt of theſe is called the Dow or Doue.Dow. It ryſeth about the thrée ſhyres méere, & is as it were Limes betwéene Staf|forde and Darbyſhyres vntill it come at the Trent. Deſcending therfore from the head, it goeth by Erles Booth, Pilſbury Graung, Hartington, Wolſcot, Eaton, Himſington Graunge, and aboue Thorpe receyueth the Manifolde water,Manifold. ſo called bycauſe of ye ſun|drie crinckling rils that it receyueth & tur|nagaines that it ſelfe ſheweth before it come at the Dow. Riſing therefore not farre from Axe edge croſſe, (in the bottome thereby) it runneth from thence to Longmoore, Shene, Warſlow Chappell, and Welton. Beneath Welton alſo it taketh in the Hanſby water,Hanſley. that commeth out of Blackemoore hilles to Waterſall, where it falleth into the ground, and afterwarde mounting againe is recey|ued into the Manifold north of Throwley as I heare, which goeth from thence to Ilam & aboue Thorpe doth caſt it ſelfe into Dowe. Hauing therefore mette togither after this maner, the Dow procéedeth on to Mapling|ton, beneath which it croſſeth one water de|ſcending from Braſſingtõ by Fenny Bent|ley, and another ſomewhat lower that com|meth from Hocſton hall by Hognaſton and Aſheburne, and then going to Matterfielde, [page 81] Narbury, Ellaſton, Rawſton, Rowceſter, it méeteth with the Churne,Churne. euen here to be de|ſcribed before I go any farder. It riſeth a good waie aboue Delacraſſe abbay, and com|ming thither by Helleſby wood, it taketh in the Dunſméere betwéene Harracraſſe,Dunſmere and Leike. Thence it goeth to the Walgraunge, and a little beneath receyueth ye Yendor, that commeth frõ aboue Harton,Yendor. thence to Ched|dleton, & hauing croſſed the Aſhenhirſt brooke aboue Cnutes hall,Aula Ca|nuti. Aſhenhirſt it runneth by Ypſton, Froghall, Below hill, Alton caſtell, Preſt|wood & at Rowceſter falleth into the Dow, which eare long alſo receyueth a rill from Crowſden, and then going to Eton meeteth firſt with the Teine that commeth thither from each ſide of Chedley by Teinetwone,Teine. Bramhirſt and Stranehill. Secondly with the Vnceſter or Vttoyeter water,Vttoyeter or Vnce|ſter. and then going on to Merchington, Sidbery, Cawltõ, it croſſeth a brooke from Sidmiſter colledge, by Saperton. From this confluence in lyke ſorte it paſſeth foorth, to Tilbery caſtel, Mar|ſton and at Edgerton, méeteth with the wa|ter that commeth from Yelderſley by Long|forde (whereinto runneth another that com|meth from Hollington) and ſo to Hilton. Theſe waters being thus ioyned and many endes brought into one, the Dow it ſelfe fal|leth eare long, lykewyſe into the Trent, aboue Newton Souche: ſo that the maine ri|uer being thus inlarged, goeth onwardes with his courſe, and betwéene Willington and Reptõ méeteth with two waters on ſun|dry ſides, whereof that which falleth in by Willington ryſeth néere Dawbery Lyes, & runneth by Truſſely and Aſhe: the other that entreth aboue Repton deſcendeth from Har|teſburne, ſo that the Trent being paſt theſe haſteth to Twiforde, Ingleby, Staunton, Weſton, Newton, and Aſton, eare long alſo méeting with the Darwent, next of all to be diſpatched.Darwent. The Darwent riſeth plaine weſt néere vnto the edge of Darbyſhyre, aboue Blackewell a market towne, and from the heade runneth to the new chappell within a few miles after it be riſen. Frõ hence more|ouer it goeth by Howden houſe, Darwent chappel,Neue. Yorkeſhyre bridge, and at Witham bridge doth croſſe the Neue or Nouius that commeth from Newſtole hill, by Nether|burgh, Hope, (croſſing there one rill frõ Ca|ſtelton, another from Bradwell, & the thirde at Hatherſage, from ſtony ridge hill) and ſo goeth on to Padley, Stockehall, receyuing a rill by the way from by weſt, to Stony Mid|dleton, and Baſtow,Burbroke and hauing here taken in the Burbrooke on the one ſide, and another from Halſop on the other, it goeth to Chat|worth and to Rowſeley, where it is increa|ſed with the Wye comming from by weſt, & alſo a rill on the eaſt, a little higher, but I will deſcribe the Wye before I go any far|der.
[1] [2] [3] The Wye ryſeth aboue Buxſton well,Wye. and there is increaſed with the Hawkeſhow, and the Wyle broke, whoſe heades are alſo far|der diſtaunt from the edge of Darbyſhyre, [...] Wyle. then that of Wye, and races ſomewhat lon|ger, though neither of them be worthie to be accompted long. For the Wyle, hauing two heads, the one of them is not farre aboue the place where Wilebecke abbaye ſtoode, the o|ther is farder of by weſt, about Wilebecke towne, and finally ioyning in one they runne to Cuckney village, where receiuing a beck that commeth downe from by weſt, it hol|deth on two miles farder, there taking in the ſeconde rill, and ſo reſort to Rufforde,Rufford [...] alias [...] becke. or the Man becke: Vnto this alſo do other two rils repaire, wherof the one goeth thorowe & the other harde by Maunſfield, of which two al|ſo this latter ryſeth weſt about foure miles, and runneth foorth to Clipſton (thrée myles lower) and ſo likewiſe to Rufforde, whereof I will ſpeake hereafter. In the meane tyme to returne againe to the Wye. From Bur|ſton well, it runneth to Staddon, Cowdale, Cowlow, New medow, Milhouſes, Banke|well, and Haddon hall, beneath which it re|ceyueth the Lath kell,Lath [...] that runneth by Ouer|haddon,Brad [...] and the Bradforde both in one bot|tome after they be ioyned in one, at Alport, & this is the firſt great water that our Der|went doth méete withall. Being therfore paſt the Rowſleies, the ſayde Derwent goeth to Stancliffe, Darley in the peke, Wenſley, Smitterton hall, and at Matlocke taketh in a rill by northeſt, as it doth another at Crũ|forde that goeth by Boteſhall. From Mat|tocke, it procéedeth to Watſton, or Wat|ſond, Well bridge, Alderwaſh and ioyneth with an other ſtreame called Amber com|ming in from by North by Amber bridge, [...] whoſe deſcription ſhall inſue, in this wiſe as I finde it. The heade of Amber is aboue Ed|leſton hal, or as Leland ſaith eaſt of Cheſter|fielde, and comming from thence by Midle|ton, to Ogſton hall, it taketh with al another brooke, deſcending from Hardwijc woode, by Alton and Stretton. Thence it goeth to Hig|ham, Brackenfelde, and aboue Dale bridge, méeteth with a brooke running from Huck|nall warde to Shirelande parke ſide (there croſſing the Moreton Becke) & ſo to Alfer|ton, except I name it wrong. [...] From Dale bridge it goeth by Wingfelde, to Hedge, Fritchlin, and ſo into Darwent, takyng the [page 72] water withall that diſcendeth from Swanſ|wijc by Pentridge, as Leland doth remẽber. From this confluence likewiſe it runneth to Belper, where it méeteth with a ryll com|ming from Morley parke: thence to Make|ney, [...]gleſ| [...]ne. and at Du [...]felde, receyueth the Egleſ|burne, which ryſeth about Wirkeſworth or Oreſworth but in ye ſame pariſh out of a rock & commeth in by Turnedich [...]. From Du [...]|feld, it paſſeth to Bradſall, Darley Abbaie, and at Darby Towne, taketh in a ryll com|ming from Mirkaſton, by Weſton vnder|woode, Kidleſton, and Merton.
[1] If a man ſhoulde ſaye that Darwent ry|uer giueth name to Darby towne, he ſhould not well knowe [...]owe euerye one woulde take it, and thereby he might happen to of|fende ſome. In the meane tyme. I beléeue it, let other iudge as pleaſeth them, ſithe my coniecture can preiudice none: to procéede therfore. From Darby it runneth on by Al|uaſton, Ambaſton, the Welles, and ſo into Trent, which goeth from hence to Sawley, & north of Thrumpton taketh in the Sore, [...]ra, or [...]us. a fayre ſtreame and not worthy to be ouer|paſſed.
[1] It ryſeth in Leiceſter ſhyre aboue Wig|ton & thence goeth to Sharneford, Sapcote, and beneath Staunton; taketh in a ryll that commeth by Dounton and Broughton Aſt|ley. Thence to Marleborowe and before it come to Eſton croſſeth another on the ſame ſide (diſcending by Burton, Glen, Win|ſtowe, Kilby and Blabye) then to Leirce|ſter towne, Belgraue, Burſtall, Wanlippe, & ere it come at Cuſſington or Coſiton, croſ|ſeth the Eye, [...]. which riſeth aboue Bramſton, goeth by Knawſtow, Somerby, Pickewell, Whiteſonden, [...]ande [...]eth one [...]heſe [...]es [...]co. & beneath (a little) receyueth a ryll on the ryght hande from Coldnorton. Thence to Stapleforde, and ſoone after croſ|ſing a brooke from aboue Sproxton, Coſon, Garthrope and Saxby, it runneth to Wi|uerby, Brentingby, and ere it come at Mil|ton, méeteth with two other ſmal rils, from the right hand wherof one commeth from a|bout Caldwell by Thorpe Arnolde, & Wal|tham in the woulde, the other from Skale|forde warde, & from Melton goeth by Siſon|by, there méeting with another from north|eaſt ouer againſt Kirby Hellars, after which tyme ye name of Eye is changed into Wark, or Vrke, [...]rke, [...]ke or [...]ke. and ſo continueth vntill it come at the Soure. From hence alſo it goeth to Aſterby, Radgale, Haby, Truſſington, Rat|cliffe, and ſoone after croſſeth ſundry waters not very farre in ſunder, whereof one com|meth from Oueſton, by Twiforde, Aſh|by and Gadeſby, another from Loſeby, by Baggraue, and Crawſton, and ioining with ye firſt at Quennyhow, it is not long ere they fall into the Warke. The ſeconde runneth from Engarſhy, by Barkeley, and Siſon. But the thirde and greateſt of the thrée, is a chanell increaſed with thrée waters, whereof one commeth from Norton, by Burton, Kylby, Folton and Blaby, the other from Dounton, by Broughton, and Aſtley, and méeting with the thirde from Sa [...]th, and ſtony Staunton, they run togyther by Nar|borow, and [...]e after ioyning aboue Elſtõ, wyth the firſt of the thrée, they go as one by Elſton to Leirceſter, Belgraue, Wanlippe, and aboue Cuſſington, doe fall into ye Wark and ſoone after into the Soure. The Soure, in lyke ſorte goyng from thence to mounts Sorrel, & taking in another brooke ſouthweſt from Leirceſter forreſt, by Glenfield, Auſty, Thurcaſton and Rodeley, ioyneth wyth the Soure, which goeth from thence to mount Sorrell, and Quarendon (where it taketh in a water comming from Charnewoode for|reſt, and goeth by Bradegate and Swyth|lande) and then procéedeth to Cotes, Lugh|borow and Stanforde, there alſo taking in one ryll out of Notingham ſhyre, by north eaſt, and ſoone after another from ſouthweſt; comming from Braceden to Shepeſheued, Garrington and Dighely graung, and like|wiſe the thirde, from Worthington, by Diſ|worth, long Whitton, & Wathorne. Fynal|ly after theſe confluences, it haſteth to Sut|ton, Kingſton, and Ratclife, and ſo into the Trent.
[1] Theſe things being thus brought togither, and we nowe reſuming the diſcourſe of the ſame riuer. It doth after his méeting wyth the Soure, procéede withal to Barton, where it taketh in the Erwaſh,Erwaſhe. which ryſeth about Kyrby, and thence goeth to Selſton, Wanſ|by, Codnor caſtell, Eſtwoode, and croſſyng a water from Beual, runneth to Coſhal Tro|wel (& there taking in another rill comming from Henor, by Shypeley) it procéedeth on to Stapleforde, long Eaton, and ſo into the Trent. This beyng done it goeth to Clifton, and ere it come at Wilforde, it méeteth with a brooke that paſſeth from Staunton, by Bõ|ny and Rodington, and thence to Notinghã, where it croſſeth the Line, which ryſeth a|boue Newſted, and paſſyng by Papplewijc, Hucknall, Bafforde, Radforde and Linton, nexte of all to Thorpe and Farmdon, where it brauncheth and maketh an Iſland, and in|to the ſmaller of then goeth a broke frõ Be|uer caſtell, which riſing betwéene eaſt Well & Eaton in Leirceſter is called the Dene,Dene. & from thence runneth by Bramſton to Knip|ton, [page 82] & beneth Knipton méeteth with a brooke that commeth by weſt of Croxſton, & thence holdeth on wt his courſe, betwéene Willeſ|thorp & Beuer caſtel aforſaid, & ſo to Botteſ|worth, Normantõ, Killington, Shilton there receyuing the Snite frõ by ſouth (whoſe head is néere Clauſton,Snite. and courſe from thence by Hickling, Langer, Whalton Orſton, and Flareborow and ere long another comming from Bingham, and Sibthorpe. Thence our Trent runneth to Coxam, Hawton, New|acke caſtel, and ſo to Winthorpe, where the braunches are reunited, and thence go on by Holme, to Cromwell (and ſoone after taking in a brooke comming frõ Bilſthorpe, by Ker|ſal, Cawnton, Norwel & Willowby) to Carl|ton, and to Sutton, there making a litle Iſle, then to Grinton, where it toucheth a ſtreame one eche ſide, whereof one commeth from Morehouſe by Weſton, and Greſthorp, ano|ther from Langthorpe, by Collingham, and Boſthorpe. From hence lykewyſe it paſſeth to Clifton, Newtõ, Kettlethorpe, Torkeſey, Knath, Gainſborow, Waltrith, Stockwith, and leauing Axholme on the left hande, it ta|keth with all Hogdike water, out of the Iſle, and ſo goeth foorth to Wildſworth, Eaſtfer|rye, Fruſworth, Burringham Gummeis, Hixburghe, Burton, Walcote, & at Anker|bury into the Humber, receiuing the Downe with by the way, which for his nobleneſſe is not to be ouerpaſſed.
[1] [2] [3] [4] [5] [6] [7] The Done therfore riſeth in Yorkeſhire a|mong the Pekehils,Done alias Donne. & hauing receiued a wa|ter cõming by Ingbirchworth goth to Pen|nieſtõ, which is foure myles frõ the hed, then by Oxſpring, to Thurgoland, and ſoone after (ioining by the way with the Midhop water, that runneth by Midhop chappell, & Honde|ſhelfe) it méeteth with another comming frõ Bowſterſtõ chapell. Then goeth it by Wad|deſley wood to Waddeſley bridge, and at Al|uerton receiueth the Bradfelde water. Then paſſeth it to Crokes, and ſo to Sheffelde ca|ſtell, (by eaſt whereof it receyueth a brooke from by ſouth that commeth thorowe Shef|feldpark.) Thence it procéedeth to Weſtford bridg, Brikſie bridg & ſouthweſt of Timſley receyueth the Cowley ſtreame,Cowley. that runneth by Ecclefeld.Rother. Next of al it goeth to Rotherhã where it méeteth with ye Rother a goodly wa|ter, whoſe head is in Darbyſhyre, about Pil|ſley, from whence it goeth vnder the name of Doley, till it come at Rotheram, by north Winfielde churche, Wingerworth, & Fore|lande hall twelue myles from Rotheram, to Cheſterforde, where it méeteth with the Iber,Iber. Bramptõ. and Brampton water that commeth by Holme hall, both in one chanel. Thence it runneth to Toptom caſtell, & ere long croſ|ſing one water comming from Drouefeld [...] by Whittington on the one ſide, and the ſe|conde from aboue Brimington on the other, it goeth thorowe Staley parke, and ere long meeteth with the Crawley becke, wherof I finde this note. The Crawley ryſeth not far from Hardwijc, [...] and going by Staneſby and Woodhouſe, it receiueth aboue Netherhorpe, one water on the one ſide comming from the olde parke, and another from Barleborowe hill on the other, that runneth not far from Woodthorpe. After this confluence likewyſe they run as one into the Rother, which haſt|eth from thence to Eckington (there croſſing a ryll that runneth by Byrley hill) and ſo to Kilmarſhe, in the confines of Darby ſhire, where it taketh in the Gunno from by eaſt, [...] thence to Boughton, vniting it ſelfe therea|bout wyth another by weſt from Gledles, called Meſebrooke,Meſ [...]|brooke. which deuydeth Yorke ſhyre from Darby ſhyre, and ſo runneth to Treton, Whiſton, there taking in a ryll frõ Aſton and ſo to Rotheram, where it méeteth wyth the Donne, & from whence our Done haſteth to Aldwarke, Swaiton, Mexburge, there takyng in the Darne, which I wyll next deſcribe, and ſtaye with the Done, vntil I haue finiſhed the ſame. It ryſeth at Comb|worth and ſo commeth about by Bretton hall, to Darton warde, where it croſſeth a water that runneth from Gunthwake Hall, by Cawthorne vnited of two heades. From hence it goeth to Burton graunge, then to Drax, where it toucheth wyth a water from ſouthweſt & then goeth to Dexfielde & Gold|thorpe, but ere it come to Sprotborowe, it v|niteth it ſelfe with a faire ryuer, increaſed by dyuers waters, before it come at ye Done, & whereinto it falleth as I here northeaſt of Mexburghe. After this confluence lykewyſe the Done goeth by Sprotborowe, to War|neſworth, Doncaſter, [...] Wheatley (there mée|ting wyth the Hampall créeke on the north|eaſt ſide, which ryſeth eaſt of Kyrby) thence to Sandal, Kyrke Sandall, Branwith ferry Stanford, Fiſhelake, and ſo to Thuorne, or Thurne, where it croſſeth the Idle (whoſe deſcription followeth) & finally into Trent, & ſo into the Humber. But before I deale with the deſcription of the Idle, I wil adde ſome|what of the Rume which is a fayre water for although the deſcription thereof be not ſo exactly deliuered me as I looked for, yet ſuch as it is I wyll ſet downe, conferring it wyth Lelandes booke and helping their defecte ſo much as to mée is poſſible. It ryſeth by ſouth of Maunſfielde, fyue myles from Rumforde abbaye, & when the ſtreame commeth néere [page 73] the abbay, it caſteth it ſelfe abroade and ma|keth a fayre lake. After this it commeth a|gaine into a narrowe chanell, and ſo goeth on to Rumford village, [...]dby. [...]rbertõ, carying the Budbye and the Gerberton waters wyth all. From thence & with a méetely long courſe, it goeth to Bawtry or Vautrye, a market towne in Nottingham ſhyre, fiue myles from Don|caſter, and ſo into the Trent. Beneth Rum|ford alſo commeth in the Gyrt, which goeth vnto Southwel mylles, [...]rt. & ſo into the Trent. Nowe as concerning our Idle. The Idle ryſeth at Sutton in Aſhfelde, from whence it runneth to Maunſfelde, Clypſton and Al|lerton, [...]. where it taketh in a water that riſeth in the forreſt, one myle north of Bledworth, and runneth on by Rughforde abbaye, tyll it come at Allerton. The forreſters call thys Man becke, whereof Lelande alſo ſpeaketh, who deſcribeth it in this maner.Man [...]. Man brooke ryſeth ſome where about Linthirſt woode, from whence it goeth to Bilſthorpe, and ſo to Allerton. But to procéede the Idle hauing taken in the Manbecke, it runneth to Bo|thomſall, by Boughton, and Perlethorpe but ere it come there, [...]eding [...]ke. it méeteth the Meding Mayden, or Midding brooke, which ryſing a|bout Teuerſall, goeth to Pleaſley, Nettle|worth, Sawcan, Warſop, Budley, Thureſ|by, Bothomſall & ſo into the Idle. After thys it procéedeth to Houghton, weſt Draiton, but ere it touche at Graunſton or Gaunſton, it taketh in the Wily, which commeth from Clowne, [...]. to Creſwell, Holbecke, Woodhouſe Wilebecke, Normanton, Elſley, Graunſtõ, and ſo into the Idle. Beyng thus increaſed the Idle runneth on to Idleton, Ordſal, Ret|forde, Bollam, Tilney, Matterſey abbaye, & ſo to Bawtry, where it méeteth another frõ the ſhire Okes, that ryſeth aboue Geytford, paſſeth on to Workſop (or Radfurth) Oſber|ton, [...]lithe. Bilby, and Blythe, there vniting it ſelf wyth thrée rylles in one botome, wherof one commeth from Waldingwel to Careleton, and ſo thorowe a parke to Blithe towne, a|nother from by weſt Furbecke thrée myles and ſo to Blithe, but the thirde out of ye white water néer to Blithe, and there being vnited they paſſe on to Scroby, and ſo into the Idle. From hence it runneth on to Miſſen, to Sad|lers bridge, & next of all to Santoft, where it méeteth with the Sandbecke, [...]ande [...]ke. which ryſing not farre from Sandbecke towne, paſſeth by Tickhill, Roſington bridge, Brampton, Ril|holme, Lindholme, & one myle ſouth of San|toft into the Idle water, which runneth from thence to Thorne, where it méeteth with the Done, & ſo with it to Crowley. Finally en|uironning the Iſle of Axeholme, it goeth to Garthorpe, Focorby, and ſo into the Trent, Leland wryting of the Wily, Wile or Gwi|ly, as ſome wryte it, ſaith thus thereof. The Wile hath two heades, whereof one is not far aboue the place where Wilbecke abbaie ſtoode, the other ryſeth farder of by weſt a|boue Welbecke, or Wilebecke Towne: finally ioyning in one, they runne to Cucke|ney village, where croſſing a becke that con|meth in frõ by weſt, it holdeth on two myles farder, there taking in the ſeconde ryll, and ſo reſort to Rufforde. To thys ryuer likewiſe ſaith he do two other waters repaire, wherof ye one goeth hard by Maunſfeld (riſing foure myles from thence by weſt) & then commeth thrée myles lower vnto Rufford, the other ſo far as I remember goeth quite thorowe the towne. Hauing thus finiſhed ye courſe of the Trent, & ſuch notable waters as diſcharge themſelues into the ſame. I find none of any coũtenance omitted before I come to Lindis or Witham, where I haue to make ſupplie of foure or fiue as followeth, albeit that their courſes be not of any quantitie in compari|ſon of thoſe, whereof I ſpake in the Trent. Into Witham therefore from by north and ſeuen myles beneath Lincolne,Witham. there falleth a faire water, the heade whereof is at Hake|thorne, from whence it goeth by Hanworth,Hake. Snarford, Reſby, Stainton, and at Bulling|ton méeteth with a water on each ſide, wher|of one commeth from Haytõ and Turring|ton, the other from Sudbrooke, and likewyſe beneath Byrlinges with the third comming from Barkeworth by Stanſted, and ioining all in one ſoone after, it is not long ere it fall into the chanell of Witham, and ſo are ne|uer more hearde of. There is alſo a brooke by ſouthweſt, that commeth from Kyr [...]y to Cateley, Billingai [...], and the ferry.Bane. At Ta|terſall it méeteth with the Bane, which ry|ſeth aboue Burghe, and néere vnto Ludford goeth downe to Dunnington, Stanygod, Hemmingſby, Bamburghe, Fillington, Horne caſtell (where it croſſeth a rill from Belcheworth) Thorneton, Marton, Halton, Kyrkeby, Comſby, Taterſall and ſo to Dog|dike ferry. Aboue Boſton, likewiſe it taketh in a water comming from Luſeby by Bo|lingbrooke, Stickeford, Stickney, Sibbeſey and Hildrike. And to Boſton towne it ſelfe doe finally come ſundry brookes in one cha|nell, called Hammond becke, which riſing at Doneſby runneth on to Wrightbold where it caſteth one arme into Holly well water. Thence it haſteth towarde Donnington,Bolling|borow. Sem|pringham. re|ceyuing foure brookes by the waye, whereof the firſt commeth from Milthorp, the ſecond from Fokingham, called Bollingbrowe or [page 83] Sempringham water, the thirde frõ Bridge ende, the fourth from Sempringham, and afterwardes the maine ſtreame is founde to runne by Kyrton holme, and ſo into the Wi|tham. Into the Wylande likewyſe falleth the Hallywell, which ryſeth of a ſpryng that runneth towarde the eaſt from Halywell to Oneby, Eſonden, Gretforde, and ſo to Cat|bridge, where it receyueth another ryſing at Witham and Weſt of Manthorpe, and the ſeconde comming from Laund, and ſo runne from thence togither to Willeſthorp & Cat|bridge, and then into the Hallywell, which after theſe confluences, goeth to Tetforde, & Eaſtcote, where it méeteth with a Drayne, comming from Bourne, and ſo thorowe the Fennes to Pinchebeck, Surflete, and Foſ|dike, where it méeteth with the Welland, in ye mouth of the waſhe as I haue béene aduer|tiſed. And thus much of the ſmaller brookes, wherby the greater are augmented, ouer all the realme of Englande. Certes I would if it had béene poſſible, haue dealt more orderly in their deſcriptions, but ſith many occaſiõs hindered my purpoſe, that which I haue done I hope ſhall ſuffice for this time, ſith here after I may happen to take farder trauaile herein, & bring the whole diſcourſe to ſome more perfite order, as better inſtruction and good acceptation of that which is done alrea|die ſhall encourage me thereto.