1.11. Of the Sauerne ſtreame and ſuch falles of ry|uers as go into the ſea, betweene it and the Humber. Cap. 10.

Of the Sauerne ſtreame and ſuch falles of ry|uers as go into the ſea, betweene it and the Humber. Cap. 10.

[1] [2] THE Sauerne deuideth Englande or that part of the Iſland, [...] which ſometime was called Lhoegres from Cambria, ſo cal|led of Camber, the ſecond ſonne of Brute, as our hyſtories doe report. But nowe it height Wales of the Germaine worde Walſhe, wherby that nation doth vſe to call all ſtran|gers without reſpect of countrie. It tooke the name of a certaine Lady, called Habren, baſe daughter of Locrinus begotten vpon Eſtrildes daughter to Humber king of Scythia, [...] per [...] truth Aber [...] called the [...] that ſometime inuaded this Iſlande and was o|uerthrowne here, in the dayes of this Locri|nus as ſhall be ſhewed at hande. For after the death of Locrinus, it came to paſſe that Guendolena his wyfe ruled the kingdome in the noneage of hir ſonne, and then getting [page 26] [...]. Of the drowning of the ſayde [...] I finde theſe verſes inſuing.

In fl [...]uium praecipit atur Abien,
Nomen Abien fl [...]uio de virgine [...] [...]
Nomino [...]r [...]pto deinde Sabrina lat [...].

[1] But to returne to our Sauerne, it ſpringeth from the high mountaines of ſouth Wales, called in Welche Plim Limmon in latine Plimmon [...] in Engliſhe the Blacke moun|taines, & out of the ſame head with the Wye, where it hath in Latitude as ſome geſſe 52. degrées and [...]9 minutes, and in longitude 15. and 50. From he [...]e it [...]onneth to Catr Lew [...] (famous in nune, but in déede a poore throwfaire from Ma [...]encliffe) then to Lani [...]|las, to Newton (or Trenewith) to Ar [...]iſtle, to Leueden, then within a myle of Mounte|gomery to the Welche poole, thence wythin half a mile of Pon [...]ibery Colledge to Shroſ|bury, and ſo to bridge North, receyuing ſun|dry brookes and waters by the way, of which the Cerlon or Serlo ſéemeth to be the grea|teſt, [...]rlon. and whereby the chanell thereof is not a little increaſed. From Bridgenorth it encli|neth toward ye ſouth vnto Worceſter where [...] about it receyueth other ſtreames, [...]s the Teme on the Weſt halfe a myle beneath Worceſter, [...]me. not farre from Powike Milles. And another in the Eaſt, comming frõ Staf|forde, and ſo holding one towarde Gloceſter, [...]on. méeteth with the Auon not farre from Theo|keſ [...]yry, and from whence they come both as one to Gloceſter, as mine informacion doth ſerue me. Here gathering agayne ſomewhat toward the weſt, [...] it paſſeth by weſt of Deane, where it meteth with the Wy, which is none of the leaſt famous of all thoſe that mixe thẽ|ſelues wyth Sauerne. [...]uge. Being alſo great|lye enlarged with the Wylow or Wi [...]inghe (another great ſtreate ſtreame increaſed by the Geuenni, and another) it goeth vnto the Holmes, where after it hath mette in the meane ſeaſon with ſundry other brookes, it falleth into the maine ſea, betwéene Wales and Cornewall, which is and ſhalbe called the Sauerne ſea, ſo long as Sauerne ryuer doth hold and kéepe hir name. But as the ſaid ſtreame in length of courſe bounty of water and depth of chanell commeth farre behinde the Thames, ſo for other commodities as [...] veſſels on the ſame.

The [...] Wy,Wy mouth [...] myles ouer (ſayth Leland) or [...]lſe my [...] doth faile me.

[1] This ryuer Guy or Wy beginneth as I ſayde before on the ſide of the hilles,Guy alias Wy. where the Sauerne doth ariſe, and paſſing thorowe We [...]elande, doeth fall into the Sauerne beneath Chepſto at the aforeſayde place.

[1] Lelande writing of this ryuer ſayeth thus, the Wy goeth thorowe all Herefordſhyre by Bradwerden Caſtell (belonging to Syr Ri|charde [...]) & ſo to Hereforde eaſt,Vmber a fiſhe onely in the Wy. thence eyght myles to Roſſe a market towne in Herefordſhyre, and in this ryuer be Vmbers otherwyſe called graylinged.

[1] Next vnto this is the Aberwiſh, or Wyſke whereon Caerleon ſtrandeth ſometime,Wiſke. cal|led Cheſter. This riuer ryſeth in the blacke mountaines, tenne myles aboue Brechnoch towarde Cairmardine, and runneth thorow the great and litle forreſt of Brechnoch, then it goeth by Redwin bridge, to Breckenock, Penkithly, Cregh [...]ell, Aberg [...]ue [...]nt, Vſke, Carleon, Newporte, and ſo vnto the ſea, ta|king withall the Ebowith.Ebowith. This Ebowith is a riuelet ryſing flat North, in a mountaine of high Wenſlande, and going ſtreight from thence into Diffrin Serowy vale, it falleth into the Vſke or Wiſke, a myle and a halfe beneath Newporte, from whence likewyſe it is vnto the hauen mouth of Wiſke about half a mile more. But to procede withour Wiſke. Certes this riuer is famous and vpon ſome partes of the lower bankes eſpecially about Carleon is much Romaine Coyne found, of all maner of ſortes, as men eare and digge the grounde. Furthermore this ſtreame is one of the greateſt in Southwales and huge ſhips might well come to the towne of Car|leon, as they did in the time of the Romaines if Newport bridge were not a let vnto them. [page 36] Neuertheleſſe bigge bo [...]es come thereto. It is eyght Welche or tw [...]l [...]e Engliſhe myles from Chepſtow or Strigull, and of ſome thought to be in Bace Wencelande, though other be of the contrarie opinion. But howſo|euer the matter ſtandeth, this ryuer is taken to be the bo [...]ds of Brechnockſhyre, as Ren|ni is to midle Wenceland and Glamorgan|ſhyre.

Remenei, or Remni.The next riuer vnto Vſke or Wiſke is cal|led Remenei or Remni, whoſe heade is thrée or foure myles aboue Eggluis Tider Vap Hoell (otherwyſe called Fanum Theodori, or the Church of Theodorus) whence come ma|nye ſprings, & taking one botome, the water is called Kayach. It is alſo augmented with the Riſca brooke, comming vnto it out of a Paroche called Eggluis Ilan, and then al|togither named Riſca.Riſca. Thence running tho|rowe Bedwes Paroche, it is called Renmy or Remeny and ſo continueth vntill it come at the Sauerne. The fall therof alſo is not a|boue ſixe myles from the ryuer Wiſke. Al|though that for ſhippes it be nothing commo|dious. It is more ouer a limite betwéene the Silures and Glamorganſhyre.

[1] Taffe. From the mouth of Renni, to the mouth of Taffe are two myles. Thys ryuer is the greateſt in all Glamorganſhyre, and the ci|tie Taffe it ſelfe of good countenaunce, ſith it is endued with the Cathedrall ſea of a Bi|ſhop. The head of this water cõmeth downe from Wooddy hilles, and often bringeth ſuch logges and bodyes of trées withal frõ thence, that they fruſh the bridge in péeces, but for aſ|much as it is made of tymber, it is repayred with leſſe coſt, whereas if it were of harde ſtone all the countrie thereabouts would not be able to amende it. Into this ſtreame alſo falleth Lhay,Lhay. which deſcendeth (but more ea|ſterly) from the ſame hilles and it méeteth with all beneath Landaffe, that ſtandeth al|moſt euen at the verye confluence, and thus ſayeth Lhoyd, but Lelande noteth it other|wyſe. In like ſorte the Taffe receyueth the Rodney Vaur,Rodeney vaur, Rodeny vehan. and Rodeney Vehan, in one botome, which ſpring in the Lordſhip of Glin Rodeney within two miles togither. Of theſe alſo the Rodeney Vaur ryſeth by Northweſt in a great high rocke, called Driſſiog. Rode|ney Vehan iſſueth a myle aboue caſtell Noſe (by northweſt alſo) but néerer towarde Myſ|ken Lordſhip, ſo that the Rodney Vaur head and ſtreame lieth more weſt vp into Wales. As for Caſtell Noſe, it is but a highe ſtonye Cragge in the toppe of a hil: but to procéede. Rodeney Vaur runneth vnder a bridge of wood a myle from Penriſe, then to Ponte Kemmeis two myles lower, and a little be|neath is the confluence. There be alſo two ſmall bridges on Rodeney Vehan of w [...]d, whereof the firſt is agaynſt P [...]r [...]ſe thrée quarters of a myle of, the other a little aboue the confluẽce right againſt the bridg on Rod|ney Vaur. There is a bridg of wood alſo vpõ the whole ſtreame two myles beneath the ſayde confluence, called Pont Newith, and a quarter of a mile from the place where it go|eth into Taffe.

[1] [2] [3] [4] From Taffe to Lay mouth or Ele ryuer a mile, from Lhay mouth (or rather Penarth,Lhay. that ſtandeth on the Weſt poynt of it) to the mouth of Thawan ryuer (from whence is a cõmon paſſage ouer vnto Mineheued in So|merſetſhyre of ſeuentene myles) are about ſeuen Welche myles,Thawan which are counted af|ter this maner. A myle and a halfe aboue Thawan is Scylley Hauenet,Scylley. (a pretie ſuc|cour for ſhippes) whoſe heade is in Wenno paroche two myles & a halfe from the ſhore. From Scilley mouth to Aber Barry a mile,Barry. and thither commeth a little ryll of freſh wa|ter into Sauerne, whoſe head is ſcant a myle of in playne grounde by Northeaſt,This I went 50. yeres [...] for 10. [...]. & right a|gainſt the fall of this becke lyeth Barry Iſ|lande a flight ſhotte from the ſhore at the full ſea. Halfe a myle aboue Aber Barry is the mouth of Come kydy,Com [...] which ryſeth flat north frõ the place where it goeth into ye Sauerne & ſerueth oft for herbor vnto ſea farers. Thẽce to the mouth of Thawan are 3. myles, wher|vnto ſhippes may come at will. Two myles aboue Thawan is Colhow,Colhow. whether a little rill reſorteth from Lau Iltuit, thence to the mouth of Alen foure myles,Alen. that is a myle to S. Dynothes Caſtell, and thrée myles fur|der. The Alen riſeth by northeaſt vp into the lande at a place, called Lhes Broimith, or Skyrpton, about foure myles aboue the plot where it commeth by it ſelfe into Sauerne. From thence to the mouth of Ogur alias Gur thrée miles.Ogur. Then come they in proceſſe of tyme vnto the Kenſike or Colbrooke ryuer which is no great thing,Kenſike. ſith it ryſeth not a|boue 3. myles frõ the ſhore. From Kenſike to Aber Auon two myles,Auon. and herein doe ſhips moleſted with weather oftentimes ſéeke her|borow. It commeth of two armes, whereof that which lyeth Northeaſt is called Auon Vaur, the other that lyeth Northweſt Auon Vehã. They méete togither at Lhanuoy Hẽ|gle, about two myles aboue Aber Auon vil|lage, which is two myles alſo from the ſea. From hence to the Neth is about two miles and a halfe,Neth. thereon come ſhiplettes al|moſt to the towne of Neth frõ the Sauerne. From the mouth of Neth vnto the mouth of Crimline becke is two miles, and being paſ|ſed [page 27] the ſame we come vnto the Tauy,Tauy. which deſcendeth from the aforeſayd hilles and fal|leth into the Sea by Eaſt of Swanſey. Be|yng paſt this wée come vnto the Lichwr, or Lochar mouth and then glyding by the Wormes head,Lochar. [...]andres. we paſſed to the Wandreſ|mouth, whereof I finde this deſcription fol|lowing in Lelande.Vendraith [...]aur Vẽ| [...]raith Ve| [...]a. Both Vendraith, Vaur & Vẽdraith Vehan, ryſe in a péece of Carmar|dineſhyre, called Iſſekenen, that is to ſay, the lowe quarter about Kennen ryuer, and be|twixt the heades of theſe two hitles, is ano|ther hill, wherein be ſtones of a gréeniſh cou|lour, whereof the inhabitauntes make theyr Lime. The name of the hyll that Vendraith Vaur ryſeth in, is called Mennith Vaur, and therein is a poole as in a moriſh ground, na|med Lhintegowen, where ye principall ſpring is, & thys hyll is eight or nyne myles frõ Kid|welli. The hyll that Vendraith Vehan ſprin|geth out of, is called Mennith Vehan, & thys water commeth by Kydwelly towne. But a|bout thrée or foure myles, eare it come thy|ther, it receyueth a brooke, called Treſgyrth the courſe wherof is little aboue a myle from the place where it goeth into Vendraith, and yet it hath foure or fiue turking milles and thrée Corne milles vppon it. At the heade of this brooke is an hole in the hilles ſide, where men often enter and walke in a large ſpace. And as for the brooke it ſelfe, it is one of the moſt plentifull and commodious that is to be founde in Wales. All along the ſides alſo of Vendraith Vaur, you ſhall finde great plen|tye of Seacoles. There is a great hole by heade of Vendraith Vehan, where men vſe to enter into vaultes of great compaſſe, and it is ſayde, that they may go one way vnder the grounde to Wormes head, and another waye to Cairkennen caſtell, which is thrée myles or more vnto the lande. But how true theſe things are it is not in me to determine, yet this is certaine, that there is very good Hawking at the Heron in Vendraith Vehã. There are dyuers printes of the paſſage of certaine Wormes alſo in the Caue, at the head of Vẽdraith Vehan, as the inhabitants doe fable, but I neuer heard of any man that ſaw any Worme there, and yet it is beléeued that many Wormes are there.

[1] Tow, or Towy.Being paſt this, we came to the Abertowy or mouth of the Towz. This riuer ryſeth in the mountaines of Elinith foure myles by ſouth from Lintiue in a moriſh grounde, 24. miles from Carmardyn and in a forreſt cal|led Biſhops forreſt midway betwixt Land|wybreuy & Landanuery caſtell. For fiſh this is much better in mine opinion, thẽ the Taw or Taffe, whoſe head breadeth no fiſhe, but if any be caſt into it, they turne vp their bellies and die out of hande. Into this riuer alſo fal|leth one called Guthrike,Guthrijc. not farre frõ Lan|donuery towne, which is two and twentye myle frõ the head of Towy. In like ſort the Kenen ryuer falleth into the Towy about Landilouaur,Kenen. which is two m [...]es higher vpõ Towy, the Dinefur caſtel & the whole courſe of this water is not aboue thrée myles.Brane. The Brane (another ryuer alſo) after it hath run from the head by the ſpace of 12 myles doth come hard by the foote of Landonuery caſtel, and taking with it the Euery, they fall togi|ther into the Towz, a little beneath the Ca|ſtell.Euery. Thys Euery runneth through the mid|deſt of Landanuery towne. Beneath Lãdan|uery in like ſorte another brooke called Mar|leis, falleth into the Towy, and foure myles beneath the ſame two other, of which the one is called Nonneis. Nonneis. Foure miles alſo from A|bermarleis or the place where Towy & Mar|leis doe méete (towarde Carmardine) run|neth the riuer Duleſſe, which ſoone after fal|leth alſo into Towy. Furthermore 2. miles beneath the fall of Duleſſe, there is another, and thrée or foure myles beyonde this, is the ſeconde Duleſſe, & eache of them after other fall into the ſaide ryuer, but this latter about Driſlan Caſtell, as Lelande hath deſcrybed thẽ. Procéeding yet further ſtill toward Car|mardine, our ſayde ſtreame goeth by Landi|ſtupham Caſtell, and alſo into the ſea, about thrée myles beyonde Driſlan Caſtell. Alſo he confeſſeth moreouer, that he ſawe the fall of Cothey, a fayre ryuer, into the ſayd ſtreame, & this was within foure myles of Carmar|dine, wherof I ſpake before.Cothey. The Cothey ri|ſeth thrée myles frõ Landanbreui vnder the hulke of Blaine Icorne, which is a narrowe paſſage, and therein marueylous heapes of ſtones.

[1] [2] The next riuer we came vnto vpon the coſt is called Taue,Taue. whoſe head runneth alſo from the blacke mountaines at a place thrée miles from Cardigan called Preſſelen, thence it goeth by Saint Clares, and as it haſteth to|ward the ſea,Gowe. it taketh the ryuer Gowe with it, which riſeth at Blaincowen two myles or more aboue the bridge.Duddery. Barth|kinni. Morlais. Then the Duddery ryuer, and Barthkinni ſtreame, Venny & Morlais. Next of all come we to Milford ha|uen,Dugledu, wherunto two ryuers direct their courſe from the Northeaſt called Dugledu or the two ſwordes and betwéene them both is a [...] which they cal alſo Cultlell (that is to ſay) the knyfe,Cultlell. wereof riſeth a merry tale of a welch|man that lying in this place abrode all night in the colde weather, he was demaunded of his hoſteſſe (where he did breake his faſte the [page 37] next morrowe) at what Inne he laye in the night precedent, bycauſe he came ſo ſoone to hir houſe ere any of hir maydes were vp. Oh good hoſteſſe (quod he) be contented I laye to night in a daungerous eſtate for I ſlepte be|twéene two ſwordes with a long knife at my hart, meaning in déede that he lay betwéene theſe two ryuers, and his breaſt towards the South néere to the heade of Cultlell. But to paſſe ouer theſe ieſtes, here Leland ſpeaketh of a ryuer called Gwyly,Gwyly. but where it ryſeth or falleth he maketh no certaine report: wher|fore it is requiſite that I procéede according to my purpoſe. Beyng therfore paſſe this ha|uen and point of Demetia in caſting aboute the coaſte we come to Saint Dewies, or S. Dauyds land,S. Dewy or Dauid all one. which I reade to be ſeperated from the reſt of the countrey much after this manner, although I graunt that there maye be an dare diuers other litle créekes, betwixt Newgale and Saint Dauys head, & betwixt S. Dauys and Fyſchard, beſide thoſe that are here mencioned out of a Regiſter of that houſe.

[1] As we turne therefore from Milford, S. Dauys land beginneth at Newgall,Newgall. a créeke ſerued with a backe freſhe water. Howbeit there is a Baye before this créeke betwixt it and Milford. From hence about foure miles is Saluache créeke,Saluach. otherwiſe called Saue|rach, whether ſome freſhe water reſorteth: ye mouth alſo thereof is a good reſcue for Ba|lingers as it (I meane the regiſter) ſayth. Thence go we to Portclais 3. myles where is a litle portlet,Portclais. Alen. whether the Alen that com|meth thorowe Sainte Dewies cloſe doth runne.

[1] [2] It lyeth a myle ſouthweſt frõ S. Dewies, Saint Stinans Chappell alſo is betwéene Portclais,Portmaw Maw. and Portmaw. The next is Porte Maw, where I founde a great eſtuary into the lande.Pendwy. The Pendwy halfe a mile from ye: Land Vehan is 3. myles frõ Pendwy,Lanuehã. where is a ſalt créeke,Tredine. then to Tredine thrée myles, where is another créeke to Langunda,Langũda. foure miles, and another créeke is there in like ſort where fyſher men catche Herring.Fiſchard. Here alſo the Gwerne riuer deuideth Penbidianc from Fiſcherdine Kemmeis land. Frõ Langunda to Fiſchard at the Gwerne mouth 4. myles,Gwerne. & here is a portlet or hauenet alſo for ſhippes. and thus much of Saint Dauids lande. Be|ſides this alſo Leland in a third booke talketh of Linnes and Pooles, but for as much as my purpoſe is not to ſpeake of Lakes & Lhinnes, I paſſe them ouer as haſting to the Teify, in latine Tibius, which is the nexte ryuer that ſerueth for my purpoſe.

[1] Teyfy.The Teyfy therfore is a right noble ryuer, as anye in Wales, Caſtor [...] [...] Englan [...] fraught with delicate Samons, and herein onely of all the ryuers in Englande is the Caſtor or Beuer to bée founde. It aryſeth foure myles from Strat|fleur out of a Poole called Lhintiue, lying on the Weſt ſide of the blacke mountaines (as the Sauerne doth ſpring out from by eaſt of them) & holding on with the ordinary courſe,Fleure. it commeth at laſte to Stradfleur, where it méeteth with a brooket called the Fleure or Flere. Frõ hence it procéedeth on vnto Tre|garon, Bruy, Landfur, Glydois, Budhair, Emlin, Kilgarran, & ſo to Cardigon, which ſtandeth on the farder ſide as we go towarde the foreſaid ryuer from by ſouth. Certes this ryuer which we nowe diſcribe, goeth in man|ner plaine Weſt, till we come within ſyxe myles of Cairmardine, and then returneth toward the North, ſo goyng on till it come at Abertiwy, or Aberteify, as it is moſt cõmon|ly called. It deuideth Pembrooke from Car|digan or Cereticanſhere, as Leland ſetteth it downe.

[1] Beyng paſte the Tewe or Teify we came to Aberayron,Ayron. ſo called of the ryuer Ayron which there falleth into the Maine, 3. myles beneath Lanclere. It ryſeth alſo in a moun|taine, percel of the blacke hilles, by a chappel called Blaine Penial, belonging to Landwy Breui, but it is in Cardigon ſhire ouer Tiue and aboute three or foure myles from Tiue banckes.Arth. Next vnto this as I remember we paſſed by Aberarth where was a pretye ſtreamelet & ſome ſlender harborow. And thẽ we came to another water which falleth into ye ſea beneath Riſthide (neither of them beingRis. of any great length from their heades) and ſo vnto A [...]eryſtwith which yſſueth in a marſheYſtwich. called Blaine Wythe (ſo farre as I remem|ber) and runneth about 13. or 14. myles tyll it come at laſt into the ſea.Meleuen It taketh withal by the waye alſo firſt the Meleuen and then the Rhedhol,Redol. a ryuer nothing inferiour vnto Yſtwith it ſelfe, with whome it maketh his confluence aboue Badarne, and in a large bo|tome goeth ſoone after into the ſea.

Hence we went vnto the Wy whoſe heade commeth from the ſouth part of Snowdony by Mowdheuy Mathan laith,Wy. and in this his courſe moreouer he ſéemeth to parte Northe Wales and South Wales in ſunder. It is called in latine Deuus, in Welſhe Dyfy, but how it came to be called Wy in good ſoothe it is not found. It receyueth alſo the Alen which cõmeth from the vpper part of Cormeryſt|with in Cardigonſhyre, out of the blaine, and taketh alſo with it the Clardwyn, a brooke yſ|ſuing about a myle from Cragnawlin and as it holdeth on the courſe it receyueth the [page 28] Clardwy which ſpringeth vp halfe a myle from the Clardue head (another gullet like|wiſe falling from ye Rocky hilles into Clard|wy) and ſo goyng together foure miles far|der they fall into the Allen. Finally after all theſe haue as it were played together in one or moe bottomes among the pleaſant Mea|dowes and lower groundes, by the ſpace of ſixe myles, vnder ye name of Alen, they beate at the laſt vpon the Wy and accompany him directly vnto the Ocean.

[1] [2] [3] After this we paſſed by Aberho, ſo named of the Riuer Ho, that falleth therein to the ſea and commeth thether from ye Alpes or hilles of Snowdony. From hence we ſayled by Abermawr or mouth of Mawr,Mawr. which com|meth in like ſorte from Snowdony, and ta|keth diuers Ryuers with him whoſe names I doe not know. [...]rtro. Then vnto ye Artro a brooke deſcending from thoſe hilles alſo, and falling into the ſea a myle aboue the Harleche. Next of al we behold the Gleſſe Linne that parteth Caernaruon from Merio [...]nneth ſhyre, and ſo came vnto Traith Vehan, betwixte which two, and Traith Mawr rũneth a litle brooke thorowe the wharfe of Traith Mawr at the low water as I read. Theſe 2 Traiths are ye mouthes of two faire ſtreames, wherof the moſt Southerly is called Mawy,Mawy. Ferles, the other Ferles, eche of them I ſaye deriuing his ori|ginall water from Snowdony, as diuers o|ther brookes haue done already before them. Of theſe alſo ye firſt paſſeth by diuers lakes, although I doe not well knowe the names of anye one of them. From Traith mawr to Chrychet are three myles,Crichet. where alſo is a lit|tle rill ſerued with ſundrye waters. Then come we vnto the Erke,Erke. a pretye brooke diſ|cending frõ Madrijn hilles. Then caſting a|bout toward the ſouth (as the coaſt lyeth) we ſawe the Aberſoch or mouth of the Soch ry|uer vppon our right handes,Soch. in the mouthe whereof lye two Iſlandes, of which the more Northerly is called Tudfall and the other Penrijn as Leland did obſerue. After this, goyng about by the point we come to Daron Ryuer,Daron. wherevppon ſtandeth Aberdaron a quarter of a mile frõ the ſhore betwixt Aber|darõ and Vortigernes vale, where the com|paſſe of the ſea gathereth in a heade and en|treth at both endes: [...]euenni. Thẽ come we to Venni brooke which runneth by Treuenni, and is about 12. myles of from Aberdaron. Then iij. miles of to Egluis Epiſtle, whether com|meth a little brooke or rill from Gwortheren Rocke, which ſome call Vortigernes Vale. From hence alſo 3. myles further, we come to Lhanhelerion and then foure myles to Cluniock, and finally to Clunio [...]k Vaur Ar|uon, where is a little rillet, & a myle or more farder is another that goeth to the mayne ſea. Here in following Lelande as I doe for the moſt part in all this Treatize where he kéepeth any order at all (for his notes, are ſo diſperſed in his Comẽtaries ye one of them is ſometimes is 6.8. or 20. leaues from another, and many of them penned after a contrarye ſort) I finde theſe wordes. There is a brooke beyonde Aberleuenni goyng by it ſelfe into the ſea: there be alſo two brookes betwéene Gurnwy or Gwyrfay and Skeuerneck, as Golaid and Semare Poole:Golaide. Semer|poole. Sother. Menley. Sowther créeke alſo is the verye pointe of Abermenley, by which notes as I finde not what he ſaith, ſo the remembraunce of them may helpe better againſt the next publication of this booke: to procéede therefore in ſuch order as I may.

[1] Leuenni is a great brooke ryſing 4. mile aboue the place, where it falleth into the ſea,Leuen. Leuen brooke cõmeth into the ſea two miles aboue Skeuernocke:Skeuer|nocke. Skeuernocke a little brooke ſixe myles aboue Aberſaint. Auõ Gur|nay commeth thorowe pontnewith bridge, and after into Meney at South Crock, two myles of Cladwant brooke,Cladwant and ryſing thrée myles from thence it commeth thorow the towne bridge of Carnaruon and goeth by it ſelfe into Meney arme, ſo that Carnaruon ſtandeth betwéene two riuers. Botes alſo do come to Cadwan. The name of Abermeney is not paſſing a myle aboue Carnaruon, and yet ſome cal it Meney, til you come to Poul|tell. Then come we to Cair Arfon or Cair|naruon, Gwiniwith mirith (or horſe brooke) two myles from Moylethon, and it ryſeth at a well ſo called full a myle from thence. Moylethon is a bowe ſhotte from Aber|powle, frõ whence ferry botes go to the Ter|mone or Angleſy. Aberpowle runneth three myles into the lande,Coute. and hath his head foure myles beyonde Bangor in Meney ſhore: and here is a little comming in for botes bending into the Meney.Gegyne. Aber Gegeyne commeth out of a mountaine a myle aboue,Torron|nen. Ogwine. and Bangar (thorow which a rillet called Torronnẽ hath his courſe) almoſt a myle aboue it. Aber Og|wine is two miles aboue yt. It ryſeth at Tale linne Ogwine poole fiue myles aboue Ban|gor in the eaſt ſide of Withow.Auon. Aber Auon is two myles aboue A [...]erogwene, and it ryſeth in a Poole called Lin man Auon thrée myles of. Auon Lan var Vehan ryſeth in a moun|taine thereby,Lanuar Vehan. Duege|uelth. and goeth into the ſea 2. miles aboue Duegeuelth. Auon Duegeuelth is thre myles aboue Conwey, which ryſing in the mountaines a myle of, goeth by it ſelfe into Meney ſalt arme. On the ſaide ſhore alſo ly|eth Penmaine, and this brooke doth runne [page 38] betwixte Penmaine Maur, and Penmaine Vehan. It ryſeth about 3. myles from Pen|ma [...]lon hilles which lye aboute 60. myles from Conwey abbaie nowe diſſolued. On the Northe and Weſt of this ryuer ſtandeth the towne of Conwey, which taketh his name therof. This riuer receaueth ye Lhigwy a pre|ty ſtreame that commeth from by weſt & ioi|neth with al a little aboue the Riſt but on the Weſt bancke.Lighwy. The Lighwy alſo taketh ano|ther with him that commeth from by ſouth. After this we come to the Gele whereon A|bergele ſtandeth,Gele. and it runneth thorowe the Canges: then vnto the Roſe or Ros and next of all to the mouth of a great hauen, wherin|to the Clude which cõmeth from the ſouth,Cluda. Elwy. and the Elwy that deſcendeth from ye Weſt, doe emptie their chanelles, & betwixte which two the pontificall ſea of Bangor is ſcituate verye pleaſantly and not farre of from the point.Alode. Into Elwy runneth the Alode deſcen|ding from Lhin Alode eyght myles from Denbighe and goyng by Lhan Sannan, it falleth into the Elwy in Lhan Heueth pariſh which is ſixe myles aboue Saint Aſaph. Le|lãd calleth it Aleth.Clue doch Into Clude alſo runneth Clue Doch foure miles lower by water then Ruthine towne: on the Weſt ſide likewyſe the Vſtrate,Vſtrate. that commeth within halfe a myle by ſouth of Denbighe and goeth into Clude almoſt againſt Denbighe towne. Frõ hence to my remembraunce, and before we come to Aber Dée or the mouth of the Dée I finde no Riuer of any countenaunce,Dea. where|fore I will haſt forth to the deſcription of that ſtreame. It ryſeth of ſundy-heades ſouthweſt from Lintegy or Lin Tegnis, in the countie of Penthlin wherevnto within a while they reſort and direct their courſes, and there ioy|ning in one Channell, it commeth almoſt by Bala a poore market towne. Then going ſtil by the ſide of Yale it paſſeth to Berwin, where it méeteth with a rill, afterwardes to Corwen a little by Southweſt wherof, it re|ceaueth the Alwijn a noble ſtreame which commeth from the Northweſt out of a Lyn lying on the other ſyde of ye ſame hilles wher|in the Alode riſeth,Alwijn. and not onely taketh ſun|dery ryuerets and rilles withall as it goeth, but alſo runneth with great ſwiftneſſe tyll it be ioyned with the ſame. From Corwen it goeth to Gellon, and a fewe myles beneath Gellon it méeteth with the Kyriog, then the Wrerham rill,Kyriog. Alin. and finally the Alyn whoſe crinkeling ſtreames diſcende from a Lin in the Stradlin hilles, and goyng firſt North eaſt vnto Mold or Gwidgruc, thẽ ſouthward vnto Cargurle, and finally againe into the Northeaſt, it ſtayeth not tyll it come at the Dée, where it méeteth about halfe a myle or more frõ the Holit with the aforeſaide riuer. Hauing therfore receiued this water it conti|nueth the courſe vnto Cheſter it ſelfe, and frõ thence into the Iryſh ſea as experience hath cõfirmed. What other ryuers do fal into this ſtreame it ſhal be ſhewed in the ſecond booke. In ye meane time hauing a good gale of wind blowing from the South weſt, we came to Lyr poole whether the Wyuer on the ſouthe about Frodſham & the Merſey on the north, doe fall, in thunburdening of their channels. Wiuer water runneth among the Wiches, and Marſey departeth Cheſter and Lanca|ſhyre in ſunder.

From hence alſo we go by Wegam, or Dugeles: and nexte of all vnto the Ribell, which almoſt doth enuyronne Preſton in Anderneſſe. It ryſeth in Rybbes dale about Salley Aabbye, and from thence goeth to Salley and a lyttle beneath Salley it re|ceiueth the Calder that cõmeth by Whaley, and then the Oder. After thys, we come to the Wire, which ryſeth eyght or tenne miles from Garſton, out of the Hylles on the ryght hande, and commeth by gréene Hawghe a pretye Caſtell, belonging to the Earles of Darby, and more then halfe a myle of to Garſton in Anderneſſe. It ebbeth and floweth alſo, thrée myles beneath Garſtone, and at the Chappell of Alhallowes (tenne myles frõ Garſton) it goeth into the Sea. After thys we come to Coker that maketh no great courſe ere we come to the Sandes, by Cockerham Vyllage, where they make Salt out of the Sandes, by often wetting, and dreauing the water from thence into a Pyt, they ſéeth it, as at the Wiche. &c. Then to Cowder ryll, & ſo to the Lane or Lune, that giueth name to Lancaſter, where much Romaine money is founde.

[1] [2] Of thys ryuer you ſhall reade more in the ſeconde Booke. Next vnto it alſo is the Kery, halfe a mile beyond Warton, where the rich Kitſon was borne. It ryſeth out of the hylles not farre of, and falleth into the ſalte water at Luneſandes. From thence we come to Bythe water, which ryſeth not farre from Bytham Towne and Parke, in the Hilles whereabout are great numbers of goates. It is a prettye ryuer, and by all lykelyhoode reſorteth vnto Ken ſands. Ken ryſeth at Ken more, in a Poole of a myle compaſſe, verye well ſtored wyth fyſhe, the head whereof (as all the Barromy of Kendal) is in Weſtmer|lande. It is alſo eyght myles from Kendall, in the waye to Perith, and the courſe there|of is to Newbridge, Barley, Staueley hamlet, Bowſtone, Burne ſyde bridges, [page 29] to Kendall, Leuen bridge. &c. into the ſea, re|ceiuing the Sprout ryuer into it, a myle a|boue Fremegate bridge. Next vnto this is ye Charte whether a freſhe water commeth, as doth another to Conny heade ſandes.

Then come wée to Dudden or Doden ha|uen, whether a freſhe brooke alſo reſorteth, & foure myles from hence was Furneſſe Ab|bay vp into the mountaines. Then ſayled we to the Eſke, whereunto commeth a brooke from Croſmets, then to the Caldes ſerued alſo wyth a backe freſhe water: then (going about by S. Bées) to the Wy or Ferne, to to Deruent, the Lug or Luy, and finallye to Soluey, which parteth England & Scotland.

[1] Hauing thus gone thorowe the ryuers of Englande, nowe it reſteth that wée procéede with thoſe which are to bée founde vppon the Scettyſhe ſhoore, in ſuch order as we beſt maye, vntill we haue fetched a compaſſe about the ſame, and come vnto Barwijcke, whence afterwarde it ſhall be eaſye for vs to make repaire vnto the Thames, from which we did ſet forwarde in the beginning of oure voiage.

[1] [2] [3] [4] [5] The fyrſte ryuer that I mette wythall on the Scottiſh coaſt, [...]. is the Eſke, after I came pa [...]t the Soluey which hath his heade in the Cheuiote Hylles runneth by Kirkinton, and falleth into the Sea at Borow on the ſands. Thys Eſke hauing receiued the Ewys fal|leth into the Soluey fyrſt at Atterith. After thys I paſſed ouer [...] lyttle créeke from Kyr|thell, and ſo to Anand, whereof the valleye Anandale doth ſéeme to take ye name. There is alſo the Nyde, wheref commeth Nidſdale, the Ken, the Dée, the Craie, and the Blad|necke, and al theſe beſides dyuers other ſmal rylles of leſſe name doe lye vpon the ſouth coaſt of Galloway. On the north ſide alſo we haue the Ruan, the Arde, the Eaſſile Dune, the Burwin, the Cluide, (whereupon ſome|tyme ſtoode the famous citie of Alcluyde, and whereinto runneth the Carath) the Hamell, the Dourgleſſe, and the Lame. From hence in lyke manner, wée came vnto the Leuind mouth, wherunto the Blake on the ſouthweſt and the Lomundelake, with his fleting Iſles and fiſh without finnes, (yet very holeſome) doth ſéeme to make hys iſſue. Thys lake of Lomund in calme wheather, ryſeth ſome|times ſo high and ſwelleth with ſuch terrible Billowes, that it cauſeth the beſt Marriners of Scotlande to abyde the leyſure of this wa|ter, before they haue aduenture to hoyſs vp ſayles, on hie. The like is ſéene in windye weather, but much more perillous: There are certeine Iſles alſo in the ſame, which mooue and remooue, oftentymes by force of the water, but one of them eſpeciallye, which otherwyſe is very fruitefull for paſturage of Cattel Next [...] this is the Leue,Leue. Long. Goylee. Heke. Robinſey. Forlan. Tarbat. Lean. Abyr. Arke. Zeſe. Sell. Zord. Owyn. Newiſſe. Orne. Lang. Drun. Hew. Brun. Kile. Dowr, Faro. Neſſe. Herre. Con. Glaſſe. Maur. Vrdàll. Feſſe. Calder. Wifle. Browre. Clyn. Twine. Shin Syllan. Carew. Neſſe. Narding. Spaie. Downe. Dée. Eſke. the Rage the Longe, the Goyle, & the Heke, which for the excéeding greatneſſe of theire heades are called lakes. Then haue we the Robinſey, the forelande, the Tarbat, the Lean, and the Abyr, wherevnto the Spanſey, the Loyne, the Louth, the Arke, and the Zefe doe fall, there is alſo the Sell, the Zord the Owyn, the Newiſſe, the Orne, the Lang, the Drun, the Hew, the Brun, the Kell, the Dowr, the Faro, ye Neſſe, the Herre, the Con, ye Glaſſe the Maur, the Vrdall, the Fe [...]s (that cõmeth out of the Caldell) the Fairſo [...]e which two latter lye a lyttle by weſt of the Orchades, and are properly called ryuers, bicauſe they iſſue onely from ſpringes, but moſt of the o|ther lakes, bicauſe they come from [...] innes, [...] and huge pooles, or ſuch lowe bottomes, fed [...]e with ſpringes, as ſéeme to haue no acceſſe, but onelye receſſe of waters, wherof there be many in Scotlande. But to procéede hauyng once paſt Dungiſby heade in Cathneſſe, we ſhall ere long come to ye mor [...]th [...] the W [...]ſte, a pretty ſtreame, comming by ſouth of the Mountaynes called the Maydens pappes. Thon to the Browre, the Clyn, the Twyn, (wherunto runneth thrée ryuers, the Shy [...], the Sillan, & Carew) the Neſſe which beſide the plenty of Samon founde therein is neuer frozen, nor ſuffereth yſe to remaine there, that is caſt into the poole. From thence wée come vnto the Narding, the Fynderne, the Spai [...], (which receiueth the Vine,) ye Fitch, the Buliche, the Arrian, the Leuin, and the Boghe, from whence we ſayle, vntill we come about the Buquhan head, and ſo to the Downe, and Dée: which two ſtreames bring forth the greateſt Samons, that are to be had in Scotland, and moſt plentye of the ſame. Then to the North Eſke where into the Eſ|mond runneth aboue Brech [...], the Southe Eſke, then the Louen and the Tawe, which is the fyneſt Ryuer for water that is in all Scotland, and whereunto moſt Ryuers and lakes doe runne. As Farlake, Yrth, Goure, Loiche, Cannach, Lynell, [...]oyon, Irewer, Erne, and diuers other beſides ſmall rylleis which I did neuer loke vppon. Then is there the lake Londors vppon whoſe mouth Saint Androwes doth ſtande, the Lake Le|win vnto whole ſtreame two other Lakes [...] recou [...] in Fi [...]land, and then the Fyrt [...] [...] Fortha, which ſome doe call the Scotiſh [...] ſea, and with the Ryuer laſte mencioned (I meane that commeth from Londors) inclu|deth all Fife, the ſaide Forthe beyng full of Oyſters and all kindes of huge fyſhe that vſe [page 39] to lye in the déepe. How many waters runne into the Fyrth, it is not in my power iuſtlye to declare, yet are there both Ryuers, Rilles, and Lakes that fall into the ſame,Clack. Alon. Dune. Kery. Cambell. Cumer. Tere. Man. Torkeſon. Roſham. Muſſell. Blene. Twede. as Clack, Alon, Dune, Kery, Cambell, Cumer, Tere, Man, Torkeſon, Roſhan, Muſhell, Blene, and dyuers other which I call by theſe names, partly after information, and partly of ſuch townes as are néere vnto their heds. Finally when we are paſte the Hay then are we come vnto the Twede and ſoone after in|to England againe.

[1] [2] [3] [4] [5] The Twede is a noble riuer and the limes or bounde betwéene England and Scotland, whereby thoſe two kingdomes are nowe di|uided in ſunder. It riſeth about Drimlar in Euſdale (or rather out of a faire Wel as Le|land ſaith ſtanding in the moſſe of an hill cal|led Airſtane, or Hareſtan in Twede dale 10. miles from Pibble) and ſo comming by Pib|ble, Lander, Drybiwgh, lelſe, Warke, Nor|ham and Hagarſtone, it falleth into the ſea beneath Barwijc as I heare: Thus ſaith Le|land, but I not contented with this ſo ſhorte a diſcourſe of ſo long a Ryuer and briefe de|ſcription of ſo faire a ſtreame, wil adde ſome|what more of the ſame concerning his race on the Engliſhe ſide, and rehearſall of ſuche Ryuers as fall into the ſame. Cõming ther|fore to Ridam, it receyueth betwéene that & Carham a becke which deſcendeth from the hilles that lye by Weſt of Windram. Go|ing alſo from Rydam by Longbridgeham (on the Scottiſhe ſide) and to Carham, it ha|ſteth immediately to Warke caſtell on the Engliſhe, and by Spylaw on the other ſide, then to Cornewall, Cal [...] ſtreame, and Tille|mouth where it receiueth ſundry waters in one botome which is called the Till, & whoſe deſcription inſueth here at hand.Tyll. Certes there is no head of any Ryuer that is named Till, but the yſſue of the fardeſt water that com|meth hereinto, ryſeth not farre from ye head of Vſwaie in the Cheuiote hilles, where i [...] is called Bromis. From thence it goeth to Hartſide Ingram Brantõ, Crawley, Hedge|ley, Beuely, Bewijc, and Bewijc, beneath which it receiueth one water comming from Rodham by Weſt and ſone after a ſecond de|ſcending from the Middletons, and ſo they go as one with the Bromiſhe,Bromis. by Chatton to Fowbrey (where they croſſe the third water falling downe by North from Howborne by Heſel bridg) thence to Woller, there alſo ta|king in a rill that riſeth about Middleton hal, & runneth by Hardley, Whereley, and ye reſt afore remembred, wherby the water of Bro|mis is not a little increaſed, and after this latter conf [...]uence beneath Woller, no more called Bromis but the Till, vntill it come at the Twede. The Till paſſing therefore by Weteland and Dedington, méeteth ſon [...] af|ter with a fayre ſtreame comming from by Southweſt, which moſt men call the Bow|bent or Bobent.Bo [...] It riſeth on the Weſt ſide of the Cocklaw hill, and from thence haſteth to Hai [...]ons beneath the which it ioyneth from by ſoutheaſt with the Hellerborne, and then goeth to Pudſton, Downeham, Kilham, and a little by North of Newton Kyrke, and be|twéene it and Weſt Newton, it taketh in an|other water cõming from the Cheuiote hils by Heth poole, and from thenceforth runneth on without any farder increaſe, by Copland Euart and ſo into the Till. The Till for his part in lyke ſorte after this confluence goeth to Broneridge, Fodcaſtell, Eatall caſtell Heaton and North of Tilmouthe into the Twede, or by Weſt of Weſell, excepte my memorie doe falle me. After this alſo [...]ur a|foreſaid water of Twede deſcendeth to Gro|tehughe, the Newbiggins, Norham caſtell, Foord, Lungridge,Whit [...] and croſſing the Whita|ker on the other ſide from Scotland beneath Cawmill, it runneth to Ordo, to Barwicke and to into the Ocean, leauing ſo much Eng|liſhe ground on the Northweſt ripe as lyeth in manner of a triangle betwéene Cawm [...]l|les, Barwi [...] and Lammeton, which is two myles and an halfe euery waye, or not much more excepte I be deceiued. Beyng paſt this noble ſtreame, we came by a rill that deſcen|deth from Bowſden by Barington. Then by the ſecond which ariſeth betwéene Middleton and Detcham and runneth by Eſkill and the Roſſe. Next of all to Warnemouth of whoſe back water I read as foloweth.Warne. The Warne or Gwerne ryſeth Southweſt of Crokelaw, and goyng by Warneford, Bradford, Spin|dleſtone, and Budill, it leaueth Newton on the right hand, and ſo falleth into the Ocean after it hath runne almoſt n [...]ne myles from the heade within the lande. From Warne|mouth, we ſayled by Bamborow caſtell, and came at laſt to a fall betwéene Bedwell and Newton: The firſt water that ſerueth this iſſue, riſeth aboue Carleton from the foote of an hill which ſéemeth to part the head of this & that of Warne in ſunder. It runneth alſo by Carleton, Tonley, Dorford, Brunton and Tuggell, and finally into the ſea as to his courſe appertaineth.Aile, or Alne. From this water we went by Dunſtanbugh vnto the Aile or Alne mouth which is ſerued with a pretty riueret called Alne, the heade whereof riſeth in the hilles weſt of Aluham towne. From thence alſo it runneth by Ryle, Kyle, Eſlington, and Whittingham where it croſſeth a rill com|ming [page 30] from by ſouth, and beneath the ſame, the ſecond that deſcendeth from Eirchild at Brone, & likewyſe the thirde that riſeth at Newton and runneth by Edlingham caſtell and Lemmaton, (all on the Southeaſt ſide or right hande,) and ſo paſſeth on farder till it méete with the fourth comming from aboue Shipley from by North, after which conflu|ence it goeth to Alnewijc and then to Den|nijc, receyuing there a rillet from by South and a rill from by Northe, and thence goyng on to Bilton, betwéene Ailmouth towne and Wooddon, it ſwepeth into the Ocean.

[1] [...]ket.The Cocket is a goodly ryuer, the head alſo thereof is in the rootes of Kembleſpeth hils, from whence it goeth to Whiteſide, [...]ie. & there méeting wyth the Vſwaye (which deſcendeth from the North,) it goeth a little farder to Linbridge, & there receyueth the Ridley by ſouth weſt. It ioineth alſo ere long with the Rydlande, which commeth in north, by Bil|ſtone, [...]ley. and then hyeth to Sharpeton, to Har|botle, where it croſſeth the Yardop water, by ſouth, [...]dop. then to Woodhouſe, to Bickerton, to Toſſons, Newton, and running a pace to|warde Whitton Towre, it taketh a Brooke with all that commeth in northweſt of Alne|ham, néere Elihaw, and goeth by Skarne|wood, Ouer nether Trewhet, Snitter, and Throxton, and ſone after vniteth it ſelf with the Cocket, from whence they go together to Rethbury, or Whitton Towre, to Haly, to Brinkehorne, Welden, Elihaw, Felton, (re|ceiuing thereabout the Fareſley brooke, that goeth by wintring by ſouth eaſt; & Sheldike water, that goeth by Haſon, to Brainſaughe by north) & from thence to Morricke caſtell, and ſo into the Sea.

[1] There is furthermore a litle fall, betwéene Hawkeſlaw & Dunrith, which ryſeth about Stokes wood, goeth by eaſt Cheuington, and Whittington caſtell, & afterwarde into the Ocean. [...]ne. The Lune is a pretye brooke ryſing weſt of Eſpley, frõ whence it goeth to Trit|lington, Vgham, Linton, and ere long in the Sea.

[1] [...]nſbeck.Wanſbecke is farre greater then the Lu|ne. It iſſueth vp weſt and by north, of weſt Whelpington, thence it runneth to kyrke Whelpington, Wallington, Middleton, and Angerton. Here it méeteth with a water running frõ about Farnelaw, by ye grange, and Hartborne on the north, and then goyng from Angerton, it runneth by Moſeden to Mitforth, and there in lyke maner croſſeth ye Font, [...]ont, alias [...]ont. which iſſuing out of the ground about new Biggin, goeth by Nonney kyrke, Wit|ton caſtel, Stanton, Nunriding, Newton, & ſo into ye Wanſbecke, which runneth in lyke maner from Mitforde to M [...]r [...]heth caſtell, (within two myles whereof, it [...]beth & flow|eth) the newe Chappell, Bottle caſtel, Shep|waſhe, and ſo into the ſea, thrée myles from the next hauen which is called Blithe.

[1] Blithe water ryſeth about kirke Heaton,Blithe. and goeth by Belſe, Ogle, and receyuing the broket that cõmeth by the Diſſingtons and Barwijc on the hill, it runneth by Harford, Bedlington, Cowpon, and at Blithes nuke, into the déepe Ocean.

[1] Hartley.Hartley ſtreamelet ryſeth in Wéeteſlade parioche, goeth by Halliwell, and at Hartley towne yéeldeth to the Sea.

[1] [2] The Tine ryſeth of two heades,north. Tine whereof ye called north Tine, is the firſt that followeth to be deſcribed. It ſpringeth vp aboue Bel|kirke in the hylles, and thence goeth to But|terhawghe, (where it receiueth the Shele) thence to Cragſheles, Leapeliſh, Shilburne,Shele. Yarro, Smalburne, Elis, Greneſted Heſla|ſide, Billingham, and at Reaſdmouth, taketh in the Reade,Reade. and in the meane time ſundrye other rilles, comming from by north & ſouth,Shillng|ton. whereof I haue no knowledge, neyther anye regarde to write, bycauſe they are obſure, ſmal, and without denominations.3. Burnes After this confluence it paſſeth to Léehall, to Carehouſe (croſſing Shillingtõ rill by weſt) another al|ſo beneath thys on the ſame ſide, made by the confluence of Workes burne, and Myddle burne, at Roſeburne, beſyde ye thyrd aboue, & Symons burne beneath Sheperhaſe, then to S. Oſmondes, to Wall, to Ackam, and ſo in|to ſouth Tine, beneath Accam, & northweſt as I doe wene of Herax.

[1] The South Tine ariſeth in the Chen [...]ote hilles,Tine. S. and eare it hath gone farre from the head it méeteth with Eſgyll on the eaſt,Eſgyll. and another rill on the Weſt, and ſo going by the houſes toward Awſten moore, it ioyneth with Schud from by weſt, and ſoone after with the Vent from by Eaſt aboue Lowbiere.Vent Gilderſ|becke. From Lowbier it goeth to Whitehalton, to Kyrke Haugh (croſſing ye gilders Becke) to Thorn|hope, where it is inlarged wyth a water on eache ſide, to Williams Stone, and almoſt at Knareſdale, taketh in the Knare,Knare. and then runneth withall to Fetherſtone angle. At Fetherſtone angle lykewiſe it méeteth wyth harley water, by South weſt, another a lytle beneath from ſoutheaſt, and thence when it commeth to Bylleſter caſtell, it caryeth ano|ther with all from by weſt, after which con|fluence it goeth to Harltweſell, Vnthanke, Wilmoteſwijc, receiuing one ryl by ye way, and another there from the ſouth, as it doth the thyrd from Bradly hall by north, and the Alon by the ſouth, whereby his greatneſſe [page 40] is not a little augmented. From Willy|motſwijc, it goeth to Lées, Haddonbridge, Woodhall, Owmers, Wherneby, Coſtely, and ſo by Warden (ſoone after receyuing the North Tine) thẽ to Hexham, & Dilſtan, croſ|ſing two waters by the waye, whereof one commeth from by ſouth, another lower then the ſame from Riſing ouer againſt Burell. From Dilſtã it goeth to Eltingham, Prud|do, Willam (and there it méeteth further|more with a beck that goeth betwéene Ben|well and Redhoughe) then to Repon, Blay|don,Derwent. and next of all with the Derwent, from by ſouth which riſeth alſo about Kneden of two heades, and goyng by Acton Aſperſheles Berneford ſide, Ebcheſter, Blackehall, and Willington, finally falleth into the Tine be|neath Redhughe and before it come to New|caſtell, from whence alſo the Tine goeth by Fellin, Hedburne, Iello, Sheles and ſo into the ſea.

[1] Were. Burdop. Wallop. Kellop.The Were riſeth of thrée heades, in Kel|loppeſlaw hill, whereof the moſt ſoutherly is called Burdop, the middlemoſt Wallop and the Northerlieſt Kellop, which vniting them ſelues about S. Iohns Chappell, or a little by Weſt thereof, their confluence runneth tho|row Stanhope parke, by eaſt Yare, and ſo to Froſterley. Here it receiueth thrée rilles frõ the North in Weredale, whereof one com|meth in by Stanhop, another weſt of Wood|croſt Hall, and the third at Froſterley afore mencioned, Howbeit a little beneath theſe, I finde yet a fourth on the ſouthe ſide, which deſcendeth from ſouthweſt by Bolliop, By|ſhopſley, Milhouſes, and Landew, as I haue béene informed. Beyng therefore vnited al wt the Were, this ſtreame goeth on to Wal|ſingham there taking in the Waſcropburne, beſide another at Bradley,Waſcrop. the thyrde at Harpley Hall, (and theſe on the Northſide,) and the fourth betwéene Witton and Wit|tõ caſtel called Bedburne cõming by Ham|ſterley wherby this riuer doth now ware ve|ry great.Bedburne Going therefore frõ hence, it haſteth to Byſhops Akelande, Newfield, and Wil|lington. But néere vnto this place alſo and ſomewhat beneath Sunderland, the Were croſſeth one brooke from ſoutheaſt by Het & Cordale, and two other from by northweſt in one botome, whereof the firſt commeth from Aſhe by Langley, ye other from Beare parke, and ſo méeting beneath Relley with the other they fall both as one into the Were betwéene Sunderland, and Burnall. From hence our Ryuer goeth to Howghwell, Shirkeley, olde Dureſme (and there taking in the Pidding brooke by Northeaſt) it goeth to Dureſme,Pidding|brooke. Finkeley Harbarhouſe, Lumley Caſtell, (where it méeteth with the Pilis,P [...] whoſe heds are vnited betwéene Pelton and Whitwell) and from thence to Lampton, the Bedwiks, Vfferton, Furd, and ſo into the ſea betwéene Sunderland and Munkermouth.

[1] Beyng thus paſſed the Tine, and ere we come at the mouth of the Theſe almoſt by 2. myles, we méete with a prettye fall, which groweth by a Ryuer that is increaſed with two waters, whereof one riſeth by northweſt at Moretõs, and goeth by Stotfeld and Clax|ton, the other at Dawlton: goyng by Breer|ton, Owtham, and Grettam, finally ioyning within two miles of the ſea, they make a pre|ty portlet but I know not of what ſecurity.

[1] [2] The Theſe riſeth in the blacke lowes,Th [...] a|boue two myles flat weſt of the ſoutherlye head of Were called Burdop, and thẽce run|neth thorow Tildale forreſt: and taking in the Langdon water from northweſt it run|neth to Durtpit chappell, to New Biggin, & ſo to Middleton. Here it receyueth by weſt of eche of theſe a Rill comming from by North,Hude (of which the laſt is called Hude) & likewiſe the Lune by ſouthweſt, that riſeth at thrée ſe|uerall places, whereof the firſt is in the bor|ders of Weſtmerland and there called Arne|gyll becke, the ſecond more ſoutherly, named Lune becke, and the thirde by ſouth,Lune Ar [...] at Ban|dor Skath hill, and méeting all aboue Arne|gill houſe, they runne together in one bo|tome to Lathekyrke bridge, and then into the Theſe. Hauing therefore mette with theſe,Skirk+with. it runneth to Mickelton (and there taking in the Skirkwith water) it goeth Rumbald kirke (croſſing there alſo one Rill and the Bander brooke) and then goyng to Morewood hagge,Ba [...] & Morewood parke,Rere [...] til it come to Bernards ca|ſtle. Here alſo it receyueth a water cõmyng eaſt of Rere croſſe, frõ the ſpittle in Stãmore by Crag almoſt ſouthweſt, and being vnited wt the Theſe, it goth by Stratford, Egleſdon, Rokeſby, Thorpe, Wickliffe, Ouington, and betwene Barfurth, & Gainfurth: meteth with another Rill, that commeth from Langley foreſt, betwene Raby caſtle and Standorpe. But to procéede, the Theſe beyng paſt Ram|forth, it runneth betwene Perſore & Cliffe, and in the way to Croftes bridge,Ske [...] taketh in ye Skerne a pretye water which riſeth about Trimdon, and goeth by Fiſhburne, Bradbu|ry, Preſton and Darlington: and finally mée|ting with the Cocke becke, it falleth into the Theſe beneath Stapleton, before it come at Croftes bridge. From thence it runneth to Sockburne, nether Dunſley, Midleton row, Newſham, Yarne (croſſing a broke frõ Le|uen bridge) to Barwicke Preſton, Thorne Abbaie and Arſham, which ſtandeth on the [page 31] Southeaſt ſide of the riuer bet [...]is the [...] of two waters: wherof one [...]ſthen [...] [...] weſt H [...]ltds, the [...] from [...]ing|ton. From Ar [...]h [...] [...]lly goeth to [...]tla|zis Midleburgh, [...] into the ſea.

[1] Next of all [...] vnto the high Cliffe water, which riſing [...] by Giſdoro [...], & there [...]eth another ſtreame comming from by ſouth eaſt, and then conti|nuyng in his courſe, it is not long [...] it fal in|to the ſea.

[1] The next is the Scaling water, which de|ſcendeth from Scaling towne, from whence we come to the Molemouth, not farre from whoſe had ſtandeth Molgraue caſtle: then to Sandford creke, & next of all to Eſ [...] mouth, which riſeth aboue Danby wood, and ſo goeth to Caſtleton, there méeting by the way with another Rill comming from about Weſter|dale by Danby, and ſo they goe on together by Armar and Thwatecaſtle (till they ioyne with another water aboue Glaſdale chappel) thence to new Biggin, taking yet another brooke with them, running from Goodlande warde, (and likewiſe the Ibur) and ſo goe on without any further increaſe by Buſworth, ere long into the ſea.

[1] There is alſo a creke on eche ſide of Robin Whoods bay, of whoſe names and courſes, I haue no ſkil ſauing that Fillingale the towne doth ſtand betwene them both.

[1] There is another not farre from Scar|borow, on the North ſide called the Harwood brooke. It runneth thorow Harwoode Dale by Cloughton, Buniſton, and ſoone after mée|ting with another Rill on the ſouthweſt, they runne as one into the Ocean ſea.

[1] From Scarborow to Bridlington by Flã|borow hed, we met with no more falles. This water therfore that we ſaw at Bridlington, riſeth at Duggleby, from whence it goeth to Kirby, Helperthorpe, Butterwijc, Boithorp, Foxhole, (where it falleth into the ground & riſeth vp againe at Rudſton) Thorpe, Ca|thorpe, Bridlington, and ſo into the Ocean.

[1] Being come about ye Spurne hed, I méete ere long with a riuer that riſeth ſhort of Wi|therſey, and goeth by Fodringham, and Wi|ſted: from thence, to another that commeth by Roſſe, Halſham, Carmingham: then to the third, which riſeth aboue Humbleton, and goeth to Eſterwijc, Heddon, and ſo into the Humber. The 4. ſpringeth ſhort of Sprotte|ley, goeth by Wytton, and falleth into the water of Humber at Merflete, as I heare.

[1] [...]ll.The next of all is the Hull water, which I will deſcribe alſo here, and then croſſe ouer vnto the ſoutherly ſhore. The furdeſt head of Hull water riſeth at Kilham, from whence it goeth to L [...]thorpe creke, and ſo to Fodrin [...]|gha [...] [...] with [...], wherof [...] Northeaſt ſide, [...] about Liſſet, the ſecond in the [...] Na [...]|fer [...]n: the [...] E [...]ſwell & Kirke| [...], (Or it hath [...], which ioyne be| [...] [...]) who the 4. which falleth into the [...]: ſo that theſe two latter runne vnto the [...] riuer [...] chanell, as ex|perience hath [...]. From hence then our Hull goeth to Ratt [...]ſey to Goodalehouſe, & the taking in a water from Horneſto Mere, it goeth on thorowe Be [...]erley medowes, by Warron, Sto [...]ferry, Hull, and finally into the Humber. Of the Rill that falleth into this water from Southnetherwijc by Skyrlow, and the two Rilles that come from Cocking|ham and Woluerton, I ſaye no more, ſith it is inough to name them in their order.