[1] [2] [3] [4] HAuing as you haue ſéene attempted to ſet downe a full diſcourſe of all the Iſ|landes, that are ſcituate vppon the coaſt of Britayne, and finding the ſucceſſe not correſ|pondent to myne intent, it hath cauſed mée ſomewhat to reſtrayne my purpoſe in thys deſcription of our riuers. For whereas I en|tended at the firſt to haue written at large, of the number, ſcituation, names, quantities, Townes, Villages, Caſtles, Mountaynes, Freſh waters, Plaſhes, or Lakes, Salt wa|ters, and other commodities of the aforeſayd Iſles, myne expectation of information from all partes of Englande, was ſo deceyued in the ende, that I was fayne at laſt, onelye to leane to that which I knewe my ſelfe eyther by reading or ſuch other helpe as I had al|ready purchaſed and gotten of the ſame. And euen ſo it happeneth alſo in this my tracta|tiõ of waters, of whoſe heads, courſes, lẽgth, bredth, depth of Chanell (for burden) ebb [...], flow [...]ges, and falles, I had thought to haue made a perfect deſcriptiõ. But now for want of inſtruction, which hath béene largelye pro|miſed, and ſl [...]ckly perfourmed, and other ſo|dayne and [...]rious denyall of helpe volun|tarily off [...]ed, wythout occaſion gyuen [...] part, I [...] néedes content my ſelf with ſuch obſeruations as I haue eyther obtayned by myne [...] experience, or gathered frõ tyme to tyme out of other [...] writings: wherby the full diſcourſe of the whole is vtterly cut of, and in ſtéede of the ſame a mangled re|hearſall of the reſidue, ſet downe and left in memori [...]. Wherefore I beſéech your Honour to pardon this imperfect [...] and rudeneſſe of my labour, which notwithſtanding is not al|togither in vayne, ſith my errors may pr [...] a ſpurre [...] the better [...], eyther too cor|rect, or inlarge where [...], or at the leaſt wi [...]e to take [...] a more abſolute péece of wor [...]e as better direction ſhall enco|rage them thereto. The entraunce and be|ginning of euery thing is the hardeſt, and hée that beginneth well hath atchieued halfe hys purpoſe. The Iſe my Lorde is broken, and from henceforth it wil be more eaſie for ſuch as ſhall come after to wade through with the reaſt, ſith facile eſt inuẽtis a [...]ere, and to con|tinue and [...]niſhe, is not ſo great a [...] in [...] and laye the founda|tion or [...] of any noble péece of work|manſhippe though it be but rudely handled. But to my purpoſe as I began at ye Thames in any deſcription of Iſlandes,Thameſis. ſo will I now do the [...]ide with that of riuers: making m [...]e entrie at the ſayde ryuer it ſelfe, which hath his heade or beginning out of the ſide of an hyll, ſtanding in the playnes of Cotteſwolde, about one mile from Tetbury néere vnto the Foſſe (an hygh waye ſo called of olde) where it was ſometyme named Iſis or the Ouſe, al|thoughe dyuers doe ignorauntlye call it the Thames, euen there, rather of a fooliſhe cu|ſtome then of anye ſkill, bycauſe they eyther neglect or vtterly are ignoraunt, how it was named at the firſt. From hence it runneth di|rectly toward the eaſt, where it méeteth with the Cyrne or Churne, (a brooke called in latin Corinium) whereof Cyrneceſter towne by which it commeth doth take the name.Corinium. From hence it haſteth to Créekelade (alias Crekan|ford) Lechlade, Radcotebridge, Newbridge, & Euſham (receiuing by the way an infinit ſort of ſmall ſtreames, brookes, beckes, waters, & rundelles) & here on this ſide of the towne de|uiding it ſelfe into two courſes, of which the one goeth ſtrayght to Botley, and Hinkſey, the other by God [...]ow, a village not farre of. This latter ſpreadeth it ſelfe alſo for a whyle [page 28] into ſundry ſmaller braunches, which runne not farre eare they be reunited, and then be|clipping ſundry pleaſaunt meadowes, it paſ|ſeth at length by Oxeforde, where it méeteth with the Charwell,Charwell. and a little from whence the originall branches doe ioyne agayne and go togither by Abbandune (or Abington, as we call it,) although no part of it at the firſt came ſo néere the Towne as it doth n [...]w,Some write that the maine ſtreame was brou|ght thither which ran before be|twene In| [...]erſey and Culenham till a braunch thereof was led thyther from the mayne ſtreame, through the induſtrie of the monkes as (beſide the teſtimonie of olde re|cordes thereof yet extant to be ſéene) by the decay of Dorcheſter it ſelf, ſomtime the com|mõ thorowfare from Wales, and the Weſt countrey to London, which inſurd vpon this fac [...], is eaſie to bée ſéene. From hence it go|eth to Dorcheſter and ſo to Thame, where ioyning with a riuer of the ſame denomina|tion,If Oxford it ſelfe be not to bee called Duſeford thereof. Pontium. it loſeth the name of Iſis or Ouſe, wher|of Duſeney at Oxeforde is producted) and frõ thẽceforth is called Thameſis. From Thame it goeth to Walling forde and ſo to Reading, which ſome of the number of Bridges there doe call Pontium, albeit that the Engliſhe name doe procéede rather from Rhe, or Rée the Saxon word for a water courſe or riuer which may be ſéene in Ouerée or Sutherey,S. Mary ouer Rhée. for ouer the Rée or South of the Rhe as the ſkilfull can coniecture. But howſoeuer that matter ſtandeth after it hath paſſed by Rea|ding,Kenet. and there receyued the Kenet, which commeth from the hilles that lye Weſt of Marleborough,Thetis. and then the Thetis, com|monly called the Tyde that commeth from the Thetiſforde; it hyeth to Sudlington, or Maydenheade, and ſo to Wyndleſhore (or Windſore) Eaton & then to Chertſey, where Erkenwalde Biſhoppe of London, ſomtime buylded a religious Houſe, as I doe reade. From Chertſeye it haſteth dyrectlye vnto Stanes, and receyuing an other ſtreame by the waye,Cole. called the Cole, (whereupon Col|brooke ſtandeth) it goeth by Kingſtone Shene Sion, and Brentforde, where it méeteth the Brane or the Brene, another Brooke diſcen|ding from Edgeworth whoſe name ſignifieth a Frogge, in the Brittiſh ſpeache. Vppon thys alſo Sir Iohn Thinne, had ſometyme a ſtately houſe wyth marueylous prouiſion to incloſe and retayne ſuch fiſhe as ſhoulde come about the ſame. From Brentfoorde it paſſeth by Mortlach,Brene. Putney, Fulham, Bat|terſey, Chelſey, Lambeth, and ſo to London. Finallye going from thence vnto the ſea, it taketh the Lée wyth it by the waye vpon the Coaſt of Eſſex, and the Darnt vpõ Kentſide, which riſeth néere to Tanrige, and commeth by Shoreham,Darwent. vnto Derntforde, whereunto the Cray falleth:Cray. And leſt of all the mydway a notable ryuer, (in mine opinion) which wa|tereth all the South, and Southweſt part of Kent, and whoſe deſcription is not to be omit|ted in his place.
[1] [2] Thus we ſée the whole tract and courſe of ye Thames by whoſe head and fall, it is euident that the length therof is at the leaſt, one hun|dreth and eighty miles, if it be meaſured by ye iourneyes of the land. And as it is in courſe, the longeſt of the thrée famous riuers of thys Iſle, ſo it is nothing inferiour vnto them, in abundance of all kinde of fiſhe, whereof it is harde to ſay, which of them haue eyther moſt plentie, or greateſt varietie, if the circumſtã|ces be duely weighed. What ſhould I ſpeake of the fat and ſwéete Samons,Sa [...] dayly taken in this ſtreame, & that in ſuch plentye, as no ry|uer in Europa, is able to excéede it, but what ſtore alſo of Barbelles, Troutes, Chenins, Pearches, Smelts, Breames, Roches,Roch [...] Shrimps & [...] Floũders the be [...]. Da|ces, Gudgins, Floũders, Shrimps, Eles &c. are commõly to be had therein, I referre me to them, that knowe the ſame by experience. And albeit it ſéemeth from time to time, to be as it were defrauded in ſundrye wiſe, of theſe hir large commodities, by the inſociable aua|rice of ye fiſhermen yet this famous ryuer cõ|playneth of no w [...]nte, but the more it looſeth at one tyme, the more it yéeldeth at another. Onely in Carpes it ſéemeth to bée ſcant,Carpes fiſhe [...] brought into E [...]|land, [...] later [...] the Th [...]+mes. ſith it is not long finde that kynde of fiſhe was brought ouer into Englande, and but of late to ſpeake of, into this ſtreame by the violent rage of ſundry Landfloudes, that brake open the heades and dammes of dyuers Gentle|mens pondes, by which meanes it became pertaker alſo of this ſaid commoditie, where|of [...]arſt it had no portion that I coulde euer heare of.
[1] Furthermore the ſayde riuer floweth and [...]lleth all his channels twyſe in the daye and night, that is in euery 12. houres once,South weſt, [...] north [...] make [...] ſea at [...] full and chaung doth hy+erst tyd [...] which [...] call [...] tides. The [...] diſta [...] bet [...] one tyd [...] another. & thys ebbing and flowing, holdeth on for the ſpace of ſeauentye miles, within the mayne lande: the ſtreame or tyde, being alwayes hygheſt at Londõ, when the Moone doth exactly touch the northeaſt and ſouth or weſt pointes, of the heauens, of which one is viſible, the other vn|der the earth, and not ſubiect to our ſight.
[1] Theſe tydes alſo differ in their tymes eche one comming latter then other, by ſo manye mynutes as paſſe ere the reuolucion and na|turall courſe of the heauens doe reduce, and bring about the ſayde Plannet, vnto thoſe hir former places: whereby the common dif|ference betwéene one tyde and another, is founde to conſiſt of twentye foure mynutes, which wãteth but twelue of an whole houre; [page 20] in 24 as experience doth confirme.
[1] [2] This order of flowing likewiſe is parpetu|all,The [...] came oft [...]ecked in [...] entrãce to the [...]nd. except rough winds doe happen to checke the ſtreame in hir comming, or elſe ſome o|ther occaſion, put by the ordinary courſe of the Northern ſeas, which fyll the ſayde ryuer by their naturall returne and flowing. And that both theſe doe happen eft among, I re|ferre me to ſuch as haue not ſildome obſerued it. For ſometime the huge wind kepeth back a great part of the floudde, whereby the tyde is differred (though neuer altogyther put by) and ſometyme there happen thrée or foure tydes in one naturall daye, whereof the vn|ſkilful do deſcant many things. I would here make mencion of ſundry bridges placed ouer this noble ſtreame,London [...]ridge. of which that of London is moſt chiefly to be cõmended, for it is man|ner a continuall Stréete, well repleniſhed with large and ſtatelye houſes on both ſides, & ſcituate vpon twentie Arches, whereof eche one is made of excellent frée ſquared ſtone, e|uery of theym being thréeſcore fote in height, and full twentie in diſtaunce one from ano|ther.
[1] In lyke maner I coulde intreat of the infi|nite number of ſwannes dayly to be ſéene vp|pon thys riuer, [...]000. wher [...]es vpon [...]he thames [...]nd 3000. [...]ooremen maintained [...]y ye ſame whoſe [...]ams come [...] moſt plẽ| [...]ly in the [...]erme time the two thouſand. Whirries and ſmall bots, whereby thrée thouſand poore watermen are maintained, through the cari|age and recariage, of ſuch perſons as paſſe, or repaſſe, from tyme to tyme vppon the ſame: beſide thoſe huge tyde botes, tiltbotes & barges, which eyther carry paſſengers, or bryng neceſſary prouiſion, from all quarters of Oxefordſhyre, Barkeſhyre, Bucking|hamſhyre, Bedfordeſhyre, Herfordeſhyre, Mydellſex, Eſſex, Surry and Kent, vnto the Citie of London. But forſomuch as theſe thynges are to be repeated againe in the particuler diſcription of London, annexed to hys Carde. I ſuceſſe at this tyme to ſpeake any more of them as alſo of the ryuer it ſelf, wherefore let thys ſuffyſe.
[1] Midway.Next vnto the Thames we haue the mid|way water, which falleth into the mayne ſea at Shepey. It ariſeth Warde forreſt in Suſ|ſex, and when it is come ſo farre as Whethe|lin towne,Dunus. it méeteth a little by north thereof, with the Done, which deſcendeth from wa|terdon forreſt, and from whence they go on togyther, as one by Aſhehirſt, where hauing receyued alſo the ſeconde brooke, it haſteth to Pẽſherſt, & there carrieth with all the Eden, that commeth from Lingfielde parke. After thys it goeth into the South eaſt parte of Kent,Frethus. and taketh with it the Frith or Firth, on the north weſt ſyde, and an other lyttle ſtreame that commeth from the hylles, be|twéene Peuenbury and Horſemon, on the ſouth eſt.Thriſe. From thence alſo & not farre from Yalling it receiueth the Theiſe (a pretye ſtreame that riſeth about Theiſe Hirſt) and afterwarde the Gran or crane,Grane alias Cranus. which hauing hys heade not farre from Cranbrooke, and méeting with ſundry other reuellettes by the way, whereof one braunche of Theiſe is the laſt, (for it parteth at the Twiſt, and inclu|deth a prety Iſlande) doth ioyne with the ſaid Medway, a litle aboue Yalding, & then with the Lowſe. Finally at Maidſtone, it méeteth wyth another brooke, whoſe name I knowe not, and then paſſeth by Allington, Dutton, Newhide, Halling, Cuckeſtane, Rofcheſter, Chattham, Gillingham, Vpchurch, Kingſ|ferry, and falleth into the maine ſea, betwene Shepey and the Grane.
Some ſaye that it is called mydway water becauſe it falleth into the ſea mydway, be|twéene the north foreland and London: yet ſome not hauing anye ſuch conſideration, doe name it the Medow ſtreame, whereof I thought good alſo to leaue this ſhort admoni|tion.
[1] After the Midway whoſe diſcription I haue partely gathered out of the Leland, and part|ly out of Maiſter Lamberts perambulatõ of Kẽt,Sturus. we haue ye Stoure that riſeth at Kingeſ|woode which is fourtéene or fiftéene myles, frõ Canterbury. This riuer paſſeth by Aſhe|forde, Wie, Nackington, Canterbury, For|diſh, Standiſh, and Sturemouth,Nailburne water alſo as I heare about Cant warbiry, but I wote not wherabou [...]. where it receyueth another ryuer, which hath 3. bran|ches, wherof one called Bredge goeth by Bi|ſhips bourne, the other named Wyham, be|ginneth about Adham, and the thirde (name|leſſe) rũneth by Staple to Wingham. After|warde our Stoure or Sture parteth it ſelfe in twaine, and in ſuch wyſe that one arme thereof goeth towarde the North, and is cal|led (when it commeth at the ſea) the North|mouth of Stoure, the other runneth South|eaſt warde vp to Rycheborow & ſo to Sand|wiche, from whence it goeth Northeaſt a|gayne & falleth into the ſea. The iſſue of this latter tract is called the hauen of Sandwiche and peraduenture the ſtreame that commeth downe thither, after the diuiſiõ of the Stoure,Wantſome. may be the ſame, which Beda calleth Want|ſome, but as I cãnot vndo this knot at will, ſo this is certaine, that the Stoure on the one ſide, and peraduenture, the Wantſome on the other parteth & cutteth the Tenet from the maine lande of Kent, wherby it is left for an Iſland and ſo repleniſhed with townes, as I haue notified before, in ye chapter that ſpea|keth of our Iſlandes.
[1] There are other little Brookes, which fall [page 29] into the Stoure of which Lelande ſpeaketh, as Fiſhpoole becke, that aryſeth in Stone|hirſtwood and méeteth with it foure myles from Canterbury: an other beginneth at Chiſelet, & goeth into the Stoure gut, which ſometime incloſed Thanet, as Leylande ſaieth, the thirde iſſueth out of the grounde at Northburne (where Eadbert of Kent ſome time paſt held his pallace &) runneth to Sãd|wich hauen, as the ſayde Au [...]thor reporteth, & the fourth called Bridge water that ryſeth by S. Marie Burne church, & méeteth with Canterbury water at Stourmouth: alſo Wyham that ryſeth aboue Wyham, and falleth into Bredge water at Dudmyll, or Wenderton: but ſith they are eyther obſcure or nameleſſe & there to not reſeruing there names till they come at the ſea, I paſſe them ouer as not to be touched here. From hence vnto Douer I finde no ſtreame by reaſon of the Clyffes, that enuironne the ſayde coaſt: howbeit vpon the South ſide of Douer there is a pretie freſh ryuer, whoſe head aryſe [...]h at Erwell, not paſſing foure myles from the ſea,Dour. and of ſome is called Dour, which in the Brittiſhe tongue is a common name for all waters. And thereof alſo it is lykely that the towne and Caſtell of Douer dyd ſometyme take the name.Parentheſis From hence we go towarde the Camber, (omitting paraduenture here and there ſundrye ſmall Créekes, & Beckes, by the way) whereabouts the Rother, a noble riuer falleth into ye ſea.Rother. This Rother hath his head in Suſſex not far from Argas hill néere to Waterden forreſt, and from thence direc|teth his courſe vnto Rotherfield. After this it goeth to Ethlingham or Hitchingham, and ſo forth by Newendon vnto Matthamferry, where it deuided it ſelfe in ſuch wiſe, that one braunche thereof goeth to Appledour (where it méeteth wt the Bily that ryſeth about Bil|ſington) the other by Iden,Bily. ſo that it inclu|deth a fine percell of grounde called Oxney, which in times paſt was reputed as a percell of Suſſex, but now vpon ſome occaſion or o|ther, it is annexed vnto Kent. From hence alſo growing into ſome greatneſſe, it run|neth to Rie, where it méeteth finally with the Becke,Becke. which commeth from Beckley, ſo that the plot wherein Rye ſtandeth, is in ma|ner a Bylande or Peninſula, as experience doth confirme. Lelande and moſt men are of the opinion that this ryuer ſhoulde be called the Limene, Limenus. howbeit in our time it is knowen by none other name, then the Rother or Ap|pledour water, whereof let this ſuffice.
[1] Being thus croſſed ouer to the Weſt ſide of Rye hauen, and in viewing the iſſues that fal into the ſame, I méete firſt of all with a wa|ter that groweth of two brookes, which come downe by one Chanell into the eaſt ſide of the mouth of the ſayde Port. The firſt therefore that falleth into it, deſcendeth from Beckley or thereabouts, as I take it, the next runneth along by Peſemarſh, and ſoone after ioyning withall, they holde on as one, till they fall into the ſame at the Weſterly ſide of Rye. The third ſtreame commeth from the North, and as it mounteth vp not farre from Munfield, ſo it runneth betwéene Seſcamb and Wac|lington neere vnto Bread, taking another rill with all that ryſeth as I heare not very farre from Weſtfield. There is likewyſe a fourth that groweth of two heades, betwéene I [...]lingham and Pet, & going by Winchelſey it meeteth withall about Rye hauen, ſo that Winchelſey ſtandeth enuironned on three partes with water, and the ſtreames of theſe two that I haue laſt rehearſed.
[1] The water that falleth into the Ocean, a myle by Southweſt of Haſtinges or thera|bouts, is called Aeſtus or Aſten,Aeſtus. and riſing not farre from Penhirſt, it méeteth with the ſea, as I heare by Eaſt of Hollington.Buluer|hithe. Buluer|hithe is but a créeke as I remember ſerued with no backewater, and ſo I heare of Cod|ding or olde hauen, wherfore I meane not to touche them.
[1] Into Peuenſey hauen diuers waters doe reſort,Peuenſey & of theſe that which entereth into the ſame on the Eaſt ſide ryſeth out from two heades, whereof the moſt eaſterly is called Aſhe, the next vnto it the Burne, and vniting themſelues not farre from Aſheburne,Aſhe Burne. they continue their courſe vnder the name and title of Aſheburne water as I reade. The ſe|conde that commeth thereinto ryſeth alſo of two heades, wherof the one is ſo many miles from Boreham, the other not farre from the Parke eaſt of Hellingſtowne, and both of thẽ cõcurring Southweſt of Hirſtmowſen, they direct their courſe toward Peuẽſey (beneath which they méete wyth an other ryſing at Foyngton) and thence go in one chanell for a myle or more, tyll they fall togither into the Peuenſey hauen.
[1] The Cuckmer iſſueth out at ſeuerall pla|ces,Cucom [...] and hereof the more eaſterly braunch cõ|meth from Warbleton ward, the other from Biſhoppes wood, and méeting beneath Hal|ling they runne in one bottome by Micham Arlington, Wellington, olde Frithſtan and ſo into the ſea.
[1] Vnto the water that cõmeth out at New|hauen ſundry Brookes & Riuerettes doe re|ſorte,Iſis nifa|lor. but the chiefe head ryſeth towarde the Weſt ſomewhat betwéene Etchinforde and Shepley as I here. The firſt water therfore [page 21] that falleth into the ſame on the eaſt ſide, iſ|ſueth out of the grounde about Vertwood, & running from thence by Langhtõ and Ripe, on the Weſt ſide, it falleth into the aforeſayd ryuer beneath Forle and Glyme, or thrée myles lower then Lewys, if the other buttal lyke you not. The next hervnto hath his head in Argas hill, the thirde deſcendeth frõ Aſhe|don forreſt, and ioyning with the laſt mentio|ned, they croſſe the maine ryuer a little be|neath Iſefield. The fourth water commeth from Aſhedon forreſt by Horſted Caines (or Ouſeſtate Caines) and falleth into the ſame, lykewyſe Eaſt of Linfield. Certes I am de|ceyued if this ryuer be not called Iſis, after it is paſt Iſefield. [...]turewell. The fift ryſeth about Stor|uelgate, and méeteth alſo wyth the maine ſtreame aboue Linfield, & theſe are knowen to lye vpon the right hande as we rowed vp the ryuer. On the other ſide are onely two, whereof the firſt hath his originall néere vn|to Wenefield, and holding on his courſe to|warde the Eaſt, it méeteth with his maiſter betwéene Newicke and Iſefield, or Ifield as ſome reade it. The laſt of all commeth from Plimodune or Plumpton, [...]imus. and hauing met in like ſort with the maine riuer about Bar|cham, it runneth forth with it, and the reſt in one chanell by Barcham, Hamſey, Malling, Lewys, Piddingburne, and ſo forth into the maine ſea.
[1] [...].The next ryuer that we came vnto Weſt of Brighthemſton is the Sore, which not|withſtanding I finde to be called Brember water, in the auncient Mappe of Marton Colledge in Oxforde: but in ſuch ſorte (as I take it) as the Rother is called Appledour ſtreame, bycauſe of the ſayd towne that ſtan|deth therevpon. But to procéede, it is a plea|ſaunt water, and thereto if you conſider the ſcituation of his armes, and braunches from the higher groundes, very much reſembling a fower ſtringed whip. Wherabout the head of this riuer is, or which of theſe braunches may ſafely be called Sora, from the riſing, in good ſooth I can not ſay, for after we had paſ|ſed nyne or tenne myles thereon vp into the lande, ſodainly the croſſe waters ſtopped vs, ſo that we were inforced to turne either eaſt or weſt, for directly forth ryght we had no way to go. The firſt arme on the ryght hand as we went, ryſeth out of a Parke by South of Alborne, and going on for a certayne ſpace toward the Northweſt, it turneth ſouthward betweene Shermonbury and Twinham, and ſoone after méeteth with ye Bymar, not much South from Shermonbury, [...]marus. whence they run togither almoſt two myles, till they fall into the Sore. That on the Weſtſide deſcendeth from about Billingeſhir [...]t, & going towarde the eaſt, it croſſeth wt the [...] (which ryſeth a little by Weſt of Thacam) eaſt from Pul|borow, and ſo they run as one into the Sore, that after this cõfluence haſteth it ſelf ſouth|warde by Brember, Burleis, the Combes, and ere long into the Ocean.
[1] [2] The Aron (of which beſide Arundel towne the Caſtell and the valey,Arunus. wherin it runneth is called Vallis Aruntina, or Arundale in En|gliſh) is a goodly water and thereto increa|ſed with no ſmall number of excellent & plea|ſaunt brookes. It ſpringeth vp of two heades, whereof one deſcendeth from the North not farre from Gretham, & going by Lis, mée|teth with the next ſtreame, as I geſſe about Dourſford houſe. The ſecond riſeth by Weſt from the hilles that lye towarde the ryſing of the ſunne from Eaſtmaine and runneth by Peterfield. The thirde commeth from Beryton warde and ioyneth with the ſecond betwéene Peterfield and Dourſforde, after which cõfluence they go togither in one cha|nell ſtill toward the Eaſt, (taking a rill with them that commeth betwéene Fernehirſt and S. Lukes Chappell, ſouthweſt of Linche|mere & meting with it Eaſt of Loddeſworth as I doe reade, and lykewyſe ſundrye o|ther in one Chanell beneath Sopham) to Waltham, Bury, Houghton, Stoke, Arun|dell, Tortington forde, Climping (all on the Weſt ſide,) and ſo into the ſea. Hauing thus deſcribed the weſt ſide of Arun, let vs doe the lyke with the other in ſuch ſorte as we beſt may. The firſt riuer that we come vnto ther|fore on the Eaſt ſide, and alſo the ſeconde riſe at ſundry places in S. Leonards forreſt, and ioyning a lyttle aboue Horſham, they mete with the thirde, which commeth from Ifield Parke, not verye farre from Slinfeld. The fourth hath two heads, whereof one ryſeth in Witley Parke, the other by weſt, néere vnto Heſelméere chappell, and méeting by weſt of Dourſfeld, they vnyte themſelues with the chanell, growing by the confluence that I ſpake of beneath Slinfeld, a little aboue Bil|lingeſhirſt. The laſt water commeth from the hilles aboue Lincheméere, and runneth weſt and South, and paſſing betwene Bil|lingſhirſt and Stopham it commeth vnto the channell laſt mencioned, & ſo into the Arun, beneath Stopham, without anye farder in|creaſe, at the leaſt that I doe here of.
[1] Burne hath his iſſue in a Parke,Burne. néere Al|dingburne (or rather a litle aboue ye ſame to|ward the North, as I haue ſince béene infor|med,) and running by the bottomes toward the ſouth, it falleth into the ſea betwéene north Berflete and Fleſham.
[1] [page 30] Eryn.Eryn riſeth of ſundry heddes, by eaſt of Erynley and directing his courſe toward the ſunne ryſing, it penniſulateth Seleſey, and falleth into the Ocean betwéene Seleſey towne on the ſouthweſt & Pagham at north weſt.
[1] Delus. Del ſpringeth about Benderton, & thence running betwéene midle Lauaunt and Eaſt Lauaunt, it goeth by weſt of Weſt Hamp|net, by eaſt of Chicheſter, or Weſt of Rum|balde ſoowne, and afterwarde by Fiſhburne, where it méeteth with a ril comming North weſt from Funtingdon (a little beneath the towne) and then running thus in one ſtreame towarde the ſea, it méeteth with another ril|let comming by Northe of Boſham and ſo into Auant gulf by Eaſt of Thorney Iſland.
[1] Racunus.The Racon riſeth by eaſt of Racton or Ra|codunum and cõming by Chidham, it falleth into the ſea, Northeſt of Thorney afore|ſayde.
[1] Emill. The Emill commeth firſt betwéene Racton and Stanſted then downe to Emilſworth or Emmeſworth, and ſo vnto the Ocean, ſepa|rating Suſſex from Hãpſhyre almoſt from the very head.
[1] Hauing in this maner paſſed along the coa|ſtes of Suſſex. The next water that I remẽ|ber, ryſeth by eaſt of the forreſt of Eſtbyry, from whence it goeth by Southwijc, Weſt Burhunt, Farham, and ſo into the gulfe al|moſt full South.
[1] Badunus. forté.Then come we to Bedenham Créeke (ſo called of a village ſtanding thereby,) the mouth whereof lyeth almoſt directly agaynſt Porcheſter Caſtell, which is ſcituate about 3. miles by water from Porteſmouth towne, as Lelande doth report. Then go we with|in halfe a myle farder to Forten Créeke,Forten. which eyther gyueth or taketh name of a vil|lage harde by.Oſterpole. After this we come to Oſter|poole Lake, a great Créeke, which goeth vp by weſt into the land, and lyeth not far from a rounde tower of ſtone, from whence alſo there goeth a chaine, to another Tower on the eaſt ſide directly ouer againſt it, whereby the entraunce of great veſſels into that part maye be at pleaſure reſtrayned.
[1] From hence wée goe further to Tiche|feld water, that riſeth about Eſtmaine park, ten or twelue myles by northeaſt or there a|bout from Tichfeld.Tichefield. From Eſtmaine it go|eth (parting the forreſtes of Waltham, and Eaſtbery by the waye) to Wicham or Wi|comb, a prety market towne and large tho|rowfare, where alſo the water ſeperateth it ſelfe into two armelettes, and goyng vnder two bridges of woode, commeth ere long a|gayne vnto one Chanell. From hence it go|eth thrée or foure myles farder, to a bridge of tymber by Maiſter Writhoſeleyes houſe, (leauing Tichfelde towne on the right ſide) & a little beneath runneth vnder Ware bridg whether the ſea floweth as hir natural courſe inforceth. Finally within a mile of this bridge it goeth into the water of Hampton hauen, wherunto diuers ſtreames reſort as you ſhal heare hereafter.
[1] After this we come to Hamble hauen,Hamelr [...] or Hamelriſh créeke, whoſe fall is betwéene S. Andrewes caſtell, and Hoke. It riſeth about Shidford in waltham forreſt, and when it is paſt Croke bridge, it méeteth with another brooke, which riſeth not farre frõ Biſhoppes Waltham, out of ſundry ſpringes in the high way, to Wincheſter, from whence it paſſeth as I ſayde by Biſhoppes Waltham, then to Budeley or Botley, and ſo ioyning with the Hamble, they runne togither by Prowlingſ|worth, Vpton, Bruſill, Hamble towne, and ſo into the ſea.
[1] Now come we to the hauẽ of ſouth Hamp|ton,South|hampton which I will briefely deſcribe ſo neare as I can poſſibly. The bredth or entry of the mouth herof, as I take it, is by eſtimatiõ two miles from ſhore to ſhore. At the weſt poynt therof alſo is a ſtrong caſtell lately builded which is rightly named Caldſhore, but now Cawſhot, I wote not by what occaſion. On ye eaſt ſide thereof alſo, is a place called Hoke (afore mẽtioned) or Hamell hoke, wherin are not aboue thrée or foure fiſhers houſes, not worthy to be remembred. This hauen ſhoo|teth vp on the weſt ſide by the ſpace of ſeauen miles, vntill it come to Hamptõ towne, ſtan|ding on the other ſide, where it is by eſtima|tion a mile from lande to lande. Thence it goeth vp further about thrée myles to Red|bridge ſtill ebbing and flowing thither, and one myle farther, ſo farre as my memorye doeth ſerue mée. Nowe it reſteth that I de|ſcribe the Alreſforde ſtreame, which I will procéede withall in this order following.
[1] The Alreſforde beginneth of diuers faire ſprings, about a mile or more fro Alreſford,Alreſford or Alforde as it is now called, & ſoone after re|ſorting to one bottome, they become a brode lake, which for the moſt part is called Alford pond. Afterwarde returning againe to a nar|rowe chanell, it goeth thorow a ſtone bridge at the ende of Alforde towne, (leauing the towne it ſelfe on the left hand) toward Hicth|ingſtocke thrée myles of, but ere it commeth there, it receiueth two rylles in one bottome, wherof one commeth frõ the Forreſt in ma|ner at hande, and by northweſt of olde Alreſ|forde, the other from Browne Candiuer, that goeth by Northenton, Swarewetton, Aber|ſtone. [page 22] [...].
[1] On the other ſide of Southampton, there reſ [...]teth into this hauen alſo, both the T [...]ſts and the Stockebridge water in one bottome, [...]tocke. whereof I finde thys large deſcription inſu|ing.
[1] [2] The very head of the Stocke water, is ſup|poſed to bée ſomewhere about Baſ [...]ngſtoke, or Church Hackley, and going from the [...] betwene Ouerton & Steuenton, it commeth at laſt by Lauerſtocke and Whitchurch, and ſoone after receyuing a brooke, by Northweſt called the Bourne (diſcending from S. Mary Bourne, [...]ourne. ſoutheaſt from Horſeburne) it pro|céedeth by Long paroch, and the Woodde till it méete with the Cranburne, on the eaſt ſide (a prety riueret ryſing about Michelney and going by Fullington, Barton, and to Cram|burne) thence to Horwell in one bottome, be|neth which it méeteth with the Andeuer wa|ter, that is increaſed ere it come there by an|other brooke, whoſe name I doe not knowe. This Andeuer ſtreame, ryſeth in Culhãſhire forreſt, not far by north from Andeuer towne & going to vpper Clatford, are it touch there it receyueth the Rill of which I ſpake before, which ryſing alſo néere vnto An [...]ort, goeth to Monketon, to Abbateſham, the Audeuer, and both as I ſaid vnto the Teſt beneth Horwel, whereof I ſpake euen nowe. Theſe ſtreames being thus brought into one botom it runeth toward the South, vnder ſtockbridge, & ſoone after diuiding it ſelfe in twayne, one braunch thereof goeth by Houghton, & a litle beneath méeteth wyth a Ryll, that commeth from by Weſt of S. Annes hyll, and goeth by Eaſt of vpper Wallop, Weſt of nether Wallop, by Bucholt Forreſt, Broughton, and called as [...].
[1] The next riuer that runneth into this [...] ſpringeth in the new Forreſt, and commeth there into about Eling, not paſſing one mile,Eling. by weſt of the fall of Teſt. From hence caſt|ing about againe into the maine ſea, and lea|uing Calde ſhore Caſtle on the ryght hande, wée dyrected our courſe towarde the South|weſt, vnto B [...]aulieu hauen wherinto the Mi|n [...]y deſcepdeth.
[1] The Miney ryſeth not farre from Miney,Miney. ſtéede [...] Village in the north part of the newe Forreſt, and going by Beaulie [...], it falleth in|to the ſea, ſouthweſt, as I take it of Erbu [...]y, a Village ſtanding vpon the ſhore.
[1] Beyng paſt the Miney,Limen. wee croſſed the Li|men, whoſe heade is in the very heart of the newe Forreſt, and running South weſt of Lindhyrſt and the Parke, it goeth [...] Eaſt of Brokenhirſt Weſt of Bulder, and finally into the Sea South and by Eaſt of Leming|ton.
[1] The next fall that we paſſed by is name|leſſe, except it be called Bure,Bure. & as it deſcen|deth from the newe Forreſt, ſo the next vnto it [...]ight Mile, as I haue hearde in Engliſhe.Milis. Certes the head thereof, is alſo in the ſouth|weſt part of the ſaid Forreſt, and the fall not far from Milforde bridge, beyonde the which I find a narrow going or ſtricktland leading from the poynte to Hirſt Caſtle, which ſtan|deth into the Sea, as if it hung by a thred frõ the mayne of the Iſlande, ready to be waſhed away, by the continuall and dayly beating of the waues.
[1] The next riuer that we came vnto of any name is the Auon, which ryſeth by northeaſt,Auon. and not far from Woolfe hall, in Wil [...]ſhire. The firſt notable bridge that it rũneth vnto [page 31] is at Vphauen, thence foure myles farder, it goeth to little Ambreſbury, and there is ano|ther bridge, from thẽce to Woodfo [...]d village, ſtanding at the right hand [...]an [...], and Newtõ v [...]age on the left. The Biſhops of Saru [...] had a proper Manour place at Woodforde, which Biſhoppe [...]harton pulled downe altogither, bicauſe it was ſomewhat in ſinne. T [...] it goeth to Fiſheeto [...]ridge, to Cranebridge [...] Saliſbury, new Saliſbury, & finally to Ha [...]|ha [...], which is a [...]ately bridge of ſtone, of ſ [...]xe arches at the leaſt. There is at the weſt ende of the ſayde bridge, a little Iſland, that lyeth betwixt this and another bridge, of feare pre|ty arches, and vnder this latter runeth a good round ſtreame, which as I take it, is a brãch of Auon, that breaketh out a little aboue, and ſoone after it reuniteth it ſelfe agayne: or elſe that Wilton water hath there his entry into the Auon, which I cannot yet determine. Frõ Harneham bridge it goeth to Dounton, that is about foure miles, and ſo much in like ſort from thence to Fording bridge, to Kingwood bridge fiue miles, to Chriſtes church Twin|ham fiue myles, and ſtrayght into the ſea.
[1] Poole.The next fall that we come vnto is Poole, from whoſe mouth vpon the ſhore, by South weſt in a bay of thrée miles of, is a poore fiſh|er towne, called Sandwiche, where we ſawe a péere and a little freſh brooke. The very vt|ter part of ſaint Adelmes poynt, is fiue miles from Sandwich. In another bay lyeth weſt Lylleworth, where as I heare is ſome proſt|table herborow for ſhips. The towne of Poole is from W [...]burne about foure miles, and it ſtandeth almoſt as an Iſle in the hauen. The hauen it ſelfe alſo if a man ſhoulde meaſure it by the circuite, wa [...]eth little of twenty mile, as I did gueſſe by the view.
[1] way. Waiemouth, or as ſome doe call it Wyle|mouth, is coũted twenty meles from Poole, & ye head of this riuer riſeth not full foure miles aboue the hauen, by northweſt at Vp [...]l in the ſide of a great [...]ill. There is a little barre of ſande at the hauen mouth, & a great arme of ye ſea runneth vp by the right hand, and ſcant a mile aboue the hauen mouth on the ſhore, is a right goodly and warlike caſtle made, which hath one open barbicane. This arme rũneth vp alſo farder by a myle as in a baye, to a point of land wher a paſſage is into Portlãd, by a little courſe of pibble ſande. It goeth vp alſo from the ſayd paſſage vnto Abbateſbiry about ſeuen miles of, where a little ſreſhe rõ|dell reſorteth to the ſea. And ſomwhat aboue this,Cheſill. is the head or point of the Cheſill lying northweſt, which ſtretcheth vp from thẽce a|bout ſeuẽ miles, as a maine narrow bank, by a right line vnto the ſoutheſt, and there abut| [...] [...] But to procéede wyth our pu [...]poſe. Into the mouth of this riuer doe ſhips often [...] for ſuccour, & being paſt the ſame, we meete with ye fal of a water néere to [...]. Catherin [...] chapple as we ſailed by ye Shingle, which came down frõ Litton by Chilcomb, and thence we went to Bruteport water that ariſeth halfe a mile or more aboue Bemiſter, from whence it go|eth to Parnham, N [...]therbury, Welplaſh, & ſo to Bruteport, & afterwarde into ye ſea, taking in ſundry waters wt al by the way, wherof in my next treatiſe God willing I meane as of diuers other to make a particuler rehearſall. Leuing the Brudeport, we paſſed by Stant [...] Gabriell, & beholding Charemouth Bea [...]on a far of, we [...] our courſe toward ye ſame, but ere we came there, we behelde the fall of Chare, which is a pretye water. [...] It ryſeth a|bout thrée miles aboue Charemouth by north in a parke of the kinges called Marſhewood. Next vnto this is the Buddle,Buddle which cõmeth about thrée miles by north of Lyme from the hilles, fléeting vpon rocky ſoyle, and ſo falleth into the ſea.
[1] Beyond this is the Axe whoſe iſſue at thys preſent is harde vnder the rootes of Winter chifes,Axe. and the poyntes thereof beyng almoſt a myle in ſunder, the moſt weſterlye of them called Berewood, lyeth within halfe a mile of Seton, but the other toward the eaſt, is called White [...]liffe, wherof I haue ſpoken already. This riuer riſeth a mile northeſt frõ Bemi|ſter a market Towne, in Dorſet ſhyre, at a place called Axe knoll, (longing to Sir Giles Strangwaies) in a moore hanging on the ſide of an hill. And from thence it runneth to the ruines of an old Abbay called Fordes, about foure or fiue miles from thence, (where it ſée|meth to bée a particion betwéene Sommer|ſetſhyre and Deuon) then vnto Axe Minſter in Deuonſhyre, and ſo thorowe the Towne it ſelfe, wherein a great ſlaughter was made [page 23] of Danes in Athelſtanes tyme, at Bruneſdon fielde or rather Brunnedon as I read, and whereof I finde thys annotation, in an olde French Chronicle.
In the time of Athelſtane, ye greateſt Nauie that euer aduentured into thys Iſlande, arri|ued at Seton in Deuonſhyre, beyng repleni|ſhed with Aliens that ſought the conqueſt of this Iſland, but Athelſtane mette & encoũ|tred with them in the fielde, where he ouer|threwe 6000. of his aforeſayde enimyes. Not one of them alſo that remayned alyue, eſcaped from the battell wythout ſome dead|lye or very grieuous wound. In this conflicte moreouer were flaine fiue kings, which were enterred in the Church yard of Axe minſter, and of the part of the king of Englande were kylled eyght Earles of the chiefe of hys no|bilitye, and they alſo buryed in the Church|yarde aforeſayde. Hereunto it addeth howe the Byſhop of Shyreburne was in like ſort ſlaine in thys battell, that began at Brune|dune néere to Colyton, and indured euen to Axe minſter, which then was called Brun|bery or Brunburg. The ſame day that this thyng happened the ſunne loſt hys light, and ſo continued without any bryghtneſſe, vntyll the ſetting of that Planet, though otherwyſe the ſeaſon was cléere and nothing clowdye.But to procéede after our riuer hath paſſed thorow Axeminſter towne, it goeth to ye bridg thereby (where ſone after it receiueth the the Artey, [...]tey. ſometyme a raging water) and fi|nally to Axe mouth Towne, frõ whence after it hath as it were played it ſelfe, in the plea|ſant botomes, by the ſpace of a quarter of a myle, it goeth vnder White cliffe and ſo into the ſea, where it is called Axebaye, and thus is that ryuer deſcribed.
[1] As for the hauen which in times paſt as I haue hearde, [...]idde. hath béene at Sidmouth (ſo cal|led of Sidde a [...]yllet that runeth therto) and likewyſe at Seton. I paſſe it ouer, ſith nowe there is none at al. [...]eton. Yet hath there bene ſome|tyme a notable one, albeit that at this preſent betwene the two poyntes of the olde hauen, there lyeth a mightie barre of pibble ſtones, in the verye mouth of it, and the ryuer Axe is driuẽ to the very eaſt point of ye hauẽ called White clyffe. Therat alſo a very little gull goeth into the ſea, whether ſmall fiſherbotes doe oft reſort for ſuccour. The men of Seton beganne of late to ſtake and make a maine wall within the hauen to haue chaunged the courſe of the Axe, and (almoſt in the myd|dle of the old hauen) to haue trenched thorow the Cheſill, therby to haue let out the Axe, & to haue taken in the maine ſea, but I here of none effect that this attempt dyd come vnto.
[1] From Seton weſtwarde lyeth Colyton,Coly. about two myles by weſt Northweſt, where|of ryſeth the ryuer Coly, which goyng [...] the aforeſaide towne, paſſeth by Colecomb parke, and afterwarde falleth betwéene Axe brydge and Axe mouth towne into the Axe riuer.
[1] Leauing the Coly we come ſoone after to Ottery hauen,Otterey. whoſe heade riſeth at Ottery fiue myles aboue Mohuns Ottery or Ottery Flemming flat North. From hence it goeth to Vpoter, Mohuns Ottery, Hunitõ, Veniton bridge, S. Mary Otterey, Newton bridge Ottermouth and ſo into the ſea. On the weſt ſide of this hauen is Budeley almoſt directly againſt Otterton. It is eaſie to be ſeene alſo, that within leſſe then. 100. yeares, ſhips did vſe this hauẽ, but now it is barred vp. Some call it Budeley hauen of Budeley towne, o|ther Salterne port, of a little creke comming out of the mayne hauen vnto Salterne vil|lage, that hath in time paſt béene a towne of greater eſtimation.
From Otterey mouth we ſailed vp to Ex|mouth ſo called of the riuer Exe,Ex. which moũ|teth in Exmore, at a place called Execroſſe th [...]ée myles by Northeaſt, and from thence goeth by Exford where it is a rill or ſmall water: then to Tiuerton twelue miles from the head, thence to Therberton Cowley,Simmĩg [...] Bath. and next of al to Exceſter receauing in the meane time the Simõs bath water, which riſeth by Northweſt of Simons bath bridge (fower myles from Exford:) and is in Sommer time ſo ſhalowe that a man maye eaſily paſſe ouer it, but in winter it rageth oft, and is very déepe and daungerous.Kenton. As touching the hauen alſo I remember well that there lieth vpon the very Weſt point of the ſame a barren ſande and in the Weſt North|weſt goeth a little creke a mile or thereabout into the land which ſome call Kentõ creke. I haue herd that the Burgeſes of Exceſter in|deuoured to make the hauen to come vp to Exceſter it ſelfe, but whether they brought it to paſſe or no as yet I doe not know, this is certaine that in times paſt the ſhippes came vp no nearer then Apſham, which is a prety townelet on the ſhore fower myles vpper in|to the hauen.
[1] Beyonde Exceſter hauen mouth 4.Teigne. myles or there about I came to the Teigne mouth which ebbeth and floweth ſo farre as New|ton. The head of this riuer is 20. myles from the ſea, and it riſeth in Dartmore at a place by northweſt called Teigne head. Frõ hence alſo it goeth to Iagford bridge, Clifford bridg Bridford bridge, Chidley bridge,Leman. Teigne bridge, Newton buſhelles, beneath which [...] it [page 32] receaueth the Leman water, and alſo Aller brooke,Allet. which riſeth thrée miles of, as Leland hath ſet down, who writeth moreouer of this hauen in ſort as followeth. The very vtter weſt point of the land, at ye mouth of Teigne is called the Neſſe, and is a very high redde cliffe. The eaſt part of the hauen is named the poles, a lowe ſandie grounde eyther caſt vp by the ſpuing of the ſand out of ye Teigne, or elſe throwen vp from the ſhore by the rage of winde and water. This ſande occupyeth now a great quantitie of the ground betwene the hauen where the ſand riſeth, and Teigne mouth towne, which towne ſurnamed Regis, hath in time paſt béene ſore defaced by the Danes, and of late time by the Frenche.
[1] Tor. From Teigne mouth we came to Tor bay, wherof the weſt point is called Byry, and the eaſt Perritory, betwene which is litle aboue foure miles. From Torre baie alſo to Dart|mouth is ſixe myles where (ſayth Leland) I marked diuers thinges. Firſt of all vpon the eaſt ſide of the hauen a great hilly point, cal|led Downeſend & betwixt Downeſende, and a pointlet named Wereford, is a litle baye. Were it ſelfe in like ſorte is not full a myle from Downeſend vpwarde into the hauen.Were. Kingeſwere towne ſtandeth out as another pointlet, and betwixt it & Wereford is the ſe|cond bay. Somwhat moreouer aboue Kingeſ|were towne goeth a litle Creke vp into the land from the maine ſtreame of the hauen called water head,Water hed & this is a very fitte place for veſſells to be made in. In like ſort half a mile beyond this into ye land ward, goeth ano|ther longer creeke,Neſſe creke. Gaunſton & aboue that alſo a greater thẽ either of theſe called Gawnſtõ, whoſe hed is here not half a mile frõ ye maine ſea, by the compaſſing thereof as it runneth in Tor bay.
[1] The riuer of Dart, commeth out of Dart|more fiftene miles aboue Totneſſe,Dart or Darmour. in a very large plot, and ſuch another wild moriſh and forreſtye grounde as Exmore is. Of it ſelfe moreouer this water is very ſwift, & thorow occaſion of Tinworkes whereby it paſſeth, it carieth much ſand to Totneſſe bridge, and ſo choketh the depth of the riuer downeward, that the hauen it ſelfe is almoſt ſpoiled by the ſame. The mariners of Dartmouth accompt this to be about a kenning frõ Plimmouth. In the valley alſo betwéene Corneworthy & Aſhepremptõ,Humber|ton. runneth a brooke called Hum|berton or Herburne. This water commeth out of a Welſpring, & ſo running about two myles, it paſſeth thorow a ſtone bridge called Roſt, two myles from Totneſſe. Frõ thence moreouer, after it hath gone other two miles it commeth to Bow bridge, and there falleth into a ſaltwater créeke, which gathereth in|to the lande out of the hauen of Dartmouth. This créeke at the head breaketh for a little way into two armes, whereof the one goeth vp to Bow bridge, and receyueth Humber|ton water (as I ſaide) ye other toward Corne|worthy frõ whence vnto Dartmouth, is a|bout foure myles. Finally about halfe a mile aboue Dartmouth towne,Olde [...] creke. there is another Créeke going out of the maine ſtreame cal|led Olde mill créeke, ſo ſarre as I can learne by the rumor of the countrey.
[1] About ſeuen myles by weſt ſouthweſt frõ Dartmouth lyeth Saltcomb hauen,Sal [...] ſome|what barred: & not much aboue the heade of it is Arme hauen, the backewater whereof commeth vnder Yuy & Armington bridges,Arme. and ſo vnto the ſea at this place, which is full of flattes and rockes, ſo that no ſhippe com|meth thither in any tempeſt, except it be for|ced thereto, thorowe the vttermoſt extremitie and deſperate hazarde of the fearefull mari|ners. King Phillip of Caſtile loſt two ſhippes here in the dayes of king Henry the ſeuenth, when he was dryuen to lande in the Weſt coũtrey by rage of weather. Vnto Armouth alſo commeth the Awne water,Awne. after it hath paſſed by Eaſt Brenton and Gare bridges, and not farre from the fall of this, lyeth the Yawlme mouth ſo called of a ryuer whych cõmeth thither frõ Le bridg to Yalme bridg,Yalme. & falleth into the ſea, about 4. miles by ſouth eaſt, frõ the maine ſtreame of Plimmouth.
[1] Being come to the Plimmoth,Plim. I finde that the mouth of the goulfe wherin the ſhips of this towne doe ride, is walled on eche ſide and chained ouer in ye time of neceſſitie. On ye ſouth ſide of the hauẽ alſo is a blockhouſe vpõ a rocky hill, & vpõ the eaſt ſide of this & Tha|mar hauen, lyeth the Mill baye creke,Milbaye creke. Stone houſe creke. Caine creke. Shilſt [...] Budo [...] Tam [...]|taue. Torrey Taue. ye ſtone creke, Caine Créeke, Shilſtõ créeke (which is two myles of length and wheron ſtandeth a Mill) Buddocks créeke, and laſt of al, Ta|mertaue créeke, ſo called bycauſe of the con|courſe of the Taue & Tamar waters there. Torrey brooke falleth lykewyſe into Plym, but wher aboutes as now, I haue forgotten. Finally vpon the weſt ſide of the hauen, is a notable créeke alſo entering into the lande a myle or more from the hauen, which being viewed, I went and behelde Thamar hauen on the weſt ſide wherof, I noted theſe crekes.
Firſt of all about two myles aboue Aſhe I ſawe the principall arme of Thamar it ſelfe.Tham [...] Certes it riſeth about thrée myles by North|eaſt from Hartland, & goeth vp into the land about tenne myles from that place: thence it haſteth to Calſtock bridge, whether it almoſt continually ebbeth and floweth, verye great veſſels cõming likewyſe within a mike ther|of [page 24] vnto Morleham, which is not aboue thrée myles from Tauiſtocke as I reade. Betwixt Thamar ſtreame, [...]. and Aſhe: I marked farder more ſayeth Lelande other thrée créekes alſo deſcending, which brake vp into the lande, whereof the firſt lyeth by Northweſt, the ſe|conde weſt northweſt, the thirde plaine weſt, entering into the country aboue half a mile, and ſcarſely a myle lower, I peruſed in like maner the Liuer créeke, [...]. that goeth vp to S. Germains ward. This créeke lyeth 3. myles from the maine ſtreame of Thamar hauen, and riſing in an hill aboue Launſton, it goeth thorow the towne within the walles. In the botome alſo of the Suburbe, is an other na|med Aterey, [...]erey. which ryſeth aleuen myles of by weſt towarde Bodmin, wherinto runneth a Rill comming thorow a wood before it ma|keth a confluens with the firſt, in deſcending towarde the hauen.Iohns S. An| [...]ies Then breaketh in an o|ther créeke called S. Iohns, or S. Anthonies Rode, and at the very mouth about S. Ni|cholas Iſle falleth in the laſt, which goeth vp to Milbrooke, two myles into the lande from the maine hauen. From hence we ſayled far|der towarde the weſt (leauing ſalt Aſhe and Seton rillets) and came to the mouth of a riuer called Low, [...] wherein Samons are of|ten founde, & yet is it drie commonly at halfe ebbe. On eche ſyde of the entrye thereof ſtandeth alſo a towne, whereof the one is cal|led eaſt Low the other weſt Low, and this is a pretie market towne. A bridge finally of twelue arches doth leade from the one to the other.
[1] [2] The next fall after we be paſt one little nameleſſe créeke, that lyeth by the waye, is Poulpyr water, [...]lpyr. whereinto commeth a little brooke. [...]. Then méete we with Fawey hauen, whoſe riuer ryſeth at Fawy Moore (about two myles from Camilforde by South, and ſixetene miles from Fawy towne) in a very quaue mire on the ſide of an Hill. Frõ hence it goeth to Drameſbridge, to Clobhã bridge, Lergen bridge, New bridge, Reſprin bridge, and Loſtwithiell bridge, where it méeteth with a little brooke, and néere thereunto par|teth it ſelfe in twaine. Of theſe two armes therefore one goeth to a bridge of ſtone, the other to another of timber, & ſoone after ioy|ning againe, the maine riuer goeth to Saint Gwinnowes, from thẽce alſo the point of S. Gwinnowes wood, which is about half a mile from thence, except my memorie doe fayle me. Here goeth in a Salt créeke halfe a mile on the eaſt ſide of the hauen, and at the heade of it, [...]rinus. is a bridge called Lerine bridge. The créeke it ſelf in like maner bearing the ſame denomination. From Lerine créeke, to S. Caracs pill, or créeke,In ye myd|dle of this creke was a cell of S. Cyret in an Iſlet longing ſometime to Moun|tegew a priory. is about halfe a mile and Lower on the eaſt ſide of the ſayd hauen it goeth vp alſo not aboue a mile & an half [...] to the lande. From Caracs créeke to Poul|morland a myle, and this likewiſe goeth vp ſeant a quarter of a mile into the land, yet at the heade it parteth it ſelfe in twaine. From Poulmoreland to Bodnecke village halfe a mile where the paſſage and repaſſage is com|monly to Fawey. From Bodnecke to Pe|lene point (where a créeke goeth vp not fully 1000. paces into the lande) a mile, thence to Poulruan, a quarter of a mile, and at this Poulruan is a tower of force, marching a|gain ye tower on Fawey ſide, betwene which, as I doe here, a chaine hath ſome times bene ſtretched, & likely inough for the hauẽ there is hardly two bowſhotte ouer. The very point of lande at the eaſt ſide of the mouth of this Hauen, is called Pontus croſſe, but nowe Panuche croſſe. It ſhal not be amiſſe in this place ſomewhat to intreate of the towne of Fawy,Cõwhath. which is called in Corniſh Cõwhath and being ſcituate on the Northſide of the ha|uen, is ſet hanging on a maine rocky hill be|ing in length about one quarter of a mile, ex|cept my memory deceyue me.
[1] The renowne of Fawy roſe by ye wars vn|der King Edward ye firſt, Edward the third, & Henry the fifth, partly by feates of armes & partly by plaine pyracy. Finally ye towneſmẽ féeling themſelues ſomewhat at eaſe & ſtrong in their purſes, they fell to marchandize, and ſo they proſpered in this their newe deuiſe, that as they traueiled into al places, ſo mar|chauntes from all countries made reſort to them, whereby within a while they grew to be exceeding riche. The ſhippes of Fawy ſat|ling on a time by Rhy and Winchelſey in ye time of king Edward the third, refuſed ſtout|ly to vale any bonet there, although warning was giuen them ſo to do by the Portgrenes or rules of thoſe townes. Herevpon the Rie and Winchelſie men, made out vppon them with cut and long taile: but ſo hardly were they intertained by the Fawy Pyrates (I ſhould ſaie aduenturers) that they were dri|uen home againe with no ſmall loſſe and hin|deraunce. Such fauour found the Fawy men alſo immediately vpon this bickering, that in token of their victory ouer their winching ad|uerſaries, and riding Ripiers, as they called them in mockery, they altered their armes and compounded for newe, wherein the ſcut|chion of Rie and Winchelſey is quartered, with theirs & beſide this ye Foiens were cal|led the gallantes of Fawy,Gallantes of Fey or Fawy. whereof they not a litle reioyced, and more peraduenture then for ſome greater booty. And thus much of [page 33] Fawy towne wherin we ſée what great ſuc|ceſſe often commeth of witteleſſe and raſhe aduẽtures. But to returne againe to our pur+poſe from whence we haue digreſſed and as hauing ſome deſire to finiſhe vp this our voy|age, we wil leaue the Fawm [...]uth and go for|ward on our iourney. Being therefore paſte this hauen, we come to Pennarth which is 2. myles by weſt therof, and ſcituate on the eaſt ſide of Trewardith Baie, called by Leland Arctoum or Vrctoũ Promontoriũ except his writings do deceiue me. Frõ hence we came to the blacke head, then to Pentoren a myle farder, and here iſſueth ont a pretye ryuer that commeth by Saint Auſtelles,Auſtell brooke. about two myles and an halfe from thence, which run|neth vnder Auſtell bridge & vnder the Weſt ſide of the hill whereon the poore towne of S. Auſtelles ſtãdeth. Thence we ſailed to Chap|pell land, then to Dudman, to Pennare, and Sainct Antonies point, which is thrée myles from Pennar point, where we make our en|trance into the Falamouth hauen, whoſe de|ſcription I borowe of Leland and worde for worde will here inſert the ſame.
[1] [2] [3] Fala. The very point (ſaith he) of the hauẽ mouth (being an hill whereon the Kyng hath buyl|ded a caſtell) is called Pendinant. It is about a myle in compaſſe, almoſt enuironned with the ſea, and where the ſea couereth not, the ground is ſo low that it were a ſmall maſtry to make Pendinant an Iland. Furthermore there lieth a cape or foreland within the hauẽ a myle and an halfe, and betwixt this and M. Killigrewes houſe, one great arme of the hauen rũneth vp to Penrine towne, which is 3. miles from the very entry of Falemouth hauen, and two good myles from Penfuſis. Moreouer there is Leuine Priſ [...]lo betwixte S. Budocus and Pendinas,Leume. which were a good hauen but for the barre of ſande, but to procéede. The firſt creke or arme that caſteth on the Northweſt ſide of Falemouth hauen goeth vp to Perin, and at thende it breaketh into two armes, whereof the leſſe runneth to Glaſenith 1. viridis ind, ye grene neſt, or wag|meer at Penrin: the other to ſaint Glunias the pariſhe Church of Penrine. In like ſorte out of eche ſide of Penrine creke, breaketh an arme or euer it come to Penrine. This I vn|derſtande alſo that ſtakes and foundations of ſtone haue béene ſet in the creke at Penrine a litle lower then the wharfe where it brea|keth into armes: but howſoeuer this ſtandeth betwixte the point of Trefuſis and the point of Reſtronget is Mil [...]r creke,Milor. which goeth vp a myle into the land and by the churche is a good rode for ſhippes. The nexte creke be|yonde the point of Reſtronget wood is called Reſtronget which goyng two myles vp into the maine breaketh into two armes.Reſtron|get. In lyke order betwixte Reſtronget and the creke of Trury be two crekes one called S. Feokes,S. [...] S. [...] Trury creke. the other Sainct Caie, nexte vnto which is Trury creke that goeth vp about two myles crekyng from the principall ſtreame, & brea|keth within half a myle of Trury, caſting in a braunche Weſtward euen harde by New|ham wood. This creke of Trury is deuided into two partes before the towne of Trury, and eche of them hauing a brooke comming downe and a bridge, the towne of Trury ſtandeth betwixte them both. In like ſorte Kenwen ſtreate is ſeuered frõ the ſaid towne with this arme, and Clements ſtréete by eaſt with the other. Out of the body alſo of Trury creke breaketh another eaſtwarde a myle from Trury, and goeth vp a myle and an halfe to Treſilian bridge of ſtone. At the very entry and mouth of this creke is a rode of ſhippes called Maples rode and here faught not long ſince. 18. ſhippes of Spaniſhe mar|chauntes with 4. ſhippes of warre of Depe, but the Spanierdes draue the Frenchemen all into this harborowe. A myle and an halfe aboue the mouth of Trury creke,Mor [...] is another named Lhan Moran of S. Morans church at hãd. This creke goeth vp a quarter of a mile from the maine ſtreame into the hauen, as the maine ſtreame goeth vp two myles a|boue Moran creke ebbing and flowing: and a quarter of a myle higher is the towne of Tre|gowy where we found a bridge of ſtone vpon the Fala ryuer. Fala it ſelfe riſeth a myle or more weſt of Roche hyll & goeth by Graund pount where I ſawe a bridge of ſtone.
[1] [2] [3] This Graund pount is four miles frõ Roche hill and two litle myles from Tregowy, be|twixt which the Fala taketh his courſe. Frõ Tregowy to paſſe downe by the body of the hauen of Falamouth to the mouth of Lany horne pill or creke, on the ſouth ſide of the ha|uen is a myle, and as I remember it goeth vp halfe a myle from the principall ſtreame of the hauen. From Lanyhorne pill alſo is a place or point of ſande about a myle way of 40. acres or thereabout (as a Peninſula) cal|led Ardeue rauter. As for the water or creke that rũneth into the ſouth ſoutheaſt part, it is but a little thing of halfe a myle vp into the land, and the creke that hemmeth in this Pe|ninſula, of both doth ſéeme to be the greater. From the mouth of the Weſt creke of this Peninſula, to S. Iuſtes creke is foure miles or more.S. [...] S. [...] In like maner from S. Iuſtes pill or creke (for both ſignifie one thing) to Sainct Mawes creke is a myle and a halfe, and the point betwéen them both is called Pendinas. [page 33] [page 34] [page 25] The creke of Saint Mawes goeth vp a two myles by eaſt northeaſt into the land, and be|ſides that it eddeth and [...]oweth ſo far, there is a mylle driuen with a freſhe creke that re|ſorteth to the ſame. Halfe a mile from the head of this downewarde to the hauen, is a creke in manner of a poole, whereon is a myll alſo that grindeth with the tyde. And a myle beneath that on the ſouth ſide entreth a creke (about halfe a myle into the countrey) which is barred from the maine ſea by a ſmall ſan|dye banke, and another myle yet lower, is a another litle crekelet: but howe ſoeuer theſe crekes doe runne, certaine it is that ye bankes of them that belong to Fala are marueilouſ|ly well woodded, and hitherto Leland, whoſe wordes I dare not alter for feare of corrup|tion and alteration of his iudgement. Being paſt Falmouth hauen, therfore (as it were a quarter of a myle beyonde Arwennach Ma|ſter Killegrewes place which ſtandeth on the brimme or ſhore within Falmouth) we came to a litle hauen which ranne vp betwéene two hilles, but it was barred, wherefore we could not learne whether it were ſerued with any backe freſhe water or not. From hence we went by Polwitherall creke (parted into two armes) then to ye Polpenrith wherevnto a re|ueret falleth that riſeth not farre from thẽce, [...]withe| [...] [...]pen| [...] and ſo goeth to the maine ſtreame of ye hauen at the laſt, whether the creke reſorteth about thrée myles and more from the mouth of the hauen, [...]. [...]gun. [...]keſtel. [...]o [...]s. [...]ylow. [...]ng. and into which the water that goeth vnder Gare and Mogun bridges, doe fall in one botome as Lelande hath reported. Vnto this hauen alſo repayreth the Penkeſtell, the Callous ye Cheilow, & the Gilling, although this latter lyeth againſt Saint Mawnons on the hether ſide hard without the hauen mouth if I haue done aright. For ſo motheatẽ, moul|dye, and rotten are thoſe bookes of Leland which I haue, and beſide that, his annotatiõs are ſuch and ſo confounded as no man can in maner picke out any ſence from them by a leafe together, wherfore I thinke that he diſ|perſed & made his notes intricate of ſet pur|poſe, or elſe he was loth that any man ſhould eaſily come by that knowledge by readyng, which he with his great charge and no leſſe traueile attained vnto by experience.
[1] [2] [...]le. Lopole is two myles in length, and betwixt it and the maine Ocean is but a barre of ſand that ones in thrée or foure yeares, what by weight of the freſhe water and working of the Sea breaketh out, at which time it ma|keth a woonderfull noyſe, but ſoone after the mouth of it is barred vp againe. At all other times the ſuperfluity of the water of Lopole (which is full of Trout and Ele) draineth out thorow the ſandy barre litle the open Sea: Certes if this barre coulde alwayes be kept open, it would make a goodly hauen, vp vnto Hayleſton towne, where coynage of time is alſo vſed, as at Trucy and Lo [...]withlell, for the Quéenes aduauntage. From this place I doe not remember that I founde any more falles or hauens, tyll we paſſed rounde about the cape, and came vnto the Haile,Heile. which is a pretye riuer, riſing from foure principall heds or brokes, wherof one ſpringeth by ſouth another by ſouthweſt, the thirde by ſoutheaſt,Sper [...]. Crantock. Rialton. and the fourth by Northeaſt. Alſo we ſaw S. Perins créeke, Crantocke and Rialton, of Heyles Leland ſpeaketh ſomewhat in his col|lections out of the life of S. Breaca, where he noteth that it is ſpoyled by ſand comming from the Tinne workes. The next great fall of water & greateſt of all that is to be founde on the North ſide of Corinwall, is at Padde|ſtow, whether ye Alaune reſorte [...]th.Alaunus Dunmerus. Of ſome it is nowe called Dunmere, but in olde time it hight commonly Alaunus. Into this ſtreame runne diuers other as the Carneſey (by eaſt) thrée myles lower then Woodbridge:Carneſey. Laine. ye Laine (which riſeth two myles aboue S. Eſſe by northeaſt, and falleth into Alaune likewiſe a|bout Woodbridge) the Bodmin water, beſide another that commeth from ſouthweſt, and goeth in Alane two myles beneath this con|fluence on the ſame ſide aboue Woodbridge: and finallye the laſt which deſcendeth out of the hilles from ſoutheaſt, and ioyneth with the ſaid riuer two myles aboue Padſtow, as I doe finde by reading. In one place Leland ſaith how he cannot well tell whereabout this riuer doth iſſue out of the grounde, but in an|other he ſayth thus of it. The Alune is eui|dently ſéene to paſſe thorow Wood or Wad|bridge at lowe water, and the firſt bridge of name that it rũneth vnder is called Heſham, the next, Dunmere bridge, & the third Wad|bridge, which is foure myles lower, and the loweſt in déede, that is to be founde on this ſtreame. From Padſtow alſo they ſa [...]e full weſt vnto Waterford in Ireland.Locus. bufonis. There are likewiſe two Rockes which lye in the eaſt ſide of the hauen, ſecretely hidden at full Sea, as two pads in the ſtraw, whereof I thinke it taketh the name. Leland ſuppoſeth this ry|uer to be the ſame Camblan, where Arthur fought his laſt and fatall conflict: for to this daie men that doe eare the grounde there, doe oft plowe vp bones of a large ſize, and great ſtore of armour, or els it may be (as I rather coniecture) that the Romanes had ſome field (or Caſtra) thereabout, for not long ſince and in the remembraunce of man, a braſſe pot ful of Romane coyne was found there, as I haue [page 35] oftẽ herde.Depe|hatch. Cunilus. Next vnto this is the Déepehatch & thẽ the Cunilus alias Portiſſer & Portguin waters, and vpon the Northſide of this creke ſtandeth Tintagell or Dundagiell caſtell, al|moſt enuironned in manner of an Iſland. Af|ter this and being paſt Tredwy, we come vnto the Taw mouth,Taw. whoſe heade riſeth in Exmore ſoutheaſt from Barſtable, which is a towne fiue myles diſtaunt from the hauens mouth.Turrege. It receueth alſo ye water of Turrege, which riſeth 3. miles by northeaſt frõ Harte|land in a moore euen hard by ye principall hed of Thamar. This Thurege commeth firſt to Kiſſington bridge, thence to Pulford bridge, Wadforde bridge, Déepeforde bridge, the South and weſt bridges of Thorington, to Eudford bridge, (which hath 24. arches, and an olde chappel builded thereon vnto the vir|gin Mary, at the farder end) then two miles lower it falleth into the Thaue, and finallye into the Sauerne ſea, by the hauen mouth. The entrie of the hauen of Thaw is barred wyth ſande and very daungerous, and from the pointe of the hauen mouthe to cutte o|uer to Hartey point, is about ſixe or ſeuen miles, a pretie brooke alſo falleth into the ſaid hauen, from the hilles aboue Barſtable, by Eaſt, & going by the Priory. But to procéede from hence we goe to the Minheued or Mine mouth,Mineus. whoſe backwater entreth into it, af|ter it be come from Minheued and Portloch. Then came we to Dour or Dournſteir fall,Durus. whether commeth a rill, next of all to Clyffe Chappell, where the people honoured an I|mage of our Ladye with much ſuperſtition, thence two myles to Orcharde, to Comb thrée myles,Iuel. and next of all vnto the Iuel, a famous ryuer, which deſcendeth by Brad|fielde then by Clyfton (within a quarter of a myle whereof the Shireburn & the Milbrooke waters doe méete, of which the firſt ryſeth in Blackmoore,Shirburn Milbrooke. the other thrée myle from thence in Milbrooke parke) from Clyfton to Euill a proper market towne in Somerſet|ſhyre, thre myles or thereabout from Shire|burn: from Euell to Ilcheſter by the bridge thrée myles (taking withall the Cokar,Cokar. that ryſeth weſt of Cokar, and after thrée myles gate falleth into the Iuell) frõ Ilcheſter to Michelborowe, leauing Athelney ſomewhat diſtaunt on the left ſide, then to Lamburne, to Bridge north, Bridge water, and after a time into the Sauerne mouth. Certes it is thought to ryſe in Milbery parke, or ſome|where elſe not farre from Shireburne, but the chiefe heade thereof commeth from Coſ|komb. When we are paſt this we come vnto the Axe,Axe. which runneth by Axe towne, and ſo continueth his courſe braunching in thende, and leauing a fayre Iſlande as it were in the very fal, partly enuironned wt the maine ſea, & partly wyth this riuer. There is moreouer a towne eaſt of this Iſland called in old time Cherin, but now Vphil. Next vnto this is the Stowey mouth ſerued with a backewater,Stow [...] called Stowey, which ryſeth in the hylles not farre of, and after it hath touched at Stow, it falleth into the ſea, which is ſeuẽ miles frõ that place. There are two brookes further|more that fal into the ſea, after they haue paſ|ſed betwéene Stow and S. Andrewes, & the thirde runneth not farre from Willington, ryſing by South, but ſithence they are onely tryfling rilles and nameleſſe, I thinke it not good to ſtande any longer about them. Thus are we come at laſt vnto the Auon,Auon which not farre from his originall, doth enuironne and almoſt make an Iſland of the towne of Mal|meflyry, from thence it goeth vnder Male|forde and Caſway bridges, to Choppenham, Bradford, Bath, Briſtow (flowing two miles aboue that citie) and ſoone after into the Sa|uerne, from whence it neuer returneth with|out mixture of Salt water. In this ſort haue I finiſhed one part of my Deſcription of the ryuers & ſtreames falling into the ſea, which ſhould haue béene a far more perfite, and ex|act péece of worke, if I had béene ſo vpright|lye dealt withall in mine informations as I ment to deale preciſely in ſetting downe the ſame, but ſith the matter is ſo fallen out, that I cannot doe as I woulde herein, I muſt be contented to performe what I maye, hoping in time to peruſe and poliſhe it againe that nowe is left rude and without any diligence ſhewed, or order vſed at all therein.