Snippet: 1 of 19 (1577, Volume 1, p. 7) [page 7] AN HISTORICALL DE|ſcription of the Iſlande of Britayne, with a briefe
re|hearſall of the nature and qualities of the people of Englande,
and of all ſuch com|modities as are to be founde in the ſame.
In the first Booke of the Deſcription of Britayne, theſe Chapters
are contayned that enſue.
- 1. Of the ſcituation and quantitie of the Iſle of Britayne.
- 2. Of the auncient names of this Iſlande.
- 3. What ſundry nations haue dwelled in this countrey.
- 4. Whether it be likely that euer there were any Gyants inhabiting in
this Iſlande.
- 5. Of the generall language vſed ſometime in Brytaine.
- 6. Into howe many kingdomes at once this Iſle hath bene
- 7. Of the auncient religion vſed in Brytaine, from the firſt comming
of Samothes, before the conuerſion of the ſame vnto the faith of
- 8. Of the number and names of ſuch Salt Iſlandes as lye diſperſed
rounde about vpon the coaſt of Brytaine.
- 9. Of the ryſing and falles of ſuch ryuers and ſtreames as deſcende
into the ſea, without alteration of their names, & firſt of thoſe
that lye betweene the Thames and the Sauerne.
- 10. Of the Sauerne ſtreame, and ſuch falles of ryuers as go into the
Sea betweene it and the Humber.
- 11. Of ſuch riuers as fall into the ſea, betwene Humber & the
- 12. Of the fower high waies ſometime made in Brytaine by the Prin|ces
of this lande.
- 13. Of the ayre and ſoyle of the country.
- 14. Of the generall conſtitution of the bodies of the Brytons.
- 15. How Brytaine grew at the firſt to be deuided into three
- 16. That notwithſtanding the former particion made by Brute, vnto his
children, the ſouereinety of the whole Iſlande, remained ſtyll to the
Prince of Lhoegres and his poſteritie after him.
- 17. Of the Wall ſometime builded for a particion betweene Englande and
the Pictes.