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feorran - It is difficult to be certain exactly what detail of the Gospel story is being referred to. Joseph of Arimathaea (and Nichodemus in John 19:39) beg Pilate for the body of Christ but there is no indication that they come from a distance, rather that they are in Jerusalem. In the Acts of Pilate XI : 3 there is the statement "And his acquaintance stood afar off, and the women which came with him from Galilee, beholding these things". In fact the "hilderincas" 61b and "beornas"66a coupled with the "sorhleoð" 67b which they sing for the "aþeling" 58a, "almihtig god" 60b, "heofenes dryhten" 64a, "sigora Wealdend" 67a, "maran þÚodne" 69a who is "limwerigne"63a and rests from the "miclan gewinne"65a seems essentially to elaborate on the "heroic" aspect of the presentation of Christ and is reminiscent of the funerals in Beowulf: 1119 Hildeburh "geomrode giddum" for her son and brother, 3150f. the old woman at Beowulf's funeral "giomorgyd. . . . . song sorgcearig" and 3171a the warriors who ride round the burial mound wish to utter a "wordgyd" and lament their lord's death.