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Back Matter: Section 1 of
3: The third table for the Chronicles of England from the conquest vntill this present regiment: wherin the
reader is to ob|serue these notes for his better direction; namelie, to seeke for the surnames of persons as
more commonlie knowne than the proper; and also when the name faileth to looke for the dignitie, title,
office and degree of such persons; as Armenia, Cipriots, Spaine, France, Portingall, Nauarre, Denmarke,
&c; if they were kings: Archbishop, Bishop, Pope, Car|nall, Legat, &c; if they were
Clergiemen: Chancellors, Treasurors, Lord high constables, Lord wardens of the cinque ports, &c;
Duke, Earle, Marquesse, Queene, Duchesse, Countesse, &c; if they were great states: Maior, Sargents
at law, Officers, &c: if they were of that degree: knights and esquires excepted, who as they were
of renowme, are accordinglie noted by their vsuall names. Likewise for such as haue beene executed as
notorious offendors against the prince and the state, to come to the knowledge of their names, looke for the
qualitie of their offense; as counterfeting, coineclippers, conspiracie and conspirators, murther and
murtherers, rebellion and rebels, treason and trai|tors, preests seminarie, &c: of all which this
table affoordeth infinit examples. Finallie, wheresoeuer you find this word (Note) there dooth matter of
conside|ration come to hand.
Snippet: 17 of 23 (1587, Volume 6, p. 1522) Appendix A.16 Q.
- QUarrell betwixt the bishops and moonks of Cantur|burie about the archbishops election, 169. b 30. That the French king picketh against England, 518. a 30. Faint picked against the duke of Glocester, 627, a 10. Upon a small cause, 126, a 30. Pro|secuted vnto great mischeefe: note, 304, b 30. Ended with murther, 568. b 20. ¶ See Debate, Fraie, Mutinie, Ri|ot and Warres.
- Queene Adelicia second wife to Henrie the first, descended of the dukes of Loraine, barren, 41. b 60
- Queene Aldgitha sent to Che|ster, and whose sister she was, 1. a 30
- Queene Annes coronation pro|clamed, & the same celebrated with great pompe, 930. a 40. &c. 931.932.933.934. With child. 929. b 40. Brought a bed of queene Elisabeth, 934. b 20. Committed to the tow|er, hir imprecation at the towre gate, she is arreigned, hir words at hir death, 940. a 10. 20.60
- Queene Anne wife to king Ri|chard the third and daughter to Richard earle of Warwike, 733, b 60
- Queene Anne wife to king Ri|chard the second deceaseth, 481, a 20
- Queene Berengaria crowned, the wife of Richard the first, 128. a 40
- Queene Elenor Richard the firsts mother returneth home into England, 127. a 50
- Queene Elenor king Iohns mother an enimie to hir ne|phue Arthur, 158. a 60. Brought a bed of a daughter, 69. a 40. Sendeth for speedie succour to king Iohn, 164. b 10. Studieth to mainteine the strife betwixt hir sonnes, 86. b 60.87, a 10. Committed to close prison, 92 b 50. Set at libertie after long imprison|ment, 117. a 50. Deceaseth, 167. b 60
- Queene Elenor the wife of Henrie the third, 219. Passeth into Normandie, 158, b 10. Forsaketh the world, and be|commeth a nun, 283. b 50. Deceaseth, hir praise, 285. b 30. Hir buriall, 288. b 20
- Queene Elisabeth crowned and annointed queene, 768. a 60. Deliuered of hir first sonne, 769. b 10. Forward and re|die to further the vniting of the two houses of Lancaster and Yorke, 742. a 1020.30. Taketh sanctuarie, 715. b 60. Hir desolut estate, 716. a 30
- Queene Elisabeth, late wife to Edward the fourth, 615. b. 30 Adiudged to forfeit all hir lands for promise breaking. 765 b 40. She liueth a mise|rable and wretched life, she e|rected a college in Cambridge, b 50.60. Inconstant, she allu|reth hir sonne the marquesse Dorsset home out of France, 750 b 20.30. The cardinall thought the fittest man to deale with hir for the surren|dring of hir sonne, reasons whie it was thought meet to fetch him out of sanctuarie, the duke of Buckinghams words vnto hir, 717. a 40. b 10.40. Hir answers to the persuaders, she is loth to part with hir sonne, hir mistrust of the lord protector, she faleth to a resolution touching hir sonnes deliuerie, 719. a 60. b 10.30
- Queene Elisabeth Greie, wife to Edward the fourth, 668. a 40. Hir father and brother be|headed: note, 673. a 30. De|liuered of a prince, the same christened like a poore mans child, 677. b 10
- Queene Elisabeth surnamed the good deceaseth, 791. a 10
- Queene Elisabeth of Castile dieth with issue male, 792. b 20
- Queen Elisabeth second daugh|ter to Henrie the eight, borne and christened, the statelie or|der thereof: note, 934. b 20. Proclamed queene, the begin|ning of hir reigne, hir remooue from Hatfield, the flourishing estate of this land vnder hir reigne, 1170, b Hir remooue to the Tower, to Summerset house, 1171. a 10.20. Hir praier as she went to be crowned, 1180. a 10. Crow|ned, 1180. a 30. Desirous to know the meaning of the re|presentations of the pagents, 1173. b 30. Listeneth to a childs oration, 1174. b 40. Hir promise with thanks to the citie of London 1175. a 20. b 60. Remooueth from West|minster to the Tower by wa|ter, from thense to Westmin|ster through London, saluteth them that salute hir, pagents and shewes of reioising, 1172. all. Hir words vnto the lord maior of London, 1176, a 30. She receiueth Verbum Dei, kisseth it, and laieth it in hir lap, b 50. She thinketh vpon the cities charge, how willing she was to heare a childs speach 1177 b 20. The cities farewell vnto hir, going out at Temple barre, 1178, b 60. Hir last words to the citie by waie of promise, 1178, a 30. Notes of hir mercie &c. a 60. Hir humilitie in receiuing ve|rie trifles thankfullie, b 30. Not forgetfull to glorifie God who glorified hir, b 60 A motion made to hir in the parlement house touching ma|riage, with hir answer therto, hir promise, 1181, a 20, 40. &c. b 20. Determineth to aid the Scots suing for aid, 1186, b 40.1187 a 10. Sued vnto out of Denmarke about mariage, 1185. b 10, 20. Furnisheth hir land with armor and muni|tion, 1193. b 60. Greeued with the losse of Paules steeple, hir beneuolence towards the re|paring thereof, 1194, a 40. And what causes mooued hir to send a power into France, 1195. a 30. b 10.30.40. Hir progresse to & through Cam|bridge, hir oration to the vni|uersitie, 1206. b 20: &c. To Oxford, she maketh an orati|on to the vniuersitie, 1209. a 60. b 10. Hir owne words importing how deerelie she lo|ueth hir people, 1221. b 30. Hir manifold vertues, b 50. Goeth to the Bursie being finished, nameth it the Roiall exchange 1224. a 60. Hir destruc|tion deuised to be practised. ¶ See Priests seminarie, and note it well. Hir answer to the maior of Norwich his o|ration, 1289. a 20. Incoura|ging words vnto Stephan Lambert redie to make an o|ration vnto hir, 1294. b 30. She highlie commendeth [...], 1296. a 20. Hir behauiour [...]f|ter all hir welcomming, 12 [...]7 a 20. Hir departure from th [...] citie heauilie taken, 1298. a 10 20. Hir words at hir [...] with water in hir eies, b 40 Hir progresse into Suffolk and Northfolke, with th whole manner of the sumptu+ous sights, and whatsoeue [...] else was deuised for pleasur and delight, 1287. a 30. 128 [...]. &c: to 1299. In d [...]nger of gunshot being in he pri [...]ie barge, 1310. b 10. The p [...]ace of hir abode during he time of hir tarriance in Norwich, 1291, a 60. Accom [...]nieth the duke of Alanson t [...] Cantur|burie, 1330, a 30. [...]0. An in|tention to murtherhir, and the partie executo, 1356. a 50. She giueth ad to the de|fense of the low countries, & whie so mooued to doo, 1414. a 50. &c. to 1419. a 10. Shamefullie slandered by hir enimies, and the same answe|red: note, 1418 a 30. &c. Hir oration to the p [...]rlement house note, 1396. a 50. &c. Hir mag|nanimitie knowing Parries vowed treasons against hir & yet concealing it, 1391, a 60. Parries treasonable practises to kill hir and vndoo the whole realme: note well 1382. a 50. 60. &c. to 1385. Hir magna|nimitie in suffering a knowne and sworne traitor against hir to haue accesse vnto and talke with hir, 1383. a 20. Conspi|red against, and hir depriuati|on sought by traitors: note, 1370. a 40.50.60. b 10. &c. to 1375. ¶ See Elisabeth and Babington.
- Queene Iane proclamed with sound of trumpet queene of England, 1084. b 10. ¶See Iane.
- Queene Iane deceseth, 544 b 40
- Queene Ione late wife to king Henrie the fourth arrested by the duke of Bedford and com|mitted. 568. b 10
- Queene Isabell the wife of king Edward the second, 318. b 60 319. a 10
- Queene Isabell the second wife of king Iohn. 162. a 30
- Queene Isabell wife vnto king Richard the second transpor|ted into France, 519. a 60. And conueied to Paris, hir second marriage, b 10.20
- Queene Isabell married vnto Hugh Brune erle of March 202. a 60
- Queene Katharine, hir coronation, the wife of king Henrie the fift, 578. b 60. Solemnitie thereat, 579. a 10. Saileth into France. 581 b. 60.
- Queene Katharines coronation, traine, and sumptuousnesse, 801. b. 20. &c. Deliuered of hir first sonne named Henrie, 807. a 20. Chooseth lawiers in hir behalfe to iustifie hir marriage, hir lamentable speech in presence of the court, she auoucheth the coniunction good, she departeth out of the court & is called againe, 907. a 10. 50. Procureth a cursse against king Henrie the eight and his realme from the pope, 936, a 60. Hir words vpon the motion of a diuorse, standeth stiffe in the lawfulnesse of hir mariage, 927. a 10. &c. b. 60. Accuseth cardinall woolseie, hath communication with the cardinall in hir priuie chamber, refuseth to make sudden answer to a diuorce, 908. a 30. b 10. 20. Is diuorced from king Henrie the eight, 929. b 60, 930, a.10. Princesse Dowager, 929. b 30. Deceaseth, 939. b. 20.
- Queene Katharine, hir paramors detected of incontinent liuing, 954. b. 30. 40. &c. She is atteinted by parlement, sent to the Tower and beheaded, 955. 30.40. &c. 50.
- Que [...]e Marie commeth vnto L [...]don, 1088. b 50. Procla|m [...] queene, 1088. a 30. Hir cornation, pompe, and traine 10 [...]. a 20. Hir mariage, di|ue [...] diuerslie affected thera|bo [...], and what they did, 1120. a 6 [...] b 10. A report that she wawith child, 1123. b 40. An what curious order is tak [...] for the yoong prince yet vn [...]rne: note, 1124. all. Ta [...]e betweene hir and hir siste [...] the ladie Elisabeth: note 115 a 10. Hir stout courage and ind of manhood, 1099. a 10. Hir deathconspired, and the p [...]ties executed, 1117. a 60 She [...] cardinal Poole resisted the p [...]e, 1365, a 60. Hir ora|tion [...] Guild [...]all to the Lon|doner [...], 1096 a 60 Is com|pared if the [...]apists to queene Iudith, 112, b 20. Hir ora|tion touchin the restitution of abbeie land [...] 1127. b 10. &c. Great pre [...]ration & triumph for hir lien [...]n childbed, 1130. b 50.60. [...]hat became of hir child no [...] can tell: note, 1131. a 10 [...]c. Proclameth o|pen warsgainst the French king, th [...]capteins of hir for|ces, 113, b 10.30. With what in [...]nation she tooke the losse of [...]alis, 1149. b 40. Pensife or the losse thereof, sickenet and dieth, 1151. b 10 20. H [...] neuer good successe in anie [...]ing she went about, 1161. 10. How long and when [...]e prospered, hir pro|mise t [...]the gospellers broken, 50.60 Hir ill lucke in the losse of Cas, b 10. In hir child|birth [...]0. With hir husband, 50. Hir finall end and death. 60. The time of hir reigne, 1162 a 10. Hir death, the ma|ner t [...]ereof, thought to be for the l [...]sse of Calis, more bloud spiltin hir reigne than in anie kin [...]s daies before, how vn|pro [...]perous it was vnto hir an [...] hir realme in all respects, 1160. b 10. &c. Buried, and the maner thereof, 1178, b 49
- Queene Marie king Henrie the rights sister crowned queene of France: note, with what pompe, 833. a 60. b 10. &c. EEBO page image 1523 Dowager of France. ¶ Sée Duke of Suffolke.
- Quéene Marie Dowager of Scotland deceaseth, 1192, a 10
- Quéene Margaret the wife of Henrie the sonne of Henrie the second, 82, b 60. Brought a bed, 101, b 20
- Quéene Margaret wife to Ed|ward the first, deliuered of Thomas Burtherton hir first sonne, 309, a 50
- Quéene Margaret Henrie the sixt his wife lieth at Couen|trie, she is a better capteine than hir husband the king, 654, a 50. Described, she ta|keth vpon hir the gouerne|ment, & dischargeth the duke of Glocester, 626, b 40, 60 With hir sonne goeth into Wales, 665, a 60. She retur|neth out of France, 666, a 10 Fortunat in hir two battels: note, 660, b 50. Sendeth to the maior of London for vit|tels, some sent by the maior & staid by the commons, she re|turneth northward, 661, a 10, 20, &c. Hir flight, she is rob|bed, 655, a 10. Commeth to Ambois to sée the earle of Warwike, 674, b 50. She with hir son prince Edward land with a power out of France, 685, b 20, She is comforted by the nobles of England, b 60. The feare which she had for hir sonne, 686, a 10. Ta|ken prisoner, 688, b 60
- Quéene Maud deliuered of a sonne called William, 31, a 30 Departeth this life, 39, b 10
- Quéene Maud wife to king Stephan sueth for the release of hir husband to the emperor, 53, b 50
- Quéene Philip wife to king Edward the third, 348, b 20 Deliuered of Iohn of Gaunt hir fourth sonne, 357, a 60 Brought a bed of Edmund Langleie afterwards duke of Yorke, 363, a 30. Deceaseth, hir thrée petitions of the king, hir praise, 404, a 20
- Quéene of England with hir sonne goeth into Heinault, 337, b 10. They both arriue in Suffolke, she is assisted by the prelats, hir proclamation, 338, a 10, 30. She followeth the king to Oxford, the bishop of Hereford maketh an orati|on to hir armie, she goeth to Glocester and Bristow, the lords cleaue to hir, 339, all. In danger of drowning, 265, a 10 Deliuered of a daughter, 249, a 40.230, b 10, 378, a 50.362, a 30. Deliuered of Edmund, 236 a 50. Hir request & letters withstood by a subiect: note, 376, a 60. Hir liberalitie to|wards king Henrie the third, 249, a 50. Out of fauour with Edward the second hir hus|band, 332, a 40. Sent ouer in|to France to talke with hir brother, 336, a 30
- Quéene of Denmarke was the daughter of king Henrie the fourth, 513, b 10. She is sent ouer to hir husband, 532, a 20
- Quéene of Scots and the erle of Angus hir husband come into England, 838, a 20. She commeth vnto the English court, how interteined, 50, 60, &c. Returneth to Scotland, 844, a 20. Conueied into France and maried vnto the Dolphin, 1056, b 60
- Quéene Dowager of Scotland dooth what she can to procure war against England, 1142, a 10. ¶Sée Agatha, Francis Throckmorton, Margaret, Maud.
- Quéene mother gouernor of the realme, 548, a 40
- Quéenes of France and Hun|garie decease, 1171, b 60
- Quéenes thrée in the English court at once, 838, a 60
- Quéenes college in Cambridge founded by the ladie Elisa|beth wife to king Edward the fourth 765, b 60
- Questions in law demanded of the iustices: note, 456, b 20 457, a 10, &c.