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Appendix A.9 I.


  • IAcke Cads rebellion in Kent, 632, a 60. Is at his wits end, disguiseth himselfe, is forsaken of his adherents, proclamation out to take him he is apprehended and execu|ted, 635. Slaieth the Staf|fords, 634, a 60
  • Iacke Straw & his adherents executed, 436, a 50. His con|fession at the time of his deth, 438, b 10
  • Iane the daughter of K. Iohn married to the erle of March, 182, b 60
  • Iane de Ualois sister to the French K. treateth for peace, 360, a 30
  • Iane ladie Gilford proclamed quéene, 1084, b 10. Hath the kéeping of the keies of the Towre, 1087, a 40. Cõmitted to the Towre with hir hus|band the lord Gilford, 1088, b 50. Hir behauior at hir execu|tion, the words which she spake on the scaffold, 1099 b, 40, 50, 60, 1100, a 10, &c.
  • Iaques Arkeneld purposeth the destruction of Gerard Deruse, his house bé [...] set, & he slaine, 368, a 30, &c.
  • Idlenesse & meat of other mens charge what they doo, 1049, b 20
  • Iennie a notorius knowne trai|tor & conferrer with Fran|cis Throckmorton, 1371, b 10
  • Ierdseie. ¶Sée French king.
  • Ierusalem taken by Saladine prince of the Saracens, 110, b 50. With more part of all o|ther townes taken from the christians, 111, a 60. The king thereof dooth fealtie to Richard the first, 127, b 60. The king thereof commeth to England, 205, a 50. ¶Sée Holiela [...]d.
  • Iest of Philip the French king at duke William lieng sicke: note, 14, b 20. Of Richard the first at the castell of Chateau Galliard builded, 155, b 10. Of king Iohn concerning the masse, 196, b 20. Of Edward the fourth and a widow that gaue him monie, 694, a 60. Plesant concerning the strict kéeping of ladie Elisabeth, 1156, b 40. Merie at the rood of Paules, 1121, a 60. Of a cat hanged in Cheape, and of a dog clothed in a rochet cal|led by the name of Gardener, 1143, a 20. Against scripture, iustlie rewarded, 1223, a 50. ¶ Sée Derision and Mocke.
  • Iesuits & massing préests pro|clamed against, 1315, a 40, Sent ouer seas and banished the realme: note well, 1379, a 30, &c: 1380. ¶ Sée Priests seminarie.
  • Iew, and of a good Iewes an|swer to William Rufus, 27, a 60, b 10. Striken by a chri|stian, 118, b 50. Hath his téeth drawne out, 174, a 40. At Teukesburie falleth into a iakes: note, 262, b 60
  • Iewes and christians dispute, 27, b 20. Burnt to death, 119, a 10. Sute to William Ru|fus against Iewes become christians: note 27, a 40. Brought into this land by duke William, 15, a 10. At Lincolne slaine and spoiled, 272, a 20. Inhabiting Lon|don slaine for treson, 267, a 60. Slaine at London, & whie, 263, b 40. Accused & executed for crucifieng of a child, 253, a 50. Charged on paine of han|ging to paie Henrie the third 8000 marks, 252, a 10. Rob|bed in Oxford, 238, b 10. Cõ|streined to helpe Henrie the third with monie, 242, b 30. Released out of prison, 254, a 20. Punished by the purse for a murther committed, 224, a 30. Meant to crucifie a child in spite of Christ, 219, a 30. Generallie imprisoned tho|rough out all England, ha|ted: note, 283, b 20. Banished out of England, and whie, 285, a 50. Drowned, b 10. Giue Henrie third, the third part of all their moueables, 211, b 60. Indicted and puni|shed for abusing the kings coi [...]e, 279, b 30. Crucifie a child, 56, b 20. Grieuouslie taxed, tormented, and impri|soned, 174, a 30. And where they buried their d [...]ad, 101, b 20. Appointed to inroll all their debts, pledges, &c: 145, b 20. Excéedinglie hated and murthered: note, 121, b 50, 122, all. Houses set on fier at London, 118, b 60. Beaten & abused by the people, 118, b 60. Meant to present king Richard with a rich gift, 118, b 40
  • Iewell Iohn. ¶Sée Bishop.
  • Iland discouered. ¶ Sée Se|bastian.
  • Images taken awaie & remo|ued from their places: note, 945, b 10, &c. Remoued out of churches, 979, b 50. Through out the realme pulled downe and defaced, 992, b 20. Taken downe & burned in the stréets 1184, b 60, 1185, a 10
  • Impost. ¶ Sée Custome and Subsidie.
  • Imprecation: note, 248, a 60
  • Incest of king Iohn, 184, b 20
  • Inclosures of the fields about London cast downe and o|uerthrowne by archers of London, 830, a 10. A procla|mation for the laieng of them open, 1002, a 10
  • Incontinenci [...] of Henrie the se|cond, 115, b 30
  • Indenture sextipartite of con|spired noble men: note, 514, b 60, 515, a 20. Tripartite tou|ing conspiracie, 521, b 60
  • Indulgences biennals & trien|nals liberallie granted, 428, b 60
  • Infection. ¶Sée Murren.
  • Infidelitie suspected in William Rufus, 27, b 20
  • Ingratitude: note, 862, b 60. Shrewdlie practised and se|uerelie punished, 743, b 50. 744, a 50. A notable example thereof, 605, b 40. Of Fitzos|bert vnnaturall, 149, a 50. Striketh dead, 50, b 30. In all estates towards Richard the second, 508, a 50, 60. For good seruice vnrewarded, and what followed, 21, b 30. Of Odo for his restitution: note, 17, a 20. Of cardinall Poole to Henrie the right that brought him vp, 1165, a 10
  • Iniurie doone and no reu [...]nge sought: note, 1117, b 40. ¶Sée reuenge.
  • Iniustice, 173, b 30
  • Innocencie no barre against execution, 1066, a 10
  • Innocent hanged for the no|cent 173, a 30
  • Inquisitions taken of diuerse matters: note, 153, b 30. Ta|ken by a iurie of sundrie mat|ters, 145, a 60. Of the losses euerie bishop had and sustei|ned, &c: 180, b 60. Calld Traile baston, 312, b 60. Taken of the misdemeanors of iustices, 312, b 40. For abusors of the kings coine, 279, b 30. For the separating of forrests, 207 a 50. What were the liberties in times past of K Henrie the thirds grandfather: note, 205, a 10. For washers & clippers of monie, 241, a 10. For the va|luation of benefices pertein|ing to strangers, 236, b 40. For offendors abusing cler|gie men strangers, 214, b 40
  • Insurrection about the taking vp of cor [...], 944, a 60. O [...] [...] at 1093, b 10. wherein note what mischefous hurlibu [...]| [...]es do chance in a comm [...]t [...]| [...] or rebellion, 1094. ¶ Sée Rebellion.
  • Interdiction, 175, a 10. Threat|ned by the pope against the king & his clergie, 171, a 10. Of the land solemnlie rel [...]s [...]d 183, a 20, 360, a [...]0
  • Interteinment vnfit breedet [...] malcontentment, 20, b 60. Of the emperor Sigismund strange: note, 556, b 40, 50. ¶See Fréendship and Hosp [...]|talitie.
  • Interuiew. ¶Sée Edward the fourth & other kings of Eng|land, as French king, &c.
  • Inuasions punished and other offenses against the kings peace, 312, b 60. ¶ Sée Eng|land and Scots.
  • Inuestitutes of churches thrée daies togither argued vpon, 34, a 30. Of prelats. ¶ See Bishops and Consecration
  • Iohannes Cremensis alecherous legat: note, 42, b 40
  • Iohn of Gaunt borne, 357, a 60 Meried, 392, a 20. Duke of Lancaster, 395, b 30 Buried, and his daughter Blanch 405, a 1 [...]
  • Iohn the king proclamed king of England, 157, a 20, b 40, 158 a 10. Made king of Ireland, 109, a 20, 101, a 30. Married 117, a 30. His impatiencie to sée himselfe brideled by his subiects, 186, b 20. Taketh di|uerse castels, 189 all. Aided by forren souldiors against his barons, 187, b 60. Disquieted, departeth into the Ile of Wight, 186, b 50. Crowned K. of England the second time, 165, a 60. From whome the Poictouins reuolt, 164, b 10. Commeth vpon his enimies vnloked for, 164, b 40. Diuers waies molesteth the whit [...] moonks, 163, a 10. Diuorsed from his wife Isabell the daughter of earle Robert of Glocester, 161, b 60. He & the French king come to a parlée 160, b 10. Passeth ouer into Normandie, 160, a 40. Retur|neth out of Normandie, 161, a 40. Inuested duke of Nor|mandie, 158, b 20. Commeth out of Normandie into Eng|land, 158, b 50. Wanting a [...]d a|gainst the French K. com|me [...]h backe to England, 16 [...] b 60. Prepareth an armie to go into France, 168, b 40. Go|eth to the sea, returneth, char|geth certeine of his nobles with treason, 169, a 10, 20, 30. Taketh the sea, maketh was against the French king, 170, a 10, 20. Repareth Angiers, 170, b 30. Writeth to the pope touching the archbishop of Canturburies election, 171, a 40. Threatned with interdic|tion, he & his realme put vn|der the popes cursse, 171, a 10. Passeth into Ireland, 174, a 50. Goeth into Wales with an armie, 174, b 60. Punisheth diuerse that refused to go with him into Wales, 175, a 40. His destruction put in practise by means of the popes legat & the French king, 175, b 40. Deliuereth his crowne to Pandulph, and hath it a|gaine restored, 177, a 60, b 10. His words of fealtie made to EEBO page image 1507 the pope, 178, a 60. What cau|sed him to agree with the pope, 180, b 10. His lords re|fuse to folow him into France 181, a 10. Commended to the pope for an honorable prince, 182, a 10. Remooueth to An|giers, 183, a 60. Inuadeth Britaine, 183, a 40. Taketh vpon him the crosse to go into the holie land, 184 Subscri|beth to his barons notwith|standing his oth, 186. b 10. Cõmeth to his lords to talke of some pacification, 185, b 50 Left desolat of fréends, 185, b 30. Maketh hauocke on the possessions of his aduersaries 193, b 50. His noblemen reuolt from him to K. Lewes, 192, a 10. His children male and fe|male, the description of his person, his fortune, his sai|engs & dooings, 196, a 10, &c. Incestuous & couetous: note, 184, b 20. The popes vassall, 191. a 10. Assembleth a great armie against the French K. 176, b 40. Knéeleth downe to the archbishop of Canturbu|rie, & besought him of forgiue|nes, 810, b 40. His son named Oliuer Fitz [...]oie, 202, a 50 By whose means his nephue Arthur lost his life, & whie, 7, b 30. Falleth sicke of an ague, his raging, 194, a 50, 60. His death diuerslie reported by writers, 194, a 60, b all. Re|ported to an ill purpose, 190, b 20. His buriall, and corpulen|cie, 194, b 60
  • Iohn Ball. ¶Sée Ball.
  • Iohn a Chamber a notorious northerne rebell, 769, b 40, &c. 770, a 10, &c. Hanged like an archtraitor, 770, a 10
  • Iohn Tiler. ¶Sée Tiler.
  • Ione de Are pusell de Dieu, 600, 10, &c, 603, b 50. Taken priso|ner, &c: note, 604, a 50, 60, b 10.
  • Ioie immoderat the cause of death, 955, b 20
  • Ipswich beséeged, 60, b 40
  • Ireland diuided into seuerall e|states, or kingdoms, 80, a 50. Mostlie conquered by Henrie the second, 109, b 60. Foure I|rish kings submit themselues to Richard the second, 481, b 30. The yearelie reuenues thereof in Edward the thirds dais, 481, a 50. Englishmen sent thither to inhabit the Ards in Ulster, 1257, a 20 Soldiors transported thither 1314, a 30. Inuaded by the popes meanes, 1366, b 60 ¶Sée Iohn and Soldiors.
  • Irish doo destroie Angleseie, 237, b 50. Rebelling, kill the English, 275, a 10. Frier ap|peacheth the duke of Lanca|ster of treason, 445, b 40. Mi|serablie tormented and put to death, 446, a 10. To auoid in|to their owne countrie by pro|clamation, 481, a 40. With the lord of Kilmaine arriued at Harflue, 565, b 60. Their good seruice, 566, a 10. Wild spoile the earle of Kildars countrie, 914, a 10. Nobilitie submit themselues to Henrie the eight in England, 957, a 10. Seuen hundred in war|like manner passe thorough London, & muster before king Henrie the eight: note, 963, b 20, 30. Bowes, bagpipes, and darts among them, 1259, a 10.
  • Iron gret want within Scot|land, 323, a 20
  • Isabell daughter to the earle of Glocester maried vnto Iohn K. Richards brother, 117, a 30
  • Isabell the second wife of king Iohn, & what issue she broght him, 161, b 60. Crowned, 162, a 30
  • Isabell Henrie the thirds mo|ther deceaseth, 239, a 50
  • Isabell countesse of Cornwall deceaseth, 225, b 60
  • Isabell wife to emperor Fre|derike, deceaseth, 229, a 10
  • Isabell de Boulbec. ¶ Sée Countesse.
  • Isac. ¶Sée Cipriots.
  • Isleie knight, all his apparell not woorth foure shillings, 1099, b 20
  • Isoldune where seated, 146, b 10
  • Iudge Morgan fell mad: note, 1099, a 60. ¶Sée Iustice.
  • Iudges and other officers com|mitted to the Tower: note, 360, b 40, &c. ¶ Sée Iustices.
  • Iudgement rash in an holie fa|ther, 109, a 20
  • Iudgement secret of God vpon Banister & his children after the attaching of the duke of Buckingham, 744, a 50, 60 ¶Sée Reuenge.
  • Iudith, duke Williams néece, whose daughter & to whome married, & how indowed, 11, b 10
  • Iurie of twelue men ancient, when instituted, & how mat|ters by them should be tried, 8 b 20. That went vpon sir Nicholas Throkmorton, ap|peére in the starchamber, ex|cessiuelie fined, 1121, b 40. Ex|tremelie dealt withall, 1122, a 10. ¶ Seé Throckmorton knight. At Excester assise e|leuen dead: note, 1548, a 60
  • Iustice chiefe of England gi|ueth ouer his office & becom|meth a canon, 103, a 50. An of|fice imposed vpon prelats. ¶Sée Archbishop,
  • Iustice of Henrie the fift: note, 560, b 60, 566, a 60. A notable example of Edward the first vpon his son, 313, b 30. Min|gled with mercie, 797, a 60. And the commendable care of K. Henrie the second thereof: note, 115, a 60. Without re|gard of kinred, 315, a 20. And what folowed vpon the neg|lect of the same, 13, a 10. Part|lie pretended, 734, a 60. Per|uerted when one is hanged for another, 1007, a 20. In warre: note the force therof, 552, a 30. Corrupted. ¶ Seé Bribes.
  • Iustices of peace when & whie instituted, 8, a 60. Itinerants the diuision of their circuits, 97, b 60. Th [...]ir oth, 98, a 10, Die of infection, 1547, b 40. 1548, a 40. Chéefe of England elected & others deposed, 119, b 10. Itinerants cause inquisi|tions to be made in their cir|cuits, 145, a 60. Abuse iu|stice: note, 225, b 20. Keépe the terme for pleés at S. Sa|uiors, 259, b 30. Begin to go their generall circuits, 282, b 20. ¶Seé Sicknesse at Ex|cester and Oxford. Complai|ned of to Edward the first, & punished: note, 284, b 60. 285, a 10, &c. Fined, 312, b 50. Sat neither in the tower nor else|where for a whole yeare, 361, b 20, Restreined from feés, briberie, & gifts, &c: note, 369, b 20, Iurors, &c: brought to blockham feast by the rebels, 430, a 60. Compelled to sub|scribe, 458, b 10
  • Iusts at Blie where P. Ed|ward began to shew proofe of his chiualrie, 254, a 20. At Brackleie, 242, a 10. In Cheapside, 348, b 50. At Cha|lons where prince Edward behaued himselfe Worthilie, 276, a 20. At Dunstable, where king and quéene were present, 363, a 40. At Gréene|wich with goodlie shews, 815 a 10. At Greenwich before the emperor Charles, 873, b 10. Where sir Francis Brian lost one of his eies, 892, b 60. At London, the maior and alder|men chalengers, &c, 392, a 40, 50. In the Tower of London & Gréenewich, 646, b 60. Roi|all in Tuthill field for the space of eight daies, 220, a 10. Deuised to be holden at Ox|ford where Henrie the fourth should haue béene murthered, 514, b 50.60. Within the kings palace of Shine for the space of a moneth, 774, a 30. In Smithfield, 366, a 10, 395, b 60 Roiall, 473, b 30, 40, &c: 474, a 10, &c, 535, b 60. At Westmin|ster with the shews and tri|umphs there, 807, a 50, 60, &c: And some hurt done, 940, b 60 1225, a 30. And much hurt doone among the people, 1315, a 60. By gentlemen of name, to delight nobles of France note, 1316, 1317, 1318, 1319, 1320 1321. At Windsore, 366, a 50. Against all commers, 497, a 10 It & turnie appointed by the lords and by Henrie the third disappointed, 236, b 60. Hand|led in a rougher manner than in these daies, 245, a 10. Wher|at sir Arnold Montensie was slaine: note, 246, b 20. Prohibi|ted by proclamation, 311, b 10. Betwixt the bastard of Bur|gogne & the lord Scales, 669, a 20. With manie a proper de|uised shew, 802, b 10, &c: 803, a 10, &c. Solemne wherin Hen|rie the eight himselfe was a chalenger, 835, b 10. Kept for honor of his sister the French quéene, 838, a 60, b 10, &c: Be|tweéne Henrie the eight and others, 844, b 10, 950, a 30, 850 a 60. Proclamed in sundrie nations, 950, b 60, 951, a 10, &c Roiall in France: note, 858, a 60, b 10, &c: 859, a 10, &c: 860, a 10, &c. At Paris, the nobles go thither, decrées for the same, how long they lasted, with the maner thereof: note, 833, all. At Tornaie for dis|port of the prince of Castile & the duchesse of Sauoie, 825, a 20, ¶Sée Tilt and Turnies.

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