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Back Matter: Section 1 of
3: The third table for the Chronicles of England from the conquest vntill this present regiment: wherin the
reader is to ob|serue these notes for his better direction; namelie, to seeke for the surnames of persons as
more commonlie knowne than the proper; and also when the name faileth to looke for the dignitie, title,
office and degree of such persons; as Armenia, Cipriots, Spaine, France, Portingall, Nauarre, Denmarke,
&c; if they were kings: Archbishop, Bishop, Pope, Car|nall, Legat, &c; if they were
Clergiemen: Chancellors, Treasurors, Lord high constables, Lord wardens of the cinque ports, &c;
Duke, Earle, Marquesse, Queene, Duchesse, Countesse, &c; if they were great states: Maior, Sargents
at law, Officers, &c: if they were of that degree: knights and esquires excepted, who as they were
of renowme, are accordinglie noted by their vsuall names. Likewise for such as haue beene executed as
notorious offendors against the prince and the state, to come to the knowledge of their names, looke for the
qualitie of their offense; as counterfeting, coineclippers, conspiracie and conspirators, murther and
murtherers, rebellion and rebels, treason and trai|tors, preests seminarie, &c: of all which this
table affoordeth infinit examples. Finallie, wheresoeuer you find this word (Note) there dooth matter of
conside|ration come to hand.
Snippet: 8 of 23 (1587, Volume 6, p. 1501) Appendix A.7 G.
- GAine. ¶Sée Gift.
- Game. ¶Sée Wrestling.
- EEBO page image 1502Games prohibited as vnlaw|full, 111, b 40
- Ganteners and king Edward the firsts men at debate, 306, a 50. Mainteine warre against the erle of Flanders, 448, b 30
- Gard of the prince. ¶Sée Yeo|men.
- Gardens. ¶Sée Moorefield.
- Gardiner bishop of Winchester made lord chancellor, 1089, a 10. An enimie to the ladie E|lisabeth, examined of him, 1154 a 30, 40. Derided: note, dog in a rochet, 1143, a 20. The talke betwéene the ladie Eli|sabeth and him, 1158, b 20, 40. Crowneth quéene Marie, 1091, b 30. His tale in the star chamber against the ladie E|lisabeth, 1102, a 20, &c: Prea|cheth at Paules crosse: note, 1126, a 60. His practise a|gainst ladie Elisabeth, 1101, b 40. His old hatred against the duchesse of Suffolke: note 1142, a 60, b 10, &c: 1143, a 10, &c: His death, visited with the sudden stroke of God, a hun|ter for the life of ladie Elisa|beth, 1130, a 40, 60, b 20: note,
- Garrisons placed in Wales by king Henrie the first, 38, a 10
- Gascoigns refuse to receiue the king of England for their souereigne 481, b 10. Send to Richard the first, signifieng to him that they ought not to be diuided from the crowne, 485, a 60. Begin to humble themselues, 249, a 10. Com|plaine of their streict hand|ling, 247, b 60. Make warre against the English subiects, they are danted, 245, a 60, b 10 they meane to complaine of the earle of Leicester, their al|legations disprooued, 246, a 20 40. Cease not to make warre against the earle of Leicester, 246, b 60. Rebell, and whie, 248, a 30. Pursue the Welsh|men, 282, a 20. They and o|ther nations how they tooke the death of Richard the se|cond, 517, b all
- Gaston de Bierne noted for vn|thankfulnesse, 240, a 30. At|tempteth to take the citie of Baion, 250, a 30. Submit|teth himselfe vnto king Hen|rie the third, 242, a 60
- Gauaro and others executed for murther, his desperat end, 1061, a 50, 60
- Gaunt besieged by the French king, 179, a 10
- Geffreie sonne to king Henrie the second, 7, b 30
- Geffreie king Henrie the se|conds fourth sonne borne, 67, b 10. Marrieth the duchesse of Britaine, 75, a 20
- Geffreie bishop of Constance in armes against the earle of Camber, 11, a 50
- Geffreie bishop. ¶Sée Bishop.
- Geffreie a kings brother rebel|leth, 66, a 30
- Gelderland ¶Sée Duke.
- Gelousie and crueltie: note, 115, b 40
- Genowais stratagems to abash the English: note, 372, a 30, 40. Reteined in the French kings wages, they méet the English on the feas & fight, 363, b 10, 20
- Gentlemen more trustie than the commons, more woorthie than peom [...]n, 1052, b 10, 60
- Gerald. ¶Sée Erle Gerald.
- Gerard de Cambill charged with felonie and treson, 143, a 10
- Gernseie. ¶Sée Ierdseie.
- Gifford William bishop of Win|chester commended, 28, b 20
- Gifford doctor of physicke presi|dent of the college of physici|ans, 1349, b 40
- Gift of king Henrie teight vnto the citie of London, 976, b 40, 50. Of king Henrie the se|cond to Hugh Lacie, 82, b 20. Large and bountifull refu|sed, 255, b 30. Of the new yeare, 249, a 50. Of erle Ed|wins lands to earle Alane: note the forme, 7, b 10. ¶Sée Crosbie. Large refused being an vngodlie gaine, 147, b 20.
- Gifts great giuen for the fa|uor of Edward the fourths councellors and lords: note 700, b 20. They pacifie an|ger, procure fauor, 478, b 50, 60. And obteine lost liberties: note, 479, a 10. Of roiall mag|nificence bestowed by the French, 1382, a 20. A meane vsed to win the fauour of the nobilitie, 16, a 10. Not respec|ted, but the mind of the giuer: note, 1179, b 20, 30. Giuen king Henrie the eight in his progresse into Yorkshire, 954, b 10, 20. ¶ Sée Bribes, Presents, and Rewards.
- Gilbert de Gaunt taken priso|ner and put to his ransome, 7, a 20
- Gilbert murthered by Liui [...]us, 12, b 30
- Gilbert capteine of Tunbridge castell, 17, b 40
- Gilbert knight his voiage to Norimbega, it hath not wish|ed successe, he is seuered from his companie, dead, and neuer heard of, 1369, a 50, 60, b 10
- Gilford knight, his message of thanks from king Henrie the seuenth to the Kentishmen, 780, a 10. Maister of the horsse vnto king Henrie the eight, 822, b 60
- Gilford lord Dudleie executed on the Tower hill, 1099, b 30 ¶Sée Sands.
- Gisors beséeged by king Ri|chard the first, 151, b 60. Be|séeged by the Englishmen, 570, b 50
- Gita the sister of Sweine king of Denmarke escapeth into Flanders, 6, b 20
- Glasse house burned, 1261, b 50
- Glendouers rebellion in Wales, what he was, 518, b 60. The occasion that mooued him to rebell, ouerthrowne, 519, a 10 Reputed a coniuror: note, 520 b 20. Conspireth with the Persis, 521, b 50. His daugh|ter married vnto the earle of March, 521, a 20. He with his Welshmen full of mischéef 519, b 20. He and his Welsh in armes against the lord Greie of Ruthen, preuaileth 519, b 60. Taketh the erle of March prisoner, 520, a 60. Wasted the English marches 525, a 40. Aided by the mar|shall Montmerancie, 531, a 10. His craftie entring the ca|stell Abirus [...]with, 533, b 40. He & fiftéene hundred Welsh|men taken and slaine, 528, a 10. Endeth his life in great miserie, 536, a 10
- Glocester recouerd & put to fine 266, b 10. Whie it was not as|sulted by quéene Margaret & hir power, 686, a 40. ¶ Sée Duke.
- Goche his valiant seruice, 587, b 50, 60. Taken prisoner by the loundering of his horsse, 611, b 30. A Welshman, his escape, 630, a 40. Slaine vp|on London bridge, 635, a 30
- Goodwine. ¶ Sée Edmund.
- Goring George. ¶ Sée Iusts triumphant.
- Gospatrike earle of Northum|berland is sent against king Malcolme of Scotland: note, 10, a 60, From whome duke William taketh the erledome of Northumberland, & whie, 10, b 50. How he came to be earle of Northumberland, 13, a 30. ¶ Sée Malcolme.
- Gospell, the shamefull end of a contemner thereof: note, 935, a 60
- Grace of God, words miscon|striued by the Scots: note, 423, a 20, &c.
- Grafton Richard slandered by a Scot and defended, 112, a 30. Defended against Bu|chanans slander, 298, b 10, &c.
- Granado is woone from the Turks or Saracens, 772, b 30. The state and pompe of the same, b 60
- Grandmesuill Hugh set all vp|on the spoile, 17, a 50
- Grant of king Henrie the third to his brother, 209, b 20. ¶Sée Patents.
- Grantham church in Lincolne|shire out of which the people were frighted, 2 [...]4, b 20
- Grasing inconuenient vnto the commonwealth: note, 862, a 60, b 10
- Grasse. ¶Sée Mice. 1315, a 60
- Grauelin fortified by French for a countergarrison to Ca|lis, 444, b 10
- Grauesend burned by the French and Spanish, 427, a 60
- Gréefe killeth an archbishop, 6, b 60. Of king Iohn turned into rage, 183, b 10. Cause of a sore and dangerous sick|nesse in king Iohn, 194, a 60, Of mind doubled the cause of king Iohns death, 194, b 50. Killed Dauid the prince of Wales, 238, a 60. Killed king Henrie the seconds heart, 114, b 50. For losse of booties, 194, a 60. For an ouerthrow the death of a king, 958, b 40. The cause of death, 18, a 30, 44, b 60, 50, b 30, 728, a 30, 40: note, 1151, b 10 20, 797, a 10. For vnkindnesse, 88, b 50
- Greie lord committed vnto the Tower, 952, b 10. Indicted and beheaded, 953, b 60
- Greie lord of Wilton deputie of Bullen, the letter of king Henrie the eight vnto him, 875, b 40, 50, 60. His seruice verie honorablie accepted of the king, 976, a 40. His re|quest vnto the duke of Sum|merset, 985, a 20. Receiueth possession of Hume castell, 990, b 60
- Greie lord Iohn duke of Suf|folkes brother arreigned, condemned, pardoned, re|leased, beheaded, 1117, b 60
- Greie lord capteine of Guisnes, taketh the French at a sléepie aduantage, commendeth his soldiors, 1137, a 50, 60, b 50 The danger that he escaped sitting vpon a forme with two gentlemen, hurt by mis|chance, he consulteth with the Englishmen, 1138, a 30, b 40, 50, 60. His words to his soldiors, being ashamed of their timorousnes, agréeth with the [...]nimie vpon arti|cles, 1140, a 20, 40
- Greie lord generall of the quéenes armie in Scotland, 1187, a 30. His message to the Frenchmen. 1188
- Greie Arthur hurt in the shoul|der by shot, 1189, a 10
- Greie lord of Wilton deceaseth, 1198, a 50
- Greie Henrie. ¶Sée Iusts tri|umphant.
- Greies familie aduanced, 668, a 30, 40
- Gréene, one of Richard the thirds merciles instruments to murther two innocent princes, 734, b 50
- Gréenfield knight, sir Walter Raleighs lieutenant for the voiage to Uirginia, 1401, b 50. Singled from his com|panie, arriueth in Hispaniola, 60. His valiantnesse against the Spaniards, 1402, a 10. In danger of shipwracke, 20. Chaseth and surpriseth a Spanish ship, 50
- Gréenwich repared, 788, a 10
- Gresham knight suddenlie de|ceaseth: note, 1310, b 50
- Gret Harrie. ¶Sée ship.
- Gret Oneale. ¶Sée Oneale.
- Greuill Fulke. ¶ Sée Iusts triumphant.
- Griffin ap Rées dooth much hurt on the marches, 38, a 60
- Griffin king of Wales depar|teth this life, 152, a 60
- Griffin of Wales breaketh his necke, 228, b 20
- Griffin beheaded at Towre hill, 928, a 10
- Grotes and halfe grotes. ¶Sée Coines.
- Ground. ¶ Sée Earth.
- Guido earle of Britaine his fa|ther and his thrée sonnes erls of Britaine, 7, b 20
- Guenhera and the nobles of Wales make a league with Henrie the third, 226, b 50
- Guie of Warwike deceaseth, 323, a 10
- Guildhall inlarged, the chap|pell, 540, b 10
- Guines. ¶Sée Guisnes.
- Guisnes, Henrie the eights pa|lace roiall there described: note, 856, b 40, b 50, &c, 857, all. ¶Sée Greie lord capteine of Guisnes.
- Guise. ¶Sée Duke.
- Gun called Digeon, 614, b 50, Called the red gun ouer|throwne, & recouered of the French, 818, b 30, 40
- Gun shot into the court at Gréenwich, 1132, b 50. By casualtie discharged at the quéenes priuie barge, she be|ing therein, and some hurt doone: note, 1310, b 10, &c.
- Guns of how ancient an inuen|tion, 453, b 50. Of iron when first made, 960, a 20. Gained from the French, 968, a 10. Called handguns and bear|ing of weapons forbidden by proclamation, 1117, b 60. ¶Sée Culuerings.
- Gunpowder blowes vp a house and killeth fiftéene persons, 1081, a 60. Sha [...]tereth houses in Bucklersberrie, 1208, a 50. Strangelie set on fier dooth much hurt, 1348, b 10
- Gurguint builder of Norwich castell, 1288, a 10. His spéech, EEBO page image 1503 touching [...]nt [...]q [...]itie, 1189, a 40, &c.