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Appendix A.4 D.


  • DArcie lord knight of the garter, generall of a pow|er sent against the Moores, 808, b 60. His companie rea|die at Plimmouth, honoura|blie receiued of the king of Aragons councell, disconten|ted at a bishops declaration, 809, b 10, 40, 60. His returne out of Spaine. 810, a 40
  • Dacres lord arreigned, but found cléere to his great ho|nor, 937, b 60. Arreigned for murther, executed at Ti|burne: note, 954, a 40, 60. Rebelleth, 1213, a 20. Flieth into Scotland, 1213, a 50
  • Dale pewterer his fault and releasment after long impri|sonment: note, 968, b 30
  • Damieta, 202, a 40. ¶Sée Sa|racens.
  • Dampfront yéelded to Henrie the fift, 563, a 20
  • Damport one of the gard hang|ed for robbing, 953, a 60, b 10
  • Danes rob the English mer|chants, and win great prises, 485, a 10. Arriued in Eng|land to ioine with the rebels against duke William, and re|turne dooing nothing, 11, b 30. Winter betwixt Ouse and Trent, 7, a 40. Wasted and ruinated religious places in the north parts, 11, a 20. Un|der the conduct of Canute, &c preuaile mightilie in the North, 6, b 50, 7 a 30. ¶ Sée Normans, Sweine.
  • Darlington knight, lord gardi|an of London, remooued, 478, a 60, b 10
  • Daubeneie lord with others sent against the French king, his feats of armes, 770, b 10, &c. Henrie the seauenths chéefe chamberleine, 779, a 60. Deceaseth, 795, b 10
  • Dauid of Wales reuolteth, and becommeth a rebell, 280, b 60. Condemned of treason, & exe|cuted, 282, a 60, b 10
  • Debate betwixt the dukes of Lancaster and Brunswike, 381, a 10. Betwixt the towns|men and scholers of Oxford: note, 381, b 20. And how it was ended and taken vp, 382 a 50, 60, b 10, &c. ¶Sée Con|tention.
  • Debt of Henrie the third, thrée hundred thousand markes, 252, a 20. Henrie the thirds sparing to bring him out of it, 242, b 20. Maketh foes of fréends: note, 312, a 20
  • Dedication of churches. ¶Sée Church.
  • Déed of gift with the forme thereof in duke Williams time, 7, b 10
  • Delaies did not William Ru|fus vse, but excéeding spéed: note, 23, b 20. Breedeth losse: note, 17, b 60
  • Demands of the pope of a large tenth, 210, b 60. Out of spiri|tuall liuings in England, 208, a 40, 50. In a treatie of peace, 160, b 20. Moderated, 480, a 60. Hard, that hindered the peace betwéene Eng|land and France, 410, a 60, b 10. Too large, & hinder the concluding of peace, 362, a 60. Uerie large for a dowrie of gold and siluer, 124, b 40. Un|reasonable, 233, a 50, 60. Pre|sumptuous of the French king concerning peace, 388, b 10
  • Denie Edward. ¶Sée Iusts triumphant.
  • Denmarke king arriueth in England, the citie of London banket him, he departeth into Flanders, 878, a 60, b 10. In|uested into the order of the garter, 1348, a 50
  • Derision of the Englishmen in a [...]ime, 347, a 40. Of quéene Ione, called Ione Make|peace, 347, b 50. Of the duke of Yorke aspiring to the crowne, 659, b 50. Lewis his faire, 200, b 10
  • Derth, 381, a 50. Of corne, 473, a 20, 204, b 30, 292, b 40. In|creaseth, 323, a 30, 260, a 10. By means of raine, 404, b 60, 58, a 60. By extreame cold weather, 217, b 50. After a wet season, 898, b 40. Or vit|tels: note, 959, b 50, 616, b 10. 237, b 50. For space of thrée yeares, 156, b 60. Made mar|kets déere, 284, b 20. Through out all England, 150, b 30. Excéeding great, 257, a 40. In Henrie the thirds campe: note, 248, b 50
  • Derth and plentie, 1133, a 30. Without scarsitie and plentie to them that had monie, 1259, b 10. Where none néeded, 476, b 40
  • Derth and death, 323, b 50, 258, a 30, 97, a 50, 323, a 10, 351, a 40. ¶Sée Scarsitie.
  • Desire hard to be brideled: note 576, a 10
  • Desmond Iohn his miserable end: note, 1366, a 10, &c. ¶Sée more in earle of Desmond.
  • Desperation, 677, a 10
  • Destinie cannot be auoided, 639 b 10
  • Deth of great personages, 312, b 30, 295, b 60, 263, a 10, 247, a 20, 236, a 50, 239, a 60, 241, a 50, 240, b 10, 352, b 10, 20, 231, b 10, 244, b 40, 230, b 50, 228, b 50, 223, b 30, 514, b 10, 1171, b 50, 60, 795, b 10, &c. 30, 791, a 10, 950, a 60, 944, b 60, 108, a 30, &c, 481, a 20, 30. In Spain through heat of that countrie, 450, a 60, b 10, 395, b 30, 237, b 30. And multitudes of peo|ple, 410, a 30. Of learned bi|shops, 249, a 10. In one yeare, 778, b 20. Of seauen aldermen in London within the space of ten moneths, 1209, b 60. ¶Sée Aldermen.
  • Deth preferred before losse of monie, 252, b 40. Great by the flux, 537, a 20. Of peo|ple, 21, a 30. Desperate of Summeruile, 1366, a 20. In Winter, 892, b 30. Of much people in London, &c, 825, a 60. By strange diseases: note, 1132, b 10. By the sword pre|ferred before famishment, 166 b 20. Of old people, 1142, a 50. After a great derth, 97, a 50. Of horsse and men in the English host, 445, b 30. In the North countries, with spoile doone by the Scots, 422, b 60 In Yorke and sun|drie other places, 475, b 10. Of men and beasts, called the third mortalitie, 404, b 20. Af|ter a sort sudden, 397, b 50. Most men, few women, 395, a 50. Of people betwixt Can|dlemas and Easter, 379, b 30. Lamentable, 323, b 50. It en|deth discord: note, 395, a 60. ¶ Sée Buriall.
  • Death sudden of sir Thomas Gresham, 1310, b 50. Of a woman that forsware hir selfe. ¶Sée Periurie. Of a sorcerer: note, 1271, a 20. Of quéene Anne, the wife of Ri|chard the third, 751, a 40. Sudden and dreadfull of a blasphemous preacher, 1128, b 60, 1129, a 10. Of a merci|les & tyrannicall bishop, 1130, a 60. Of the erle of Suffolke: note, 440, a 10. ¶Sée Abbat.
  • Deth and derth, 323, a 10, 258, a 30, 217, b 50, 953, a 10: note, 1049, a 10, 404, b 60, 378, b 20, 30. ¶Sée Mortalitie, Plage, Pestilence, & Sweating sick|nesse.
  • Deuotion superstitious of Hen|rie the yoong prince: note, 107 a 20. ¶Sée Moore knight.
  • Diches about London clensed, 789, b 40, 50
  • Diet of frée cost: note, 1425, b 60 Moderated by an ordinance made by the maior and al|dermen, 959, b 60, 960, a 10. Excessiue restreined, 111, b 40 A statute cõcerning it: note, 396, a 50
  • Digbie Edward. ¶ Sée Iusts triumphant.
  • Digcon, ¶Sée Gun.
  • Dimmocke knight his challeng at Richard the thirds coro|nation, 734, a 40. The kings champion, the manner of his tenure at a coronation, 802, a 20. His championlike office, 1180, a 40
  • Dinham esquier high treasuror of England, 650, b 30. Uali|ant, 651, a 20. He and baron Carew with their powers come to Excester, 676, a 40.
  • Diram and Culpepper quéene Katharins paramors, arreig|ned at Guildhall, executed, 954. b 30, 60, 955, a 10
  • Discord what commeth of it, 406, a 10. Unnaturall of bre|thren abhorred, 30, a 10. Be|twéene the French king and his nobles, 103, b 40. Be|twéene Henrie the second and the French king, 107, b 30. Causing ciuill warre that might haue béene foreséene 83 a 10. Mainte [...]ned betwéene sonnes by the mother, 86, b 60 87, a 10. Sowne betwixt Henrie the father and Hen|rie the son, 84, a 20. Increseth betwéene Henrie the second and Thomas Becket: note, 69. b 40. Enuious among the christians, 134, a 20. Betwixt the pope and the emperor, 75, EEBO page image 1490 b 10. Betwixt the cardinall and the archbishop of Can|turburie, 182, a 40. Betwixt king Iohn and his barons, with the causes, 184, b 20. It and concord with their differing effects, 1054, b 20. What it bréedeth, 672, b 40. In an armie the hinderer of all profitable enterprises, 126, a 30. Ciuill, & inconuenien|ces thereof, 636, a 30, b 20. &c, 60. Among the French no|bles, 557, a 60. Giueth oppor|tunitie to the enimie: note, 19, b 10. Offereth occasion of inuasion: note, 21, b 20. How inconuenient, 1, a 40, 50. A|bout trifles, and how vnhap|pie it fell out, 13, b 30, &c. Be|twixt Sauerie de Ma [...]leon and the earle of Salisburie, 206, a 20. Betwixt the Nor|man mariners and them of Baion, 288, b 30. Betwixt Edward the firsts men and the Gantners, 306, a 50 Be|twixt préests and friers, 392, a 20. Of thrée or foure yeares ended by the death of one man, 395, a 60. ¶ Sée Con|tention and Malice.
  • Disme granted of the clergie, 409, a 10. To Edward the first and his brother, 277, b 10. To Henrie the third by the pope, for one whole yeare, 271, b 10
  • Disobedience of the bishop of Norwich to Richard the se|cond punished, 445, a 20. Of the archbishop Thurstane a|gainst Henrie the first, 38, b 10. To Richard the firsts commandement, 140, b 50. 10. Mainteined, 86, b, all, 87, a 50. Of erle Robert of Lei|cester, 89, b 50. In Henrie the sonne to Henrie the second his father, 76, b 10, &c. 77, a 20. To the prince, a sinne most abhominable, 1044, a 40. To the king, is disobedience to God, 1004, b 60. Of a subiect against h [...]s king sen [...]ing for him, 21, b 30. Of the nobles to Edward the first: note, 302, a 60, b 10. It and presumption of the bishop of Durham a|gainst Edward the first: note, 315, a 60, 99, b 10 ¶Sée Rebel [...]ion.
  • Dispensation. ¶Sée Mariage, and Pope.
  • Disputation of grammar scho|lers, 1129, b 10, &c.
  • Dissemblers punished, 203, b 40, 50
  • Dissention among the Noble|men, 451, b 40. Betwéene Ri|chard the second and the par|lement house, 4 2, b 10. And his nobles, 458, a 30. The frutes thereof, 1052, b 40. In France made the earle of Richmond renew his sute, and put him to his shifts, 752, a 60 He hath men and monie of the French king for ho|stages, he is gréeued at the newes of king Richard the thirds intended marriage with his néece, 752, b 30, 50, Ciuill among Noblemen, prosecuted with sword and slaughter: note, 672, a 10, 60. b 10, &c. Betwixt the duke of Glocester and the bishop of Winchester, 590, b 60, 591, a 10. &c. Or [...]er taken by the lords for the pacifieng there|of, 594, b 30, &c, 595, a 10, &c. 620, a 30, 50, &c. Ciuill and the inconuenience thereof, 645, b 20. Among the Scotish nobi|litie, 531, b 40. Betwixt prince Edward and the earle of Glocester, 262, a 60
  • Dissimulation of Edward the seconds wife, 336, b 30. To auoid danger: note, 498, b 60, 490, a 10. Of yoong king Hen|rie: note, 106, b 30. Notable of a wench counterfetting a spirit, 1117, b 60. Of Wolseie, 909, a 10. Of the French king, 774, b 40. Of the duke of Glocester dangerous, 715, b 40. To auoid imminent danger, 124, a 20. Of Richard the first did him no good: note, 135, b 50. Most profound and notable, 721, a 40. Singular of duke Richard the third, 731, b 10, 732, a 30, 40. Of the erle of Warwike, 667, b 20. Of the king of Cipres, 128, a 10. Of Edward the fourth, to passe the countries without dan|ger, and bring his purpose to passe, 679, a 40, &c, b 10, &c. Of the duke of Clarence, 681, b 60. Of the high constable of France, 695, a 50. Of the French king vpon a naugh|tie meaning, 698, b 30. With other ill quali [...]ies: note, 600, b 10, &c. Notable, 548, b 10. O [...] Parrie notorious, 1393, b 20, 1382, b 10. ¶ Sée Flat|terie and Policie.
  • Diuell appeareth in the like|nesse of a frier, 520, a 50
  • Diuision in a realme, and the mortall mischéefe thereof, 630, b 60
  • Diuorse sought betwéene ho|norable personages, 458, a 10. Betwéene Henrie the eight and queen Katharine. ¶Sée Quéene Katharine.
  • Dog in a rochet vnder the name of Gardiner. 1143, a 20
  • Dolphin of France commen|ded, 560, b 20. Fléeseth his old mother of hir treasure, and what mischeefe rose ther|of, 560, b 30. Causeth solemne iusts to be proclamed at Pa|ris, 833, a 10. &c. He is hurt in the hand, b 50. His se|cret malice, 60. Commeth before Bullen with a great pow [...]r. 969, b 60. Causeth himselfe to be proclaimed king of France, 585, b 50. He is tempering with the English, 586, a 10. Sentence against him for the murther of Iohn duke of Burgundie, 578, b 30. Pursued by Henrie the fift, 580, b 60. Whie called king of Berrie, 581, a 10. Calling himselfe king of Sicill, 552, a 40. Deceaseth, 556, a 60. Whie the sunne and heire of euerie French king is so called, 1141, b 60
  • Dolphins taken in the Thams 1083, a 50. At London bridge 447, a 40
  • Douer robbed by the French, 295, b 10. A conuenient and perpetuall harborough for ships: 1545, a 10, &c. The ca|stell inuincible, 191, b 50. De|liuered to Henrie the third, 271, b 60. ¶Sée Castell.
  • Dowrie verie large demanded: note, 124 b 40
  • Drake sir Francis. ¶ Sée Uoiage.
  • Drake sir Bernard knight, de|ceaseth, 1547, b 60, 1548, a 40
  • Drake burning séene in the aire 277, b 40.
  • Dragon fierie séene in diuerse places, 484, b 30. Two séene fighting in the aire, 216, b 30.
  • Dreame of a knight that had long haire: note, 46, a 10. Of Richard the thirds, foretel|ling him of his end, 755, a 50. Of William Rufus: note, 26, b 10. Of a moonke concerning William Rufus, 26, b 20
  • Dreames of Henrie the first, strange and troublesome, 43 b 60. Horrible that vexed Ri|chard the second, after the ex|ecution of the earle of Arun|dell, 492, a 20. Import some|what to befall, 44, a 10. And prognosticat the true e|uent of an action, 723, a 30
  • Dreux besieged and rendred to the Englishmen, 580, b 30
  • Drie wednesdaie, 818, b 20
  • Drinke more than ordinarie taken, causeth forgetfulnesse of good aduise, 26, b 30
  • Dronkennesse the ouerthrow of right and manhood: note, 626, b 20
  • Drought, 284, a 40. In the spring, 249, a 30. At Michael|mas, 249, a 30. Great, 245, b 40, 785, a 30. Excéeding great 381, a 40. ¶Sée Summer.
  • Drowning of a lad in a kenell, 1260, a 10. Of people, cattell, &c. by the breaking in of the sea, 220, a 60. Of aboue a thousand men in one place, and more in others: note, 423 a 60, b 10, &c.
  • Drurie capteine his good ser|uice at the rebellion in Norf|folke, 1038, a 40. Knight, his militarie seruice, his ad|uancement, 1216, b 10, 40
  • Duchesse Katharine. of Suf|folke hated of Stephan Gar|diner: note, 1142, a 60, b 10, &c. Hir trouble, persecution, and voluntarie banishment, 1143, 1144, 1145. Of Gloce|ster deceaseth, 514, b 10. Of Yorke mother to Edward the fourth, deceaseth, 779, b 10. Of Salisburie beheaded, 703 b 10. Of Bedford deceaseth, 607, b 50 Of Burgogne hir appeale, 578, a 30. ¶See Mar|garet. Of Saxonie deliuered of a child, 106, a 10, 107, b 60. Of Sauoie, sends for aid to king Henrie the eight against the duke of Gelders, 810, a 50 Bestoweth new cotes on the English souldiors, 810, b 60. Of Angolesme meet about a tretise of peace, 909, b 60
  • Duchmen come into England holding a contrarie opinion to the Romish church, 68, a 50 Two of strange and mon|strous stature, 1322, a 10
  • Dudleie chosen sp [...]aker for the commons at the parlement, 791, b 60. ¶Sée Empson.
  • Dudleie knight lord admerall setteth foorth from London towards Scotland, 961, b 40. Went into France to receiue the French kings oth, his interteinment, 975, a 10, &c. Lord Howard impeacheth the French power, 1140, b 60. Lord Henrie slaine at the be|sieging of saint Quinuns, 1134, b 10, 20. Bishop of Dur|ham of honorable descent de|ceaseth, 761, b 40. Robert, the creation of him baron of Denbigh, and earle of Lei|cester, 1207, a 60, b 10. ¶Sée Earle.
  • Duke Alan of Britain, 52, b 10, 51, b 60. Of Albanie leuieth an armie to inuade England, 875, b 20. Albert of Holland commeth into England, 556, b 60. An earnest mediator for peace, entreth in league with Henrie the fift, 557, a 10, b 20 Albert of Saxonie his poli|cie to get the towne of Dam he sendeth for aid to Henrie the seauenth to win Sl [...]is. 772, a 20, 50
  • Duke of Alanson commeth in|to England, 1322, a 40. De|parteth out of England with all the nobilitie and gentlmen attending vpon him, 1329 At|tempteth diuerse exp [...]oits vn|fortunatlie falling out, 1349, b 60. His ambition spreading like a canker, glad to retire notwithstanding a confident clamor, he sickneth, 1350, a all. Arriueth at Flushing, 1331, a 20. Receiued at Middlebo|rough, 40. Refuseth to ride on horssebacke, b 60. Goeth to see the towne of Ermwiden, 1332, b 10. His ships painted with his owne colours, 20. He prepareth to make his en|trie into Antwerpe, 40. His roiall interteinment: note, 50. Created duke of Brabant the states promise their loial|tie, an offer of the marques|ship of the sacred empire, &c: 1336, all. His posie, & strange habillements, the order of his entring into Antwerpe, 1337, a 10, &c. Saileth towards Antwerpe, landeth at a vil|lage in Brabant, a theater e|rected for him, kissing of his hand, his chaire of estate, o|beisance done to him, 1334, all. The states loialtie vnto him his answere vnto an oration made in their behalf, his pro|mise euen to the shedding of his bloud, he is content to sweare to articles ag [...]éed vp|on 1335, b 10, &c. Keies of Antwerpe presented to him, a canopie caried ouer his head, 1338, a 10, 60. Readie to take his oth of the magistrats and people, it is read in French he casteth largesse of gold & siluer among the people, 1342 a 10, &c. The manner of his disease, 1351, a 10. His reso|lutenes to die, 50. Great hope conceiued of him if he had not béene preuented with death b 20. Falleth into an extremi|tie of his maladie and past re|couerie, 40. His words vpon his death bed, 1352, a 10, 30. His departure out of this world like a lampe, whose light faileth for want of oile, 30. His death gréeuouslie la|mented, 50, 60, 1353, a 10
  • Duke Alphonse of Calabrie made knight of the garter, 775, b 20
  • Duke Arthur of Britaine made knight, 160, a 10. His mis|trust in his vncle king Iohn, 160, b 60. Dooth homage to K. Iohn, 162, a 20. Procla|meth himselfe earle of Aniou, &c: 164, b 10. Taken priso|ner, 164, b 60. His mother ac|cuseth K. Iohn for the mur|ther of hir sonne, 166, a 10, 20. Committed to streict prison, 165, a 50. His death verie la|mentable, 165, b all
  • Duke of Aumarle constable of England, 495, b 50. Accused 512, a 10. His answere vnto EEBO page image 1491 Bagots bill, he is appealed of treason, chalengeth triall with the lord Fitzwater, 512, a 10, &c.
  • Duke of Austrich whie he bore king Richard no goodwill, 136, a 10. Threatneth the English hostages with losse of life, 147, a 40. He catcheth a fall beside his horsse, & dieth of the hurt, a 60
  • Duke Beauford of Summerset son vnto him that was slaine, 645, a 10. Conan of Britaine deceasseth, 75, a 10. Geffreie of Britaine his homage, 75, b 60. Guildebald of Urbin in Italie made knight of the garter, 795, b 10. Iohn the second & Philip the second aduancers of the state, 1343, a 30. Philip of Burgognie surnamed the Hardie, 1343. Siward. ¶ Sée Siward. William of Aqui|taine his feined fréendship, 67, b 20. William of Normandie his politike conquest of Eng|land, 1, a 10. ¶Sée William.
  • Duke of Bauier commeth to K. Henrie the fift with a number of horsemen, 577, a 50. He & his troope departeth with king Henrie the fifts fauor, 578, b 10
  • Duke of Bedford against the lord Louell in armes, 764, b 10. Re|gent of England, 558, b 10. Cal|leth a parlement, 581, a 60. He rescueth Cosnie 582, b 60. Gi|ueth the French a great ouer|throw by sea, 557, a 40. Retur|neth into France, 596, a 60. His endeuors in France where he was regent, 585, a 40, b 20, &c. His decease: note, 612, a 50
  • Duke of Britaine pretendeth a right to the earledome of West|merland, 513, b 60. Sendeth ambassadors to Henrie the fift, 582, b 60. His loue to the erle of Richmond and care of his safe|tie, 748, b 20. In armes against the French K. 767, a 10, &c: 768, a 10, &c. The battell is tried, he dieth, a 60. Restored to his dukedome 422, b 20. A fréend to the Englishmen, 444, a 60. His dissimulation, he & the French K. accorded, 427, b 50, 60. Com|meth ouer into Britaine, 408, a 40. Deceaseth, 367, b 40
  • Duke of Buckingham highlie commended, 737, b 40. Rich ar|raie, 801, a 10. Enuied & hated of cardinall Woolseie, 855, b 10, &c. Means to wind him out of Henrie the eights fauor, 855, b 40, 40, 60. Bils of complaints exhibited to him, he depriueth Kneuet of his office, 856, a 10. He & his companie ioine with Henrie the seuenth against Perkin Warbecke, 784, a 50. His words to Q. Elisabeth, 717, b 40. His oration to the maior, aldermen, and commons at Guildhall, 728, a 60, &c. He & Glocester fall out, and whie, 376, a 30. They mistrust one an other 736, a 50. Conspired a|gainst Richard the third, he is a professed enimie to him, his power of wild Welshmen (false|harted) doo faile him, a great water his vndooing, his adhe|rents & their power dispersed, 743, a 30, 50, b 10, 30, 60. The principall cause whie he con|ceiued such inward grudge a|gainst duke Richard the third, 739, b 20. His imaginations to depriue Richard the third, 739, b 40, 60. Rewards promi|sed by proclamation for the at|taching of him, betraied of his owne seruant, beheaded with|out arreignment or iudgement, 744, a 20, 50, b 10. Conuinced with others to worke mischief, 715, a 30. His resolution no [...] to meddle in séeking to obteine the crowne, but by deposing Richard the third to prefer the earle of Richmond thereto, the summe of his purpose, 740, a 60, b 40, 60. Is sent to the duke of Yorke to know the cause of his being in armes, 643, a 40. Destruction deuised and prac|tised, 862, b 50, 60. He is accu|sed & indicted of treason, 863, a 10, &c: 864, a 10, &c. Areigned at Westminster, conuinced of hie treason, iudgement giuen vpon him, beheaded on Towre hill, the last lord high constable of England, 865, a 20, 40. ¶ Sée Duke of Glocester.
  • Duke of Burbons practises to make the Englishmen reuolt from their owne king, 517, b 50. Incampeth néere Rone, slaine at the assalt, 895, b 30, 60. Dieth at London, 610, a 40
  • Duke of Burgognie chiefe dooer in France, 560, b 40. Prepa|reth to besiege Calis, 528, b 40. Enuieth the glorie of the En|glish, 616, b 10. His oth to Hen|rie the fift, 572, b 40. Prepareth an armie against Calis, 613, b 40. His armie of 40000 men, b 60. Besiegeth it, his enterprise to b [...]r the hauen, his bastile ta|ken, he breaketh vp his siege, & flieth, 614, all. He & Charles of France at peace, and what mischiefe insued it, 611, a 50, 60, 612, a 10, &c. Commeth to king Edward the fourth, 695, a 20. He departeth suddenlie to the kings discontentment, a 60, b 10. Departeth from Edward the fourth in a rage, 698, a 30. Commeth in hast to Edward the fourth, 697, a 50. His beha|uiour and spéech, a 60, b 10, &c. Sendeth ambassadors to Ca|lis, 678, a 60. He inuadeth Ed|ward the fourth, &c: 678, b 60, 679, a 10. Deceaseth, 690, a 60, 702, b 20. Murthered, 571, a 60
  • Dukes of Burgognie issued out of the house of France, 1342, b 60, 1343, a 10, &c.
  • Duke of Clarence lord Lionell, 395, b 50. Sent to aid the duke of Orleance, 539, b 60. Mar|cheth towards Guisnes, 540, a 20. Made a rode into An|iou, 579, b 60. He is betraied by Ferguse a Lombard, 580, a 10. He and diuerse nobles slaine, a 20, 30. Before Paris with his armie, 570, b 20. Séeketh to make peace betwéene Edward the fourth and the earle of War|wike, 682, a 50. Weighing the inconuenience of discord, war|eth wise, & slow to aid the earle of Warwike, his dissimulation, 681, a 60, b 1050, 60. He and the earle of Warwike soiourned at Excester to passe ouer the seas, they arriue on the English coasts, 676, b 10, 60. A conspira|tor against his brother Ed|ward the fourth, he taketh the seas, 674, a 40. His promise to a damsell persuading him to peace, 675, a 10, 20, Drowned in a but of Malmescie, 703, a 40
  • Duke of Excester his pithie saieng, 546, a 60. Uncle to Hen|rie the fift, 560, a 30, 40. Cap|teine of Harflue, 556, a 60. His ouerthrow by the French, b 10 With a power at Newarke, 680, b 60. Left for dead but re|couered: note, 685, a 60. Decea|seth, 596, b 60, 598, b 50. Found dead in the sea, 694, b 10
  • Duke of Gelderlands letters to Richard second, 475, b 50. Cõ|meth into England, disuadeth Richard the second [...]rom peace with the French K. 477, b 30
  • Duke of Glocesters protestation vpon his oth, 458, a 10. Arested, 489, a 30. Confesseth all wher|with he was charged, he is smoothered to death: note, 489, a 60, b 10. He & Richard second at priuie grudge, talke betwéene them, 487, b 40, 50. Excused to K. Richard second by the duke of Lancaster & Yorke, he & the abbat of S. Albons conspire, 488, a 40, b 10, &c. Made duke of Ireland, his iournie thither vnlucklie staied, 479, b 50, 60. His iournie into Prutzenland, in great fauour with the com|mons, 475, a 60. A seuere man, 464, a 40. His death, the dooers therein exempted from king Henrie the fourths pardon, 514 a 50. In question, 525, b 40. His deth in part reuenged, 513, b 20 Much adoo about it: note, 512, a 50, 60, 513. a 10. His complaint to Henrie sixt against the car|dinall of Winchester, 620, a 50. Liketh well of the kings ma|riage with the earle of Arme|naks daughter: note, 624, b 60. Winneth Rockesburgh castell, 657, a 60. His deth, & what mis|chiefe followed it, 627, a 60. He is commended: note, b 10, &c. Discharged of all gouernment, the faint quarell piked against him, he is suddenlie murthered, 627, a 10. Ill practises against him vnder faire countenances, 622, b 60. Spoileth Flanders, 614, b 60. Calleth a parlement, Henrie the sixt in France, 607, b 10. Articles against the bishop of Winchester, 591, a 60. Mariage in question, he wax|eth werie of his wife, 590, a 60 He and bishop of Winchester at dissention, 590, a 60, 591, a 10, &c. Murthereth Henrie the sixt in the Towre, 690, b 60. An e|nimie to peace, 697, a 10. Pro|clamation against the lord Ha|stings. &c: 724, a 20. Marieth another mans wife: note, 586, a 30. His behauiour in the assemblie of lords, 722, b 10. His oration to the lords a|gainst the quéene, 717, a 10. His resolution to go through with his diuelish enterprise, 721 b 20 Solicitations tending who|lie to trouble and bloudshed, 714, a 60. His & Buckinghams practises, 715, a 30. Made pro|tector, 716, b 50. ¶ Sée duke of Buckingham.
  • Duke of Guise with a great ar|mie commeth towards Calis, entreth the English frontiers, his policie, 1135, a 20, 40, b 10. His proclamation to bring in monie, plate, &c, 1136, a 10. Marcheth to the towne and fort of Guisnes, 1137, a 40. And monsieur Dandelot with their powers, in a rage with his soldiors, a trumpetter from him to the lord Greie, they haue communication one whole houre, 1139, a 10, 30, b 30 Appointed to be a principall leader and executor of forren inuasion, 1371, b 30, 40, &c, b 60
  • Duke of Hereford appealeth the duke of Northfolke of treason, 493, b 20. Beloued of the people, honourablie interteined with the French king, 493, b 30
  • Duke of Irelands passage stop|ped by the lords, his souldiors reuolt from him, he flieth from his armie, getteth him into Holland, letters found in his trunks, 421, a 10, 50, 60. He and his associats attainted of treason by parlement, 463, b 30
  • Duke of Lancaster and the Lon|doners submit their quarels to the kings order, 416, a 20. He & Yorke excuse the duke of Glo|cester to king Richard the se|cond, 488, a 40. High steward of England at an arreignment, 491, a 60. He & Yorke assemble their powers to resist Richard the seconds dealings, 490, a 10. Returneth into England out of Gascoigne, 467, a 60. Crea|ted, 380, b 50. Debate betwixt him and the duke of Bruns|wike, 381, a 10. Goeth ouer sea with a nauie, and two of Ed|ward the thirds sonnes with him, 382, a 30. Is sent to aid the king of Nauarre, 386, b 30. Persuadeth Edward the third to peace with the French king, 393, b 50. Maketh a iournie in|to France, 404, a 50. Sent into France with an armie, fortifi|eth his campe, 403, b 30, 50. Commeth to Burdeaux, 408, a 50, &c. In danger by the Lon|doners: note, 412, a 20. Goeth into Spaine with an armie, 448, b 60. He landeth at Brest, and winneth two bastides from the French, landeth at Groigue, 449, a 50, 60. He & the king of Portingall alied, they inuade Castile, he returneth out of Portingale into Gas|coigne, 450, a 20. Reconcileth the king and the lords, 467, b 10. Made duke of Aquitaine, 473, a 10. Commeth to Chester citie, the countrie submit them selues vnto him, Holt castell deliuered vnto him, 500, a 10, 30. He and Glocester sent into France to treat of peace, 480, a 30. The grant of the duchie of Aquitane vnto him reuoked 485, b 10. He marieth a ladie of meane estate, whom he kept as his concubine, b 60. Calleth a parlement in Richard the se|conds name, 502, a 10. His be|hauiour to the king, their mée|ting, his demand, & receiuing into London, 501, b 10, 20, 50. His bastards made legitimat, 487, b 10. Ambassador for the K. into France, 475, b 30, A prince of great renowme, 477, a 60. Saileth into Aquitaine, 481, a 60. Solicited to expell king Ri|chard the second, b 60. And to take vpon him the regiment, 497, b 60. The duke of Britain his great fréend, the commons denie to resist the duke, he lan|deth in Yorkeshire, his oth to the lords that aided him, the harts of the commons wholie bent vnto him, he marcheth to Bristow, 498, a 10, 50, 60, b 10, 30, 60. Feasteth strangers, 474, a 20. Enuied of the rebels: note, 431, a 20, &c. Not suffred to enter into the towne of Ber|wike, 439, a 10. Chargeth the erle of Northumberland with manie crimes, commeth to the parlement with a great troop [...] of men, 439, a 20, 60, b 10. Sent into France to treat of peace, 446, a 40. Misliking the man|ners of the court getteth him|selfe EEBO page image 1492 to Killingworth castell, 419, b 20. He & the erle of Cam|bridge appointed protectors, 418, a 20. Saileth to Britaine with a great power, 420, a 60. Getteth him to his castell of Pomfret and fortifieth it, 446, b 60. Laieth challenge to the crowne, 505, b 40. He is placed in the regall throne, b 60. King elect, his words to the lords, 507, a 60. His coronation, pro|clamed by the name of Henrie the fourth, 507, b 10, 30. Inua|ded Scotland with an armie, 445, b 10. Appeached of treason, 445, b 40. His decease, 395, b 10, 496, a 20. ¶Sée Edmund.
  • Duke of Normandie commeth downe into Britaine, 364, b 10
  • Duke of Northfolke in armes a|gainst Wiat, ariueth at Stroud 1094, b 50. He with the capteine of the gard put to their shifts, 1095, a 10. He and Suffolke e|lected into the order of S. Mi|chaell, 929, a 10. Ambassador in|to France, 950, a 50. Henrie the eights lieutenant, 942, b 60. Cõmeth with a power against the rebels in Suffolke, 891, b 40. He & the earle of Surrie on Richard the thirds side, 755, b 20. His constancie & allegiance to Richard third, he is slaine, 759, b 10. Accused of treson, 493 b 20. Obiections against him, 494, a 30. Committed to the Towre, atteinted, and the at|teindor reuersed, 976, b 10, 50. Deceaseth, 514, a 60, b 10, 891, a 60, 1121, b 30. Inuested into the order of S. Michaell, 1209, a 20 Sent to the Towre, 1211, b 60. Remoued from the Towre to the Charterhouse, 1222, a 20. Cõmitted to the Towre, 1226, b 30. Arreigned, condemned, and iudged, 1227, b 60. Behea|ded, forren nations write ther|of, his attire, behauior & spéech at his execution: note, 1229, a 50, 60, b 10, &c: 1230
  • Duke of Northumberlands en|terprise against the ladie Ma|rie incouraged, 1085, b 50, 60. His words to the lords of the councell about quéene Iane, who adhered vnto him, he set|teth forward with all speed, 1086, a 10, &c: b 10, 20. Writeth for more succours, 1087, a 30. His sons released out of the Towre, 1127, a 10. Arrested by the earle of Arundell and com|mitted to the Towre with his adherents, 1088, a 60, b 30. Ar|reigned, his request to vnder|stand the opinion of the court in two points, 1089, b 40, 50, His foure requests after his iudgment to die, he with others are executed at Towre hill, 1090, a 10, 50
  • Duke of Orleance partaker with the duke of Britaine against the French king, 768, b 10. How long prisoner in Eng|land, his ransome and release, 618, b 20, 50. Chalenge, 524, b 60 He besieged Uergi in Guien, 525, a 20. Besiegeth townes in Gascoigne, 533, a 50. Commeth to the English armie, 540, b 30. Murthered, 537, a 60
  • Duke Richard his singular dis|simulation, 731, b 10. He spea|keth otherwise than he mea|neth, 731, b 20. His electiõ hard to be preferred, 730, b 20. Pre|ferred at last by voices of con|federacie, 730, b 60. Adiured by bishop Morton, their confe|rence, he openeth himselfe and his secrets to the bishop, com|plaineth of lacke of preferment in K. Edwards daies, 738, all. His title to the crowne, with the office and dignitie of a king, he is commended to the people as worthie and suffici|ent, 730, a 20, 30. ¶Sée Duke of Glocester and Richard.
  • Duke of Richmond a martialist or warrior Henrie the eights base sonne, 929, a 10. Henrie Fitzroie Henrie the eights base sonne deceasseth, 941, a 10
  • Duke of Saxonie in disfauour and exile, 105, b 60. Commeth into England, his goodlie sta|ture, 212, b 40. Pardoned and reuoked out of exile, 108, a 10
  • Duke of Suffolke created, 627, b 30. Winneth the goodwill of the quéen Dowager of France 836, b 10. They married togi|ther, b 30. Entreth France with an armie, 879, a 50. Brea|keth vp his armie & commeth to Calis, 881, a 40. Chiual|rie & valiant seruice in France, he knighteth diuerse gentle|men, 879, b 60, 880, all. Hope hindered by cardinall Woolfeie, 839, a 60. And others sent into France to fetch the French quéene into England, 836. a 50. Incountereth with a strong and tall Almaine, 833, b 60. He foileth the Almaine, 834, a 10. Deceasseth, his iust commen|dation, 969, b 30. The com|mons exclaime against him, 631, a 10, 20, 40. Committed to the Towre, his wretched dèth, 632, a 10, 50. He with others brought to the Towre, 1099, a b 10. Committed to the Towre and released, 1088, b 40. Goeth downe into Leicestershire, is a fauourer and furtherer of Wi|ats practises, he is kept out of Couentrie, apprehended, 1095, a 40, 60, b 10. Arreigned, con|demned, beheaded, 1100, b 20, 40, 50. What words he spake to the people at his death, b 60.
  • Duke of Summerset made re|gent of Normandie, and the duke of Yorke discharged, 625, b 30. Made capteine of Calis, 650, b 60. His valiantnesse, 619, a 30. Reuolteth from Edward the fourth, taken & beheaded, 666, a 40, &c: b 20, &c. Made lord protector, 979, a 40, 50. His returne from Scotland, 992, a 60. Not desirous of slaughter, 988, b 20. With his power a|gainst Scotland, 980, a 30, &c: b 30. Sendeth an herald to summon a castell, 981, a 10, 20. Answer to a Scotish herald at armes, 983, b 60. His dili|gence to further the fortifica|tion to Rockesburgh, 991, b 10. His statelie stile with his e|pistle exhortatiue sent to the Scotish nobles, &c: 998, b 10, &c. He & the earle of Warwike out|wardlie fréends, 1062, a 50. And others submit themselues to Edward the fourth, 665, b 60. Againe apprehended and com|mitted to the Towre, 1066, b 60 Charged sir Peter Carew with the rebellion, 1022, b 30. He and the earle of Deuonshire comfort quéene Margaret, 685, b 60. Politiké & puissant, 687, b 60. More hardie than wise, 687, b 60, 688, a 10, &c. Striketh out the lord Wenlocks brains, 688, a 50. His infortunatnesse, 615, b 60. Arested, 642, a 20. Set at libertie, made deputie of Ca|lis, 40, 50. Accuseth the earle of Yorke of high treason, 639, a 50. Burthened with all things that happened amisse, 643, a 40. He is slain, b 10. His displacing out of his protectorships con|sulted on, remoueth in hast with K. Edward sixt to Windsore, his letter to the lord priuie seale 1057, a 20, 50, 60. His letters to the lords, 1058, a 30. A procla|mation with articles against him, b 20, 30, &c. Prisoner, con|mitted to the Towre, articles obiected against him, 1059, b 10, 30, 40, 1060, a 10, &c. Released & restored, 1060, b 10, 20. Deliue|red out of the Towre, 1062, a 50. Arreigned both of fellonie & treason, condemend of fellonie, people murmur at his condem|nation, deliuerd to be executed, his behauior at his death, 1067, a 10, 30, 40, 50, b 40, 60. His words at his death, a sudden noise & feare among the people assembled, 1068, a 10, &c: 50, b 19, 1069, a 60. Described, b 10. Beheaded, 688, b 60
  • Duke of Surrie marshall of En|gland, 493, b 50
  • Duke of Yorke lieutenant gene|rall of England, 497, a 10. Mis|liketh the court & goeth home, 496, a 60. Noted for crueltie, what maner of man he was, his end, 712, a 10, 20. Plantagenet afterwards Richard third, 595 b 40. Made regent of France, enuied of duke of Summer|set, 612, b 10, 617, b 10, 619, a 30. Appointed againe to be regent of Normandie, 625, b 50. A per|secuting enimie to the duke of Summerset: note, 630, b 20. As|sembleth an armie, his words in writing sent to the K. 642, a 50, b 20, &c: 643: a 10. His com|ming against the K. iustified, he is made protector of the realme, 644, b 20. Discharged of his of|fice, 645, a 10, 20. Assembleth an armie, 649, b 30. Cõmeth out of Ireland, his strange demenors bold spéech and oration to the lords of parlement, 655, a 30, &c. Crowned with sedge or bulrushes in derision, 659, b 50. He and his complices flie, 650, b 20. He and others atteinted, 652, a 10, &c. Articles that he and the other earles sent to the archbishop of Canturburie and the commons, 652, b 10, &c. Articles of peace and agrée|ment betwéene him and Hen|rie the sixt, his claime to the crowne, 657, b 20, &c. Procla|med heire apparant to the crowne, he is slaine, 659, a 30, b 10. Tempering about his title to the crowne, 627, b 40. Re|conciliation to Henrie the sixt, he accuseth the duke of Sum|merset of treason, 639, a 40. Set at libertie and whie, his submission to king Henrie the sixt vnder his oth, 639, b 50. Maketh claime to the crowne, 637, a 50. Raiseth a great power to recouer it, his letter to Henrie the sixt, 637, a 50, b 10, 50, 638, a 10, &c. Fauourers executed and spoiled, 653, b 20. Séekes the destruction of the duke of Summerset, banded himselfe with Neuils, 641, b 60. Slaine in Agincourt field, 555, b 60. Buried at Fodring|haie castell, 556, a 20. Taketh indenture sextipartite of the conspired noblemen out of his sonnes bosome: note, 515, a 20 Deceaseth, 520, b 30. Accused by his sister the ladie Spen|ser, 527, b 30. His head set on a po [...]e at Yorke, 659, b 60. ¶See Richard the third.
  • Dukes of Glocester infortunate: note, 627, a 50. Of Normandie were the kings of Englands eldest sons, 38, a 30. Of Yorks honorable emulation, 776, a 50
  • Dukes and earles, &c: created, 537, b 60, 546, b 30, 625, a 10, 702, a 60, 1081, a 60, b 10, &c, 1066, b 60, 492, b 40, 448, a 60, 395, b 50. Depriued of their ti|tles, 513, b 10. Of England from the first to the last, all set downe in a collection, 1230, b 30, &c, to 1238, a 10.
  • Duncane a Scot wasteth Ken|dall, 91, b 10
  • Dunkirke woone & sacked by the English, 442, b 50. Taken and burnt by the French, 1150, a 40

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