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Compare 1577 edition: 1 The six and twentith of Februarie,An earth|quake in sun|drie places of England, and what effects it wrought. betwéene foure and six of the clocke in the after noone, great earth|quakes happened in the cities of Yorke, Worcester, Glocester, Bristow, Hereford, and in the countries about, which caused the people to runne out of their houses: for feare they should haue fallen on their heads. In Teukesburie, Bredon, and other places, the dishes fell from the cupboords, and the bookes in mens studies from the shelues. In Norton chappell, the people being on their knees at euening praier, the ground moouing, caused them to run awaie in great feare that the dead bodies would haue risen, or the chappell to haue fallen: part of Ruthen castell fell downe with certeine bricke chimneies in gentle|mens houses. The bell in the shire hall at Den|bigh was also caused to toll twise, by shaking of the hall, &c.

Compare 1577 edition: 1 On Easter daie, which was the third of Aprill,Anabaptists bare fagots at Pauls crosse. a|bout nine of the clocke in the forenoone, was disclosed a congregation of anabaptists, Duchmen, in a house without the bars of Aldgate at London, wherof sea|uen and twentie were taken and sent to prison: and foure of them bearing fagots recanted at Paules crosse, on the fifteenth daie of Maie in forme as follo|weth.

23.1. The forme of recantation openlie made by the said anabaptists.

The forme of recantation openlie made by the said anabaptists.

Compare 1577 edition: 1 _WHereas I. I. T. R. H. being seduced by the diuell the spirit of error, and by false teachers his ministers, haue fallen into certeine most detestable and damnable heresies, namelie:

Compare 1577 edition: 1 1 That Christ tooke not flesh of the substance of the blessed virgine Marie:The anabap|tists heresies

Compare 1577 edition: 1 2 That infants of the faithfull ought not to be baptised:

Compare 1577 edition: 1 3 That a christian man may not be a magistrat or beare the sword or office of authoritie:

Compare 1577 edition: 1 4 That it is not lawfull for a christian to take an oth:

Compare 1577 edition: 1 Now by the grace of God, and through confe|rence with good and learned ministers of Christ his church, I doo vnderstand and acknowlege the same to be most damnable and detestable heresies, and doo aske God here before his church mercie for my said former errors, and doo forsake them, recant, and renounce them, and abiure them from the bo|tome of my heart, professing that I certeinlie be|léeue:

Compare 1577 edition: 1 1 That Christ tooke flesh of the substance of the blessed virgine Marie:Recanted.

Compare 1577 edition: 1 2 That infants of the faithfull ought to be bap|tised:

Compare 1577 edition: 1 3 That a christian man may be a magistrat, or beare the sword or office of authoritie:

Compare 1577 edition: 1 4 That it is lawfull for a christian man to take an oth.

Compare 1577 edition: 1 2 3 And further I confesse, that the whole doctrine and religion established and published in this realme of England, as also that which is receiued and preach|ed in the Dutch church here in this citie, is sound, true, and according to the word of God: whervnto in all things I submit my selfe, and will most gladlie be a member of the said Dutch church, from hense|forth vtterlie abandoning and forsaking all and eue|rie anabaptisticall error. This is my faith now, in the which I doo purpose and trust to stand firme and stedfast to the end. And that I may so doo, I beséech you all to praie with me, and for me, to God the hea|uenlie father, in the name of his sonne our sauiour EEBO page image 1261 Iesus Christ. The like recantation was made by them afterwards in the Dutch church.

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