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Compare 1577 edition: 1 2 3 4 5 6 Also Holland, Leuerington, Newton chappell in the sea, long Stutton & Holbich were ouerflowne. And in this countrie also was great losse of cattell. In the low parts in Mooreland,What hurt this tempest did in Staf|fordshire and Warwike|shire. in a little towne cal|led Cliffield, there was a man, his wife, and a suck|ing child in hir armes ouerwhelmed and slaine by the violence of the waters, and of the boisterous winds. The water called Auen, that passeth by the towne called Stratford vpon Auen, did run with such vio|lence, that méeting with the water called the Se|uerne, droue it backe ten miles against the course, ouerflowing much ground, and drowning much cat|tell. In Newport panell were two houses ouer|throwne,Hurt in Bu [...]|kingham|shire by this tempest. and in one of them an old man and an old woman were ouerwhelmed and slaine. And in the same towne, on the backe side of the Saracens head, the water sprang out of the hard grauellie ground, and flowed so fast, that certeine merchants (sitting there at dinner) were faine to rise and depart from thense to saue themselues. Sir Henrie Leie knight (dwelling at Quarrington) lost by the flouds the number of three thousand shéepe, besides horsses and other cattell, a great number.

Compare 1577 edition: 1 2 In the Wish at Rie (a place so called) the water came in so suddenlie,Hurt in Sus|sex by this sud+den inunda|tion of wa|ters. and flowed so high about mid|night, that it was eight or nine foot high in mens houses: insomuch that if one William White had not called them vp, some of them had like to haue béene drowned. And the same William White ha|uing a bote, fetcht a great companie of them out of their windowes, and carried them to drie land as fast as he could fetch them, which were in great dan|ger and feare, and glad to escape with their liues. Moreouer, the water came in so vehementlie there, that it brake into the marishes, and made such waie, that where of late yeares, and now before this great floud came, a cockebote could not passe in at a low water, now a fisherman drawing six foot water and more maie come in at a low water, and at a full sea the greatest ship that the quéenes maiestie hath may come in, and haue good harborough there.A strange e|uent wrought by the inflow|ing of the water. The conti|nuance of the same will not onelie be profitable to the most part of the inhabitants there, but also com|modious vnto all the queenes subiects trauelling by sea.

Compare 1577 edition: 1 2 3 4 5 And whereas one of the owners of a great part of the same marishes had certeine poles set vp there in (and being verie meet and in conuenient place of the same marish) for the drieng of their fishing nets, and receiued monie yeerelie of those that dried their nets there sufficientlie inough: yet he caused his seruant to pull vp the poles, and laie them in an house stan|ding in the same marish: and also commanded his seruant to giue them warning; that they should no EEBO page image 1224 more hang their nets there, except they would come and compound with him for it. And the same night (by Gods prouidence) it came so to passe, that accor|ding to his saieng (though contrarie to his good will and mind) they are not like to hang their nets there anie more, bicause of the depth of the water is so great, and like to continue. In hope of continuance of the same new opened hauen,A new hauen and the same like to conti|nue. certeine men of the same towne haue begun to build faire barks to tra|uell the seas, the which in continuance of time will be a great furtherance to the maintenance of the quéenes nauie. At the blacke shore end, before the said floud, no bote could passe further than the shore end; and now a bote that draweth six foot water maie come in at a low water. Without the barre, the wa|ter is deeper than it was by two foot and more in the chanell.

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