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Compare 1577 edition: 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 At Yarmouth a great part of the bridge was car|ried awaie.A péece of Yarmouth bridge borne awaie with water. The house vpon the hauen called the ha|uen house, wherein was one Nicholas Iossellin the hauen man & his son, with all their tooles, were cari|ed into the marishes six miles from the hauen, where it stood vpright, and where they abode long without meat or drinke. Also at Iermans Bridgestréet was verie much hurt doone by the extreame floods that were there. Also one Thomas Smith of Yarmouth lost a ship, with seauen men and a boie in it. Also at Newarke by Yarmouth were lost twelue saile. Also a great hulke, laden with oile and pitch, was lost at Worreie sand, and about twentie men lost therein, and thirtie saued by the hulke bote.What hurt this tempest did in the bi|shoprike of Elie. These townes and villages were ouerflowne, that is to saie, Wis|bich, Gutborne, Parson Droue, and Hobshouse. This Hobshouse being an almes house (and the wa|ter breaking downe the wals of it) the wind blew the cloths off from the bed of a poore man & his wife: EEBO page image 1223 who being cold, awaked, and suddenlie stept out of his bed to reach vp his cloths, and slipt vp to the bel|lie in water, and then he thinking himselfe to be in danger (as he was in déed) and knowing the best waie to escape the danger of the water, he tooke his wife on his necke, and carried hir awaie, and so were both saued.

Compare 1577 edition: 1 2 3 4 5 At the same time in Wisbich was a garden, a ten|nise plaie, & a bowling allie walled about with bricke (which was worth twentie pounds by yeare to the owner) was quite destroied by the water.What hurt this tempest did in Lin|colneshire. Mumbie chappell, the whole towne was lost, except thrée hou|ses. A ship was driuen vpon an house, the sailers thinking they had béene vpon a rocke, committed themselues to God: and thrée of the marriners lept out of the ship, and chanced to take hold on the house top, and so saued themselues: and the wife of the same lieng in childbed, by climing vp into the top of the house, was also saued by the marriners, hir hus|band and child being both drowned. Likewise, the church was wholie ouerthrowne except the stéeple. Betwéene Boston and Newcastell were threescore sea vessels,Thréescore sea vessels lost in this tem|pest. as small ships, craires, and such like, lost vpon the coasts of Boston, Humerston, Marsh chap|pell, Tetnie, Stepneie, Nercots, Kelbie, & Grims|bie, where no ship can come in without a pilot, which were all lost, with goods, corne, & cattell, with all the salt cotes, where the chiefe and finest salt was made, were vtterlie destroied, to the vtter vndooing of manie a man, and great lamentation both of old and yoong.

Compare 1577 edition: 1 2 3 4 5 6 Wentford bridge, being verie strong, of eight ar|ches in length, had three of the arches broken, and cleane carried awaie. Master Smith at the swan there had his house (being thrée stories high) ouer|flowed vnto the third storie, and the wals of the sta|ble were broken downe, and the horsses tied to the manger were all drowned. Manie men had great losse, as well of sheepe, kine, oxen, great mares, colts of the breed of the great horsses,Great losse of cattell both great and small. and other cat|tell innumerable, of which the names manie of them shall here follow. Master Pelham lost eleuen hun|dred shéepe at Mumbie chappell. In Summercote were lost fiue hundred sheepe, that were of the inha|bitants there. Also betwéene Humerston & Grims|bie were lost eleuen hundred shéepe of one master Spensers, whose sheepheard about middaie, com|ming to his wife, asked his dinner: and she being more bold than manerlie, said, he should haue none of hir. Then he chanced to looke toward the marishes where the sheepe were, and saw the water breake in so fiercelie, that the shéepe would be lost, if they were not brought from thense, said, that he was not a good shéepheard that would not venture his life for his shéepe,Scripture abused. & so went streight to driue them from thense, but he & his shéepe were both drowned, and after the water being gone, he was found dead, standing vp|right in a ditch.

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