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Compare 1577 edition: 1 2 This night the armie came to Edenburgh,Some of the English ar|mie spoiled in Edenburgh. where certeine of the companie that made hast to get thi|ther somewhat before the rest, receiued some discour|tesie: for they were spoiled in the streets of their fur|niture, & such other things as they had about them. But when the generall with the rest of the armie was come néere to the towne, and had knowledge of such foule disorder, he thought not good to enter the towne, without standing so sure on his gard, that he should not néed to doubt any double dealing, or cr [...]|ked measure. Which sure handling of the matter did not onelie shew the deuiser thereof to haue good con|duct and experience: T. Church|yard. but in verie déed auoided no small inconuenience and mischiefe, that by the eni|mies was finelie contriued (through a fraie to be made in the suburbs) so that a great slaughter had burst out suddenlie, and no small bloudshed follow|ed, if God and good guiding of the people had not staied and turned awaie that imminent danger. To be short,Sir Thomas Maners with his two bands vnder one en|signe. the generall sent sir Thomas Maners with two bands of souldiors, vnder one ensigne, to seize vpon the gates at their first arriuall, and so the pre|tensed conspiracie was happilie preuented; for the re|sidue of the power was no sooner entred the towne, but that kéeping themselues in order to cléere the streets, and to command the inhabitants the better, they spent that night standing on their gard, as the case required. When the morning was come, sir William Drurie smelling out the couert practise, and naughtie meaning of some, demanded iustice and strict punishment of such offenses and things as he would truelie laie to the charges of some in that towne: and told them flatlie, if remedie were not the sooner prouided, and satisfaction made for the follies and outrage committed, he would be quick|lie reuenged, to the displeasure and shame of all the contriuers of that same mad and mischéefous pre|sumption.

Compare 1577 edition: 1 2 3 4 Herevpon,Restitution made of things taken awaie from the souldiors. not onelie such things as had bin ta|ken from those few souldiors, which first entred the towne ouer night, were not onelie restored: but di|uerse malefactors were also deliuered to the gene|rall, to be executed and ordered by his discretion; who séeing their submission, mercifullie & franklie sent them awaie vnto their capteins: & so these broiles were pacified and things set in quiet. After they had rested in Edenburgh a two daies, the first of Iune they dislodged. The generall comming to Seton the chiefe castell & house of the lord Seton,Seton castell spared at the sute of the la|die. the ladie was readie there also to present him the keies, with like humble submission as before: and therevpon re|ceiued the like fauor for this house, as was shewed to hir for the other. That night they lodged at Ha|dington.Anderwike saued from ruine by occa|sion. It was determined that the pile of Ander|wike should haue beene ouerthrowne: but vpon sute and bands taken of diuerse gentlemen, the place was spared, and the offendors receiued to mercie. EEBO page image 1221 And so the next daie, the generall with the horssemen came through to Berwike, a iournie of two and thir|tie long miles.

Compare 1577 edition: 1 2 3 The footbands lodged the same night at Colding|ham with sir Robert Conestable, who the next daie the third of Iune came with them vnto Berwike. And so ended this iournie, to the great commenda|tion of the generall and capteins:The happie successe of the foresaid viage vndertaken by the English. and consequent|lie to all the gentlemen and souldiors that had béene foorth in the same, as well for the good successe which it pleased God the author of all good and prosperous euents to grant to them, as also for their dutifull o|bedience to all warlike discipline, their painfull tra|uels susteined, their manlie forwardnesse and skil|full practise in martiall polices still shewed, as occa|sion of seruice was anie where offered. But now to returne to the dooings at home. I. Stow. A bull from Rome han|ged on the bi|shop of Lon|dons gate. Whilest this iour|nie was made (as ye haue heard) into Scotland, the fiue & twentith of Maie in the morning was found hanging on the bishop of Londons palace gate in Pauls churchyard, a bull which latelie had béene sent from Rome, conteining diuerse horrible treasons against the quéens maiestie: for the which one Iohn Felton was shortlie after apprehended, and com|mitted to the tower of London. A. F. Sée the view of a seditious bull ripped vp by Iohn Iewell late bishop of Salisburie printed 1582. ¶And because the said bull may appeare and shew it selfe in nature and kind, it is behoofull here to interlace some rorings of the same, as I haue gathered them out of one that I am sure had a conscience to tell the truth: which I therefore am the willinger to insert, that the world may iudge the heinousnesse of Feltons fact, in fix|ing so pestilent a libell vpon a prelats gate in a place of common concourse, and against the quéens ex|cellent maiestie.

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