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Compare 1577 edition: 1 2 3 The duke of Chatellerault (as ye haue heard) had beene there, and besieged the castell that belonged to the king, but hearing of the Englishmens comming two daies before their approching thither, he raised his siege, and departed thence, with the losse of nine and twentie of his men. The nineteenth of Maie, sir William Drurie generall of the English power, being determined aforehand on a iourneie towards Dunbreton, sent foorth that morning before certeine vantcurrours on horssebacke, to staie all such as they found vpon the waie. This doone, he tooke with him certeine gentlemen,The generall goeth to view Dunbreton. and some shot, and rode foorth to|wards Dunbreton, to view the straits and situation of that castell, within the which were at that present the lord Fleming, that tooke vpon him as capteine thereof, the archbishop of saint Andrewes, and other their adherents, fréends to the duke of Chatellerault, and enimies to the lords that were about the king.

Compare 1577 edition: 1 After sir William Drurie had viewed the castell,The generall sendeth to know who was within the castell, &c. and taken the plot of the situation thereof, he sent his trumpettor to know who were within it, and to whose vse they kept it. They within the castell requi|red to know what he was that sent to know the same. It was answered that it was the quéene of Englands generall of hir forces there in Scotland that made the demand. Wherevnto answer was re|turned, that they knew well he was not so ignorant as he séemed (as in deed he was not) but that he did well know that this castell was, and of long time had béene kept by the lord Fleming: and that accor|dinglie by him, his fréends and seruants it was now mainteined. Which answer being reported to the ge|nerall, he sent againe his trumpettor, to know if the lord Fleming would come foorth and parlée vpon assurance of honour to returne safelie.Lord Fle|ming is re|quired to come to parlee with the generall. Wherevnto the lord Fleming consented, although not mea|ning so to doo: but by a subtill practise (as was thought) intended to wind him within danger. For there were some harquebusiers secretlie couched in couert, within whose reach when the generall was come himselfe alone on horssebacke, most dishonest|lie (his trumpettor not yet being returned) they shot at him with great despite, meaning to haue killed him, without anie regard to the law of armes, or feare of God.The dishono|rable dealing of the lord Fleming. But through the goodnes of the Lord almightie, that wicked practise missed the pretensed effect: for that worthie English knight receiued no bodilie hurt, but perceiuing their dealings, with a bold courage he bestowed his pistols as fréelie at them as they did their harquebuse shot at him, and so returned to his companie backe againe in safetie, yéelding to God due honour and thanks for his mer|cifull deliuerance from such a murtherous practise of his deadlie foes.

Compare 1577 edition: 1 2 Upon a new occasion to vnderstand the certein|tie of that, whereof he had some inkling,Sir William Drurie goeth againe to|wards Dun|breton. the one and twentith of Maie, sir William Drurie accompani|ed with the said gentlemen and horssemen, went a|gaine towards Dunbreton, to parlee with the lord Fleming vpon his further promise, that he would méet him three miles from the said castell. Whervpon the said sir William Drurie sent an Englishman and a Scotishman to view the ground,He sendeth to view the ground where he should [...] with the lord Fleming. which should be appointed foorth for their méeting, which they found to be so néere to the castell, as was subiect to all their shot both great and small, and cleane contrarie to the promise: and so they declared to the capteine named Iohn Fleming, that was sent foorth of the castell to appoint the same, how it was neither indifferent nor méet for such a purpose. The capteine answered, that his maister was a man of honour, and stood vp|on the same, and therefore would not hazard himselfe among horssemen wholie without the danger of the péece. Whereto the messengers replied, that the lord Fleming for his late euill dealing, was not to be credited in this case; neither comparable to the gene|rall of the English armie, for he was there for the queene of England. And further they said,This is a cõ|mon fault in the Scots. that for so|much as they had of late dealt so vniustlie contrarie to promise and the law of armes, and therby so great|lie cracked their credits, stained their honesties and honour: they could not but wish that their generall should be well aduised, yer he did hazard himselfe a|nie more within their danger vpon their slipperie promises, except they would appoint some other place of parlée, as might be thought indifferent, according to their former offers, which would not be granted, and so they departed. Immediatlie wherevpon, to shew some péece of their double dealings,Scotish ho|nestie. and vn|faithfull practises towards the Englishmen: the Scots within the castell presentlie sent after the mes|sengers EEBO page image 1218 a culuering shot for a farewell. Thus did they by practise iustifie the opinion that strangers to them haue long conceiued of their dealing: and which he saw full well (perhaps also prooued in some part) that said of the Scotish nations vntrustinesse, &c:

—graue pectus abundat
Fraudibus ingenitis & non eget arte magistra.

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