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Compare 1577 edition: 1 The same daie sir Iohn Forster warden of the middle marches,Sir Iohn Forster wit [...] his compani [...] enter in [...]o Tiuidall. with all the garrisons and forces of the same, entered likewise into Tiuidall at Espes|gate, distant sixteene miles from Warke, where in like order they burned and spoiled the countrie be|fore them, till they came to a castell in the possession EEBO page image 1214 of the lard of Ferniherst, being parcell of hir sons lands, which likewise was ouerthrowne, rased, and burned, with all other castels, piles, townes, and vil|lages, all alongst the said countrie, till they came to Crauling, ioining there with the lord lieutenants power. This towne was likewise burned and spoiled. Thus they passed the riuer of Tiuet, rasing, burning and spoiling the castels, piles, stone houses, townes, and villages alongst that riuer, vntill they came to Iedworth,They come to Iedworth and are inter| [...]ed. where they lodged for that night, and were of the magistrats of that towne courteouslie recei|ued, who had made indifferent good prouision for the armie, both of vittels for men, and of haie and pro|uender for horsses. Wherevpon proclamation was publikelie made in the name of the lord lieutenant, that no Englishman (vpon paine of death) should disturbe or wrongfullie take awaie anie thing from anie of the inhabitants of the same towne, without disbursing readie monie therefore. Which thing did so much content the Scots, that the next daie the lard of Sesford,The lard of Sesford with the principals of his alies submit them|selues. warden of the middle marches of Scot|land, with all the principals of his alies and kinred, came in to the lord lieutenant, submitting themsel|ues to him, and were receiued into assurance: for that neither he nor anie of them had at anie time re|ceiued the English rebels, neither aided nor assisted them, neither yet made anie inuasion into England. And whereas some of their men, and tenants, with|out their knowledge had trespassed in such behalfe, they were contented to abide and stand vnto the erle of Sussex his order, for their said men and tenants. And herevpon neither they nor anie of theirs recei|ued anie hurt: but by his lordships commandement were preserued from susteining anie damage either in bodie or goods: so glad he was of their submission, and no lesse glad to giue them occasion to be carefull in performance of obedience. Unto which compassi|on God (no doubt) had inclined the noble mans hart, according to the poet words in this sense verie true:

—mollia pectora reddit
Ad pietatis opus, flammis vt cera liquescens
In varias formas fictoris ducitur arte.

Compare 1577 edition: 1 The nineteenth daie, the armie was diuided into two seuerall parts, whereof one passing ouer the ri|uer of Tiuet,The castell of Ferniherst burned. burned the castell of Ferniherst, vtter|lie spoiling the same, and all other castels & townes that belonged to the lards of Ferniherst, Hunthill, and Bedroll,At Minto [...]oth the ar|mies met. and so passed to Minto, where both the armies méeting, ioined togither againe, being not past a foure miles from Howike, whither they mar|ched directlie, intending to lodge there that night, bi|cause the bailiffes of the towne had offered to re|ceiue the whole armie, and to make prouision for the soldiours of all things necessarie, they paieng readie monie for the same, and the inhabitants to be assu|red not to be hurt in bodie or goods, as was promi|sed. But the Scots breaking the couenant before the comming thither of the armie,The Scots of Howike their breach of co [...]enant. had vncouered their houses, carried the thatch into the streets, and there set it on fire: and this doone they fled their waies with most part of their goods. So that when the armie ap|proched, there was such a thicke smoke, that no man might scarselie enter the towne: and so for that night the soldiours suffered great lacke of vittels, lodging, and prouision, as well for themselues as their horsses. But the fire which the Scots had of a malicious pur|pose and subtiltie thus begun, was by the diligent industrie of the Englishmen so increased: that both the thatch and timber of the whole towne was consu|med to ashes,Why the lord of Drumlane|rikes goods were saued from the fire, [...]. a stone house perteining to the lard of Drumlanerike onlie excepted, wherein the lord lieu|tenant laie that night. And bicause the said Drum|lanerike was a friend assured, the said house was spared, with all the goods and corne therein, whereof there was great plentie.

Compare 1577 edition: 1 2 The twentith of Aprill,An house of the lard of Buclewghs blowne vp with powder. the armie marched toward a faire proper house, belonging to the lard of Bu|clewgh, which was blowne vp with powder and vt|terlie ruinated. Here the armie was againe diuided as before by the said lord lieutenant his appoint|ment, and marching by north the riuer of Tiuet to|wards England, they burnt and spoiled all such ca|stels, piles, townes and villages, as were belonging to the said lards of Ferniherst and Buclewgh their kinsmen, alies, and adherents, & came that night a|gaine to Iedworth, and there lodged. The one and twentith of Aprill, the armie diuiding it selfe againe,Nothing but wast & spoile by fire and sword. the one part vnder the leading of the marshall sir William Drurie, passed to the riuer of Bowbent, and there Tiuidale and Riddesdale men meeting him, all on both sides that riuer was burnt and spoi|led. The other part of the armie marching by the ri|uer of Caile, wasted and burnt in like maner there all that was found on both sides that riuer, belong|ing wholie to the lard of Buclewgh, his kinsmen, alies and adherents.

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