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Compare 1577 edition: 1 2 3 4 5 A standing watch on S. Iohns euen at Midsum|mer, and sir Iohn White alderman rode the circuit, as the lord maior should haue doone. The seuen and twentith of August, Andrew Gregorenich Sauin,Ambassadors from Musco|uie land at tower wharfe. ambassador from Muscouie, landed at the tower wharfe, and was there receiued by the lord maior of London, the aldermen and shiriffes in scarlet, with the merchants aduenturers in cotes of blacke vel|uet, all on horssebacke, who conueied him riding through the citie to the Muscouie house in Seding lane, there to be lodged.Terme ad|iourned. The plague of pestilence somewhat raging in the citie of London, Michael|mas terme was first adiourned vnto the third of Nouember, and after to Hilarie terme next follow|ing. The eleuenth of October,Duke of Norffolke sent to the tower. Thomas Howard duke of Norffolke was brought from Burnam be|side Windsore by land to Westminster, and from thence by water to the tower of London prisoner, sir Henrie Neuill being his kéeper.No maiors feast at Guild|hall. This yeare the lord maior of London went by water to Westmin|ster, and there tooke his oth, as hath béene accusto|med, but kept no feast at the Guildhall, least through comming togither of so great a multitude, infection of the pestilence might haue increased. That wéeke EEBO page image 1212 from the one and twentith vnto the eight and twen|tith of October, there died in the citie and out pari|shes of all diseases one hundred fiftie and two, of the which, one and fiftie were accounted to die of the plague.

Compare 1577 edition: 1 On thursdaie the ninth of Nouember, Thomas Persie erle of Northumberland receiued the queens maiesties letters to repaire to the court.The earle of Northumber|land and [...]estmerland [...]. And the same night, other conspirators perceiuing him to be wauering and vnconstant of promise made to them, caused a seruant of his, called Beckwith (af|ter he was laid in his bed) to bustle in, and to knocke at his chamber doore, willing him in hast to arise, and shift for himselfe, for that his enimies (whome he termed to be sir Oswold Ulstrop, and maister Uaughan) were about the parke, and had béeset him with great numbers of men. Wherevpon he arose, & conueied himselfe awaie to his kéepers house. In the same instant they caused the bels of the towne to be roong backeward, and so raised as manie as they could to their purpose. The next night the earle de|parted thense to Branspith, where he met with Charls earle of Westmerland, and the other confe|derats. Then by sundrie proclamations, they abu|sing manie of the queens subiects, commanded them in hir highnesse name,The earles [...] the quéene and hir s [...]b [...]ects. to repaire to them in war|like maner, for the defense and suertie of hir maie|sties person; sometimes affirming their dooings to be with the aduise and consent of the nobilitie of this realme, who in deed were wholie bent (as manifest|lie appeared) to spend their liues in dutifull obedi|ence, against them and all other traitors, sometimes pretending for conscience sake to séeke to reforme religion: sometimes declaring that they were dri|uen to take this matter in hand, least otherwise for|ren princes might take it vpon them, to the great perill of this realme.

Compare 1577 edition: 1 2 3 4 5 Upon mondaie the thirteenth of Nouember, they went to Durham with their banners displaied. And to get the more credit among the fauorers of the old Romish religion, they had a crosse with a banner of the fiue wounds borne before them, sometime by old Norton, sometime by others. As soone as they entred Durham,Rebels rent the bible, com|munion books and behaue themselues like Spanish [...]res. they went to the minster, where they tare the bible, communion bookes, & other such as were there. The same night they went againe to Branspith. The fourteenth daie of the same moneth, they went to Darington, and there had masse, which the earles and the rest heard with such lewd deuotion as they had. Then they sent their horssemen, to ga|ther togither such numbers of men as they could The fifteenth daie the earles parted; he of Northum|beland to Richmond, then to Northallerton, & so to Borowbridge; & he of Westmerland to Ripon, & af|ter to Borowbridge, where they both met againe. On the eighteenth daie they went to Wetherbie, Anno Reg. 12. and there taried three or foure daies, and vpon Clifford moore,The number of rebels 2000 horssemen, and [...]000 footmen. nigh vnto Bramham moore, they mistrusted themselues, at which time they were about two thousand horssemen, and fiue thousand footmen, which was the greatest number that euer they were. From which they intended to haue marched toward Yorke, but their minds being suddenlie altered, they returned.

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