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Compare 1577 edition: 1 2 3 4 The seuen and twentith of Ianuarie, Philip Me|strell a Frenchman, Anno Reg. 11. 1569 and two Englishmen were drawne from Newgate to Tiburne, and there han|ged,A Frenchmã & two Eng|lishmen executed. Muster of pensioners. the Frenchman quartered, who had coined gold counterfeit; the Englishmen the one had clipped sil|uer, the other cast testons of tin. The eight and twen|tith of March, the pensioners well appointed in ar|mor on horsbacke, mustered before the queenes ma|iestie in Hide parke beside Westminster. A great lotterie being holden at London in Poules church yard at the west doore,A lotterie at London. was begun to be drawne the eleuenth of Ianuarie, and continued daie and night till the sixt of Maie, wherein the said drawing was fullie ended.Buriall for the dead pre|pared by sir Thomas Ro called ye New churchyard. Sir Thomas Ro lord maior of Lon|don, caused to be inclosed with a wall of bricke nigh one acre of ground, néere vnto Bedlem without Bishops gate, to be a place of buriall for the dead of such parishes in London as lacked conuenient ground within their said parishes.

¶ On the southside whereof, A. F. ouer a folding gate this inscription is grauen in stone in great letters: Thomas Ro miles, cùm praetor esset Londinensis, The inscrip|tion or wri|ting ouer the south gate of the new churchyard. hunc locum Reipublicae, in vsum publicae sepulturae communem, suo sump|tu dedicauit: Anno Domini 1569. Which writing I haue here recorded, for that in viewing the same, I saw some of the letters defaced and vtterlie made awaie: which in time might likewise befall to the re|sidue, and so the memorie of the gentleman there fixed to so good an end vanish and die. He also of a godlie motion builded a conuenient roome in Pauls churchyard, on the southside of the crosse, to receiue a certeine number of hearers at the sermon time: as may appeare by some remembrances of his name there fixed. Howbeit,The death of sir Thomas Ro knight and lord maior of London. this gentleman thus well disposed, and like inough to haue procéeded in more such godlie actions, was called out of this life the next yeare immediatlie following, forgoing all the pompe of this life, with no lesse good will, than he was forward by death to passe to eternall rest. His bodie was buried in Hacknie church, in the southside of the chancell, where (besides a monu|ment of himselfe and his wife) this epitaph remai|neth to be read in faire great letters, as followeth:

An. 1570. Septemb. 2.
Sir Thomas Ro lieth buried heare, The epitaph of sir Thomas Ro, wherein his issue male and female is conteined.
Of London knight and alderman,
Who late was maior and rule did beare,
To right the cause of euerie man:
A merchant venturer was he,
Of merchant tailors companie:
A citizen by birth also,
And eke his wife dame Marie Ro.
In wedlocke one and thirtie yeare,
They did continue man and wife,
Eleuen children she did beare,
But fiue of them haue left this life:
And six aliue doo yet remaine,
Foure of them sons and daughters twaine;
His soule with God we hope is blest,
And dooth remaine in Abrams brest.]

Compare 1577 edition: 1 2 3 4 5 A standing watch on S. Iohns euen at Midsum|mer, and sir Iohn White alderman rode the circuit, as the lord maior should haue doone. The seuen and twentith of August, Andrew Gregorenich Sauin,Ambassadors from Musco|uie land at tower wharfe. ambassador from Muscouie, landed at the tower wharfe, and was there receiued by the lord maior of London, the aldermen and shiriffes in scarlet, with the merchants aduenturers in cotes of blacke vel|uet, all on horssebacke, who conueied him riding through the citie to the Muscouie house in Seding lane, there to be lodged.Terme ad|iourned. The plague of pestilence somewhat raging in the citie of London, Michael|mas terme was first adiourned vnto the third of Nouember, and after to Hilarie terme next follow|ing. The eleuenth of October,Duke of Norffolke sent to the tower. Thomas Howard duke of Norffolke was brought from Burnam be|side Windsore by land to Westminster, and from thence by water to the tower of London prisoner, sir Henrie Neuill being his kéeper.No maiors feast at Guild|hall. This yeare the lord maior of London went by water to Westmin|ster, and there tooke his oth, as hath béene accusto|med, but kept no feast at the Guildhall, least through comming togither of so great a multitude, infection of the pestilence might haue increased. That wéeke EEBO page image 1212 from the one and twentith vnto the eight and twen|tith of October, there died in the citie and out pari|shes of all diseases one hundred fiftie and two, of the which, one and fiftie were accounted to die of the plague.

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