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Compare 1577 edition: 1 2 Anno Reg. 8.The foure and twentith of December in the mor|ning, there rose a great storme and tempest of wind, by whose rage the Thames and seas ouerwhelmed manie persons, and the great gates at the west end of S. Paules church in London (betwéene the which standeth the brasen piller) were through the force of the wind,Paules gate blowen open. then in the westerne part of the world, blowne open. In Ianuarie monsieur Rambulet a knight of the order in France was sent ouer into England,Order of saint Michaell. by the French king Charles the ninth of that name, with the order: who at Windsore was stalled in the behalfe of the said French king, with the knighthood of the most honorable order of the garter. And the foure and twentith of Ianuarie, in the chappell of hir maiesties palace of Whitehall, the said monsieur Rambulet inuested Thomas duke of Norffolke, and Robert earle of Leicester, with the said order of S. Michaell.

Compare 1577 edition: 1 2 3 The marques of Baden re|turneth into his owne countrie.The marquesse of Baden and the ladie Cicilie his wife, sister to the king of Swethen, who came into this land in the moneth of September last past (as before is declared) being then by the quéenes especi|all appointment at their arriuall honorablie recei|ued by the lord Cobham, an honorable baron of this realme, and the ladie his wife one of the quéenes ma|iesties priuie chamber, now in the moneth of Aprill 1566 departed the realme againe, the marquesse a few daies before his wife, being both conducted by a like personage the lord of Aburgauennie to Do|uer.Ground for the Bursse in Cornehill first purchased. Certeine houses in Cornehill, being first pur|chased by the citizens of London, were in the mo|neth of Februarie cried by a belman, and afterward sold to such persons as should take them downe, and carie them from thence: which was so doone in the moneths of Aprill and Maie next following. And then the ground being made plaine at the charges also of the citie, possession thereof was by certeine aldermen in the name of the whole citizens, giuen to the right worshipfull sir Thomas Gresham knight, agent to the queenes highnesse, there to build a place for merchants to assemble in, at his owne proper charges: who on the seuenth daie of Iune laid the first stone of the foundation (being bricke) and foorth|with the workemen followed vpon the same with such diligence,The first stone of the Bursse laid. that by the moneth of Nouember, in An. 1567. the same was couered with slate. The com|missioners before named, appointed for the matters of Flanders, kéeping their diet at Bruges, agreed to refer the whole matter to the princes on both sides: and if they could not agrée, then the merchants to haue fortie daies to repare home with their mer|chandize, and in the meane time all things to stand as they were then. Our commissioners departed from Bruges about the six and twentith of Iune.

Compare 1577 edition: 1 The one and thirtith of August, the quéenes maie|stie in hir progresse came to the vniuersitie of Ox|ford,The quéenes progresse to Oxford. and was of all the students, which had looked for hir comming thither two yeares, so honorablie and ioifullie receiued, as either their loialnesse towards the quéenes maiestie, or the expectation of their fréends did require. Concerning orders in disputa|tions and other academicall exercises, they agréed much with those which the vniuersitie of Cambridge had vsed two yeares before. Comedies also and tra|gedies were plaied in Christs church, where the queenes highnesse lodged. Among the which the co|medie intituled Palemon and Arcit, made by mai|ster Edwards of the quéenes chappell, had such tragi|call successe, as was lamentable.Misfortune at Oxford at the plaieng of a tragedie. For at that time by the fall of a wall and a paire of staires, and great presse of the multitude thrée men were slaine.

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