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Compare 1577 edition: 1 2 3 4 5 A monstrous fish driuen to shore.In the moneth of December was driuen on the shore at Grimsbie in Lincolnshire a monstruous fish, in length ninetéene yards, his taile fiftéene foot broad, and six yards betwéene his eies, twelue men stood vpright in his mouth to get the oile. For that the plague was not fullie ceassed in London, Hila|rie tearme was kept at Hertford castell beside Ware. Terme kept at Hertford. Rich. Grafton A peace be|tweene Eng|land and France. This yeare the thirtéenth of Aprill, an hono|rable and ioifull peace was concluded, betwixt the quéenes maiestie and the French king; their realmes dominions and subiects: and the same peace was proclamed with sound of trumpet, before hir maie|stie in hir castell of Windsor, then being present the French ambassadors. And shortlie after, the quéenes grace sent the right honourable sir Henrie Careie lord of Hunnesdon,The noble de|scent of the lord of Hun|nesdon. now lord chamberleine (of whose honourable and noble descent it is thus written

—cuius fuerat matertera pulchra
Reginae genitrix Henrici nobilis vxor)
accompanied with the lord Strange, beside diuerse knights and gentlemen, vnto the French king, with the noble order of the garter, who finding him at the citie of Lions, being in those parties in progresse, he there presented vnto him the said noble order: and Garter king at armes inuested him therewith, ob|seruing the ceremonies in that behalfe due and re|quisit. The plague (thanks be to God) being cleane ceassed in London, both Easter and Midsummer tearmes were kept at Westminster. ¶And here by the waie to note the infection of this plague to haue béene dispersed into other countries besides Eng|land, it is read in Schardius In epitome rerum gestarum sub Ferdinando primo imperatore, The plague in Germanie whereof three hundred thou|sand died. that the pestilence did so rage in Germanie, and poisoned such peopled pla|ces, namelie Norimberge, Francford, Magdburge, Danske, Hamburgh, and their borders, that by esti|mation (saith he) there died of that contagion to the number of thrée hundred thousand. A grieuous scourge of God (saith mine author) howbeit verie few thereby so terrified, that they reformed their wicked liues. Which plague in Germanie I there|fore doo here repeat, bicause by all likelihoods it is to be gathered, that as it raged in the same yeare both there and here; so the cause maie be all one that bred so venemous an effect.]

Compare 1577 edition: 1 2 There was on the vigill of S. Peter a watch in the citie of London,Watch on S. Peters night. which did onelie stand in the highest stréets of Cheape, Cornehill, and so foorth to Algate: which watch was to the commons of the same ci|tie as chargeable, as when in times past it had béene commendablie doone.

Abraham Hartwell in regina literata.

The quéenes progresse tho|rough Cam|bridge.

The fift of August, the quéenes maiestie in hir progresse came to the vniuersitie of Cambridge, and was of all the students (being inue|sted according to their degrées taken in the schooles) honourablie and ioifullie receiued in the Kings col|lege, where she did lie during hir continuance in Cambridge. The daies of hir abode were passed in scholasticall exercises of philosophie, physicke, and di|uinitie: the nights in comedies, and tragedies, set foorth partlie by the whole vniuersitie, and partlie by the students of the Kings college, to recreat and de|light hir maiestie, who both heard them attentiuelie, and beheld them chéerefullie.

Compare 1577 edition: 1 At the breaking vp of the diuinitie act, being on wednesdaie the ninth of August (on the which daie she rode thorough the towne, and viewed the colle|ges, those goodlie and ancient monuments of kings of England hir noble predecessors) she made within saint Maries church a notable oration in Latine, in the presence of the whole learned vniuersitie, to the students great comfort. A. F. ¶A copie whereof I haue set downe, as I receiued it in writing at the hands of one that then was present, and noted the same as hir maiestie vttered it. Whose words vnto me in a letter, wherewith the same oration was sent, I doo here set downe Bona fide. Tho. Newto [...] This hir maiesties extem|porall oration (saith he) lieng among my papers these twentie yeares and more, I thought good now to send to you, that if anie occasion be fitlie offered in the discourse of hir highnesse reigne, you maie (if you please) insert it. In truth, I my selfe neuer else|where read it, which hath made me euen religiouslie to preserue it. Master Abraham Hartwell in his Re|gina literata, dwelling vpon this onelie argument of hir comming and dooings at Cambridge, glanceth in a dis [...]ich or twaine at the effect hereof. But this is the thing it selfe, as I my selfe (as most vnworthie) being both an eare and also an eie witnesse, can te|stifie.

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