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Compare 1577 edition: 1 2 The eight of Iulie in the morning,Tempest at London by lightning and thunder. happned a great tempest of lightning and thunder, where tho|rough a woman and thrée kine were slaine, in the EEBO page image 1206 Couent garden néere to Chaxingcrosse. At the same time in Essex a man was torne all to péeces as he was carieng haie, his barne was borne downe, and his haie burned: both stones and trées were rent in manie places.King Phi|lip [...] procla|mation at Bruxels. The councell of king Philip at Bruxels commanded proclamation to be made in Antwerpe and other places, that no English ship with anie cloths, should come into anie places of the low countries: their colour was (as they said) the danger of the plague, which was at that time in London, & other places of England. Neuerthelesse they would gladlie haue gotten our woolles, but the quéenes maiestie thorough sute of our merchant ad|uenturers caused the wooll fleet to be discharged, and our cloth fléet was sent to Emden in east Friseland, about Easter next following, in the yeare of our Lord 1564. Forsomuch as the plague of pestilence was so hot in the citie of London,Thréefold plague to the poore citizens [...] London. there was no tearme kept at Michaelmasse. To be short, the poore citizens of London were this yeare plagued with a thréefold plague, pestilence, scarsitie of monie, and dearth of vittels, the miserie whereof were too long here to write: no doubt the poore remember it, the rich by flight into the countries made shift for them|selues, &c.

Compare 1577 edition: 1 2 3 An earthquake was in the moneth of September in diuerse places of this realme,An earth|quake in di|uerse places [...] England. speciallie in Lin|colne & Northamptonshires. After the election of the maior of London by the councels letters, the quéens maiesties pleasure was signified vnto sir Thomas Lodge then maior, that forsomuch as the plague was so great in the citie, the new maior elected shuld kéepe no feast at the Guildhall,No maiors feast kept at the Guildhall. for doubt that tho|rough bringing togither such a multitude, the infec|tion might increase. For that wéeke there died with|in the citie and out parishes, more than two thou|sand: wherefore sir Iohn Whight, the new maior, tooke his oth at the vttermost gate of the tower of London. Anno Reg. 6. From the first daie of December, till the twelfe, was such continuall lightning and thunder, especiallie the same twelfe daie at night,Lightning & thunder in December. that the like had not béene séene nor heard by anie man then liuing.

Compare 1577 edition: 1 2 3 4 5 A monstrous fish driuen to shore.In the moneth of December was driuen on the shore at Grimsbie in Lincolnshire a monstruous fish, in length ninetéene yards, his taile fiftéene foot broad, and six yards betwéene his eies, twelue men stood vpright in his mouth to get the oile. For that the plague was not fullie ceassed in London, Hila|rie tearme was kept at Hertford castell beside Ware. Terme kept at Hertford. Rich. Grafton A peace be|tweene Eng|land and France. This yeare the thirtéenth of Aprill, an hono|rable and ioifull peace was concluded, betwixt the quéenes maiestie and the French king; their realmes dominions and subiects: and the same peace was proclamed with sound of trumpet, before hir maie|stie in hir castell of Windsor, then being present the French ambassadors. And shortlie after, the quéenes grace sent the right honourable sir Henrie Careie lord of Hunnesdon,The noble de|scent of the lord of Hun|nesdon. now lord chamberleine (of whose honourable and noble descent it is thus written

—cuius fuerat matertera pulchra
Reginae genitrix Henrici nobilis vxor)
accompanied with the lord Strange, beside diuerse knights and gentlemen, vnto the French king, with the noble order of the garter, who finding him at the citie of Lions, being in those parties in progresse, he there presented vnto him the said noble order: and Garter king at armes inuested him therewith, ob|seruing the ceremonies in that behalfe due and re|quisit. The plague (thanks be to God) being cleane ceassed in London, both Easter and Midsummer tearmes were kept at Westminster. ¶And here by the waie to note the infection of this plague to haue béene dispersed into other countries besides Eng|land, it is read in Schardius In epitome rerum gestarum sub Ferdinando primo imperatore, The plague in Germanie whereof three hundred thou|sand died. that the pestilence did so rage in Germanie, and poisoned such peopled pla|ces, namelie Norimberge, Francford, Magdburge, Danske, Hamburgh, and their borders, that by esti|mation (saith he) there died of that contagion to the number of thrée hundred thousand. A grieuous scourge of God (saith mine author) howbeit verie few thereby so terrified, that they reformed their wicked liues. Which plague in Germanie I there|fore doo here repeat, bicause by all likelihoods it is to be gathered, that as it raged in the same yeare both there and here; so the cause maie be all one that bred so venemous an effect.]

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