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Compare 1577 edition: 1 This was doone not without great danger of the pioners and men of war that garded them, for as the French desperatlie made their approch, so they were made by English gunners to tast the bitter fruit that the canon & culuerings yéelded. But such was the multitude of the Frenchmen that were now as|sembled togither, in hope to recouer that towne, which being possessed by the English, cut off all traf|fike from Rouen and Paris, and so consequentlie from the chéefe parts of the whole realme of France, that with their generall aid,Thus we sée [...] in opi|nion vnpossi|ble, by indus|trie possible. and drawing the water downe to the sea, the marishes were made passable and firme ground, which to men of great experience was thought a thing vnpossible. The castell, the walles, and other defenses of the towne were bat|tered, breaches made, and the trench which before the comming of the conestable, was but brought to the point ouer against the bulworke of saint Addresses, was now within foure daies aduanced néere hand the space of two miles, vpon the causeie or breach which was all of stone, without anie earth to couer them: so that they were driuen to make the best shift they could with woolsacks, sandbags, baskets and fagots. Yet all this had neuer come to passe, nor could haue beene wrought without infinit slaughter, and far more losse of French bloud, that necessarilie should haue béene spilt, if the great mortalitie of pes|tilence which entred the towne about the beginning of the summer,The great [...] of pes|tilence in Newhauen. throgh a malicious infection, had not so greatlie increased, that it [...]ue & tooke awaie dailie great numbers of men, beside those that being sicke thereof, escaped with life but were yet so feeble and weake, that they were notable to helpe themselues, nor to doo anie seruice auailable at all.

Compare 1577 edition: 1 2 There died so manie dailie through the vehemen|cie of the infection, Additions to Lanquet that the stréets laie euen full of dead corpses, not able to be remooued or buried, by reason of the multitude that perished. Herewith they were gréeuo [...]slie annoied for want of fresh vittels; but chéeflie of fresh waters, which the enimie by long siege had cut off. And now the shot of the canon, li|eng within six and twentie pa [...]es of the towne, was so terrible, as the like had not lightlie beene heard of: and sundrie breaches therewith were alreadie made; namelie two verie great and easie for the eni|mies to enter. All these dangers and miseries not|withstanding,The high va|liancie of the [...] of War|wike. the worthie earle of Warwike with his capteins and soldiors in couragious order stood at those seuerall breaches, readie to defend the same, if the enimies had presumed to haue giuen the assault, nothing afraid of death nor bloudie wounds; before which he preferred the seruice of his prince. And al|beit the aduenture was great, yet by his owne ex|ample he incoraged other to cast awaie all dread of danger, and to shew themselues bold, which to a sol|dior in battell is a whetstone to set him on edge. And surelie in this point he was warriorlike minded, if a man may allow the poets words in the like sense:

Res magnae non absque graui discrimine fiunt,
In dubijs prodest generosa audacia rebus.

Compare 1577 edition: 1 2 3 4 Which when the conestable perceiued, he caused a trumpet to sound the blast of imparleacute;e, that talke might be had for the concluding of a composition be|twixt both the parties. This offer, considering that sore contagious mortalitie wherwith the towne was most greeuouslie infected, hauing so greatlie inféeb|led the English forces within the same, was thought not vnméet to be receiued. Herevpon, after a sallie made by the Englishmen, and a faire skirmish be|twixt them and the Frenchmen that laie afore the fort de Lheure,Capteine Pelham went foorth to talke with the com|missioners. on the tuesdaie the seauen and twen|tith of Iulie maister William Pelham capteine of the fort, with another gentleman and a trumpetter, went foorth by appointment, and was receiued first by monsieur de Losses, who brought him to the mar|shall Montmorencie, and after by his appointment went with him by the Reingraues campe to the co|nestable: and till his returne a truce was accorded on that side of the fort. After that maister Pelham had talked a space with the conestable, the matter was put ouer till the next daie, and so he returned.

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