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Compare 1577 edition: 1 The sixtenth of Maie was proclamation made, that all Frenchmen,A proclama|tion for the auoiding of the French out of New|hauen. being within the towne of Newha|uen, otherwise called Haure de Grace, as well men, women, as children, should depart the towne, be|twixt that present time and six of the clocke at night on the next daie being mondaie, except surgians, apothecaries, bakers, butchers, smiths, masons, lock|smiths, carpenters, and other such artificers, vpon paine to be attached as good and lawfull prisoners, and their goods to be confiscat. By the tenor of these seuerall proclamations it maie appeare,The lord lieutenants procéeding to be gathered by his procla|mations. that the lord lieutenant procéeded nothing rigorouslie against the French, in remoouing them foorth of the towne; al|though it maie be, that some which had to deale there|in, dealt hardlie inough with them. But in such cases there must of necessitie be some diligent héedfulnesse vsed, for otherwise in such packing away, some might peraduenture carie with them too much, & others too litle. But howsoeuer this mater was handled, true it is, that it was thought expedient to auoid the French out of the towne. For after the duke of Guise was slaine before Orleance, and that the parties were a|gréed, as by edict of the pacification published in March last past it maie appeare, the whole deuises as well of them of the one religion as the other tended to this end,The English|men for their owne su [...]rti [...] were forced to double their watch nightly how to recouer the towne of Newha|uen out of the Englishmens hands, either by prac|tise or open force. And such intelligence was vsed be|twixt the French within that towne, and the eni|mies without to bring this to passe, that the Eng|lish could assure themselues no more of the one than of the other, and so were driuen for their owne safe|ties, to rid the towne of so doubtfull partakers.

Compare 1577 edition: 1 The seuen and twentith of Maie, proclamation was made, that all maner of furniture and apparell, apperteining to ships within the garrison, hauen, or rode of the towne of Newhauen, should be brought in: or a note to be giuen therof in writing to the lord lieutenant and councell there, before twelue of the clocke the next day.The Rein|graue with his forces. Saturdaie the two and twentith of Maie, about one of the clocke in the morning, the Reingraue with fiue hundred horsmen, and twen|tie two ensignes of footmen, came downe to the vil|lage called Lheure, neere vnto the new fort, which by order of the lord lieutenant was latelie before be|gun to be built, sir Iohn Portinarie being chiefe deuiser of the fortifications about the same. The eni|mies meaning was, to haue taken the same fort by a sudden assault: but the English scouts looking well to their charge, gaue intelligence to the lord lieute|nant thereof, who incontinentlie going to the bul|worke roiall, set out by the posterne capteine Iohn Ward with his hundred souldiers, and capteine Parkinson with his hundred, to passe to the fort, there to be an aid and defense to them that laie in the same.

Compare 1577 edition: 1 About thrée of the clocke in the morning, the Reingraue suddenlie with his bands of horssemen and footmen gaue them in the fort an hot alarum;An alarum giuen to the new fort by the Rein|graue. and immediatlie the earle of Warwike gaue in charge to these capteins, Read, Appleyard, Tuttie, Zouch, Antwisell, Ward, Morton, and Parkinson, hauing with them a thousand footmen, and twentie horsmen, to set vpon the enimies in the village of Lheure, néere adioining to the said new fort, where the vali|ant English souldiers shewed well the woonted va|lure of their woorthie ancestors,The hardie onset of the Englishmen made vpon their aduer|saries. giuing such an har|die onset vpon their aduersaries, that greater man|hood had not lightlie appeared in any incounter, than was vsed by those martiall capteins, and their war|like bands at that present, to the high honor of their countrie: insomuch that they beat backe their eni|mies, slue and tooke of them to the number of foure hundred, beside thirtie faire horsses, and an ensigne, which one Eastwike lieutenant to capteine Antwi|sell got.

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