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Compare 1577 edition: 1 2 A proclama| [...]on vpon [...] of death.The twelfe of March proclamation was made in name of the lord lieutenant, that no souldier should draw weapon to doo hurt therewith vnto anie of the French within the towne of Newhauen, or limits of the same, nor to molest them, nor to spoile nor take anie thing violentlie awaie from anie of them, nor to breake downe their houses, nor to carrie awaie their timber on paine of death.A proclama| [...]n in the Frẽch kings [...]. There was also a proclamation made in the name of the king & adme|rall, that no capteine, burgesse, souldier, mariner, or other of the French nation within the towne or without, should draw anie weapon, nor picke anie quarrell, nor vse anie iniurious words against anie man to mooue them to wrath, speciallie against the Englishmen on paine of death: nor that anie bur|gesse or inhabitant, of what qualitie or condition so|euer, except capteins, gentlemen, and souldiers, re|ceiuing paie, should beare anie weapon on the like paine.

Compare 1577 edition: 1 [...] Adrian P [...]ings.The fiue and twentith of March, sir Adrian Poi|nings knight, marshall of Newhauen departed from thence, and returning into England, remained there still. Whereas monsieur de Beauuois had by the admerall Chatillions commandement, charged by publike proclamation, [...] French appointed to depart out of Newhauen. all strangers, forreners, and French souldiers to depart the towne, by the 23 of March last past, and that all other hauing their wiues and families should depart with them, within foure daies after the same proclamation, to giue aid for the conseruation and keeping of the townes of Hunflue, Caen, Baieulx, Faleise, S. Lo, and other places, latelie brought into the obedience of the king, vnder the authoritie of the prince of Conde, vnder paine for making default, to be taken as good prisoners of warre to those that should appre|hend them.Proclamation for the lawfull taking of pri|soners. Proclamation was also therevpon made in the lord lieutenants name, the six and twentith of March, being fridaie, that it should be lawfull to the quéenes maiesties subiects and fréends, to apprehend and take as their good and lawfull prisoners, all such as contrarie to the former proclamation, should re|maine in the towne of Newhauen, after fiue of the clocke after noone of the daie then next following being saturdaie; those persons onelie excepted, whose names had beene presented and inrolled in bils re|maining with the lord lieutenants secretarie.

Compare 1577 edition: 1 2 3 Prouided, that no person seizing vpon the bodie of anie such offendor, should by vertue or colour ther|of spoile anie of their houses, meddle with their goods or mooueables, without order and meane of iu|stice vpon paine of death. On the sundaie yet being the eight and twentith of March,Another pro|clamation in the behalfe of strangers. another proclama|tion was made, to giue respit to the said strangers, forreners, and French souldiers, vntill foure of the clocke in the afternoone of the same daie. And fur|ther there was another proclamation published this sundaie, that none should seize vpon anie of those strangers, forreners, or French souldiers, by colour of the two former proclamations, vntill the lord lieutenants pleasure should more fullie be knowen therein.

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