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Compare 1577 edition: 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 The sixt of Februarie thrée faire mightie ships of warre, belonging to Francis Clerke, brought into Newhauen thrée rich prises,Thrée other prises of sackes, ba|stards, &c. laden with sackes, ba|stards, sugar, orenges, graines, and other merchan|dizes. This Clerke had not béene foorth past six weeks at this time, and yet he had got aboue eightéene pri|ses, well worth by iust valuation the summe of fiftie thousand pounds. On saturdaie the sixt of Februa|rie,A souldier ex|ecuted for fighting con|trarie to the orders in that case giuen. a souldier of capteine Appleyards band was exe|cuted in the market place; for that contrarie to order taken and published afore that time by proclamati|on, he had not onelie drawen his weapon against another souldier, but also maimed him, and plaied o|ther lewd parts in contempt of the lord lieutenants commandements. There was another also condem|ned to die,Thrée other pardoned. and two others adiudged to lose their hands: but the lord lieutenant of his mercifull cle|mencie granted to those thrée his pardon, for their passed offenses. On sundaie the seuenth of Fe|bruarie, was Hunflue summoned by an herald, sent from the French admerall, monsieur de Chatil|lon.The admerall of France summoneth Hunflue. On mondaie the eight of that moneth, the said admerall came before Hunflue, with six thousand horssemen Reisters, and other of his owne retinues, beside footmen, and a thousand horssmen of the coun|tries thereabout. And about six of the clocke at night there was a great peale of ordinance shot off at Newhauen for a welcome to the said admerall.

Compare 1577 edition: 1 The twelfe of Februarie, the French gallies of Newhauen passing foorth, and wasting about Hun|flue to séeke aduentures, in hope of suertie, by rea|son the lord admerall of France laie therby at Tou|que, rode at an anchor: whilest some of them that were aboord in hir went on land, to gaine somwhat of the enimies. But they within Hunflue perceiuing this, made out their great gallies, with fiftie good mariners and souldiers, who comming vpon the gal|lies of Newhauen lieng at anchor, put hir in great danger of taking. For there were but fifteene men left aboord in hir at that present, wherof thrée of them were Englishmen, who perceiuing in what danger they stood, waied anchor with all spéed, and drew to|wards the shore, to take in the rest of their compa|nie; and getting them aboord vnto them, they manful|lie stood to their defense, being in all but foure and twentie men. Neuerthelesse, they so behaued them|selues, that continuing in fight aboue a long houre,The great gallie of Hun|flue taken. at length they ouercame their enimies, slue seuen of them outright, wounded seuen and thirtie, tooke their gallie and brought hir to Newhauen, with thir|téene bels, diuerse copes, and church ornaments, shéepe, and other spoiles, which they had got abroad in the countrie, togither with thrée and fortie good priso|ners, and the artillerie which was found aboord in the foresaid great gallie, wherewith she was verie well appointed and furnished.

Compare 1577 edition: 1 2 3 4 Of the French protestants there were but thrée slaine and six hurt, and one of the thrée Englishmen was also hurt. As it hath béene crediblie reported,The French beholden to the English. the French protestants might thanke those thrée Englishmen that were with them in their gallies for that their good hap: for if they had not manfullie stood to it at the first, and bestowed such artillerie as they had aboord with them freshlie against the eni|mies, the French had yeelded. But by Gods good helpe, and their worthie courage, the victorie remai|ned on their side. The fouretéenth of Februarie there came from the lord admerall of France,Noble men sent from the admerall of France to the earle of War|wike. lieng then at Touque, monsieur de Rohen, and monsieur de Grandemont, a knight of the order, monsieur Te|legnie the admerals sonne in law, and diuerse other French gentlemen, to confer with the lord lieute|nant, who receiued them right gladlie, and made them great cheere. They remained in Newhauen till the eightéenth of Februarie, and then departed and went to Caen, whither the said lord admerall was remooued, & had entred the towne, & laie within it, preparing with all spéed to besiege the castell.

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