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Compare 1577 edition: 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 The third of Ianuarie a shallop that was sent the same morning from Newhauen, laden with béere and other vittels to passe vnto Tankeruille, was assailed about Harflue, by a shallop of Hun|flue, which droue the hoie to the shore: so as the Eng|lishmen forsooke their hoie, and came running to Newhauen, to declare what had happened.A hoie reco|uered which the French had taken. Here|vpon the lord lieutenant sent foorth foure French shallops by water, and the horssemen with six hun|dred footmen passed foorth by land, and vsed such dili|gence, that they came euen as the Frenchmen were haling vp the hoie towards Harflue: and skirmish|ing with the Frenchmen (being foure score good har|quebutters) for the space of a long houre, at length recouered the hoie, and tooke thrée of their shallops with their ordinance, which they brought to New|hauen, with the losse of one onelie man, an harque|butter of capteine Zouches band. The fourth of Ianuarie in the morning, the English scout, being thirtie good harquebutters, were set vpon by the eni|mies that droue them vnto the verie gates. They shot also with their harquebusses into the towne, and ouer the mount roiall among the English soldiors. They hurt at that present thrée of the scouts; but when they perceiued the Englishmen were in a rea|dinesse to approch them, they departed, being in num|ber thrée hundred horssemen and a thousand footmen, soldiors of Mondeuille and Harflue.Certeine ap|prehended for conspiracie. The fift of Ia|nuarie were apprehended capteine Blondell, cap|teine Moucombell, monsieur Dimenee, and Uitan|na with others, for some conspiracie or traitorous practise which they went about, and had maliciouslie contriued. The same daie capteine Edward Hor|seie with his two hundred soldiors, & capteine Fran|cis Blunt with his hundred tooke shipping at New|hauen rode, and sailed to Déepe, there to remaine with the counte Montgomerie, whose wife the coun|tesse Montgomerie went also with them to hir hus|band the same time.

Compare 1577 edition: 1 2 3 On the saturdaie following,A great tem|pest in Lei|cester. the twelfe daie after Christmasse, being the ninth of Ianuarie, a great tempest of wind and thunder happened in the towne of Leicester, which vncouered two and fortie baies of houses, and ouerthrew manie, renting and tearing them in péeces, in a strange and maruellous maner. The people that were assembled that daie in the mar|ket place to buie and sell their vsuall chafer, wares, and commodities, were sore amazed and astonied with the hidiousnesse of that most outragious & vio|lent tempest. On thursdaie the 14 of Ianuarie at one of the clocke in the morning, there issued forth of Newhauen thréescore horssemen, and a thousand foot|men, all English; & comming to Mondeuille, where the Reingraue laie, gaue to them within an alarum,An alarum giuen to Mondeuille. but neither the Reisters, nor the Almane footmen, nor French that were within that towne would come foorth: and therefore after the Englishmen had tarri|ed there the space of foure houres, they returned backe againe to Newhauen.

Compare 1577 edition: 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 The fifteenth of Ianuarie, at one of the clocke in the afternoone, there issued foorth of Newhauen three|score horssemen, and fiftéene hundred footmen, which comming to Harflue, gaue a like alarum to that towne;An alarum giuen to Har|flue. but none of the garrison there would come foorth: wherevpon the Englishmen returned home againe to Newhauen. The sixteenth of Ianuarie, the castell of Tankeruille was surrendred to the Reingraue, after he had laine about it eight daies,The castell of Tankeruille deliuered to the Rein|graue. with two thousand horssemen and footmen. It was now yéelded by composition (after it had béene kept by the space of thirtie eight daies) that those within should depart with bag and baggage, the gallie be|ing sent from Newhauen to fetch them awaie. There were no more within it at that time when it EEBO page image 1199 was thus deliuered: but capteine Iohn Ward, cap|teine Edward Dudleie, and capteine Saule, his lieutenant Rileie, with seuentie English souldiers, & thirtie French.Tremaine. The 19 of Ianuarie, there landed at Newhauen capteine Tremaine, with 50 horssemen verie well appointed to serue the quéenes maiestie there.Francis Clerke Frenchman. The foure and twentith of Ianuarie, Francis Clerke Frenchman arriued at Newhauen, with two tall ships of his owne, right well appointed for the wars, bringing with him thrée rich prises, valued at about fiftie thousand crownes,Prises taken by him of a|bout 50000 crownes va|lue. one of them was a mightie great hulke, laden with wood & allume. The 26 of Ianuarie, capteine Tremaine with all his horssemen, & capteine Clerke with his Scotish hors|men, and 600 footmen, went foorth of Newhauen to|wards Mondeuille, & by the waie in a little village, there was a French capteine came foorth of Monde|uille, named monsieur Emerie, hauing with him thirtie souldiers, where falling in hand to spoile the same village, the pezzants about gathered them|selues togither, and set vpon him and his souldiers. Now whilest they were thus in fight, the Scotish horssemen came suddenlie vpon them,Capteine E|merie taken by the Sco|tish horsmen. tooke the said capteine sore wounded, slue twelue of his soldiers, & tooke foureteene other of them prisoners, whome with their capteine wounded (as he was) they brought home the same night vnto Newhauen.

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