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Compare 1577 edition: 1 Moreouer, where as well diuerse prentises, as other Englishmen were come ouer, since the pla|cing of the garrison in that towne of Newhauen, not offering their seruice anie waie, other than by stragling abroad to séeke pillage, whereby they fell oftentimes into the hands of the enimies, both to the dishonor of their countrie, & losse of their owne liues. For reformation hereof proclamation was made the last of Nouember,A proclama|tion for the as|sembl [...]ng of souldiors at same Addres|ses. that all Englishmen within the said towne, aboue the age of sixteene yeares, and vnder thrée score, being not reteined in the queens maiesties paie, should at one of the clocke that pre|sent daie repaire to the bulworke called the bul|worke of saint Addresses, there to present his name & person to the [...]omptrollor, that order might be taken how to emploie them in some certeintie of seruice, vpon paine to euerie one failing hereof to suffer ten daies imprisonment, & also to be banished the towne.

Compare 1577 edition: 1 2 3 4 5 6 The same daie the quéenes ship called the Hare,Sir Iohn Portinarie a Florentine, and an excel|lent engi|ner. comming from Portsmouth, arriued at Newha|uen; and in hir came sir Iohn Portinarie, whose ripe skill, déepe iudgement, and great experience in mat|ters of fortification had bred in him such knowledge, as he may worthilie be called a maister in that sci|ence. They were by the waie assailed by a French ship of foure score and ten tuns and better: but they that were aboord in the Hare, so manfullie acquited themselues, that they vanquished the enimies, tooke the same ship, & brought hir with them being laden with wines, which they meant to haue conueied to the aduersaries in some garrison.Sir Iohn More bring|eth a supplie of soldiors to Newhauen out of De|uonshire. The same daie sir Iohn More landed at Newhauen, bringing ouer with him fiue hundred soldiors out of Denshire, for a supplie of the garrison there. He himselfe returned backe into England, but the soldiors were appoin|ted to the leading of other capteins: so that Francis Summerset, brother to the earle of Worcester had three hundred of them; Oliuer Manners an hun|dred, and Edward Ormsbie the other hundred. On tuesdaie the eight of December monsieur de Beau|uois, capteine Francis Summerset, and capteine Edward Horseie, with diuerse other capteins, offi|cers and gentlemen, rode to the Reingraue, lieng at a faire house not farre from Mondeuille, where they dined with him, had great and hartie chéere, and after returned againe to Newhauen.A present sent by the Rein|graue to the earle of War|wike. The same daie the Reingraue sent for a present vnto my lord of Warwike, a great horse, verie faire, with saddle and bridle; estéemed to be well worth an hundred pounds.

Compare 1577 edition: 1 2 Moreouer, the same daie at night, the Double Rose with certeine other botes and French shallops, passed foorth of the hauen: Edward Dudleie,Edward Dudleie. and capteine Iohn Ward being aboord in the said Dou|ble Rose, with diuerse other Englishmen & French|men, to the number of a hundred good soldiors, who sailing downe the riuer landed beside Tankeruille, and laie close all that night in the wood. And in the morning about nine of the clocke monsieur Bimar, ensignebearer to the counte Montgomerie, with six or seauen Frenchmen vnarmed went to the castell gate, and there fell in talke with monsieur Dimenée, who was capteine of that fortresse, hauing with him about ten soldiors that were appointed to remaine with him vpon the gard of the same castell. Whilest they were thus in talke, the Englishmen and other Frenchmen comming foorth of the wood that was there at hand, reared vp their ladders,The castell of Tankeruille woone by the Englishmen. which they had brought with them for that purpose, at the breach which was made the summer before by the duke EEBO page image 1198 Daumale; and entring by the same, came downe into the base court. Which thing when the French soldiors that kept talke with them within at the ca|stell gate perceiued, they began to laugh. The cap|teine of the castell therwith turning his face, & behol|ding as good as thrée score armed men within the cas|tell at his backe, he suddenlie said: Ha, ie suis vostre, I am yours sirs, and so yéelded with his ten soldiors. And in this sort was the castell taken, & the capteine brought prisoner to Newhauen.

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