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Compare 1577 edition: 1 2 Thursdaie the sixteenth of Maie towards night, the Frenchmen to the number of one hundred foot|men, and thirtie horssemen, came abroad and shew|ed themselues verie braue, skirmishing with the Englishmen at the west end of their towne. Tues|daie the one and twentith of Maie, about seauen of the clocke at night, there issued foorth of Leith six horssemen, and one hundred footmen harquebusiers, marching toward Montpelham to offer skirmish. Wherevpon capteine Uaughan went foorth to them verie orderlie,A skirmish b [...]twéene the English and French. and skirmished with them a prettie while: and in the meane time, off went the great ordi|nance on both sides. In the end the Frenchmen were driuen to retire into the towne, for the Eng|lishmen shewed themselues verie egre, and valiant|lie charged their enimies, put them to retire, and cha|sed them in at their gates,The French [...]men chased. to the which they followed them right hardilie.

Compare 1577 edition: 1 2 3 4 The same night, maister Francis Summerset and other capteins were appointed to kéepe a [...]ort built aboue the campe; and now finished, tooke name of him being capteine thereof, and was after called Summersets mount. The same daie a souldiour of capteine Druries band was hanged for going to Edenburgh, contrarie to a proclamation,Summerse [...] mount. inhibi|ting anie soldiour so to doo without speciall licence. Wednesdaie the two and twentith of Maie, sir Pe|ter Carew came to the campe,Sir Peter Carew sen [...] from the court. being sent from the court. Thursdaie the foure and twentith of Maie at seuen of the clocke at night, the French sallied foorth to the number of two hundred footmen, and twentie EEBO page image 1192 horssemen, at the reléefe of the warders when the watch should be set, meaning (as it appeared) to haue woone the trenches from the Englishmen. Wherevp|on a sore skirmish followed, [...] wherein [...] French [...]. diuerse slaine, and manie hurt on both parties: yet in the end the Frenchmen were driuen home by plaine force. This was at the west side of the towne, where they had fortified to|wards the sea.

Compare 1577 edition: 1 2 3 4 The same daie the Frenchmen of Dunbar tooke an English hoie laden with double béere, [...] English [...] taken. béefe, oxen, and s [...]itches of bacon. Saturdaie the eight of Iune, sir Iohn Neuill with three hundred men, capteine Bridges, and capteine Drurie, with other thrée hun|dred, set from Barwike towards the campe, where they arriued on mondaie the tenth of Iune, [...] quéene Dowager [...] life. on which daie the queene Dowager departed this life. The thirtéenth of Iune, sir William Cicill, principall secretarie to the queenes maiestie, and doctor Wot|ton deane of Canturburie and Yorke came to Bar|wike, appointed commissioners on hir said maiesties behalfe, to treat of an accord with the conte de Ran|don, and the bishop of Ualence, commissioners sent for that purpose from the French king, and his wife Marie queene of Scotland. [...] French [...] to their [...]. The fouretéenth of Iune being fridaie, a certeine number of Frenchmen came foorth of Leith to gather cockles on the sands towards Montpelham: which the Englishmen perceiuing, set vpon them, slue thréescore and ten, and tooke sixtéene of them prisoners.

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