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Compare 1577 edition: 1 2 3 4 5 6 Saturdaie the twentith of Aprill, manie péeces were shot off out of the trenches into the towne. There issued notwithstanding out at the gates an hundred shot, which placed themselues in the holes of the bankes, to hailse such of the Englishmen as came foorth to offer the skirmish. All this daie also the pioners, both Scots and English were occupied in making of a new trench néere to the towne. Sir Geruis Clifton & capteine Read with their bands garded them, and two hundred lances. The same daie the residue of the great ordinance with armour was brought on land. Sundaie the one and twentith of Aprill,The bishop of Ualence and his companie. the bishop of Ualence named Monluc, ac|companied with sir Henrie Persie, and thrée hundred light horssemen came to Lesterike: the lord lieute|nant, sir Iames Croft, the lord Scroope, and sir Rafe Sadler met him at the further end of the ward that was set of purpose for his entring into the campe. After they had receiued him with salutations accor|ding vnto the manner, he was conducted by Rouge Crosse the officer of armes from the campe into E|denburgh, and so went vp to the castell to conferre with the quéene Dowager.A skirmish of two houres continuance. He was no sooner entred into the castell, but that there issued [...]oorth of Leith the number of two hundred Frenchmen about twelue of the clocke, and began a hot skirmish, which conti|nued two houres, at the which diuerse were slaine on both parts.

Compare 1577 edition: 1 2 3 The same night the lord lieutenant caused nine peeces of the great ordinance to be planted in the new trench:More ordi|nance plan|ted. so that the next daie being mondaie, the same péeces were shot off verie earlie, directlie towards the stéeple of saint Anthonies church. And although those peeces laie a quarter of a mile off, the peeces of ordinance that laie in the same st [...]eple were dismounted by them, and likewise those that laie in the stéeple of saint Nicholas church,The enimies ordinance displaced at the which diuerse peeces were leuied, and within six or se|uen tire the péeces that laie in that stéeple were also displaced, and a gunner slaine that stood at one of them, the péece and the gunner comming tumbling downe both togither. In this church (as was repor|ted) their store of vittels and munition was laid, so that batterie was made against the same all that daie, and a great peece of the church wall beaten downe, and the stéeple defaced. The bishop of Ua|lence, after he had talked with the quéene Dowager, returned to commune with the lords of the congre|gation.

Compare 1577 edition: 1 2 3 Tuesdaie the thrée and twentith of Aprill,A sort raise [...]. being saint Georges daie, the pioners Scotish and Eng|lish were busilie applied in worke, about the casting of trenches to make a fort; and still the artillerie went off against the towne.A skirmish Wednesdaie the foure and twentith of Aprill about three of the clocke in the after noone, there issued out of Leith seauentéene horssemen, who offered the skirmish: and vnder the place called little London, where they were busie in fortifieng all that daie, thrée or foure hundred of their shot were placed readie to breake out, if occasion ser|ued. At length certeine of the English lances gaue a charge vpon their horssemen, who therewith reti|ring, drew the Englishmen within danger of their shot. But although the Frenchmen that daie shewed themselues verie valiant in skirmishing euen in the face of the English artillerie: yet being now egerlie pursued by those lances,The French repelled they were forced to retire without anie great hurt doone to the Englishmen, although the skirmish continued néere hand two houres. In this last charge yoong maister Browne was hurt.

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