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Compare 1577 edition: 1 2 3 The herald dooing his message, receiued answer, that they were vpon their maister and mistresse ground, and therefore meant not to remooue from it. Rouge Crosse returning with this answer, was sent againe from my lord lieutenant, to command them eftsoons to go their way backe to Leith: for if they did not, he would suerlie send them awaie with a mischiefe. But scarse had the herald doone this se|cond message, when the Frenchmen stepping foorth, discharged a whole volee of their shot into the field against my lord Greie and his companie. Here|vpon, the Englishmen and they fell in skirmish, which continued for the space of foure houres and more,A sharpe and [...]long skir|mish betwéene [...]oth parts. The French|men repelled by the Eng|lishmen. so hot & earnestlie mainteined on both parts, that the like had not lightlie beene séene manie a day before. Yet at length, the Englishmen droue the French footmen ouer the hill, wan the crag from them, and put them from a chappell, where they had stood a great while, vsing it for a couert and safegard for them against the Englishmens shot.

Compare 1577 edition: 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 Then the enimies that were in Leith shot off di|uerse péeces of their great artillerie out of the towne against the Englishmen, who on the other part brought foorth two field péeces, and couered them with a troope of horssemen; and hauing planted them to some aduantage, discharged the same among the enimies: who perceiuing that, gaue place, & sudden|lie the English demilances gaue a charge, brake in amongst them, and slue diuerse. To conclude, they were put from their ground, and forced to retire backe into Leith, being followed welnéere to the verie gates of that towne. [...] Church| [...]d. The number [...] the English [...] French [...]. There were slaine in this skirmish of the French, about a seuen score, and amongst them twelue men of name, beside some of them that remained prisoners. Of the English|men, there were also diuerse slaine, and manie hurt. But if the ground had bin knowen to the English|men, and what aduantage was offered to them by that presumptuous comming of the enimies so far from their hold, it was thought their whole power might easilie haue béene cut off, and vtterlie distres|sed. After that this skirmish was ended,The French+men driuen in|to Leith. and the Frenchmen driuen into Leith, the armie incam|ped at Lesterike. The same daie the Scotish hosta|ges were imbarked to passe into England. To|wards euening; sir Iames Croft, and sir George Howard, returned from the quéene regent, after they had spent a long time in talke with hir.

Compare 1577 edition: 1 2 3 4 On sundaie the seuenth of Aprill, a new trench was cast beside the crag, and thereon two péeces of ordinance planted. The same daie, sir Iames Croft, sir George Howard, and sir Henrie Persie, went againe vpon assurance, to talke with the queene Dowager Mondaie the eight of Aprill, the French|men shot at the English campe verie sore out of S. Nicholas steeple,Saint Ni|cholas Stée|ple planted with two great hot pée|ces. where there were two great pée|ces placed for to annoie them, although they did no great hurt. But the same night, the Englishmen cast a trench beyond the crag, and placed in the same trench certeine small peeces of artillerie, which went off the next daie against the enimies: and they likewise shot off againe at the Englishmen; and so likewise on wednesdaie the tenth of Aprill, on which daie, a great part of the carriages for the great ordi|nance, and diuerse bullets for the same, were landed, and much thereof remoued, and brought to the inner|most trench. Thursdaie the eleuenth of Aprill, the great ordinance was landed,Ordinance landed. and two péeces thereof mounted into their carriages.

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