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Compare 1577 edition: 1 2 3 Their sute was the better liked of, for that it was doubted, least the Frenchmen (vnder pretense of bringing an armie into Scotland to appease the Scots) might attempt some inuasion here in Eng|land, considering that by procurement (as was thought) of the duke of Guise, vncle to the quéene of France and Scotland, a title should seeme to be pre|tended by his néece, the foresaid quéene, as might be gathered by manifest coniectures of the vsurping of armes, and so foorth. The names of the lords of Scot|land that made sute for aid against the Frenchmen at this season, were these:The lords of Scotland that were confede|rat togither against the French. the duke of Chateau le reault, the earle of Arraine his sonne, the lord Iames prior of saint Andrews, the earle of Argile, the earle of Glencarne, the earle of Rothouse, the earle of Southerland, the earle of Mounteith, the earle of Huntleie, the earle of Cathnes, the earle of Erroll, the earle Marshall, the earle of Morton, the earle of Cassils, the earle of Eglenton, the earle of Montros, the lord Ruithuen, the lord Boid, the lord Ogletrée, the lord Erskin, the lord Dromond, the lord Hume, the lord Roose, the lord Chreighton, the lord Leuingston, the lord Somerwell, the maister of Lindseie, the maister of Maxwell.

Compare 1577 edition: 1 2 3 The quéenes maiestie, with aduise of hir graces councell, considering of this weightie businesse, and EEBO page image 1187 withall foreseeing the malicious purpose of hir ad|uersaries, and how the queene of Scots was in France married and gouerned, so as she was not a|ble to vse the libertie of hir crowne, did thinke it best to preuent such mischiefs as might insue, if timelie remedie were not vsed, to displace such dangerous neighbours the Frenchmen, that began to nestle themselues thus stronglie so néere at hand for no good purpose,The quéenes maiestie de|termineth to aid the Scots. as easilie might be ghessed. Herevpon was a power raised and sent foorth both by sea & land, the duke of Norffolke being appointed generall, and sent into the north, for the direction thereof. And first maister William Winter,Sir William Winter vice|admerall. appointed viceadmerall of the quéens nauie northwards, made saile toward Scotland, and wasting alongst the coast in Ianua|rie, came into the Forth, & so to the road of Leith, and there cast anchor, as well to impeach the landing of such Frenchmen, as might happilie be sent foorth of France, to the aid of the French there, against the Scotish lords, named of the congregation; as also to keepe them that laie in Insketh from vittels: and likewise to sée that none of the Frenchmen by water should passe to or from Leith: but to watch them so, as they shuld not inioy any commoditie that might come to either place by the same water.

Compare 1577 edition: 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 Moreouer, after that the armie by land was come togither into the north parts, and had soiourned at Berwike and thereabouts,The lord Grey generall of the armie. the lord Greie of Wilton being appointed generall of the said armie, departed with the same out of the bounds of Berwike, and marched to Coldingham, where they incamped that night.Sir Iames Croft. Saturdaie the thirteenth of March, sir Iames Croft, and sir George Howard departed Berwike to the armie, with all the lances and light horssemen, conteining the number of twelue hundred and fiftie horsses.The number of horssemen and footmen in the armie. The chiefest in charge of this armie. The number of the footmen amounted to a|boue six thousand in all. The chiefe gouernours of which armie were th [...]se: the lord Greie of Wilton lieutenant generall, sir Iames Croft assistant with him in that charge, the lord Scroope lord marshall, sir George Howard generall of the men at armes and demilances, maister Barnabie Fitz Patrike his lieutenant, sir Henrie Persie generall of the light horssemen, Thomas Hugghens esquier prouost mar|shall, Thomas Gower master of the ordinance, ma|ster William Pelham capteine of the pioners, Ed|ward Randoll esquier, sergeant Maior, mas [...]er Tho|mas Burrough, master Cutbert Uaughan, master Williams, and master Cornewall corporals.

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