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Compare 1577 edition: 1 2 3 Besides these, euerie void place in the pageant was furnished with sentences touching the matter and ground of the said pageant. When all that was to be said in this pageant was ended, the queenes maiestie passed on forwards in Cheapside.The standard and crosse in Cheape ador|ned and tri [...]|med. At the standard in Cheape, which was dressed faire against the time was placed a noise of trumpets, with ban|ners and other furniture. The crosse likewise was also made faire, and well trimmed. And néere vnto the same, vpon the porch of saint Peters church doore, stood the waits of the citie, which did giue a pleasant noise with their instruments, as the quéenes maie|stie did passe by, which on euerie side cast hir counte|nance, and wished well to all hir most louing people. Soone after that hir grace passed the crosse,A pageant e|rected at the little conduct in Cheape. she had e|spied the pageant erected at the little conduit in Cheape, and incontinent required to know what it might signifie. And it was told hir grace, that there was placed Time. Time, quoth she? And time hath brought me hither. And so foorth the whole matter was opened to hir grace, as hereafter shall [...]e decla|red in the description of the pageant.

Compare 1577 edition: 1 But in the opening, when hir grace vnderstood that the bible in English should be deliuered vnto hir by Truth,The quéene promiseth the citie often to read ouer the bible. which was therein represented by a child: she thanked the citie for that gift, and said, that she would oftentimes read ouer that booke, com|manding sir Iohn Parrat, one of the knights which held vp hir canopie, to go before, and to receiue the booke. But learning that it should be deliuered vnto hir grace downe by a silken lace, she caused him to staie, and so passed forward till she came against the aldermen in the high end of Cheape before the little conduit, where the companies of the citie ended, which began at Fanchurch, & stood along the stréets, one by an other inclosed with railes, hanged with cloths, and themselues well apparelled with manie EEBO page image 1176 rich furres, and their liuerie hoods vpon their shoul|ders in comelie and seemelie maner, hauing before them sundrie persons well apparelled in silks and chains of gold:The seuerall companies of the citie shew [...] ioifull [...] at the queenes com|ming. as wiflers and garders of the said companies, besides a number of rich hangings, as well of tapistrie, arras, cloths of gold, siluer, veluet, damaske, sattin, and other silks plentifullie hanged all the waie, as the queenes highnesse passed from the tower thorough the citie.

Compare 1577 edition: 1 Out at the windowes and penthouses of euerie house did hang a number of rich and costlie banners and stremers, till hir grace came to the vpper end of Cheape. Where by appointment, the right worship|full master Ranulph Cholmelie recorder of the citie, presented to the quéenes maiestie a pursse of crim|son sattin, richlie wrought with gold, wherein the ci|tie gaue vnto the quéens maiestie a thousand marks in gold,The citie gi| [...]eth a thou|sand marks to the quéene in a pursse. as master recorder did declare bréefelie vnto the quéens maiestie, whose words tended to this end; that the lord maior, his brethren, and communaltie of the citie, to declare their gladnesse and goodwill to|wards the quéenes maiestie, did present hir grace with that gold, desiring hir grace to continue their good and gratious queene, and not to esteeme the va|lue of the gift, but the mind of the giuers. The queens maiestie with both hir hands tooke the pursse, and an|swered to him againe maruellous pithilie; and so pi|thilie, that the standers by, as they imbraced intirelie hir gratious answer, so they maruelled at the cou|ching thereof, which was in words truelie reported these.The verie words of the queene vtte|red to the lord maior, &c. I thanke my lord maior, his brethren, and you all. And whereas your request is that I should conti|nue your good ladie and quéene, be yee ensured, that I will be as good vnto you, as euer quéene was to hir people. No will in me can lacke, neither doo I trust shall there lacke anie power. And persuade your selues, that for the safetie and quietnesse of you all, I will not spare (if néed be) to spend my bloud, God thanke you all. Which answer of so noble an hearted princesse, if it mooued a maruellous shout & reioising, it is nothing to be maruelled at, sith both the haltinesse thereof was so woonderfull, and the words so iointlie knit.

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