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Compare 1577 edition: 1 At which words of the last line, all the people gaue a great shout, wishing with one assent as the child had said. And the quéens maiestie thanked most heartilie both the citie for this hir gentle receiuing at the first, & also the people for confirming the same.

Compare 1577 edition: 1 2 EEBO page image 1173Here was noted in the quéenes maiesties counte|nance, during the time that the child spake, besides a perpetuall attentiuenesse in hir face, a maruellous change in looke, as the childs words either touched hir person, or the peoples toongs and hearts. So that she with reioising visage did euidentlie de|clare that the words tooke no lesse place in hir mind, than they were most heartilie pronounced by the child, as from all the hearts of hir most heartie citi|zens. The same verses were fastened vp in a table vpon the scaffold, and the Latine thereof likewise in Latine verses in another table, as herafter insueth:

Vrbs tua quae ingressis dederit tibi munera primo,
The verses in Latine which the child vtte|red to ye quéene in English. O regina parem non habitura, vide.
Ad diadema tuum, te spe quàm diuite mittat,
Quae duo laetitiae des tibi dona, vide.
Munus habes primum, linguas bona multa precantes,
Quae te quum laudant, tum pia vota so [...]ant,
Foelicémque diem hunc dicunt, tibi sacula longa
Optant, & quicquid deni longa potest.
Altera dona feres, vera, & tui amantia corda,
Quorum gens ludum iam reget vna tuum.
In quibus est infracta fides, falsum perosa,
Quae tuo audito nomine laeta salit.
Grata venis igitur, quantum cor concipit vllum,
Quantum lingua potest dicere, grata venis.
Cordibus infractis, linguis per omnia laetis
Grata venis: saluam te velit esse Deus.

Compare 1577 edition: 1 2 Now when the child had pronounced his oration, and the quéenes highnesse so thankefullie had recei|ued it, she marched forward toward Gratious stréet, where at the vpper end before the signe of the eagle, the citie had erected a gorgeous and sumptuous arch as here followeth.A great stage arched and verie sumptu|ous at Grati|ous stréet. A stage was made which extended from the one side of the stréet to the other, richlie vawted with battlements conteining thrée ports, and ouer the middlemost was aduanced thrée seuerall stages in degrées.

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