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Compare 1577 edition: 1 When true knowledge was had that quéene Ma|rie was deceased, who left hir life in this world the seuentéenth daie of Nouember, as is before menti|oned in the latter end of hir historie: in the time of a parlement,The resoluti| [...]n of the lords [...] declare la| [...] Elisabeth [...]. the lords that were assembled in the vp|per house, being resolued according to the lawes of the land, to declare the ladie Elisabeth sister to the said quéene to be verie true and lawfull heire to the crowne of England, sent immediatlie to the spea|ker of the parlement, willing him with the knights and burgesses of the neather house, without delaie to repaire vnto them into the vpper house, for their assents in a case of great importance. Who being come thither, after silence made (as the maner is) the archbishop of Yorke chancellor of England, whose name was Nicholas Heth, doctor in diuinitie, stood vp and pronounced in effect these words follow|ing.

Compare 1577 edition: 1 The cause of your calling hither at this time, is to signifie vnto you,The words [...] doctor death lord [...]ncellor, [...] in the parlement [...] touch|ing the [...] of the [...] Elisa|beth quéene. that all the lords here present are certeinlie certified, that God this present morning hath called to his mercie our late souereigne ladie queene Marie. Which hap as it is most heauie and gréeuous vnto vs, so haue we no lesse cause another waie to reioise with praise to almightie God; for that he hath left vnto vs a true, lawfull and right inheri|trice to the crowne of this realme, which is the ladie Elisabeth, second daughter to our late souereigne lord of noble memorie king Henrie the eight, and si|ster to our said late quéene, of whose most lawfull right and title in the succession of the crowne (thanks be to God) we néed not to doubt. Wherefore the lords of this house haue determined with your assents and consents, to passe from hence into the palace, and there to proclame the said ladie Elisabeth quéene of this realme, without further tract of time. Whereto the whole house answered with euident appearance of ioy, God saue quéene Elisabeth, long may quéene Elisabeth reigne ouer vs. And so this present parle|ment being dissolued by the act of God, the said lords immediatlie calling vnto them the kings and prin|cipall heralds at armes, went into the palace of Westminster, and directlie before the hall doore in the foore noone of the same daie, after seuerall sound|ings of trumpets made, in most solemne maner, pro|clamed the new quéene, by this name and title:The ladie E|lisabeth pro|clamed quéen. Eli|sabeth by the grace of God queene of England, France and Ireland, defender of the faith, &c: to the great comfort and reioising of the people, as by their maners and countenances well appeared. After which proclama|tion made at Westminster, the said lords, to wit the duke of Norffolke, the lord treasuror, the earle of Oxford, and diuerse other lords and bishops, with all spéed repaired into the citie of London, where the like proclamation was made in the presence of them, and also of the lord maior and aldermen in their scarlet gowns, at the crosse in Cheape, with no lesse vniuersall ioy and thanksgiuing to God of all the hearers.The begin|ning of quéene Elisabeths prosperous reigne. And so our most gratious souereigne ladie queene Elisabeth began hir happie reigne ouer this realme of England, to the great comfort and gladnesse of all estates christianlie minded and dispo|sed, vpon the foresaid seuentéenth day of Nouember,

—(lux haec venerabilis Anglis,
Haec est illa dies albo signando lapillo
saith the poet) in the yeare after the creation of the world, fiue thousand, fiue hundred, twentie and fiue, after the birth of our sauiour one thousand, fiue hun|dred, fiftie and eight; of the empire of Ferdinando the first emperor of Rome bearing that name, the first; in the twelfe yeare of the reigne of Henrie the second of that name French king; and in the six|téenth yeare of the reigne of Marie quéene of Scot|land.

Compare 1577 edition: 1 On wednesdaie the three and twentith of Nouem|ber, the quéenes maiestie remooued from Hatfield,The quéenes remouing frõ Hatfield. vnto the Charter house in London, where she lodged in the lord Norths house: in which remoouing, and comming thus to the citie, it might well appeare how comfortable hir presence was to them that went to receiue hir on the waie, and likewise to the great multitudes of people that came abroad to sée hir grace, shewing their reioising harts in countenance and words, with hartie praiers for hir maiesties prosperous estate and preseruation: which no doubt were acceptable to God, as by the sequele of things it may certenlie be belieued, sith his diuine maiestie hath so directed hir dooings, that if euer the common|wealth of this land hath flourished, it may rightlie be said,The flourish|ing estate of this land vn|der quéene E|lisabeth. that in hir most happie reigne it hath béene most flourishing, in peace, quietnesse, and due administra|tion of iustice, mixed with mercifull clemencie, so as those which cannot content themselues with the pre|sent EEBO page image 1171 state of things vnder hir rule, no doubt they are such factious creatures, as will not rest satisfied with anie kind of gouernement, be it neuer so iust and commendable. From the which sort of men the Lord deliuer hir roiall maiestie, and all hir true and louing subiects, and preserue hir in long life to all our com|forts, and continue hir in such happie procéedings as she hath begun, to the end.

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