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Compare 1577 edition: 1 2 The admerals perceiuing the power of the coun|trie greatlie to increase, and hauing intelligence that the duke of Estampes the French kings lieute|nant in Britaine was verie neere, comming on with a great number of horssemen and footmen, e|stéemed to be about twentie thousand (as the French|men themselues affirme) thought not best to at|tempt anie assault against the towne of Brest, or to make longer abode there. But yet in hope to doo some further exploit elsewhere,The adme|rals remooue for feare of losse. they laie there houe|ring on the coast a while, to vnderstand the demea|nour of the Britains: but by this time there was such numbers of people raised in all those parts for defense of the same coasts, that the admerals after|ward attempting in diuers places to land their men, and finding ech where more appearance of losse than of gaine, returned home without atchiuing anie fur|ther enterprise. Anno Reg. 6. In this meane time, while king Phi|lip and the French king, with two most puissant ar|mies affronted ech other, néere vnto the water of Some, either of them was obstinatelie bent to driue the other out of the field, for which cause they intren|ched their campes.

Compare 1577 edition: 1 2 No memora|ble act doone by either of the kings du|ring the af|fronting of their armies.During which time there was nothing doone be|tweene them woorthie memorie, more than dailie skirmishes of no great account. Neuerthelesse, the countrie of France could not but susteine extreame damage, so long susteining such a maine multitude, speciallie of men of warre, which those two mightie kings had assembled. And daie by daie came fresh companies to either partie; so as it was thought a thing impossible that such two princes being so néere, could depart without some cruell bloudie battell to determine their quarrels. But God, in whose hands are the hearts of kings (when least hope was) con|uerted their obstinate minds from warre to peace, which came chieflie to passe by the mediation of the duchesse of Lorraine,Peace is pro|cured betwéen both kings at the sute and séeking of the duchesse of Lorraine. who had béene a long and ear|nest traueller to that end; and neuer ceassed, vntill by hir intercession, both the said kings appointed speci|all commissioners to treat vpon peace. So that af|ter diuerse conferences, they at last concluded vpon all controuersies, except the matter of Calis, wherof queene Marie by hir ambassadours required restitu|tion: but the French partie would in no wise heare thereof. By reason of which difficultie, this treatie could not come to anie good conclusion. King Phi|lip thinking himselfe bound in honour to stand in that case with the quéene his wife, who for his sake had entered into a néedlesse warre against France, and thereby lost hir said towne, with all the countrie adioining (as you haue heard before) did therefore staie a long time before he concluded peace with the French king.

Compare 1577 edition: 1 2 Quéene Marie séeing no likelihood,Q. Marie pens [...]e for the los [...]e of Calis. nor hauing anie hope of the restitution of Calis, and considering also that most of hir affaires had but hard successe, conceiued an inward sorrow of mind: by reason whereof about September next she fell sicke of a hot burning feauer, which sicknesse was common that yeare through all the realme, and consumed a mar|uellous number, as well noblemen, as bishops, iud|ges, knights, gentlemen, and rich farmers: but most of the cleargie, and other ancient and graue persons. In which while the quéene laie languishing of a long sicknesse,The death of quéen Marie and so continued vntill the seuentéenth of Nouember next betwéene the houres of fiue or six in the morning, and then ended hir life in this world, at hir house of saint Iames besides Westminster, when she had reigned fiue years, foure moneths, and eleuen daies, and in the three and fortith yeare of hir bodilie age. The death of this said queene made a maruellous alteration in this realme, namelie in the case of religion, which like as by the death of king Edward the sixt it suffered a change from the e|stablishment of his time: so by the death of this quéene it returned into the former estate againe. So that we sée the vncerteintie of the world, and what changes doo come in times by their reuolutions, and that euerie thing is subiect to vnconstancie, and nothing frée from variablenesse; as the poet saith:

—nihil vsquam
Perpetuum solet in terris fixúmque manere:
Humanis quàm nulla subest constantia rebus!

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