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There came to me, whome I did both heare and sée, one Isabell Malt, a woman dwelling in Alders|gate stréet in Horne allie, not farre from the house where this present booke was printed, who before wit|nesse made this declaration vnto vs, that she being deliuered of a man-child vpon Whitsundaie in the morning, which was the eleuenth daie of Iune Anno 1555, there came to hir the lord North, and another lord to hir vnknowne, dwelling then about old Fish|stréet, demanding of hir if she would part with hir child, and would sweare that she neuer knew nor had no such child. Which if she would, hir sonne (they said) should be well prouided for, she should take no care for it, with manie faire offers if she would part with the child.

After that came other women also, of whome one (she said) should haue beene the rocker: but she in no wise would let go hir sonne, who at the writing here|of being aliue and called Timothie Malt, was of the age of thirtéene yeares and vpward. Thus much (I saie) I heard of the woman hir selfe. What credit is to be giuen to hir relation, Ex testimonio e|iusdem puerpe|rae Londinensis. I deale not withall, but leaue it to the libertie of the reader, to beleeue it they that list: to them that list not, I haue no further war|rant to assure them. Among manie other great pre|parations made for the quéenes deliuerance of child,The yoong princes cradle there was a cradle verie sumptuouslie and gorgeous|lie trimmed, on the which cradle for the child appoin|ted, these verses were written, both in Latine and in English, as they are set downe here in record:

Quam Maria sobolem Deus optime summe dedisti,
Anglis incolumem redde, tuere, rege.
The child which thou to Marie,
Uerses vpon the cradle. ô Lord of might hast send,
To Englands ioie in health
preserue, keepe and defend.

About this time there came ouer into England a certeine English booke, giuing warning to the Englishmen of the Spaniards, and disclosing cer|teine close practises for recouerie of abbeie lands, which booke was called A warning for England. Whereof ye shall vnderstand much more at large where I. Fox in mart. sub tit. Hen. 8we speake of the Spanish inquisition. So that by the occasion of this booke, vpon the thirteenth daie of this moneth came out a certeine proclamation, set foorth in the name of the king and the quéene, re|pealing and disanulling all maner of bookes writ|ten or printed, whatsoeuer should touch anie thing the impairing of the popes dignitie, wherby not one|lie much godlie edification was hindered, but also great perill grew among the people. This procla|mation is recorded at large with other appendents, in the Acts and Monuments, vnder the title of quéene Marie.]

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