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Compare 1577 edition: 1 2 But this marriage was not well thought of by the commons, nor much better liked of manie of the nobilitie, who for this, and for the cause of religion, conspired to raise war, rather than to see such change of the state. Of the which conspiracie though there were manie confederats; yet the first that shewed force therein, was one sir Thomas Wiat a knight in Kent, who in verie deed was driuen to preuent the time of the purposed enterprise by this hap. Diuerse of the partakers in this conspiracie, being with|drawne from London (where they had deuised their drift) home into their countries (amongst whome the said sir Thomas Wiat was one) it fell out, that whi|lest he was returned into Kent, where his lands and liuings chieflie laie, a gentleman of that shire, one to the said sir Thomas Wiat most déere, was by the councell for other matters committed to the Fléet. Wherevpon he verelie suspecting his secrets were bewraied, had no other shift (as he tooke it) but to put on armour, and to begin the attempt, before the time appointed with his complices. And herevpon giuing intelligence of his determination to his associats, as well at London, as else-where, on the thursdaie next following,Wiat pub [...]|sheth a procla|mation at Maidstone being the fiue and twentith of Ianuarie at Maidstone, being accompanied with master Tho|mas Isleie and others, published a proclamation a|gainst the quéenes marriage, desiring all his neigh|bors, fréends, and Englishmen to ioine with him and others, to defend the realme in danger to be brought in thraldome vnto strangers:He commeth to Rochester. and herewith he gat him to Rochester, and met with sir George Harper by the waie, that was one appointed afore to ioine with him in that quarrell.Sir George Harper. They brake vp the bridge at Rochester, and fortified the east part of the towne, & staid there abiding the comming of more strength, and in the meane while suffered all passengers to passe quietlie thorough the towne to London, or to the sea, taking nothing from them, but onelie their weapons.

Compare 1577 edition: 1 2 3 In the meane while, sir Henrie Isleie, Anthonie Kneuet esquier, and his brother William Kneuet were busie in west Kent to raise the people there; and likewise in east Kent there were other that were of the same confederacie, which set forth the like procla|mations at Milton, Ashford, and other towns there in that part of the shire: and thus in each part of Kent in a maner was great stur. But yet such was the diligence and warie circumspection of Iohn Twine at that present maior of Canturburie, for that he misliked their disordered attempts, that there was not any of that citie knowne to stur, or go forth to ioine themselues with the said sir Thomas Wiat, or with anie other of his confederats: and yet verelie the more part of the people in all other parts of that shire were maruellouslie affected to the said sir Tho|mas Wiats quarrell, doubting that which might follow of the quéenes matching hir selfe thus with a stranger.Christopher Roper taken. At Milton when a gentleman of those parts named Christopher Roper, went about to resist them that set forth this proclamation, he was taken and conueied to Rochester vnto master Wiat. Like|wise maister Tucke and maister Dorrell iustices of peace, were fetched out of their owne houses,Maister Dor|rell & maister Tucke taken. & like|wise brought to Rochester, where they with the said Roper were kept as prisoners.

Compare 1577 edition: 1 EEBO page image 1094Sir Thomas Wiat had written vnto sir Robert Southwell shiriffe of Kent,Sir Thomas [...]iat writeth [...] sir Robert Southwell. to moue him in (respect of the preseruation of the common-wealth now in danger to be ouerrun of strangers, through the pre|tensed marriage, if it should go forward) to ioine with him and others,The shiriffe of kent and the [...] of Abur|gauennie as|semble a pow|er against [...]. in so necessarie a cause for the disappointing of the same marriage, and to worke so with the lord of Aburgauennie, with whom he might doo much, that it might please him also to ioine with them. But as well the said sir Robert Southwell, as the said lord of Aburgauennie, and one George Clerke assembled themselues with such power as they might make against the said sir Thomas Wiat and his adherents; and comming to Malling on the saturdaie, being the market daie & seuen and twen|tith of Ianuarie, the said sir Robert Southwell ha|uing penned an exhortation to dissuade the people, and to bring them from hauing anie liking to Wi|ats enterprise, did read the same openlie vnto all the people there assembled, in confuting, reprouing, and refelling the proclamations set forth by sir Thomas Wiat and his adherents.

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