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Marie the eldest daughter of king Henrie the eight successor to Edward the sixt.

Compare 1577 edition: 1 2 _MArie eldest daughter of K. Henrie the eight, by the ladie Katharine of Spaine, his first wife, and sister vn|to king Edward the sixt, by the fathers side, began hir reigne the sixt daie of Iulie, which daie the king hir bro|ther died, and she was pro|clamed at London (as is before remembred in the end of the historie of king Edward the sixt) the nine|teenth daie of the same moneth, [...]uéene Ma|rie proclamed. in the yeare of our Lord 1553: after the creation of the world 5520, in the fiue and thirtith yeare of Charles the fift, em|peror of Almaine, in the seuenth yéere of Henrie the second of that name K. of France, & in the eleuenth of Marie quéene of Scotland. The twentith of Iulie the duke of Northumberland being come backe to Cambridge, heard that the proclamation of queene Marie was come thither, whereof he being aduer|tised, called for a trumpetter and an herald; but none could be found. Whervpon he riding into the mar|ket place with the maior, and the lord marques of Northampton, made the proclamation himselfe, and threw vp his cap in token of ioy. Abr. Fl. ex I.S. pag. 1064. ¶ Within an houre after he had letters from the councell (as he said) that he should forthwith dismisse his armie, and not come within ten miles of London: for if he did, they would fight with him, the rumor whereof was no sooner abroad, but euerie man departed. And shortlie after, the duke was arrested in the kings college by one maister Sleg sargeant at arms.

Compare 1577 edition: 1 2 3 At the last, letters were brought from the coun|cell at London, that all men should go each his waie. Wherevpon the duke said to them that kept him; Ye doo me wrong to withdraw my libertie, sée you not the councels letters without exception, that all men should go whither they would? At which words they that kept him and the other noblemen, set them at libertie, and so continued they for that night: in|somuch that the earle of Warwike was readie in the morning to haue rode awaie.The duke submitteth [...]selfe and [...]s arrested by the earle of Arundell. But then came the erle of Arundell from the quéene to the duke into his chamber, who went out to méet him. Now as soone as he saw the earle of Arundell, he fell on his knees, and desired him to be good to him for the loue of God: Consider (saith he) I haue doone nothing but by the consents of you and all the whole councell. My lord (quoth the earle of Arundell) I am sent hither by the quéens maiestie, and in hir name I doo arrest you. And Iobeie it my lord (quoth he) I beséech you my lord of Arundell (quoth the duke) vse mercie towards me, knowing the case as it is. My lord (quoth the earle) ye should haue sought for mercie sooner, I must doo according to commandement: herwith he com|mitted the charge of him and the others to the gard and gentlemen that stood by.] The lord marques af|ter this went to quéene Marie. On the fiue & twen|tith daie of the said moneth, the duke of Northum|berland, with Francis earle of Huntington, Iohn earle of Warwike son and heire to the said duke, and two other of his yoonger sons, the lord Ambrose and the lord Henrie Dudleie, sir Andrew Dudleie, Sir Iohn Gates capteine of the gard to king Ed|ward the sixt, sir Henrie Gates brethren, sir Thomas Palmer knights, and doctor Sands were brought to the tower by the earle of Arundell.The lord Ha|stings dis|charged out of the tower. But as they entered within the tower gate, the earle of Arundell discharged the lord Hastings, taking him out of the tower with him. On the six & twentith of Iulie, the lord marques of Northampton, the bishop of Lon|don, the lord Robert Dudleie, and sir Robert Cor|bet were brought from the quéenes campe vnto the tower. The eight and twentith of Iulie,Duke of Suffolke committed to the tower. the duke of Suffolke was committed to the tower, but the one and twentith of the same moneth he was set at libertie by the diligent sute of the ladie Francis grace his wife.

Compare 1577 edition: 1 After that quéene Marie was thus with full con|sent of the nobles and commons of the realme pro|clamed quéene, she being then in Northfolke, at hir castell of Framingham,Quéene Ma|rie commeth to London. repaired with all speed to the citie of London: and the third daie of the said moneth of August she came to the said citie, and so to the tower, where the ladie Iane of Suffolke (late afore proclamed quéene) with hir husband the lord Gilford, a little before hir comming, were commit|ted to ward, & there remained almost after fiue mo|neths. And by the waie, as the quéene thus passed, she was ioifullie saluted of all the people, without anie misliking; sauing that it was much feared of manie, that she would alter the religion set foorth by king Edward hir brother, whereof then were giuen iust occasions: because (notwithstanding diuerse lawes made to the contrarie) she had dailie masse and La|tine seruice said before hir in the tower. Yea it was doubted in like sort, that she would both adnull and innouat certeine lawes and decrées established by the yoong prince hir predecessor: which she did in deed, as one hath left testified in a memoriall of hir succes|sion (but little vnto hir commendation) saieng:

At Maria Eduardi regni succedit habenis,
Confirmans iterùm regno papalia iura,
Concilióque nouas leges sancire vocato
Molitur, latas à fratre perosa priores.

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