A [...]r. Fl. ex I. Stow. 1045.¶The nintéenth of Ianuarie, sir Iohn Russell lord priuie seale, was created earle of Bedford: and lord saint Iohn Lord great maister,States crea|ted. was created earle of Wilshire: and sir William Paget, comptrollor of the kings house, was made lord Paget. On the same daie at night,Peter Gambo [...]nd another capteine murthered. were murthered by saint Pul| [...]hres church against the kings head without New|gate of London two capteins, that had serued the king of Bullongne and else-where, the one was sir Peter Gambo, the other Filicirga. Which murther was committed by Charles Gauaro a Flemming,Gauaro and [...] hanged. who came post from Barwike to doo that act. On the morrow, he with thrée of his companie was taken in Smithfield by the lord Paget, and sent to Newgate, and the foure and twentith of Ianuarie they were all foure, Charles Gauaro, Balthasar Gauaro, Ni|cholas Disalueron, and Francis Deualasco, had in a cart to Smithfield. And by the waie at the place where the murther was doone, Charles Gauaro had his right hand striken off on the cart wheele, and then all hanged in Smithfield; who being exhorted to re|concile himselfe to God and the world by confessing his fault, by repenting himselfe of the offense, and asking forgiuenesse, that he might with a disburthe|ned conscience resigne his soule into the hands of God, obstinatlie and desperatlie answered, that he would neuer repent him of the déed.]
Compare 1577 edition: 1 2 1550 Anno Reg. 4.About the same time, monsieur de Thermes that succéeded monsieur de Desse in gouernement as ge|nerall of the French forces in Scotland, came be|fore Broughticrag, where he did so much by batterie & o [...]her kinds of inforcement, that giuing an assault both with his Frenchmen and certeine Scots ioi|ned with him, the twentith of Februarie, the fort was entered by fine force, and all within it either ta|ken or slaine.Sir Iohn Lutterell prisoner. Sir Iohn Lutterell gouernour of that peece remained prisoner amongst the Frenchmen. Moreouer, now after the end of the parlement, the earle of Warwike, hauing then highest authori|tie, and the rest of the lords of the councell,Erle of War|wike in high|est authoritie. calling to remembrance how the last yeare in the time of rebel|lion, the French king had entered Bullongnois, and woone diuerse of the English forts there, being of great importance for defense of the towne and countrie, the default whereof was imputed to the negligent gouernment of the lord protector: and for so much as they well vnderstood that the French king vpon further practise had placed a capteine cal|led the Reingraue, with diuerse regiments of Al|maine lancequenets,Morguison the midwaie betwéene Bullen and Calis. and certeine ensignes also of Frenchmen, to the number of foure or fiue thousand at the towne of Morguison, being the midwaie be|twéene Bullongne and Calis, to the great perill and danger as well of the counti [...] of Bollongnois, as al-of Calis, Guisnes, and all the low countrie.
Compare 1577 edition: 1 The king therefore for the defense of the said fron|tiers, caused all the strangers which had serued that yeare against the rebels, being to the number of two thousand,It is agréed among the lords to inf [...]st and annoie the French. to be transported ouer the sea to the mar|ches of Calis. And now at Christmas last past, by or|der of the said earle, and of the councellors aforesaid, Francis earle of Huntington, and sir Edward Ha|stings his brother, sir Iames Croft, sir Leonard Chamberleine, and diuerse other capteins and soul|diers, to the number of thrée thousand, were set ouer to the marches of Calis, to ioine with the said stran|gers, minding with as conuenient speed as they might, to remooue the campe, and otherwise to an|noie the French. But in the meane time through the diligent trauell of certeine persons, speciallie of one Guidoti an Italian, and a Florentine borne, there was a motion made for a treatie to be had by cer|teine commissioners, appointed betwixt the kings of England and France, for the conclusion of some peace, vpon such reasonable conditions and articles as might be thought expedient for the present time; and to stand with the honor and commoditie of both the princes.